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Entries in glory glory (35)


Game of your life Tottenham, game of your life

The inside of my head currently has more glittery explosions than any given November 5th. I didn't walk out of my home this morning as I began the first leg of my staggeringly labourious trek from the depths of Epping Forest to the badlands of Croydon (office relocation, long story). I floated. Feet not touching the ground, gliding in the air like a ghost, akin to a Spike Lee movie just without all the rage and anger. Raining and cold? I hardly cared. Knowing there were one or two N17 representatives in Madrid singing a song the night before and more to follow today was more than enough to warm me up.

It's surreal. Not in a giddy Beatlesque screeching and fainting kind of way. More so in terms of remembrance. Looking back to when we chased the dream we are now living with pomp. I'm placing aside all the discussions about the importance of progress and sustaining the current crop of Spurs players to secure a new generation of Lilywhite history rather than just a pocket of glory nights before we return to the uncertainty of the chase. Because just is more than enough when you're living that very specific moment. One that finds us visiting the Santiago Bernabeu. In it's purist form football is about moments. We've had so many of them this season, we've been enriched with the unforgettable. There's room for more. Not that I'm being greedy.

If it's our destiny to fizzle out of qualification for next seasons competition then at least we can look back at our maiden voyage into the continental elite with pride. Tottenham swashbuckling our style with refreshing zest and desire. I'm sure we wouldn't be such a massive surprise and shock if we made it back for 2012. But we've set out and proven we are more than capable to compete with the top sides in Europe. Which has irked many and had others scratching their heads in wonderment.

It's not about the taking part to feed the various guises of structure and standing. It has to be about the moments. I'll let reality consume me once more in the aftermath.

Sure, logic will tap us on the back and whisper solemnly that at some point we'll be up against a team who will shut shop effectively and punish every single mistake we make. I'd rather that exit happened in the semi-final, if it is to happen at all.

I had a dream last night. Watching the game on TV. We had two penalties. van der Vaart with the first. Crouch with the second. The home ground despondent.

Gotta dream, right?

I've followed La Liga for years, adore the Morbo in what is a wonderfully fragmented country. And like most have followed Madrid and their soap opera. They're like a Spanish Tottenham. I don't mean in silverware and domestic and European success. I'm referring to some basic fundamentally building blocks. The necessity to play attacking free-flowing football and always having a shady defence. That and the amount of managers that tend to come and go. And although in many other ways we are worlds apart, we both have rich histories. Glamour clubs. Sometimes more style than substance, but both of us on the road to progression rather than a road tinged with puddles of perdition.

And in Jose they have a manager shrewd and tactically astute enough to stifle the life out of both games and have us dumped out in inglorious fashion. The party pooper. And we have a man-manager at the helm of the first big club he's coached who has done what so many other have failed to achieve. Fulfil some of that pent up potential.

Jose knows his side won't be able to steam-roll us like the various assortments of Spanish fodder they dismantle week in week out. But he does know his English Premier League. There's a  suggestion (not that I tend to believe him as he's the master of the underplay) that he believes 0-0 tonight would be a good result. The thinking that not conceding at home will be enough to win the game across the two legs. As far as Madrid and Jose are considered, we must not score tonight.

Can't see anyone parking the bus. In fact, there's a part of me that worries that Madrid might just attempt to steam-roll.

Madrid also have a number of key players on yellow cards. So hoping Sandro can bring some of that physicality and incite some hot-tempered tempo to proceedings. We do however need to retain our cool. Remain composed. And not over extend beyond our means. Stand tall at the back and aim for a knock-down or two from the tall at the front.

We are not expected to win. We're not expected to beat them over the two games. So the pressure is on them. Leaving us to play without fear. Because to do otherwise would be regretful.

I hope our defence retain unity.
I hope Bale has 'a game'.
I hope vdV galvanises his team mates on his return to his former club.
I hope Modric dictates.
I hope our players show resounding mental strength.
I hope Harry gets one over Jose.

Win the midfield battle. Play with pace. Play with width. We have nothing to lose, right? We're not meant to be in the quarter-finals, right? I'm having flashbacks, 3-0 down to Young Boys.

Our spine has to be strong. It's not beyond the realms of impossibility to get a draw there. I'll be shocked to the bone if we collapsed Inter first leg style, all choked up and star struck. We're all grown up now. It's quintessentially Tottenham when you feel slightly more confident your team will perform against the might of Real than playing away to Wigan.

Come on you Spurs. Weather the White Storm. Let's be having the Madridistas waving their white handkerchiefs.

Game of your life Tottenham, game of your life.





The Unwritten Rules of Football



When a goalkeeper makes a spectacular save and is congratulated by his team mates he must furiously usher them away, pretending that the save meant absolutely nothing to him.

'The Magic sponge' has magical properties that can transform a player who appeared to be at deaths door into a fully fit athlete within seconds.

A chipped penalty that goes in is genius.
A chipped penalty that is saved, the taker instantly becomes the worst footballer ever.

In Sunday league, a throw-in deep in your own half will, without fail, will force an opposing to player to shout out 'BOX 'EM IN!!!!!!!

A player coming up to take a free kick anywhere on the pitch must pick the ball up and toss it forwards about 2 feet with a slight back spin.

Any contentious decision involving Arsenal must be unseen by Arsene Wenger.

All positive contributions by Peter Crouch must be disregarded in lieu of his height.

The obstruction rule must be ignored when defenders are shielding the ball in injury time.

Mike Riley must give a penalty at Old Trafford.

Defenders are exempt from the laws of diving. (Watch how many times a defender will jump on the floor under pressure around their own box, especially near the corner flags, and always get the decision!)

Teams with a free kick 'specialist' will somehow manage to get more free kicks in or around the box than teams without one.

When a contentious incident occurs in a game, the manager on the wrong end of the decision must furiously berate the fourth official, as if HE is responsible for the decision, presumably by exercising some sort of mind control over the referee.

The World Cup must be awarded to whichever potential host country is least practical.

Obstructing another player from getting the ball is perfectly acceptable when it is travelling out of play slowly, but anywhere else on the pitch and it will be called as a foul.

When a visiting player controls the ball with his chest 90% of the home crowd must berate the ref for missing an obvious handball.

When a goalkeeper has made a spectacular save sending the ball out for a corner, he must stand up, bang his hands together three times then bawl out a defender.

When a defender has made a spectacular block he cannot wince or rub the affected party of the body until the ball is upfield and all eyes have followed it. (edit: unless your name is Gomes)

The bloke who hardly ever goes to matches has to compensate for this by being the loudest and trying to start a song every three minutes, often standing with his back to the field of play, waving his arms frantically and trying to make eye contact with anyone stupid enough to return his gaze.*

*May only apply in The Paxton.

If Jack Wilshere runs with the ball, because he plays for Arsenal, he must surely be the best young player on the planet. Second best young player on the planet.

Matchday mascots must always have a bemused expression on their little faces and have absolutely no idea where the edge of the pitch they must run off to is located.

TV highlights of a match which show a substitution being made invariably mean the new player will have a hand in the next goal.

If you play for Stoke you can spend 30% of the match cleaning the ball with a towel without getting booked.




Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day plucked out of Glory from this forum thread about Harry Redknapp talking out about the farce at OT and being threatened with an FA slap of the wrist for his ranting. With thanks to Danners 9 for the wise words.

One of the big issues after a game is dragging a player or manager in front of the camera to ask retarded questions, then being able to fine them if they speak out of turn, but making the referees untouchable.

Why should a manager or player be asked an emotive question after a controversial event and let the one who made the decision get away without the same questioning?

It should be a transparent sport, there shouldn't be the opportunity to cover up mistakes. The same scrutiny process should apply throughout

Unfortunately transparency is about as likely as Rio Ferdinand tweeting in Queens English.

And onwards we go.


100% nailed on and done and dusted - redux

Back in May 2009 I shared exclusive snippets from the soon to be published book 'Diary of an ITK'. Which should be out soon. There appears to be a void in these current summer months that is usually occupied by the 'In the Know' community drowning us with various cryptic forum posts revealing (or should that be disguising?) the latest bit of inside info, we all so desperately crave. Because, you know, we need to know about it so that we're not surprised or shocked when it actually happens. Because God darn it, we just have to know!

So, in the mean time, here's some more extracts from the 'Diary' to enjoy whilst we wait.


Weather not great today. Slightly overcast. Not guaranteed but expect to be taking an umbrella with me. Looks like it's going to rain heavily. Ignoring the weather reports that suggest otherwise. It's going to happen people.


It hasn't happened. It's about 85 degrees Fahrenheit out here. I'm drenched in sweat. I'm thinking deodorant. It's a massive possibility. Announcement shortly. Umbrella now not part of the deal. These things happen.


Game on. Using the roll-on now. Can confirm both armpits. Can't reveal my source. But let's just say, I trust him and he's not let me down before. Passed on deodorant spray due to lack of discount offer. Roll-on fits in with my needs perfectly. I'm Sure this will be a massive success.


It's looking good. Feeling confident and assured. Caught my reflection in the shop window, looking sexy. Don't shoot the messenger. Just stating the facts. I smell good.


Will need to be careful with this new information I have as can't reveal too much, so here goes. Can't see me going for the Angus, would be too much beef and it's questionable whether the deal would be regarded as 'king'. The other Scottish target is a no-go also. Too many people in for that one. Too obvious. Looking for new options, possibly continental. Can't reveal anything more at the minute. Don't take my word for it just be patient as I expect things to move on soon. Working hard behind the scenes to get this sorted out. Do not mistake co-incidence for fate. 4 8 15 16 23 42. Can't say anymore brother.


This is big. You're going to want to sit down for this. I have it on good authority this is going to happen very soon. 93.4% done. Nailed on. Expect an announcement later on today about Al Fresco. It's in the bag! Very excited!


Fresco deal is dead in the water. Too expensive. Decided on a salad from Marks and Spencers instead. Should be done and dusted in around 10 minutes. Let's just wait and see. Expecting confirmation once I receive my cash-back and receipt.


For all you doubters, the salad has left the building. Happy days.


I just burped. Don't ask me how or why or where it came from.


Reading the latest football news on NewsNow via my iphone. Joe Cole linked again. And Harry has been talking about Diego Forlan also. Mentioned this to Becky (on a voicecall) who works behind the counter at the Spurs Shop and asked if she had heard anything. She said 'Yeah'. She says she saw something in The Sun the other day. Will find a 3G hotspot to browse the forums. Then return home in time for Hollyoaks.


Later that day, posted in a Tottenham message board:


The diary will be available from all good book shops in July. Maybe August. Possibly September. Cost? £4.99 but might rise to £7.99 on HP.


dml facebook page




Casual musings for a Friday afternoon, as I guess most of you are out of the office already, and down the pub downing a few, in what looks to be another decent start to the weekend. I'm stuck indoors, with the newborn, not yet had the chance to review the days headlines (or lack of) and what players (other than Richards) we're being linked with. Although I'm keeping a curious eye on City and their targets, and whether players from the continent, who play seasoned CL football, take a plunge - for the project and not for the money - and sign for the Eastland's outfit. Six/seven forwards on their books, hoping none of their rejects make their way to the Lane.

Back to the casual chit-chat. Earliest memories of supporting Spurs? Mine, are:

1980, Ipswich at home. I think John Wark scored a penalty at both ends, we lost 2-0. Upper east stand towards the Paxton End, and I remember an Ipswich fan sitting next to me with his dad. I was a wee kid, obviously. Might have been my first game actually, and I'm fairly certain I feel asleep for a period of time just after the second half. Boring boring Spurs.

1980, running outside into the back garden to re-enact Brookings goal for West Ham v Arsenal, moments after it was scored. Picture-perfect memory. Wasn't too fussed about the Hammers, but seemed to have a natural instinct to enjoy the misery inflicted on the red scum.

1981 Cup Final. Both games. I remember these vividly, including the interview Keith gave re: Villa and his performance, and the conundrum over whether he would play in the replay. Like it was yesterday.

1982 Milk Cup final. Not sure this was on tv, remember listening to it on the radio with my uncle.

Showing my age no doubt.



Remember that retroish Spurs shirt that turned up a while back and did the rounds in the blogsphere via this out of focus photograph?

Well, looks like it might be genuine (click on the above image for the evidence).

Look ma! No yellow streaks! Wooooooooooooo!!!



Would you take him back? Discussed at length here. He looks to be another player who's head isn't quite right at the moment. Was meant to be the next Cantona at United. At least that's how some billed him. Instead, he is the epitome of apologeticist football (I've copyrighted that one). Seems to have lost the swagger. Still shows signs of quality, yet it's all very much understated. Sometimes, these types of players should be give the freedom of expression rather than instructed to play with a different type of work ethic. Which is why he was probably better off at Spurs. Perhaps because he's been forced into 'defending' and working for the team on a completely different level to how it played out at the Lane where he was king-pin.

The smile in this photograph is a representation of a smile created in photoshop for creative effect

Utd did sell Veron within a couple of seasons having signed him for a small fortune. Doubt very much we'd ever be interested in bringing him back, but it makes for good banter/opinion.

Considering we have Modric and Niko and Lennon, adding another forward in the mould of a Berbatov would have us pushing forwards faster than a locomotive been shagged from behind by a Euro-Star.

Obviously, there's endless connotations here. Would Berba awaken a comatose Keane? Would he be able to work with Defoe? Who knows. We won't be finding out. He made his choice. Not looking the right one at the moment. Unless his understated performances masks his overall work rate and assists.

I do miss the old Berba.


Losing to Utd, again

First it's Paul Barber, leaving us for the MLS. And now John Alexander, our club secretary, on his way out of White Hart Lane to pastures new. That's Manchester United, where all things Spurs end up, eventually. Daniel Levy's inner circle is in a state of flux. If you're wondering what John did, I'll let the boys and girls over at GG educate you on why this is a loss (although personally for John, its hard for him not to move on, as with Barber he's a career man). In a nutshell, Alexander is considered one of the best. Even if he's part of the furniture that you don't ever really find yourself sitting on, without it, the room is not complete.

Over the past 25 years Spurs have had the best secretaries in the league, Peter Day, Peter Barnes and John Alexander. Peter Day was head Hunted by the FA, Peter Barnes moved to West Ham and now we are on the verge of losing John Alexander.

The role of club secretary in very in depth. like the nerve centre  on a day to day basis of running the club. the responsibility of contracts, banned players notification to FA of bookings and discipline records. Application for work permits, visas for travel and the arrangements for overnight hotel stays for the team when playing away games. I can personally vouch for these three as very hard working people.
- sidtheyid

He is quite simply the best club secretary around...involved in pretty much everything which has seen us behaving like a top 4 club despite only having a 36,000 seat stadium and never having been in the Champions League...those manc bastards!!! they did this once before to our backroom staff, the chap's name slips me, but he was our marketing/merch chap in the early to mid-90s. he's the one who was seen as being responsible for building them into a true global brand and he revolutionized merching of stuff with those megastores. that would've been us...
- thfcsteff

Big loss this. Levy's inner circle for the past few years has been Alexander, Barber and Collecott. Alexander is also the 4th person who sits on infamous 'gang of four' transfer committee. Very well liked and hugely respected by all accounts. 
- Gutter Boy

The question (the obvious one) being asked is whether Alexander is going to take with him intimate knowledge of all our players contracts - and clauses - to a club that picks off our best players every couple of seasons. Knowing Levy (not personally, the court order would never allow it) I'm hoping that there are one or two legal stipulations that would protect us - but then again, Alexander is leaving us for a new job. Other than gardening leave, which he wont be on, there is next to nothing we can do if he wanted to share any information about the club.

Modric to Utd then. Done and dusted.


Sandro, done and dusted, so say the Brazilians...

Okay, brace yourselves for yet another tabloid explosion. I've seen the News of the World have already picked up on this, and had I not read Cule-Spur's post over at GG I'd have thought the hacks over at the red tops were ITK and not just looking across the Atlantic towards South America where apparently the Brazilian press have been running with the story since yesterday. Globo Sport broke it and have been running Sky Sports News style it all day and are also discussing the possible replacement once Sandro makes his way to sunny N17.

Sandro is on his way. I know. Who'd have thought it.

I guess there's money in the kitty to splash out with, post-car boot sale.

Then again, perhaps this is just an example of Brazilian tabloid guess-work. Keep panties on for now.


Robbie Keane: Captain or Scapegoat?

He's always divided opinion - but on form, he's as good as it gets OUTSIDE of the top 4. And when played alongside a genuine world class player (although I guess this is debatable, re: Berba being world class) he is more than triffic. On his day. But are those days behind him now?

Should he be team captain? I'd say no to that personally. Error made by HR for two obvious reasons. First, he left the club and was only signed back because Defoe got himself injured. Secondly, considering the 'experience' he had at Anfield, it's not like he came back brimming with confidence, regardless of his prior loyalty and goal-scoring record. Although you could argue that he did help us out in those early games that saw us push gradually upwards. But it wasn't a dynamic Keano of old, leading from the front like he had a thousand firecrackers up his arse. It was more akin to holding up a single sparkler and waving it around. He lacks the fireworks since Rafa ruined him. Ruined, but not beyond rebuilding.

Does he deserve some of the negativity and abuse being dished out to him on message boards and in the stands? IMO, no he doesn't. But then stick around and watch how some of the village idiots turn on other players (and the manager) when we manage to get ourselves unstuck. Keane splits the fans much like Jenas does.

He's an easy target at the moment just because he doesn't hit it as often as we'd like. Big debate ongoing over at where all the Spurs melters live ( Here's some of the sound-bites in a thread that simply asks: Why, after such a good performance, is there STILL scapgoating? (in reference to Keane playing well against Liverpool).


I am referring to the frankly ignorant bashing of our team captain, Robbie Keane. I mean why? The bloke had a really good game yesterday, was at the heart of most things good, missed one sitter yes but saw two great saves on him, linked supremely well, yet the bashers come out with a f@ck this and f@ck that, someone even complains about the amount of time it took him to limp off the field (indeed, he should've been jogging n that injured foot, and if he did that then you'd be saying he should waste more time!)...

The guy cannot win. And I think it's pathetic. Seriously. Pathetic - thfcsteff

He's a shadow of the player he was, who has shown his true colours. I support him while he is on the pitch but that doesn't mean I have to like him or rate him. Personally, I'd rather any of the other strikers at the club played instead of him because in my opinion they are all better than him - ledleysswollenknee

The Keane bashing is ridiculous. He finally looked his old good self again yesterday and I thought he had a great game. Some people are just bitter cunts. We hate the likes of Campbell who leaves us on a free, not Keane who we got 20 fucking million for. Was good to see that he could play well with Defoe too - disc0

He missed chances which could have won us the match. He has been crap since re-signing and yesterday, although one of his better games, was too wasteful to be deemed a good performance. People see him as a traitor, especially due to his poor form on returning to Spurs, and many are angered by the fact he seems to be 'stealing' Ledley's captaincy and has attained an 'undroppable' status. Objectively I think he didn't have a great game, but shouldn't suffer the abuse he is now getting. I don't think he should be in the first team, even if Crouch wasn't fit enough yesterday, Pav's performance against Olympiakos, for me, meant he should have played ahead of Keane - Pandy

Keane isn't a clinical finisher, we all know that. He had a good, very Keane-esque game. If he makes 3 chances like that for himself every game I'll be quite happy - McBoggers

Keane is becoming such a controversial player that even the press and match commentators are picking up on the observation that he looks past it.

Even his body language and look doesn't resemble the old Keane... I guess he is really struggling now, and his 60 min substitution looks to me the first nail in his career coffin for spurs.

My loyalties are to the club - and I'd be happy to sell Keane if we can find a replacement. Fine you may think Keane is good, I think we need and have always had better in attack. If Keane has to start, he has to perform; if he is a striker he has to be expected to put away chances with ruthless efficiency. Lets not make apologies for underperformance - metalgear


Read more of the discussion here.

So, should Robbie Keane still be captain? Should he start games ahead of Crouch or Pav? Has Robbie Keane lost it?

Love or hate?


Spurs need a bit of Viagra

I'm still 'Out of the Office'. Posting via a mobile phone.

Either this has worked and technology deserves a warm hug of affection or it hasn't and this submission has been lost somewhere in cyberspace, forever drifting like the Littlest Hobo, never quite finding a home. You'll probably be hoping for the latter.

No such luck for you then.

Talking of home, I've spent the past three days moving residence (I have a huge collection of Levy effigies) and will be without a broadband connection until Friday as long as the BT engineer turns up and my Simultaneous Provide goes according to plan.

I'm also getting Sky installed, which is something I haven't had for a year due to my last property sitting in front of very tall and very annoying trees meaning reception was non-existent. I've been streaming football and going to the pub in its absence and tbh it's been a refreshing sabbatical not to watch Richard Keyes and Jamie Redknapp fabricate controversy and hype. However, I've always enjoyed the pantomime and will be glad for the coverage simply because I've grown tired of delayed coverage on the streams. That and Chinese John Motson styled commentary is far too excitable for my likening.

Football on ITV is also a joke and I as much as I don't actually mind the Beeb, I find myself screaming abuse at Adrian Chiles and his yo-yo voice which annoyingly increases and decreases in volume. Adrian, word of advice, whispering doesn't go down too well on television. Speak up, stick a bit of oomph into it man. Having him host Match of the Day with those two paragons of personality, Lee Dixon and the caveman, must surely be proof of the BBC experimenting in subliminal mind control. How else do you manage to get through it without falling into a coma?

So normal blogging service to be resumed over the weekend. Although will be out on Sunday for the best part of it. Got a ticket for a show. Will also be making some changes, not directly with this blog but more so with my online activity. I've decided for various reasons to exile myself from Its a sacrifice for the greater good and one that will benefit both parties. I've become far too accustomed to the culture of posting there to the point where its become too much of an influence on my blogging over here.

As for little old Tottenham, results over the weekend went in our favour and a win tonight away to Hull will see a much needed gap between us and the free fallers below appear.

Not read any papers or websites, so don't know what Redknapp has been telling the press this week - although I'd hazard a guess it has something to do with the congested fixture list. All I know is, we should have all our first-teamers back and ready for action. If the UEFA Cup cock-up (down) was limp, then this evening must be nothing more than rock hard for the full 90 minutes. No more last minute premature accidents which have embarrassed us on the past four Prem occasions away from the Lane thank you very much.

I've been posting articles best described at 'Battle Cries' for the best part of the season, proclaiming the importance of the game and how imperative it is to claim all points. I'm now quite bored of doing this because we always seem to falter and fail. So I'm not going to say anything more on the subject. It's now over to Tottenham to do the talking on the pitch.


Spurs transfer dealings according to 'club insiders'

As a direct follow-up to my previous blog entry, I'd thought I share some perfect examples of message board In The Know information. As I referred to it earlier, the cryptic style is an art form I'm sure you will appreciate.

If you are interested, for further updates, visit the originating source for the complied and up to date list of current ITK information at (put together by Stoff who collates the info from various sources).

Alternatively you can browse to Glory Glory which tends to have random ITK info copy and pasted from the more exclusive Spurs forums as well as Stoffs complied lists.

Both of these forums are open communities and are not exclusive (which I think FTL and COYS are).

I've left the info below in it's original state.


[Update 70] Dragon1 on Lennon and Keane
Posted: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 12:11:33 GMT
who dragon1
date 29/01/09
time 10:52
site COYS

scousers wanted lennon for keano, we told em to do one

he is one of the few harry actually rates!


[Update 69] jurgenthengerman on ?
Posted: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 10:29:59 GMT
who jurgenthegerman
date 28/01/09
time 17:56
site COYS

Levy is negociating three situations that involve additions one is a match (that involves a player going the other way ) two are straight additions subject to change !!!! Of these three two have a reasonable chance
Don t shoot


The road to redemption is very long with Harry


[Update 68] Ben on Appiah
Posted: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 09:18:37 GMT
who BEN
date 29/01/09
time 09:13




[Update 67] Arigold on Keane, N'Zogbia and Hunt
Posted: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 09:17:23 GMT
who arigold
date 29/01/09
time 09:12
site SO

Big interest in Keane and either N'Zogbia or Hunt will sign, hopefully before Saturday. Hunt is waiting to see if we'll match two bids already in, but (surprise surprise) Reading are getting sick of dealing with us dithering.

Keane, as I've said for 6 weeks repeatedly, wants to come back. Liverpool are looking at other targets as well.


[Update 66] Smudgemeister on Keane, Santa, WP and Appiah
Posted: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 09:16:13 GMT
who Smudgemeister
date 29/01/09
time 09:11
site FTL

Keane was never a target.

Harry looked at Santa Cruz but Rovers want too much (City in so Rovers want a bidding war and we aint going there)

Not terribly impressed with Appiah and not required now WP is on board