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Entries in Has Keano still got it? (2)


Make mine a treble JD

Jermain Defoe wasn't the only treble of note yesterday evening. Lovely to see Spurs swagger their way through an away game with quality movement, passing and pace. A frolicsome performance full of confidence and belief. Before anyone shouts me down about it 'only being Hull', let's not banish the memories of countless years of away day blues where we've been bullied and beaten comfortably by teams costing a fraction in comparison. We don't travel well. The history books prove this. Perhaps times are changing, and if so, it's a good thing to look back and compare. It's only one game, but Spurs have a zest about them which suggests it will prove to be a fruitful season away from home.

Even when we conceded a goal, we just brushed it off and persisted in dominating the game. Working our socks off to pressure Hull when they had the ball and playing it with ruthless execution when we were in possession.

Many positives to be had out of this.

  • Defoe looking strong and confident, netting a hat-trick for the first time in a few years. More importantly (for us in the long run) he's holding up the ball and laying it off with maturity that lacked from his game a season or two ago.
  • Robbie Keane, much maligned (no Bent at Spurs anymore so we have to have at least one scapegoat) was bloody great. Assisting (twice), scoring and generally rediscovering that Orish spark. Excellent work ethic, which is inspiring to the rest of the team and looked playing alongside JD. This is captain material.
  • Wilson, powering forward once more (as seen at WHL v Liverpool) and also getting on the score-sheet.
  • Modric, strong on the ball, quiet in the more obvious creative way, but proved he can stick in a shift without the rest relying on him to be the conductor.
  • Cudicini replaced Gomes (who seemed to land uncomfortably after a textbook punch), and although he was at fault for their goal, he looked assured and faultless for the reminder of the game.
  • Corluka isn't a centre-back, so hurry back Woody. Not really a positive there.

I'm happy. And why not? Again, I know Hull are in poor form, but if the likes of Utd or Chelsea visited them yesterday and won by the same score line you'd hear shouts of 'professional performance', so for us to go there and dismantle them with relative ease should have us smiling.

I don't mind taking one game at a time. We played football at the KC. Didn't sit back and allow them to stick us under pressure. When they had their moments, we held strong and got through it. The belief was simply: We are good enough to play them off the park, so we will.

We will have disappoints no doubt - be ready for them. What will matter is how we react. Remember the Blackburn defeat last year and the way we collapsed? Granted, man sent off, but we felt sorry for ourselves and lost our way. Keep feet firmly on the ground, the players should take the 5-1 win as a good result, but nothing more - and look to continue to work hard for each other. We've been guilty far too many times in the past, getting carried away with the hype. But you get the feeling the team spirit and attitude is a little more understated and professional (there's that word again). Probably because of the amount of times we've been burnt in the past.

Quietly, quietly does it.

There will be games when we will be under the cosh, and its these games, a cheeky 1-0 or 2-1 win, which will be as important than any free-flowing goal-fest display.

I'm happy with our lot, thus far.

Two successive wins from the start of the season, makes this the best start since 2006. Hedonistic times. 22 wins now for Harry in 44 games. Unbeaten at the Lane since November. Looking great away. Good solid signings that are proving to have a positive effect on the teams balance. And Keane and Defoe actually looking like a partnership up-front.

And not a single Facebook relegation party in sight*.

*34 points to go before we're safe.


Robbie Keane: Captain or Scapegoat?

He's always divided opinion - but on form, he's as good as it gets OUTSIDE of the top 4. And when played alongside a genuine world class player (although I guess this is debatable, re: Berba being world class) he is more than triffic. On his day. But are those days behind him now?

Should he be team captain? I'd say no to that personally. Error made by HR for two obvious reasons. First, he left the club and was only signed back because Defoe got himself injured. Secondly, considering the 'experience' he had at Anfield, it's not like he came back brimming with confidence, regardless of his prior loyalty and goal-scoring record. Although you could argue that he did help us out in those early games that saw us push gradually upwards. But it wasn't a dynamic Keano of old, leading from the front like he had a thousand firecrackers up his arse. It was more akin to holding up a single sparkler and waving it around. He lacks the fireworks since Rafa ruined him. Ruined, but not beyond rebuilding.

Does he deserve some of the negativity and abuse being dished out to him on message boards and in the stands? IMO, no he doesn't. But then stick around and watch how some of the village idiots turn on other players (and the manager) when we manage to get ourselves unstuck. Keane splits the fans much like Jenas does.

He's an easy target at the moment just because he doesn't hit it as often as we'd like. Big debate ongoing over at where all the Spurs melters live ( Here's some of the sound-bites in a thread that simply asks: Why, after such a good performance, is there STILL scapgoating? (in reference to Keane playing well against Liverpool).


I am referring to the frankly ignorant bashing of our team captain, Robbie Keane. I mean why? The bloke had a really good game yesterday, was at the heart of most things good, missed one sitter yes but saw two great saves on him, linked supremely well, yet the bashers come out with a f@ck this and f@ck that, someone even complains about the amount of time it took him to limp off the field (indeed, he should've been jogging n that injured foot, and if he did that then you'd be saying he should waste more time!)...

The guy cannot win. And I think it's pathetic. Seriously. Pathetic - thfcsteff

He's a shadow of the player he was, who has shown his true colours. I support him while he is on the pitch but that doesn't mean I have to like him or rate him. Personally, I'd rather any of the other strikers at the club played instead of him because in my opinion they are all better than him - ledleysswollenknee

The Keane bashing is ridiculous. He finally looked his old good self again yesterday and I thought he had a great game. Some people are just bitter cunts. We hate the likes of Campbell who leaves us on a free, not Keane who we got 20 fucking million for. Was good to see that he could play well with Defoe too - disc0

He missed chances which could have won us the match. He has been crap since re-signing and yesterday, although one of his better games, was too wasteful to be deemed a good performance. People see him as a traitor, especially due to his poor form on returning to Spurs, and many are angered by the fact he seems to be 'stealing' Ledley's captaincy and has attained an 'undroppable' status. Objectively I think he didn't have a great game, but shouldn't suffer the abuse he is now getting. I don't think he should be in the first team, even if Crouch wasn't fit enough yesterday, Pav's performance against Olympiakos, for me, meant he should have played ahead of Keane - Pandy

Keane isn't a clinical finisher, we all know that. He had a good, very Keane-esque game. If he makes 3 chances like that for himself every game I'll be quite happy - McBoggers

Keane is becoming such a controversial player that even the press and match commentators are picking up on the observation that he looks past it.

Even his body language and look doesn't resemble the old Keane... I guess he is really struggling now, and his 60 min substitution looks to me the first nail in his career coffin for spurs.

My loyalties are to the club - and I'd be happy to sell Keane if we can find a replacement. Fine you may think Keane is good, I think we need and have always had better in attack. If Keane has to start, he has to perform; if he is a striker he has to be expected to put away chances with ruthless efficiency. Lets not make apologies for underperformance - metalgear


Read more of the discussion here.

So, should Robbie Keane still be captain? Should he start games ahead of Crouch or Pav? Has Robbie Keane lost it?

Love or hate?