The Premier League is swaying like a drunk smashed out of his skull

Morning. I know this is off topic, but hey, I pay the bills so I can do as I wish. Everyone see the legend that is the anti-hero Emmanuel Adebayor (Manchester City and Togo) sitting being interviewed wearing an Arsenal training top? It was on SSN yesterday and I'm sure you've all seen the photo by now. It's almost as funny as Judas turning out for the scum's reserves last night. Best place for him. The cesspool was missing a swamp thing, but let's not get side-tracked with the man who was obviously created as part of a dark experiment from the DNA of Benedict Arnold and Judas Iscariot.
I sent out the screen-grab of Ade to some work mates who had not seen this gem of a tv appearance. And got a response back from a Manchester Utd fan that made me smile. Seems the photo inspired him to rant (well, side-track the discussion thread) about Utd's biggest rivals. That's City by the way. According to City fans.
I guess we all hate United, you know, cause they've always got the ref on their side (cough) and always dick us but everyone likes to hate City. And why not? There is plenty of hate to go round and their Chelseaesque manner of progression is unnerving to most. In fact, not to spend too much time praising Chelsea, at least they were almost knocking on the door prior to Roman buying them up. City have practically puked £££ all over football in the hope greed wins the day and contracts are signed.
Not all of their fans are to be scoffed at. Definitely not the fans who feel they've been left soulless by the money poured into the club. More so the other twats who seem to be...well, rather than have it all repeated, I think the Utd fan covered it in his email perfectly:
Well, he’s at the right club now for such a despicable character! (in reference to Adebayor).
Getting sick of reading City fans updates on Facebook. They truly believe that they ‘stole’ Tevez from us and think he went to City for ‘footballing’ reasons and that United are a club in real trouble and likely to do a Leeds.
2 things
a) Tevez didn’t want to play for us – so he can f**k right off, along with anyone else who doesn’t - and didn’t fit in our system very well, too similar to Rooney. Suits their system well hence why he’s doing better. Although Berba isn’t hitting the heights, his touch is infinitely better than Tevez’s. His strengths are coming from deep with the ball at his feet – a la Rooney. Also – he’s not the first (or last I doubt) player to leave United and do better. Forlan left and was the Liga’s top scorer FFS!!!b) United, like Liverpool, have too much history and hence too much support worldwide to ‘do a Leeds’. There will always be someone who would come in to buy them if things got really sticky as they are established brands and this is business (unfortunately). If the oil heads leave City they’re far more likely to ‘do a Leeds’ – seeing as their fan base stretches from Didsbury all the way to……Stockport.
To be honest, I’d quite like United to have a sustained period of underachievement and drop a division. Get rid of all the plastic fans and get tickets for reasonable prices again.
Rant over. Good night.
I don't mind seeing Utd struggle. If the definition of struggling is to be sat in the position they are sat now whilst competing in the Champions League. And in some ways its great that fans of other clubs (those pesky Sky Sports Top 4 clubs) are taking the time to look behind and notice the likes of us and City and the rest catching up as they slow down. It almost feels like the Premier League is swaying like a drunk smashed out of his skull. A little push and he'll fall, but if you just leave him, he might just fall over anyway. An Arsenal ticket season holder (sitting opposite me) was saying how his team looked completely disinterested against Everton. He doesn't buy the hype about his clubs ambitions either. It's the media hyping up who they consider to be worth hyping up that has everyone confused. In fact nobody is looking worthy at the minute, which means their is a huge (massive Jamie Redknapp would say) possibility that something epically unexpected might happen this season. Unless one of the usual suspects has a mug of strong black coffee and sobers up quick sharp.
I LOL'ed plenty the other morning when the press all claimed they could win the title (in with a shout at the very least). What, after beating Blackburn Rovers? I guess our 3-0 win over them doesn't matter because it was under Mark Hughes and not under their new messiah. You know, the one that wears a City scarf because he believes in The Project©. We are one point behind City. Are we also title challengers? Like I said I know some City fans are unhappy that success might come in this fashion (Arab billions). The others are too busy having tattoos of Messi done on their backs in preparation for his arrival this summer.
I hate Utd. But I like Utd's hatred of City. Mainly because of the way some of their fans have been giving it, vocally. Delusions of grandeur. It's a tag that is usually associated with us. Perhaps I'm as bitter as the Utd fan above who ranted, because we sort of know that thanks to the cracks that have appeared at the top, someone like City is actually that bit closer to their dream. And if they're intolerable now, God forbid how they'll be if they actually won it.
Oh, and the world would implode if we ever got our hands on it. But we all know for all the money we've spent, we've never got close. Nowhere near. But at least our souls, those overly abused tired souls thanks to years of transitional seasons, remain intact. Just about.
Off-topic over and out.
Back later with an update on Spurs. If there are any worthy news items to chat about. Other than the usual Sandro nonsense. And the stories that have us wondering if Harry is about to be pulled into a long running court case that would make his position as manager...ah, let's not even go there.
Reader Comments (89)
I blame Robbie Keane.
Good luck with your season you twisted bitter fan you. Coming from the a fan of the club with the most over-inflated sense of self-importance going (and that includes Liverpool) i must say that your whole article makes me smile sadly.
The small posse of City fans shouting their mouths off (ill-advised as my many many years of City clue depression as warned me) are just doing so because of the CRAP they have put up with from the red scum. The most soulless bunch of people you never did meet.
The rest of us are just left bewildered but excited. And i think we have every right to be so thank you very much.
Robbie Keane fathered Sol Campbell.
Great article by the way Spooks. The Prem is on the ropes.
Robbo - You do see the irony in both the article AND the quoted rant? Spooky is doing his thing again.
seems like someone is a little jealous! i have been going to city for 18 years now and have seen us in the depths of div 2 so i think it was about time we had a bit of luck. in response to the cockney red im guessing seeming though he is your mate utd couldnt afford tevez and if you think that your problems financially are going to be solved by a £500 million pound bond issue think again - you have to pay more interest on that! the players although, admittedly utd are a massive club, but without the financially power needed these days i can see a few years mid table mediocracy. As for the yids you are a good team who will falter as always within touching distance but never quite there a bt like city really - the only difference is we will be backing up our promise very soon
Spooky, Great post, best yet!
Oh - Okay... sorry. I didn't realise
what a f uckin crappy article always brown nosin united and theyre fans, united dont f uckin own the premier league what a twat oh yeah we will win the league this season.
Spurs have hardly been keeping their purse closed the past few years have they?
"City have practically puked £££ all over football in the hope greed wins the day and contracts are signed."
Awww come on. If this had happened to Tottenham you'd be speaking a very different language altogether. And all the big teams have been puking £££ over football for years, so why not Citeh?
FYI I am "one of thos tw*ts" who have supported City through their years/decades/eons of underachievement and general crapness. The eponymous purgatory you refer to is nowt compared to what we have experienced down the years. I'm talking having the double done over us by Wycombe, playing - and losing! - your local derbies against Stockport County etc etc. It takes quite special "tw*ts" to put up with that and still come out shouting for their club in their tens of thousands every week.
Basically, we've always been a team people liked out of pity. Now we're a team people dislike - out of jealousy. And guess what? We're loving every second of it!!!
An open race for the top 4 yes however I feel that only one of the BIG 4 will plumet and I fear that City will sneak the 4th spot...
Shame as the Blue Manc does not need the draw of champions league or its cash as it has the purse of a very wealthy ARAB on the Spurs front we have a tight purse run by a small Jewish man who could really use the Champs League to take us to the next level.
So close with JOL (5th twice) however 1 more point would have transformed the club... If not soon we will end up like Villa and the other wannabees in not quite ever gonna get there mid table mediocracy.
Only so many times you come so close and fail before you neeed to start all over again.
Mr Garnett....... As a Spurs man i hate the Gooners & Chelski, dismiss West Spam & Loath any team playing under Big Sam for their anti-football ugly thuggery. I have many friends who have similar attitudes toward the teams who oppose their respective clubs & generally speaking we see eye to eye on very few things where football is concerned. However, man city has achieved what decades of arguments, articles, punditry and pride could never do, brought football fans from all walks to the same table, united in spirit over one watch Man City fail one way or another.
We all agree on one thing now, any success you achieve will be written off as bought and not earned, every player you sign, regardless of talent will be classified as greedy and without soul, no self respecting player will sign up because they "dreamed of playing for Man city" but rather dreamed of being rich!
We all seem to agree that City will buy some form of success, its ok though because we are satisfied with the knowledge that Man city fans, will experience only a hollow sense of victory for all the reasons mentioned. I imagine it would feel something like a man who pays a crack whore a fiver for 3 mins of back alley action, sure you will get a climax, but the instant feeling of shame that follows will ruin any pleasure gained.
Have fun!
Adebayor wearing an Arsenal top shows that he is a child (admittedly a 6 and a half foot tall one!), and I just do not get him. Man City are a threat now that they have changed manager - however let's see what happens when the honeymoon period is over. Man Utd - I do not understand how they can be talked up as the richest team in the world when they have so much debt. If I took on a million pound loan, that does not now make me a millionaire. If I were a Man U fan, I would be slightly worried - not just the debt, but they are still reliant on Giggs and Scholes and Neville - who are all past their best and in their footballing autumn years. Yes there are promising players there, but it is not the same as before and recent dips into the transfer market have been expensive and with mixed results. Additionally Fergie surely must be retiring soon. They are still a great team - no doubt, but let's see what the future brings...
The thing that annoys me most about all this Man City vs Man Utd malarky is that the discussions all seem to be about their clubs finances and who is 'potentially' in more trouble when the money runs out. You can count Liverpool, Arsenal and Chelsea in there too.
It's spawned all these pseudo-accountants on football forums boring us with tales of PIKs, Bond Issues and interest rates. The only Bond issue I givea toss about is who gets to replace Daniel Craig when his time is up, and I don't really give a toss about it that much anyway.
Is there a sadder indictment around of the decline in football as a SPORT, that we must all now debate balance sheets with our peers. I was all for the irradication of hooliganism in our game, but to be honest I'd much prefer to see 100 blokes settling their club rivalrlies by smashing each other to pieces with baseball bats and bricks than endure any more of this 'my club's debt is more manageable than your club's debt' bollocks. "But if we sell off those flats in Highbury we make another 25million." "Roman has transformed his loan into equity." I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!!! If I did then I'd be watching Bloomberg instead of Sky Sports News.
I'm not saying it's not important to be aware of the finances of your club. It is, after all, the property of the fans (kinda) and if some foreign investor is threatening our existence then you'd have every right to complain. I'm glad we are run by people with a sound business mind, and that our new facilities have had funds ringfenced etc. etc. But I'll be damned if I'm going to use that as a way of boasting to a United/Liverpool fan that we're better than them. Over 15 seasons as also-rans in the Premiership and only two chuffing league cups to show for it proves that one wrong anyway.
This whole situation almost makes me yearn to read some good old fashioned 'Gerrard is better than Lampard is better than Scholes in his prime bla bla' shite. It may have been endless and boring ut at least it was about players.
And for anyone who disagrees with me I say this. "Blow me fuck face. Go to Hell. I'm sick and tired of you people."
Slightly more oblique - I heard on the radio this morning that if Liverpool somehow managed to win the Europa League then there would only be 3 places for the rest of us to scrabble over (bored/board game) irrespective of where they finish. Bit disturbing that!
Back on-track to your your off-track - United are now such an all consuming monster that they will never be in a position to do a Leeds. I hate them. If they want Lennon or Modric then they will buy them. We need to finish in a high position or the cycle of life just continues... I think I'm probably going stir crazy without football! Actually I went on monday night to the under 18's FA cup game. We need a poacher there too, although the rest of the team looked pretty good.
My Dad's a city fan and he dragged me to division2 city games. He is over the moon about watching a decent city side again and hasn't "lost his soul" in the process. Still, I'd much rather be a spurs fan. We've had a lot of fun together, me and the lillywhites. Much more than my Dad has had with city over the last 30 years. And let's be honest, we wouldn't turn down that oil money if it came our way. would we?
talljonny - Spurs have spent money, but our net spend is much much lower than people realise. We have been very shrewd, and during a credit crunch I am glad.
daveywavey - Good on you. I am sure that most Spurs fans would love crazy investment like yours. I personally am content at what we have right now. The top 4 is looking more like a top 7 because the leaders are not as far away as they usually are, and 3rd/4th place are really open.
I used to like Citeh when Rodney March played for them.......
I've never liked united.
I laugh at the spammers.
I (got) a bit envious when chelski won the title first time.
The scum are.....well they just are.
And Sky have the Simpsons, that's enough.
hoopspur - Europa league? What happened to being positive...? Personally, I have not even thought about the Europa league. I am glad that we have taken a break from it. If Liverpool get 'relegated' to the Europa league from the Champs league, why don't the winners of the Europa league get 'promoted' to the Champs League? At least early qualifying. That would increase interest and competition. Or am I being too logical?
I really do think that you need major investment like City to successfully establish yourself in the top four - they're so far ahead of everyone else, that slow and steady progress like Villa and Everton won't cut it. So I don't blame City for basically finding a sugar daddy since you're really not going to make it to the top any other way, and I'd love to see someone - preferably us, but just about anyone would do at this stage - gatecrash the top four (and hopefully knock out l'Arse).
What I do worry about is their effect on the wages and transfer fees and season ticket prices for everyone else - the gap between the haves and the have-nots is simply becoming gross, half the league seem to be spending themselves into debt just to avoid relegation. The financial model for so many clubs is already unsustainable and will drive some into ruin unless they find generous benefactors, and I dislike the idea of more clubs becoming some wealthy owners' plaything. I think that clubs whose fans pay ludicrous prices year after year in order to allow their clubs to invest in their team are more 'deserving' in a sense than clubs that simply win the jackpot, but like I said, the gap caused by CL finances has stifled competition and perhaps you have no other option than the lottery to change the status quo. Luckily it does seem that Man Utd, Chelsea, and Liverpool are no longer big spenders, so perhaps the door is now open to not only City, but the rest of the chasing pack, and maybe we will finally see a more fluid top four.
this article is pure shite written by a cunt. Sol will score against u in the next game we play and run to your scum fans exploding into joy.i'm comin at the thought!!!
Spooky has hardly written anything damning here, unless I'm mis reading it. The rant from the Utd fan made him laugh. He was probably laughing AT the Utd fan. FFS he even has a dig at us for spending money. Can nobody see through the subtles anymore?
Spooks - just get back to slagging off Tottenham. Everyone knows where they are with that.
The rest of you who are just passing through for the first time, don't overstate it.
@ solisgod
Wash that mouth out son.
What a complete load of old sh1t. You y1ds have tried to buy success for many many years.
Unlike City you have just failed spectacularly in doing so.
There is no difference at all in what City are doing so put the green eyed monster back in its box you deluded fool.
Pot, kettle, black.
"Unlike City you have just failed spectacularly in doing so." - Sorry I was under the impression you hadn't been successful either yet, or am I mistaken?
Er, which is kinda the point. I'm having a dig at everyone. It isn't even a serious dig. Stop getting your panties in a twist.
You know how sometimes you dislike someone yet find yourself obsessing about it a little too much? That. Since when could a fan not have a go at another fan? Considering I spend most of my time having a go at Spurs, I fancied a slight change.
Breaking news to some. All fans are fickle, fragmented and hypocritical.
Lap it up.
and we will greet him with open arms solisgod. Just don't expect to have him back in once piece afterwards
Sorry, but this article is bang on the money. City fan - the ones I've seen, read or spoken to are giving it the big billy bollocks all of a sudden. Someone mentioned how their fans are much like ours. We have deluded ourselves over a decade. Its staggered delusion where we quietly hope that this year will be our year. I can't say any Spurs fan I know went out and had a tattoo of a player that hadn;t even been signed yet. Yes, that's a stereotype like the Geordies are all shirtless fanatics praying to Keegan. But that's what we go on isn't it? It's what the press go on too.
Some of you really do over react.
I do love it when other fans come across this site, completely misunderstand the article and then go off on one. I like to point and laugh you see.
I hate Utd with a passion and it's great to see them hiccup. I hate City because their fans are the biggest depressive mongs . Keep your 4-3, we'll keep our Ricky Villa '81 thank you very much.
You've got Chaz & Dave,
You've got Chaz & Dave,
We've got Oasis,
We've got Oasis,
You've got Chaz & Dave.
Yeh we do they are awesome!
Oasis no longer exist by the way, sorry to burst your bubble.......
'You're just a shit Chas and Dave, shit Chas and Dave, you're just a shit Chas and Dave...'
Neither do Chas and Dave, Mazza.
I'd rather have chas & dave. Noel seems liek a decent sort, but that liam's a right dick.
Having said that, there are similarlities between the two, after all, you'll only ever need one album from each in your collection.
If Noel Gallagher is anything to go by then City fans are the biggest fucking tools on the face of the planet.
TonyTrott - I think you misunderstood. Don't know how or why but I'm talking about 3 places in the Champions League. You can stick the Europa up you arse (in general - not you!).
Spooky = JR Hartley
Has someone killed Chas and Dave? : (
I'm interested to know how so many City fans found their way to this site to be honest? Is it the curse of NewsNow by any chance?
The day I "need" a Chaz & Dave album in my collection
is the day I shave my ears off...
MoK - pardon? What's that you said??
Shave your ears off? You going to foam up first then?
I did mine a few years ago....
Hoopsur - Yep I misundertood - it wasn't that clear sorry. It's "TonyTott" by the way as in Tott-enham....
Spooky, shit stirring again. Behave yourself lad. Get ready for the Spurs press conference where we unveil XXXX to the worlds press. Due tomorrow. Or the day after tomorrow.
Next week.
By the end of the week.
TonyTott - although I like Hoopsur, I take it you're taking the 'p'? keep on Trotting TonyTott!
Actually completely agree with Robbo the City fan at the top, (his second article not the shit he's on about to begin with)
Why shouldn't fans enjoy when their team is on a high?