Build it and they will come

And they will. From Enfield, Chingford and Hertfordshire, in their thousands. BELIEVE.
Stewart Hugo. What a hero. He'll probably get his own brick in the Arsenalistion (no really, its a proper word describing how they plan to turn their home into a very visible stronghold) of the Emirates. Not sure why they're making a big deal out of it considering the work was completed years back. It's called Woolwich.
Anyways, read Hugo's masterpiece here. Apparently he makes the suggestion we don't have any young supporters. Damn that pesky gooner club, churning out teenage supporters via a top secret clandestine project; 'The Boys from South London'. Humourless cloned borgs, drowning in red scarfs. The experiment obviously leaving them devoid of the ability to sing although curiously some have developed muscular spasms that sees them jumping and waving their arms around relentlessly. You'll note they've been grouped all together in the far corner of the ground in the hope nobody will notice this cruel abomination.
Reckon when we DO (ya hear that Hugo?) finish building the new stadium we should Tottenhamlistion it. We could include memorial days in our history like when we bought Raziak and when we sold Raziak and that time we beat Southend in the cup. Or when we sacked Gross, what a party we had on that day. Giddy times.
Special mention to Fabio (now that's what I call a letter) for his kind words. Read the rest of the ranting and support at Haringey Gov site. Stop playa hating Hugo, you absolute melter.
Reader Comments (51)
Funny, although right now I'm more than slightly worried by the news i've just heard that appy arry is being charge by the inland revenue today. hold on tight spurs fans!
Would be oh so typical for Harry to resign. Half way stage of the season, playing great football, plenty of promise.
Hold onto hats time.
"Not sure why they're making a big deal out of it considering the work was completed years back. It's called Woolwich"
Lets all go round to Hugo's house and give him a warm wlecome.
Another slow news day, hey Spooks?
To any upiitty gooner fans. I just read this ripping it out of the Campbell signing, pretty funny.
You made that up right?
Killjoy - Sadly he didn't.
Funniest thing I've ever read in my life
Here is another article on the Campbell signing, really really funny.
the potential for piss taking is simply endless. This goes way, WAY beyond DVD's of score draws and 9-1 mugs.
I started a thread about it on We Are Tottenham earlier today.
Hugo. What a mong.
Enfield 4eva
Hey spooky, that's a bit dodgy isn't it? Publicising the blokes full address and home telephone number? I mean what if he gets nuisance calls all day and night and abusive letters from proper football fans?
What chance starting a campaign to rename Asenal station back to Gillespie Road now the Goons have moved to there new spiritual home, well its closer to Plumstead than the last one anyway?
Dosent seem right that us old codgers have to travel through Arsenal to get to the world famous home of the Spurs
Gooners. Obsessed. I love it.
Any chance of a ground share if we don't get planning permission?
Age-dunno.No one does i believe.But one statistict:On Best Team Suporters are Tottenham -104,033(number of fans)-900.2(av.points) and at N12 are Arsenal -284,433(n.o.f.)-862.5.(a.p.)One thing for sure-we are a bit more clever compare to that
breaking news........torrres, gerrard, benayoun ALL injured for next weds match!!!!
Hugo really didn't think his objection through properly, startng with the fact that any response to the council forms part of the public domain, including address and contact details submitted.
I wonder how much junk mail or sales calls he gets currently?
Still as you say he's a melter, so one could consider it almost a public service in 'educating the thick' to make sure he is aware of his error.
Are you sure posting peoples addresses is a good idea Spook?
Torres 6 weeks, Gerrard 2 weeks, Benayoun 4 weeks...
Possibly Lennon back - never a better chance!
Spooky didn't post it. The man himself did...... Its a public site that anyone can visit.
I'm not hosting the document. Its on a government website. If they take it down, its up to them. Anyone can access it. Seen it already posted on a few forums.
Harry's just been nicked - announced on talk sport?!
Love it, what a berk! If they want to move the Stadium to Cheshunt I'm all for it, then its 15 mins less to travel every other week. In fact while they are at it move it to Sheffield then I have to travel 2.5hrs less every other week!
Oh poo...
So Torres, Gerard and Bennysomething all out of the game next week then...?
yid101 - it's also on the BBC site now. 2 charges of cheating the revenue.
I'm sure he can manage from behind bars. Just get him a TV and videophone NO PROBS! I hear they come as standard with each cell now.....
in the post hugo says "occasionally win trophies" when did arsenal last win a trophy ? 5 years ago maybe.. will it be 6 ?
Even haringey coucil arent stupid enough to turn down the new stadium and all the money and great investment it brings
Down with the Rednapp, we're going down with the Rednapp. Thought I'd get it in first...
Re: Arry being arrested, I'm getting a horrible sense of deja vu. Pleat was doing pretty well 20-odd years ago and we all remember what happened to him.
I am a Spurs fan from Malaysia (Yes, Mr Hugo ... Tottenham Hotspurs are well known WORLD WIDE) and I wish to tell Mr Hugo that he can shove his middle finger into his Arse. Sore Loser!!!
Just so you know. If Harry is found guilty at his court case in May the club have to sack him as it is their policy as a plc not to employ anyone with a criminal conviction apparently.
Hasn't Bentley got a crimbo conviction?
this guy has shit grammar. i could barely read it without cringing.
If there is a club policy about employing people with a criminal record I think Levy would change it. Noses, cut off, faces and all that.
People evade much bigger amounts of tax all the time but I bet usually they are allowed to quietly pay up. I smell another conspiracy, after Lasagnegate, RevenueGate.
Fingers too fat to type properly lad? Thick cunt...
In tune with the Spurs fan from Malaysia, I'm a Spurs fan from Kentucky (!). We are a worldwide club, so fuck off. You aren't going to stop this from happening. Oh yeah, I'm also an ethnic minority.
And Spook - just wanted to let you know this is my favorite Spurs blog on the net, The writing is superb; keep up the good work. Anyone know where I can watch the game on the internet this weekend?
Have to say something as fans from Malaysia and the US spoke up. There's more than a couple of Yids in Finland too. Flew there last summer to see Spurs against Barcelona and visit the Lane. Planning to come there again to see a homegame this season.
It'll take a bit more effort from Hugo to stop us.
A Yid yid from western canada. Cheers Hugo, you're a love.
Spurs fan from Egypt here. Global club.
Belgium also present , we have the Official Flemish Spurs over here that do include a fair few members.
Design_Access_Statement_Part4.pdf - page 151
Clever bit of cropping if I may say so ;) LOL
Hmm, Hugo still looks like an idiot all the way from Florida, who knew? ;-)
... God bless you ... Mr Hugo
In a time when Manure is wobbling and Pompy is as close to falling tits up ..small teams like u spuds need somebody who can remind u not to punch beyond your weight.
Your 'Arry the twitch' is gonna twitch his way to jail too .... Hahaha
Thanks for the never ending laugh u provide us.
By the way, love u all very much
Funny, I did a bit of business with Spurs during the know the little green hedgehog vans you see outside the ground- that was the company I was working for at the time.
During this ordeal, I met several times with the council to get their permission for us to place the vans. The whole council LOVE spurs (several support spurs) and what it brings to the community and the ones i spoke to fully support the stadium. The general consensus at Spurs and at the council is that it is not a matter of IF but more of WHEN.
Stuart Hugo- what a man. I mean what a typical Arsenal fan. I wonder if any Spurs fans actually wrote a letter like this to Islington about the Emirates? Maybe.
The guys at Haringey would have got this and had a right ol' laugh at it. Probably strengthened the position further...something along the lines of 'now we definately have to build it, just to p*ss this guy off"
Remember, his address and phone number are on there so I'm guessing all opinions are welcome.