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Entries in textbook gooner scum (2)


Build it and they will come

And they will. From Enfield, Chingford and Hertfordshire, in their thousands. BELIEVE.

Stewart Hugo. What a hero. He'll probably get his own brick in the Arsenalistion (no really, its a proper word describing how they plan to turn their home into a very visible stronghold) of the Emirates. Not sure why they're making a big deal out of it considering the work was completed years back. It's called Woolwich.

Anyways, read Hugo's masterpiece here. Apparently he makes the suggestion we don't have any young supporters. Damn that pesky gooner club, churning out teenage supporters via a top secret clandestine project; 'The Boys from South London'. Humourless cloned borgs, drowning in red scarfs. The experiment obviously leaving them devoid of the ability to sing although curiously some have developed muscular spasms that sees them jumping and waving their arms around relentlessly. You'll note they've been grouped all together in the far corner of the ground in the hope nobody will notice this cruel abomination.

Reckon when we DO (ya hear that Hugo?) finish building the new stadium we should Tottenhamlistion it. We could include memorial days in our history like when we bought Raziak and when we sold Raziak and that time we beat Southend in the cup. Or when we sacked Gross, what a party we had on that day. Giddy times.

Special mention to Fabio (now that's what I call a letter) for his kind words. Read the rest of the ranting and support at Haringey Gov site. Stop playa hating Hugo, you absolute melter.


Henry 3:16 says I just handballed

I'm still KO'ed from a horrid bout of man-flu. So no 10,000 word editorals from me today. Instead, a copy and paste job citing me old mucker Enter the Pitbull from the Glory Glory forum.


Henry is a poisonous, villainous cockbag without a shred of human decency or kindness, and only the brilliance of his footballing abilities coupled with the media's desire to suck off any top 4 product has covered up his true deceitful nature.


Someone give me a hell yeah...

Henry, in his interview, seems to suggest the ball hit his arm/hand and he simply played on. The ball touching your hand is a little different from the ball being caressed on purpose to keep it in play. Watch his interview and the way he laughs it all off. Wonderful example of displacement of responsibility going on. Class act is Henry.