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Penalty? Who cares?

Morning. Just some random thoughts on the weekend:

Everton's defending. Akin to blindfolding schoolboys and feeding them ketamine.


How about that Crystal Palace goal ruled out because the officials failed to see the ball fly into the back of the net? Here's a clue it was legit. The scorer wheeled off to celebrate followed by his team mates and the opposition looked down at the ground in despondency of conceding the goal. What exactly did the ref think was going on? Some kind of elaborate illusion? Let's pretend we scored and we might fool everyone we did. No surprise the officials have been suspended pending a little review.


According to Mark Hughes, re: their chase for Lescott and Moyes criticism of City:

"I'm not surprised David feels a bit aggrieved with the situation, you always are when a big club is trying to sign one of your best players."

I didn't know Spurs were interested in signing Lescott? Well in.


So was it a penalty or not? Rafa is balling his eyes out about it. BAE barging Voronin off the ball. On the basis of the game as a whole - we deserved to win. Statistically, they didn't get anywhere near us. And the fact that the first penalty (the one given) was an absolute gift should be a clear indication that the Spanish waiter should spend a little more time concentrating on his side fragmented play which lacked any sort of rhythm and decisiveness. The only other effort of note on goal was yet another penalty claim, again BAE involved, the ball hitting his chest (at least that's what it looked like to me) and even if it did hit his arm it would have been harsh to point to the spot. Ekotto enjoying his day.

As for us, feet firmly back on the ground. Right? The euphoria of claiming thee points in our opening game of the season is over. I was already high on the fact that we were given a home fixture to kick-off the season for the first time in 5 or so years. Perhaps the FA's IT guys have finally found and eliminated the Trojan virus left in the fixture list computer software that David Dein carefully planted many years ago. Regardless, having partied into the night with generous quantities of coke and hookers, I'm now having to be a little more philosophical about Sunday. Yes, we won. Several of our players battled well. Liverpool were fairly crap with little clout around the midfield area making it comfortable for Wilson and Tommy.

We are not exactly push-overs at home either (1 loss in 23), so perhaps the win wasn't as unexpected as it appeared to be to some. Not taking anything away from the result or the performance. Well I am I guess. Just placing it into perspective. It's Hull away where we find out if we have the right stuff for competing in the top-half of the table, the bit where 6th and 5th place sit. We've managed to compete against the Top 4 more and more over the past season or so. It's the pesky 'small teams' that need to be brushed aside.

Still, three points - one game. Opening day nose-bleeds are lush. I'll leave you with another gem from Studs-Up. Enjoy.

Reader Comments (25)

I think away to Hull is the sort of game where Crouch will be needed.

Aug 17, 2009 at 9:36 AM | Unregistered CommenterNandM

It's a bit wierd thinking that Hull midweek is a bigger game than the Puddle on the opening day, but then again my feet are in the foundations.

Aug 17, 2009 at 9:41 AM | Unregistered CommenterTrembly

first !

Aug 17, 2009 at 9:41 AM | Unregistered Commenterme

Benitez is a bad loser. He puts the blame on the penalty that was not given rather than on his team that played below standard. He should instead give credit to SPURS for an excellent performance.

Aug 17, 2009 at 9:43 AM | Unregistered CommenterJOHN ADAM

COYS - I didnt think much of Crouchy when he came on to be honest, Raffa is a knob, we totally out player Liverpool for the majority of the game, so SHUT YA TRAP raffa, just be gracious in defeat, admit you lost to a better team on the day....... come on, i know its hard cus ya head so f-ing big, but atleast be honest.
As for bassong, SOLID...... these are exciting times, i would even go as far as to agree with , umm i think it was Hoddle who commented that we have a stronger squad than Liverpool, and if you think about the quality in each position, and then the players on the bench, wow, it has all the makings of a quality season, one that us spurs faithful have waited a LONG LONG time COYS

Aug 17, 2009 at 9:54 AM | Unregistered CommenterMacca

The ref got it right. Ok we support Spurs and might be biased. In the first one it was shoulder to shoulder and Ekkotto won. In the second one Ekotto had his hand in front of his chest. Hull will be a good test of our credentials

Aug 17, 2009 at 10:42 AM | Unregistered Commenterabe

Long balls to Crouch were always going to break our play up. Hope we don't go route. Let's not forget he's got tricky feet for a tall bloke.

Aug 17, 2009 at 10:57 AM | Unregistered Commenterfilthy

bill simmons better not support us or we're screwed...huddlestone is especially screwed if he buys his jersey...

Aug 17, 2009 at 12:01 PM | Unregistered Commenterus futbol

Didn't think much of the BAE-Voronin penalty shout when I saw it live, and reckon that anywhere else on the pitch not much of a fuss would have been made - but maybe I've got my Spurs blinkers on...

Either way, really good performance. Just hope we carry it into Hull - would be typical of former Spurs teams to follow a win vs Liverpool with defeat vs Hull. Fingers crossed this new, improved Redknapp team can do the business against the smaller teams, was certainly v. impressed that we didn't fold after the Liverpool equaliser, excellent attitude from the players.

Aug 17, 2009 at 12:19 PM | Unregistered CommenterAllActionNoPlot


Aug 17, 2009 at 12:48 PM | Unregistered CommenterCOYS

Absolutely lovin' that Monday, we won the first game of the season feel-good factor. Where are all the scousers when you're in dire need of a gloat, back under their stones? Some superb performances by the guys, and respect to Harry.

I'm trying to reel in my expectation level, sh*t it's only one game, but it was pretty impressive and I can't help comparing to this time last year.

One slight concern over the Hull game is Charlie as Ledley's mid-week deputy. Charlie's cool, calm and collected with skill a-plenty, but he's a bit of a 'shunting engine' compared to the 'mainline express' that is Ledley. Let's hope that unflappability triumphs over the lack of speed. Anyway, bring 'em on. COYS COYS BIOYHC

Aug 17, 2009 at 1:01 PM | Unregistered Commentersilver_spurfer

Dont care Rafa, my team picked up 3 points and when I got back in the car after leaving the pub the hub caps were still on, double bonus!

Aug 17, 2009 at 1:06 PM | Unregistered CommenterAussieyid

Regarding the BAE shoulder barge, I'm pretty sure that Gomes would have been first to the ball anyway. Voronin's first touch wasn't the best and the Octopus was quickly off his line. Anyway, isn't shoulder to shoulder is legal?
Liverpool were just thuggish and arrogant, the very embodiment of their captain. "Self-defence, you're having a laugh".
Thought Crouchy did ok considering he'd only had 45mins of preseason football, provided a useful outlet when the defence was under pressure towards the end.
Lots of goals on Wednesday should compensate for Ledley being at the menders. Three should do it.

Aug 17, 2009 at 1:44 PM | Unregistered CommenterNext Season

friday night, FA head office:

"ok managers, please dont undermine the refs on TV. it makes us all look like pricks, especially you Rafa"

"ok refs, no worries. we understand you are human."

"thanks guys, lets all hug! good luck for the season!"

"ahhhh, ref and manager hugs rock the most"

sunday evening:

"that rafa... why i ougghta!"

Aug 17, 2009 at 1:47 PM | Unregistered Commenterrespect the ref!

As far as the Palace goal that wasn't a goal is concerned, I'm a Bristol City season ticket holder, and we could all see quite clearly it was a goal.

Any other manager, and we might have been a bit embarrassed. Neil Warnock, though. Ha bloody ha.

The latest post on my blog summarises the whole thing (ie says ha bloody ha for about 500 words).

Aug 17, 2009 at 2:02 PM | Unregistered CommenterJon Eccles

Filthy, crouchy's got his own feet, which are far superior to my one slightly cultured left foot. Plus he's about five inches taller than me, which shold cause the defence some difficulties.

On the penalty issue, I was listening to radio five whilst playing the game from a stream source. And the commentators said straight away no penalty and that it was a good old fashioned sholder charge that should still be a part and parcel of the game today. As for the 'ball hits arm' they said it would have been a travesty of justice in the 'deserved a win' column (even if we did win last year with such a travesty of justice).

Weds is a big test, likely to be no ledley so he's ready for the weekend. But then we won the pre-season game against them without King, Woody, Daws or Bassong. Corluka and Hudd providing the defensive cover on that occasion.

Be nice to see Pav partnered with Defoe, but I too can see the 'crouch' usefulness in away games against such 'northern cloggers', as he does draw defenders like some orbiting planet does it's moons (even though he has no mass) creating space for the likes of Modric and Defoe to utilise.

Just imaging if we can equal the games we had pre-season in the next two, nope wait, don't do it, don't get carried away. Let's see where we are after playing United and the Chavs, they will be just as telling.

I must remember the season's mantra 'marathon not a sprit'!

Aug 17, 2009 at 2:34 PM | Unregistered CommenterTricky

Huddlestone impressed me massively.

Aug 17, 2009 at 2:35 PM | Unregistered CommenterOracle

anyone who has rad my posts on Hudd knows that I have long been an advocate of Hudd playing alongside Wilson as what he brings to the game, for me, makes up for his deficincies. It is nice to see others seeing what I have suspected to be true for a while. Hudd is a balanced choice for Wilson (even if he did fade towards the end of the second half). 'pool had a five man midfield for most of the game, and you wouldn't have thought it given the posession and influence our middle two had on the game!

Hope he manages to keep it up, and starts to grow even more in confidence.

Best tackle of the day was from Wilson (not a surprise I guess) taking the ball and Torres out at the same time, cleanly and effectively. I seriously hope he manages to stay fit for the whole season!

Aug 17, 2009 at 2:54 PM | Unregistered CommenterTricky

The Hudd was very strong , must admit it , looked far sharper , faster and more motivated then ever. Sarge can take up some credit there as been pointed out before. Must be a dream to be able to play alongside a ball recovering , dribbling , running, shooting football machine.

If you can Bully the likes of Stevie G well then you are world class.

Liverpool looked a bit weak or were we so strong ?
Hull werent all that bad this weekend and i really hope our victory doesnt go straight to the head of the players , there is no room voor complancency in the PL

Looking forward to see the new Pav in action both on the pitch and in front of a journo's mic ! :-)

Aug 17, 2009 at 3:23 PM | Unregistered Commenterbelgian spur

Hudd and Wilson for me is the perfect combo in one sense. Wilson did on a couple of oscasions do all the hard work to get the ball, but fail to make a decent pass (admitedly this was late on in the second half and sop may sound overcritical). and so he does the ball winning, lays it off to Hudd who does 'his quarter back thing' and hey presto, win the ball, pass it on, fast counter attack. It's what we have been missing since Carrick left us.

Also had another (random) thought when watching MOTD at the weekeend, with Crouch now at WHL there is one player above all that we have sold that I would have liked to have kept; Steeeeeed, just imagine his crossing ability on the left with lennon on the right and Modric playing just behind crouch.

In fact just forget about the back line, have Wilson and Hudd 'at the back' with lennon keane and modric in a narrow three 'middle, Hutton and BAE bombing outside them up and down all day. and Pav, Defoe and Crouch all up front crouch in the middle and pav and defoe on either side so no need to worry about Crouch's lack of direcitonal control.

Would be back to the 'rollercoaster' Jol days of the 5-4 results! might needs a heart bypass mind you, after a few games.

Would wreak havoc against the 'clogger type teams' where we need to win rather than draw. Shame, but just a thought.

Aug 17, 2009 at 4:03 PM | Unregistered CommenterTricky

Great win on day one and lmao at the new studs-up! back down to earth fellas...

Think we have the quality and necesary grit now to get a good result at 'Ull on weds

Aug 17, 2009 at 4:16 PM | Unregistered CommenterDangerMouse

Tricky -

Didn't see game, but glean from sources that Modric had a gem of a match. In replays, saw his sublime side-foot pass to Robbie, resulting in a fine reflex-save. Heard about the Wilson steel and the curious yes magnificent 'flick-on' he made with is back (can't find a link to that, but want to see).

Biggest joy to me are the Hudd plaudits - not because he's habitually poor (far from it), but because his deficiencies (pace, mobility) were recompensed by Wilson, and he thrived through Wilson's cover. Is this a 'horses for courses' phenomenon, or has Hudd (contesting a five-man midfield) shown signs of developing his game as a more rounded player capable of performing without having to rely on a minder to liberate him?

Aug 17, 2009 at 4:31 PM | Unregistered CommenterDesktop

I'm a troll. Please ignore everything I say.

Aug 17, 2009 at 8:05 PM | Unregistered Commenterchelseacasual

Bring in Scott Brown for Jenas and we're good to go.

Aug 18, 2009 at 7:26 AM | Unregistered CommenterRafa'slosttheplot

let brown stay where he is please , he s a loose canon ...

Aug 19, 2009 at 8:58 AM | Unregistered Commenterbelgian spur

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