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« Penalty? Who cares? | Main | Number one of 38: Spurs v Liverpool »

Sing a song for Seb

Spurs 2 Liverpool 1

Now wasn’t that just a perfect way to start the season? Three points, more than we accumulated in the opening eight of last season – so I reckon there's no fear of re-writing the history books this season. Two goals from defenders, both made in Cameroon. The winning one from a debutant who we all thought wouldn’t be able to play. It wasn’t a classic, but unlike last year’s 2-1 mugging of Liverpool this time round we thoroughly deserved the spoils.

First half was untidy, especially the opening 30 minutes where neither side was able to put their foot on the ball. Meaning there was plenty of scrappy play and no real attacking excitement. Credit to Harry for starting Huddlestone and more so the positioning of Tommy took up, swapping with Palacios, driving forward a number of times, taking it in turns, protecting each other’s offensive play. Got to say seeing Wilson run forward with the ball with intent has made me re-think a few things regarding our structure in the middle of the park. Wilson isn’t just going to be the brick wall between defence and the forward line. I guess it’s all about confidence. Team have belief so this allows certain players a little more freedom of expression. And as for Tom, he handled himself superbly out there. Messy game that it was in the first half hour, he never looked out of position or left wanting. Liverpool’s midfield was contained without us sacrificing too much when we began to turn the screws a little.

Robbie Keane had three decent chances. Should have scored the header, probably better off drilling his second chance low rather than attempting to chip it and for his third he had more than enough time to control look up and place it. All forgiven after the 44th minute. Where the hell did that Bennie shot come from? Last player on the pitch I expect to see power in a thunderous shot from outside the box. Well worked free-kick (wink) saw Hudd’s effort hit the wall and then Beniot Assou-Ekotto decided to show the big man how to hit the back of the net with a cracking effort that took everyone by surprise. More of that please. Brilliant finish, 1-0. Half-time. Game on.

More than obvious how the second half would pan out. Liverpool opened the game up a little by pushing forward which allowed us to counter. Bit more of the end to end stuff. Aaron went on an early mazzy run. Should have passed, and he'll learn from that. As long as Harry has a word on the training ground. One touch too many, otherwise we might have been in for number two. It’s probably too easy to start analysing the game and saying that we need someone in midfield who can kill the tempo, bring it down to a pace we control so we can conduct the play rather than soak up the pressure that Liverpool were having. Wilson and Luka will probably begin to do this as the season gathers motion.

But for all their ball hugging, Liverpool lacked the midfielder who could play a clever disguised pass or supply a creative spark to do any real damage. Well, that was until Johnson drove forward and Gomes (who was steady as you like through-out the 90 minutes) had one moment of madness, which to be fair is the type of thing most keepers are guilty of. Brings down the man, nowhere near the ball. Penalty. Stevie Me strikes it down the middle and suddenly its nails to mouth time.

This, IMO, was the moment of truth. How would we handle ourselves? Would the mentality hold strong or would we allow Liverpool to take the initiative? Took three minutes for the answer to be delivered, off the head of Sebastien Bassong. Now that’s a response. No apologetic nonsense, just get up the field and look to make amends. Up he climbed to guide the ball in from Luka’s free-kick, past Reina to make it 2-1.

Not long after that the match deteriorated with several lulls and messy periods of play, but still our midfield worked hard. Look, this was in no way a perfect performance. Some of the passing wasn’t great. Modric was stuck out on the left somewhat, and couldn’t really get a stranglehold on the game and Lennon wasn’t as industrious as we know he can be. But this was the first game of the season and it was up against Liverpool – not a great Liverpool, but still – we can’t take anything away from the grafting done.

Should Rafa's men have been given a second penalty? It’s the kind of decision that tends to go the way of the big teams. Maybe the ref got mixed up today.

We saw out the match to the very end with the usual one or two textbook moments of concern (knowing how good they are with last minute goals), but when it was over, it was three richly deserved points. Love to see the stats for this. I’d say we had far more efforts on goal than they did and far more clear cut chances. Rafa will have to stroke that beard plenty to work out how to replace the grace of Alonso.

Excellent display. Triffic job done.

  • King had Torres in his pocket all day long. He's an absolute monster of a player. All this with no training and a dodgy knee.
  • Bassong was assured and the goal a wonderful way to begin life at the Lane.
  • Moddle was a little off the pace, but it’s the first day and his work rate was decent. It's no like he was isolated and ineffective.
  • Defoe held the ball up well and Keane had a little bit of his buzz back. When he does score, he’ll probably reclaim his form, pre-Anfield nightmare.
  • Lennon was contained at times, when he got away his end product (it’s the main gripe) was a little inconsistent, but we all know its where the development needs to be in his play.
  • Wilson was simply exceptional. Defensively a rock and showed he can be more than useful going forward. Cracking effort on goal.
  • Can’t complain too much about Gomes. Penalty aside (how often do we see keepers do this?) he had very little to do and what he did he did well.
  • Huddlestone shocked me. Didn’t quite expect him to look solid in there, considering how frantic the opening 30 minutes was, especially up against a hard-working Liverpool midfield. Passed well, looked good on the ball and off it. Can’t say he did anything to frustrate me. I guess it’s kudos to having a player like Palacios lining up beside you. Hudd stepped up and did a job. Against lesser opposition he'll be able to spend a little more time threading balls and fulfilling the quarter-back role.
  • BAE and Corluka also comfortable. Charlie in particular played Babel out of the game. BAE and his thunder-bolt. Stunning.
  • Pav and Crouch had late cameos, but too late for them to get a foot into the game.

No real gripe other than we need to learn to how to take control of games and dictate and not sit back and invite.

I’m chuffed. Good start to the season. Squad looks to be sharp and ready for the challenge. Liverpool were disjointed, only occassional dangerous - but never easy to break down.

Well done 'arry. The next test is away at Hull. Another three please.

Reader Comments (33)

I know Palacios Was MOTM, but for me Huddlestone took a big step towards being the player he should be, if he continues in this vein Jenas is well fucked.

Aug 16, 2009 at 8:53 PM | Unregistered CommenterMasterTheSpur

A little over the top but understandable. Liverpool were disorganised and not up to standard except for Gerrard in the second half but we snuffed them out well .Benayoun looked dangerous when he came on.
Even when they they got through the midfield which they did in the second half the back four covered well.
You are right we won every statistic; goals, shots, shots on goal, corners and they commited more fouls.
Keane had three good chances and on another day might have scored two.
So thats Liverpool and Chelsea, sorted now for the other two

Aug 16, 2009 at 8:58 PM | Unregistered CommenterJimmyG2

First? Either way, great performance and hopefully the start we need for a top four finish. That's all I'm asking. Oh, and the FA Cup would be nice along the way, of course. Or are we destined to win that next season, 2011?

Aug 16, 2009 at 9:00 PM | Unregistered CommenterNinjaYid

Anyone else hoping we sign Scott Brown and let Jenas go to Villa? I'm not one of those JJ haters, but Brown is much more consistent, looks formidable even in CL matches and would give us such a strong midfield squad to choose from.

Aug 16, 2009 at 9:02 PM | Unregistered CommenterNinjaYid

Over the top? I'm high on the points overdose. It's like Christmas.

Aug 16, 2009 at 9:02 PM | Registered Commenterspooky

What Lennon needs is a tall player to get on the end of his crosses (certainly not Robbie "I Play Regardless Of Form" Keane

Now where would we find such a player??

Aug 16, 2009 at 9:05 PM | Unregistered Commentername

Overall it was a solid display, but we're solid at home. I honestly expected a draw before this match started. The Scousers are screwed if Gerrard, Torres and Carragher are out for any length of time. I was extremely impressed with King, considering his lack of training he had Torres covered throughout. We did an excellent job on Gerrard forcing him to come deep to get the ball. It is the first match of the season so I won't read too much into it.

I just hope we can improve on our away form. In ten years we are yet to win more than we lose away from home. If we beat the sides many people expect us to beat then we'll stay in the top half. We'll be in an excellent position to make a end of season run for a European spot, if not sustain a spot.

Well done Spurs, well done 'Arry. Keep it up against Hull and the Spammers, then it will be a brilliant first week!

Aug 16, 2009 at 9:12 PM | Unregistered CommenterEnorme Nuez

Spooky that's because it was nearly XMas before
We got 3 points last year. A great start in a match we deserved to win
Great cameos all around but expect a change around from
Harry for Hull. We can beat the top 4 but how we do on the road against the rest will be a
true measure of what we can expect this seasons

Aug 16, 2009 at 9:14 PM | Unregistered CommenterFitzdeboss

I'm well pleased to start the season with any kind of victory over a 'top four' team, but especially when we thoroughly deserved it (barring the 2nd penalty appeal! - gotta love 'arry he was sure it wasn't one). Huddlestone - who in the past has often wound me up with his inconsistence - impressed during pre-season at CB with the kind of passing we all know he can do. With Palacios alongside him I think he had the mentor that made Bassong so at ease next to Ledley King.

The final 60 minutes were certainly a contrast to the first 30, when we could hardly string a pass together. Fortunately they found their way and what i also liked was the way they worked as a team. More often than not there would be 2 or 3 players bearing down on any red shirt with the ball.

It will be interesting to see how we approach the game at Hull - can we take this form away from home, will ledley play? It won't be as easy a game as we may imagine and if we come home with 3 points from that I would be very happy (trying not to get carried away with our best start in a few years!!). However, a loss would take the shine of today's good effort

I hope Harry doesn't sell any of the players we have before the window closes. Liverpool have inadvertantly illustrated how important it is to have depth in the squad and I feel we have players for all ocassions (injuries, suspensions and just different styles of play) to give the top 6 a good run for their money.

let's hope this is the start of something...

Aug 16, 2009 at 9:17 PM | Unregistered CommenterThe Tottenham Chicken

Thought Keane ran his little arse off today, constantly harassing the opposition and was denied a certain (and deserved) goal by an amazing save from a point blank header. Poor decision making cost him a hattrick.
Wasn't sure about playing the two diddy men up front and a lot of our early defensive clearances came straight back at us but Defoe managed to hold the ball up well and Thudd, bless him, played some lovely passes. Looked a bit knackered after 80 mins though. Not sure about Wilson's showboating but when you've got that thug Gerrard in your pocket, why not? And please, can we finally put the Jenas talk to bed now?
Bassong was very assured, King immense... all in all a lovely day out. Good to see human beach ball Sammy Lee sent from the bench to boot.

Aug 16, 2009 at 9:25 PM | Unregistered CommenterNext Season


Aug 16, 2009 at 9:27 PM | Unregistered CommenterSpacejunk

Fuck off with the Scott Brown talk!! I live in Glasgow and unfortunately it means I see alotmof SPL football. Brown is shit! He'd be a red card magnet in the PL and he's got a crap attitude too. I'd rather keep JJ than have that overrated idiot play for us.

Great result today. Player ratings later....

Aug 16, 2009 at 9:31 PM | Unregistered CommenterJamiespurs

Hull away will prove a much sterner test. It's imprtant that the lads don't let a win against the Puddle get to their heads, as we're usually a bit too lacsadaisical against 'inferior' opposition.

Great after match interview from Arry.

Aug 16, 2009 at 9:43 PM | Unregistered CommenterTrembly

3 points 1 game 11 heros lol one word can say how i feel 2day TRIFFIC coys


Aug 16, 2009 at 9:48 PM | Unregistered CommenterALFO

oh my oh my.dream on.Top 4 look not hard now is it?JJ to Villa Bentley to City,Sissoko at Lane-why not top 4?what a game and we havent see the best of Modric today and JD.Good days coming up.COYS!!!COYS!!!

Aug 16, 2009 at 9:48 PM | Unregistered Commenternet-it

Very enjoyable match... my blood pressure welcomed the break with a confident win against the scouse.

Anyone catch Harry's Sky Sports post match interview where they tried to give him the bottle of bubbly for Wilson? Was quick to point out that Palacios does not drink and that they should give it to charity.

Wonder if the stylistly coifed David Bentley and Leds exploits had some influence on the whole team "not drinking"?

Either way work will be that much better tomorrow with the decisive win. COYS!

Aug 16, 2009 at 9:51 PM | Unregistered CommenterIron City

what a great game , we really bullied them for almost the whole game ... modric and the sarge were great , i love the palacions showboating btw :-)

Aug 16, 2009 at 10:25 PM | Unregistered Commenterbelgian spur

I watched the game in a pub that call themselves the unofficial Liverpool supporters club. I stood with a chilled out
Hammer, Oh my good God, how much fun was it ? well you can imagine, anyway despite my double vision it looked like a good performance. Il try to take more notice of the next games. But im definately going back to that pub. Incidentally its where i watched us do em 2-1 last season. Fair play to them they took it on the chin......ish, oh well fuck em COYS

Aug 16, 2009 at 10:33 PM | Unregistered Commenterfitypeehead

What did Harry say in his post match then?

Aug 16, 2009 at 10:45 PM | Unregistered Commenterfilthy

3 points!!!!! Even better... 3 points from Liverpool!! What a great start to our season. Was very proud of our boys. Some mistakes were made but overall we were definitely the better team. There will be a lot of talk tomorrow about how Liverpool deserved the other penalties. It wouldn't have mattered... we would have come back in 3 minutes after each one and scored anyways!


Aug 16, 2009 at 10:56 PM | Unregistered Commenterelwehbi@ibleedhotspur

A great game and many heroes,but R.K. was not one of them.I think we would have had more goals if PAV had been brought on earlier.

Aug 16, 2009 at 10:59 PM | Unregistered CommenterBeach_Bum

Good solid performance. Liverpool were gush but we played well. Though Modric was superb and Palacios and Tom strong. Let's not fuck it up at Hull.

Aug 16, 2009 at 11:05 PM | Unregistered CommenterWest Stand Bagel

Great summary of the game, Spooky. MOTM was Palacios without a doubt. I felt we didn't see enough of Defoe which I was dissapointed about after his performance with England but he definitely put the work in all game. As for Bassong, all doubts over his ability are now gone for me. Great performance alongside the King.

Aug 16, 2009 at 11:19 PM | Unregistered CommenterSteven McGahan

man of the match imo could be king, palacious, bassong or bae. spurs were really up for this, which im very happy about. lets keep faith in our young stars like hud, len and ohara they have what it takes im sure, lets nurture thier tallent not look elsewhere.
i think that brown is fucking shite by the way and hope we dont upset our midfield after that performance.
defoe looked great also, but id like to see someone performing next to him, i wont write keane off, but id like to see pav and defoe more. the jury is out for crouch im affraid.

coys, a great start!!!

Aug 17, 2009 at 12:00 AM | Unregistered Commenterspurs muaythai

haha! u r lookin up the gunners arse day one and will be for the rest of the european football either!hahaha
take ite!its the truth! deluded minnows.......

Aug 17, 2009 at 1:12 AM | Unregistered Commentergoonatilidie

Anyway, I'm off back to Woolwich now to fuck my mum. Again.

Aug 17, 2009 at 1:50 AM | Unregistered Commentergoonatildey

Great start to the season but it will mean nothing if we drop points to Hull. Surprised Bentley even made the bench.

Aug 17, 2009 at 5:53 AM | Unregistered CommenterTim

My MOTM is Essou-Ekotto. I think he deserves more praise than we've given him. Great goal and good defending towards the end. Corluka did very well too, didn't look off pace.

In my opinion, all played their role well yesterday. I was impressed with Hudd the most, he played better than I've seen him all last season. Did put in some hard tackles, esp. in the first half.

Am also impressed with Redknapp's courage to play two little strikers, and both worked their socks off.

Will be interesting to see the changes made for the Hull's game, esp. upfront.

Aug 17, 2009 at 6:25 AM | Unregistered CommenterSpursHK

I actually think we may see Bentley and Crouch in on Wednesday vs Hull, for Lennon and either Defoe or Keane. Hull are a strong, well organised side and set pieces may prove decisive so would give those two a chance. Otherwise, i don't see any need to change, provided of course Ledley can manage another game on Wednesday. If not, i would worry about or defence if Pascal or Corluka had to play as emergency centre half.

That would be harsh on the two players dropping out after all 11 put in a great shift vs Liverpool, but that is why we have a squad.

Aug 17, 2009 at 10:08 AM | Unregistered Commentermaxi

Anyone at the game care to divulge what we were shouting at Stevie Me? It wasn't abundantly clear on TV.

Aug 17, 2009 at 10:14 AM | Unregistered CommenterChris

"your supposed to be in jail"


"self defence, your having a laugh"

Aug 17, 2009 at 10:35 AM | Unregistered CommenterPLN

spooky said: "Over the top? I'm high on the points overdose. It's like Christmas."

No mate. We passed two points after the Bolton game in October. 3 from Hull would be great, that'll take us all the way to the end of October under Ramos.

MOTM for me was the Gestalt entity in midfield I shall name Wilson T'Hudd. Those two blokes were really in tune. I am wondering if Wilson has been taking Hudd out the back of the training ground every time he fucks up and giving him a slap about. Something worked in the first game. Oh well, just another 37 to go.

Aug 17, 2009 at 8:24 PM | Unregistered CommenterMartin Chivers Boots

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