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Triffic Spurs Round-up

Good weekend? Just a week away now, and it all kicks off again. Another season of Tottenham. How many times will Harry say 'Triffic'? Will we tally up more than two points from the opening eight games? With all the hype on Man City and with people expecting Villa and Everton to continue their good form from last season, can we quietly sustain a challenge for a top 6 place without the usual over-hyped nonsense that drowns us by Christmas? Exciting times.

Before we look forward, here's a round-up of the latest bits and pieces:

Gareth Bale

So basically, AC Milan are interested in signing our jinxed left-back. His agent appears to be the only one doing the talking because I've seen nothing to suggest the player wants a move and I've yet to see a single quote from anyone involved with the Milan giants concerning a bid for our monkey-faced star. Just his agent, spouting out contradictory rubbish. On the one hand he states that no transfer has been talked about and then goes on to say that the figures circulating are correct. Right, so basically, nobody is or has discussed a transfer which means the figures being referred to are either the ones in his head or the ones that tabloids have estimated when covering this complete non-event of a story. Isn't Bale currently recovering from an op? Next.

Ashley Young

We are no longer interested in signing Young, so says Harry, who has given up because Villa simply won't sell and he'll cost a fair amount of wedge. Two good reasons I guess. Still, I can never quite trust our gaffer because it always seems like he's playing mind games, and not the subtle type either. The very fact he said what he said might be his way of deflecting attention back onto a possible transfer by suggesting it won't happen when his intentions is to try and force it back out into the open. Especially if you are inclined to believe Young wants to return to London.

Do we need a left-winger? I reckon it would be nice to have one and be able to mix it up a little with Modric pairing up with Palacios in the middle. Give us options and allows us to be a little less predictable depending on the opposition and how we plan to line-up offensively. £21M is apparently the price fee. Inexplicably, Real Madrid would part with Wesley Sneijder for a measly £16M.


I guess if the £21M is a genuine estimation Villa have tagged Young with, its only because they think (hope) City would pay it. Sneijder has been linked with Villa, which has me scratching my head that if all of this was true, shouldn't we be the ones linked with the Dutch star? And how the English winger can be valued higher than the brilliant Wesley, leaves me dizzy with confusion. Back to reality, I doubt he'd ever consider a non-Champions League club. Such is modern day football.

Moussa Sissoko

Believe the hype or not to believe the hype? This kid is meant to be pretty bloody good. A player in the mould of Desailly, according to some. Strong, decent tackle (ooh) and has the type of drive and determination that would suit us perfectly - because we need players who lead by example. His passing isn't quite there yet, but he's young and he'll improve. Now, I've not seen that much of him and like most fans, when it comes to being linked with a player outside the Prem or in a league that you don't follow on a regular occurrence, you have to rely on others to give you the low-down. We tend to fall in love with some players when having little knowledge about them and then start to believe we need them more than the air we breathe and then feel completely empty if they don't sign (anyone remember the dramatics of the Diego transfer saga and the ITK's obsession with Dirk Kuyt?).

I'd like us to sign Sissoko because if Palacios is out injured or suspended, we can do with a player of almost equal standing (sorry Jamie). An understudy who can also give us extra steel in midfield. The main gripe, if you want to have a gripe, is that the above description of Sissoko is not too dis-similar to one you would use to describe General Wilson. So is he really the type of player we need as an answer to the 'we need one more CM to complete our squad depth' conundrum? Or should we be looking at his more Carrickesque team-mate Etienne Capoure? Looking at our current set of players, I'd say Sissoko is the better option, simply because he is similar to Palacios. Harry fancies Tommy Huddlestone and our quarterback looks like he will be getting a chance to prove his worth to the side - as an offensive CM. Along with the returning Kevin Prince Boateng who has a second chance to impress. And although I tend to believe that all the Patrick Vieira stories spouted by our manager are nothing more than distractions and disinformation, I do believe Harry wants to bring in a CM. Just as much as a LW. But from the looks of it, we'll only be getting one or the other.

Although considering Bentley and his latest tunnel sulk, there might be time to go back and test Martin O'Neill with a cheeky swap deal.

Olympiakos Friendly

No reason to read too much into this, much like any other pre-season friendly, other than to probably say our players look fit and sharp (and hopefully in mind as well as body) and the Greeks looked rather poor. All eyes on Bassong, who did well and will no doubt grow in stature when partnered alongside King of Woodgate. Heavy touch on occasion and a moment or two of stalling on the ball that could well be costly, but reading too much into his performance would be a knee-jerk too far. Bentley disappearing down the tunnel the other talking point. More on that in a moment.

No Woody, Daws, Bale or Jenas available for the game on Sunday. All out injured. Palacios and Hutton were both away on international duty. Hopefully Luka going off (with a foot knock) was more precautionary than anything.

Defoe looks to be up for it and impressively, so does Pav who displayed some neat touches and finished with confidence for his goal. All smiles on the Russians face, let's hope he takes the swagger into the season proper and proves the doubters wrong. Moddle and Lennon are obviously key to our attack, providing the type of swashbuckling that we love to see dazzle in Lilywhite.

Huddlestone was a little on the quiet side and Crouch was at the end of far too much of the route one. When Harry said he gives us another options, I hope this isn't the only other option. KPB looks to be back in with first team contention. Or maybe it was option rather than options, which might prove to be an issue months from now (fingers crossed it isn't). Keane, the kid Danny Rose and O'Hara were all OK, nothing special.

King was the King in his 45 mins cameo appearance and should be fit for 90 minutes against Liverpool, but a no-show in the following game against Hull in mid-week.

The one blip was David Bentley who looks to now be the quintessential outcast. The jigsaw piece that doesn't quite fit, presumably because it belongs to another set. It's a shame that most think he's over-rated and is a victim of his own ego, thanks to all the 'Next Beckham' hype that followed him from Blackburn to Spurs. The main problem (much like the Darren Bent) is - where does he actually fit into the Spurs team? Not the right-wing, because that belongs to Lennon. So can he play in CM? Doubtful as I don't think he has the combative skills to survive there and as he constantly attempts to do too much, he'll probably be steamrolled by any half-decent opposition. Behind the front two? Possibly, but it's not his natural position is it?

I don't mind Bentley and regardless of whatever personal issues he had last season, the fact is he has to start showing some grit and determination when selected for Spurs. One thing lacking is confidence. Still lacking. Which is frustrating for the player (hence the substitution and moody response to it) and frustrating for the fans. Because of expectations, it's easy to be fickle. But let's try not to be. It's unlikely he'll be sold on (unless something last minute involving Young occurs) so Bentley needs to dig deep and sort out his crossing and set-pieces and show some of the Becks spirit of never say die, rather than apologetically go out on whimper. I want him to succeed and I want him to do so at Spurs. But it's a paradox, because his best chance of doing so would be with him patrolling the right-wing. Lickle Aaron probably won't let him come anywhere near it.


Livermore has gone to Derby (which was expected after he posted about it on his Facebook). Talking of which, the club have apparently asked all the player to disclose all the online social networks they frequent and that a representative at Spurs has access to all accounts to make sure that nothing embarrassing (club related) is shared in the public domain. Bit of ITK I got over the weekend, but not sure how true this is and the fact that Woody's Twitter account disappeared soon after the Bent farce I get the impression Spurs have actually gone for a more zero tolerant attitude.

Newcastle are meant to be in discussions with us over a couple of loan deals for 'our kids'. dos Santos? Dervitte? Rose? Obika? Naughton? Hopefully it's not the latter because he looks good enough to mix it up in the top-flight. The rest can do with a loan spell and dos Santos (with his apparent disciplinary issue) can do with proving everyone wrong and save himself from a permanent transfer or sealing one. With Livermore gone, I'm hoping Bostock isn't a player we are looking at loaning out. Kid's got talent and he should be slowly introduced to first team action, in the Prem. With Adel already out at QPR, we need to have a least one 'kid with talent' eyeing the first eleven.

Reader Comments (41)

Afternoon Spooks. Newcastle wouldn't be too bad a place for some of our youngons to go. Delightfully ironic considering the abuse the Geordies gave you last season. I'd send Gio and Rose there.

Aug 10, 2009 at 2:07 PM | Unregistered Commenterfilthy

Sorry but Bentley has no place in the squad. He's had the whole of the summer to sort himself out and he still looks out of form, crossing average way too average and no real zest to his play. Getting subbed and his resulting mini-tantrum speaks volumes about his attitude. I just don't believe he has a role in the side. And can't see him wanting to sit it out on the bench, because he's probably thinking ahead to the WC in 2010 and wants games. Funny that he'd get games if he was actually any good.

Aug 10, 2009 at 2:10 PM | Unregistered CommenterNathan

Livermore I rate highly so surprised we've let him go to Derby, thought he'd be a break through player this season. I reckon we've got another midfielder lined up to come in.

Aug 10, 2009 at 2:11 PM | Unregistered Commenterlargebloke

Nice piece!

Aug 10, 2009 at 2:13 PM | Unregistered CommenterSean

Largebloke, that's probably not the reason. We've got:


Jamie can cover Wilson and Hudd and KPB will probably appear as subs or start games that Jenas doesn't. Livermore is best out on loan to help develop himself. Bostock might be our only academy wildcard of the season.

Aug 10, 2009 at 2:13 PM | Unregistered CommenterOracle

Good piece Spooky. Just discovered Newsnow so just discovered this blog.

I think Spurs have got it right this season. Loan out the players, no reserve football, tight close knitted group for the first team. I just hope we don't loan out everyone. Bostock is gonna be special and I'd like us to get him involved in the first team and not in the championship. He's got great technique and is strong and level headed. Has to be retained by us.

Aug 10, 2009 at 2:18 PM | Unregistered CommenterI like Monster Munch

I agree about Bostock and Jake Livermore has only gone on loan for a month, these two look to have a future at the club.
P.S when was the last time a striker came through from the youth team and made a big impact/ became a star cos i actually can't think of any.....

Aug 10, 2009 at 2:23 PM | Unregistered CommenterJonny

Bentley to Villa, Young to Spurs.

Aug 10, 2009 at 2:28 PM | Unregistered Commenterkilljoy

I think Livermore will impress at Derby so expect him to have the month extended.

Aug 10, 2009 at 2:29 PM | Unregistered CommenterOracle

Was anyone else quite impressed with KPB. I thought he put in a great run. Sort of a younger jenas, with a younger jenas's confidence, hope to see him more.

BTW spook the whole mis-pricing of Wesley and Ashley is quite mind boggling. I know i shouldnt have but i admit i began day dreaming of him in lilywhite with bits of yellow.

anyone else notice Keane got the 10 back, must be the answer to all his problems

Aug 10, 2009 at 2:33 PM | Unregistered Commenterspursmass

Give Bentley and his bleached teeth to villa plus cash to get Young, lets get a player who will light up the team and provide the strikers with crosses they need instead of lennons scuffed shots, get Young in!

Aug 10, 2009 at 2:41 PM | Unregistered CommenterOssiesDream

KPB has the arrogance, Jenas has the talent but no confidence. However KPB may well prove to have some talent which would make him a suitable alternative to JJ. Have to sit back and see. Both have disappointed far too often.

Aug 10, 2009 at 3:01 PM | Unregistered Commenterfilthy

Maybe Bentley ran down the tunnel because he wants a nice cool shower?

Aug 10, 2009 at 3:03 PM | Unregistered CommenterThe Truth

KPB nearly scored with his first touch of the ball against olypiakos, the rest of his cameo for me showed that he has a decent first touch, holds and distributes the ball fairly well, and will track back when we lose possession.

If he has the right attitude and matuirty he seemed to lack (if only to comments attributed to him this time last year) then I say there is a place for him in the squad and we can offload JJ, as whilst he may put in hard yards, and admittedly does track back, it's the possesion and distribution I would question.

What was good to see, for me, was a lot of parents bringing their nippers to watch the game (I was west stand for the game). Good to see 'the youngsters coming through' include the next generation of fans!

The other thing from yesterday was the number fans who have actually bought the new season's first team shirt. I still don't like it personally, albeit that it looks better in the dark blue. But then I guess a similar principle has been working for BMW for years so why should I be surprised it works with a more dvout following.

As per other comments on Young etc. If young is worth 21 mil then bentley is worth the 15 mil we paid for him. so yeah, some sort of swap deal, plus a few quid would make us happy (if not the villain fans). Plus with Downing and potentially Wesley on his way, they will have the opposite of us, a surfeit of left sided players and few who play on the right! Hmm, maybe harry's code for 'we can't afford him' is more than subtle than anyone would give him credit for. That or it's not subtle at all (more likely with Harry to be honest) and we need to sell two to get one in, in order to balance the books.

Aug 10, 2009 at 3:06 PM | Unregistered CommenterTricky

Great artical as always Spooky!

I'm one of the few still hoping that Bentley sorts it out. I'm still living of the goal he scored against Woolwich FC. That has surely bought him enough time to get with the programme. If he shapes up and starts showing what he is capable of as a team player he'll get his chances, Lennon will get a knock at some point.

Personally though I reckon he'll get one more chance, blow it and that's all we'll see of him...maybe some star jumps.

Aug 10, 2009 at 3:07 PM | Unregistered CommenterBenJoss

I think it's a great idea sending the kids out to play for lower league teams. The Championship will be very competitive this year, and rolling 1 month contracts give us the option of bringing them back should squad players get injured. The binning of reserve football could be the stroke of genius that finally brings some home-grown talent into the team.

Bentley's confidence is shot and he's trying too hard to impress. We need to support him like we supported Huerelho, there's an international player in there somewhere.

Wish we could ship some 'so-called' fans off to Villa, wonder where we'd begin?

Aug 10, 2009 at 3:08 PM | Unregistered Commentersilver_spurfer

He was trying too hard last season. You'd think Arry would have had a word in his ear, tell him to do the simple things first. I'm struggling to see how he's going to turn it around.

Aug 10, 2009 at 3:16 PM | Unregistered CommenterOops

Bentley leaves me caught between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand he has the capacity and ability to be better than he is and make a valuable contribution to the team, if he can find the form he had at blackburn that warranted a place in the EPL team of the season and the 15 mil price tag. On the other hand , he is second fiddle to a resurgent Lennon and there are others (on current form) who could adequately fill in on right mid if Lennon was injured and be better than Bentley currently is.

Above all I hope that Bentley does pull it together, as ther has been nothing more motviating for me in the past than seeing a genuine fan of the club on the pitch giving his all. As an example Tainio wasn't the greatest of players, and was very under-rated by many. But he gave it everything and would have bled to play (in any position) for the team, just to be on the pitch. When he first arrived he semed to be made of granite with his hardcore block takles and throwing himself about, unfortunatley for him it turned out that granite was a little bit brittle as it got older. Still loved his attitude though.

And so, if villa was to come in and say offer young for bentley plus 6 mil, hypothetically speaking, do you say 'busines is business' and ship him out? or do we support in the hope that he comes good?

Tough call that one. And whilst I agree with silver that we as fans should support all of our players, they have to do themselves some favours sometimes. Gomes has a big heart, to go with his bucket like hands. What coarses through Bentley's? Lilywhite blood or Tooth whitening cleaner?

Aug 10, 2009 at 3:31 PM | Unregistered CommenterTricky

Livermore could well extend his loan untill the end of the year but I have no doubt we'll be able to recall him at anytime. The upside being, if we do need to recall him, he'll hopefully be match fit and raring to go having been playing in a more competitive environment than the reserve league..

Aug 10, 2009 at 3:32 PM | Unregistered CommenterJohnnyB

Great piece Spooky , Would be surprised if bale was to join Milan but even more if we were to sign Wesley , it s a cocky arrogant bastard (after all he is dutch) but a wonderful player and IMO worth every penny but only if we leave out the Hudd ... Sneijder is the kind of player that needs to feel the ball alot , makes the team work around him and he loves the cheeky little troughball ... And lets not forget the set pieces en free kick ability he posseses ... As with klaas i can't picture him in a Spurs shirt (keeping my last year shirt btw) due to the well known CL football in a WC year situation

Sissoko is good at the fighting side of football but lacks the technical skills that all spurs players need , first touch not so great and his passing really needs to improve , on the other hand the french football is very technical and passionate so the step up to the PL is not all that big as it is made out to be , there have been a lot of young frenchys that made it quite easily in the PL ... and the likes of inter milan, bordeaux and Juventus have been following very closely so he must have something special ... And Domenech gave him a go in the French National team and we all know that is a hard thing to accomplish at such a young age

Aug 10, 2009 at 3:33 PM | Unregistered Commenterbelgian spur

Hate to say it but Sneijder sounds suited for Arsenal.

Aug 10, 2009 at 3:42 PM | Unregistered Commenter8182

Bentley did re-appear to join his team mates shortly after the tunnel incident.. Most likely he just needed a jimmy riddle.

Aug 10, 2009 at 3:43 PM | Unregistered CommenterFred

Harry muttered a few words to Bond when Bentley stropped off the pitch, so I think he sulked off and then came back on to avoid further embarrassment.

Aug 10, 2009 at 3:55 PM | Unregistered CommenterOllie

we need all squad players for this campaign without europe distraction to aim high....

so say lennon has an injury? to cover.....

.... lets not forget his awesome goal at the emirates last year!.....
why are people so pissed of with his image?........baldy yid brigade?
seems say the least..he is singled out all the time......even sky were blah blahring it

dos santos .is a shame.....if discipline problem is to see left wing tryout

redknapp hasnt finished has he.......

Aug 10, 2009 at 4:49 PM | Unregistered CommenterBilliospur

Please, Please PLEASE!!
Villa will not sell Ashley Young - certainly not to us.English players are usually priced out of the market as clubs want to keep hold of their young home grown talent. Bentley didn't have a strop - he was back out on the bench with teammates, must've had some treatment, or gone for a piss

Aug 10, 2009 at 4:51 PM | Unregistered CommenterParklaner

The Young vs Sneijder price is simple - Real have made it quite clear they want and need to sell, whereas Villa do not want to sell.

We definately need to be sending players out on loan. While the young players on the fringes of the first team are the best group weve had in years, they are still miles from the first team.

Rose is good prospect, but he was ineffective against a poor olympiakos team yesturday. Bostock is very young and there is no rush. Send him on loan back to championship, where he can get a full season under his belt. Tarrabt needs atleast a season of games to help him learn some form of team work, a luxury he wont get in the premiership, so I agree with him being loaned out.

I even read on various sites that people want Jenas dropped to give Livermore a starting position. What??? A good prospect, and he looks to as if he has his feet on the ground, but he is light years away from being a regular starter.

The idea of wanting to keep 'one for the future' at the club rather than loaning them, seems an odd one - we have enough young players in the first team in Lennon, Hudd and Modric.

That aside I think this was a great read (as ever). COYS and roll on next weekend!

Aug 10, 2009 at 5:30 PM | Unregistered CommenterCumbriaspur

cumbria, I think 'jenas dropped' is missing 'from the bench' to give some of the younger players a place in the weekend squad, rather than a place on the starting XI. As it would appear that Wilson would work equally well with both O'hara and Hudd from what we have already. But as Livermore has gone on loan for a month maybe it is as well to see how he gets on, and if he makes the grade? Well then losing jenas in Jan wouldn't really be an issue as we would have a match fit youngster. Same goes for Bostock, loan him out (probably not back to palace, they might not look too kindly on that one) and give him some game time.

IMO the principle that loaning out youngsters for me is perhaps more effective than just having them at half pace in the reserve league (as anyone who has been to a reserve game will concede, is probably a level below the championship in terms of competitiveness and team ethic for a start).

I just want this season to start, and soon, there's only so much coverage of england not being able to play cricket that I can cope with!

Aug 10, 2009 at 7:34 PM | Unregistered CommenterTricky

Please no loanees to Newcastle. I want to have nothing to do with them and if our juniors help get them back in the Premiership I will be gutted!

Aug 10, 2009 at 11:31 PM | Unregistered CommenterAussieyid

i think redknapp has assembled a good squad this season. a good first team. modric. palacios. defoe. and with strength in depth. huddlestone. pavy. bassong. AND with up and coming players. livermore. bostock. so the point is, we do have what it takes to break into the top 4. the pre season games have been fantastic. i think we got a great season ahead, unless the typical dark side of tottenham shows up. 5th or 6th, maybe?

Aug 11, 2009 at 4:26 AM | Unregistered Commenterred nap

Im really happy with the squad we have now. Think we have made some great signings this year, not spend over the odds as usual and got some good quality and some stars for the future.
Think next season our target must be better young keepers, cudicini and gomes are great, but cudicini is getting on a bit, not sure if Alnwick or Button are ready. Think we should try and sign Hart next summer to replace Carlo.
Lawro has done his reviews on each team on bbc, not had chance to listen to them yet as the media player doesnt work at work, and shock horror the longest review is for liverpool. (new blog for you spooky)

Aug 11, 2009 at 9:02 AM | Unregistered Commenterullspur

rep nap, from where I sit we do not have what it takes to break the top 4, sorry but it's the truth.

Our form belies our frailties and a propencity to selfdestruct at least once during the season. And that's befopre you look at the fact that we are going into the new season with one and a half recognised centre backs. Or that if we have an injury to lennon and modric at the same time we suddenly become bereft of creativity in the middle of the park. And if we lose Wilson for any great period of time, or if he loses form then thatwill have an impact on our ability to control the middle third of the pitch.

Our ability to break down 'the northern cloggers' might have improved now we have a plan 'b' in being able to throw crosses in to crouch and scrable a few of the scraps. I even like what I have seen so far from Naughton and Bassong who are two good additions.

But to beat those other mid-table teams that are hard to break down (everton, villa, and possibly city) before we consider actaully beating united, the bindippers, the chavs or the goons? Not yet, draws maybe, and with a bit of luck maybe the odd win, but consitency we do not have. We won't be picking up 10-12 points you need from the eight games against he 'traditional top 4' that youn need to break the monopoly.

I hope I am wrong, but top 6 is a big ask with the current set-up, top 4 almost impossible. Between 6th and 10th is probably as much as our quality shows if you look across the squad. Anything else will be a bonus. I don't like it and the heart says anything is possible, but the reality is we are not strong enough across the board.

As I said, I hope I am wrong.

Aug 11, 2009 at 9:08 AM | Unregistered CommenterTricky

you better be wrong ! :-)

but i m afraid you aren't , decent squad , decent signings ... decent season ahead , but decent means places 6 - 10 , Harry has gotten a squad with some dept and possibilities to vary a bit tactically or in case of injuries but not as much as the top 4 coaches and Hughes of arabia ...

Aug 11, 2009 at 9:21 AM | Unregistered Commenterbelgian spur

Im going for 6th, think Everton could be the team to drop back this year, they did well last season with a small squad, but with the europa league and all the extra games, think they will really struggle.
If citeh can gel they could potentially break the top 4, but that is a big if, 6th this season is possible, 5th would be great, back into europe then keep building. Hopefully we have seen the end of the revolving door at WHL. a few in and a few out to improve the squad and we can start the climb up the table.

Aug 11, 2009 at 9:29 AM | Unregistered Commenterullspur

The revolving door hasn't yet finished though for one reason alone. Looking forwards, Harry is not the manager for our long term, he has already said in the past that he is only looking for one or two more years in the game as manager.

And so until we have 'our Moyes' then the team won't have the consistency that it needs. Over this season the only thing I would like to see is an understudy to Harry bought in, who can take over to provide the consistency we need once Harry departs and the board can back and develop and groom for the next ten years plus. It will also be someone that the team will already feel they know when that day happens, so the squad won't all be on the back foot and think that they are on their way out.

It's a very simple form of business continuity, trouble is Levy's not great at strategic decisions on evidence to date, more the short term snap reaction ones.

Until that day, we are still only a season or two away from a nother change of some description.

Aug 11, 2009 at 9:42 AM | Unregistered CommenterTricky

There is a new debate then, if Spurs were to bring in an understudy under Harry to train up to be the next spurs manager, who would you want, would you want an ex spurs player. Perhaps Redknapp junior, klinsmann (although would not be an understudy but a replacement), tim sherwood, clive allen.

Aug 11, 2009 at 10:33 AM | Unregistered Commenterullspur

Very few teams have any kind of continuity. Players that are any good get snapped up by the big boys so there is never an opportunity to build, this affects results and ultimately managers get sacked. Unless we do have a good season I think we'll struggle to hold onto the likes of Lennon, Modric, Palacios and Jenas (only joking). None of these players have angled for moves and actually seem to have decent characters but can you imagine Levy turning down a £25-30m bid from Utd, Chelsea or City?
In fact even if we do have a good season it will only highlight how good these players are. It's top four or nothing. Oh, I hate you Champions League.

Aug 11, 2009 at 10:42 AM | Unregistered CommenterNext Season

I'm not convinced by the argument for a system of managerial continuity. Sometimes there needs to be a fresh approach by a new manager to reinvigorate a team, especially if the previous regime had lost the dressing room.
Why would a manger train up the man who will replace him when he's sacked? What if results turn to shit after the first season, does the protege get thrown into the deep end in the knowledge that he was tutored by somebody who turned out to be a bit rubbish? Can you imagine where we'd be if Poyet had taken the reigns from Ramos?
The only example I can think of this working is the famous Liverpool boot room but that only worked because the initial manager was top class. A continuous stream of mediocrity doesn't appeal to me, although I should be used to it by now.

Aug 11, 2009 at 10:58 AM | Unregistered CommenterNext Season

Dervitte is to be transfered to Villareal on a permanent basis - it s not yet a done deal but it seems to be very close

So in footballing terms that means almost anything from contract signed to no talks at all

My sources are ex mior league players that work in French footballing agencies and they are normally well informed , but then again what's normal these days ...

Aug 11, 2009 at 1:50 PM | Unregistered Commenterbelgian spur

"triffic" Spooky.... triffic post. And "triffic" i.e Harry Redknap is, in my opinion, issue. Not the Garath Bales, David Bentleys, Ashley Youngs et al of this world. They're the gravy to the club's meat an' two veg.... Sometimes good, sometimes bad, mostly indifferent, but without the meat an' veg worthless. Of no value. But the coach/manager is something else again... he's the sous-chef. He makes it all happen.

And so to "our "arry".

Personally, I've never been a fan of "flash 'arry". As man, as manager, or especially as player... once an "iron" always an "iron" in my book. He is also the quintessential "lets 'ave it" English manager. These are just two reasons for saying he is not a Tottenham man. Even so, he steered the good ship Spurs away from the rocks so for that alone the club is indebted to him. But it's indebted to Ledley King too!

I"ll say no more on that one.

But the real issue; the "meat an' two veg", is the once in a Clubs lifetime issue of the new stadium. This is the big one. This is the one we should be debating about.

And agitating those in power on!

Aug 11, 2009 at 2:17 PM | Unregistered Commentertonyblue

Dervite was given his chance to show how good he was in pre-season. and it was clearly a step too far unfortunately. Hence the move for Bassong. But at least the Harry Doubters can't say he wasn't given a chance, for once.

And as for my earlier comment, the reason an understudy could be bought in is beacause it was Harry himself who said he wasn't going to hang around for more than a couple of years. So a chance to pass on some managerial 'skills' and a few contacts for the next generation, and he can carry on syphoning off a few quid as a consultant in the future, all providing a smoother transition for the next (and inevitable) managerial change within the next couple of seasons. Everyone wins! Yeah, so let's all go down the pub!

Aug 11, 2009 at 5:22 PM | Unregistered CommenterTricky

Respectfully disagree with an understudy approach. The relationship between coach and player is much different than manager and player and not easy to make the jump. A coach can act as an intermediary between manager and player. It's hard to move into the next relationship within in the same club, me thinks. Not many examples of success on that front.

We're a 5-8th place team, me thinks. We should set a goal of top 4 but realistically its 95% beyond us.

As for who'll replace Harry in 3yrs when he retires? That is one of the funniest things I've ever heard. We've had 5 managers since 2003. Hoddle, Pleat, Santini, Jol, Ramos. Jol managed consecutive 5th place finishes and was canned. Anyone who thinks we need to worry about who replaces Harry in 3yrs needs to reorganize priorities. I'd like to see Harry here after the season. If Harry ends up walking away from Spurs, that would be the best news ever. It means the teams performance was so good over the previous 3yrs that he's the most successful manager we've had for decades. Nice problem.

Aug 12, 2009 at 11:10 AM | Unregistered CommenterTim

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