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To dare is to buck the trend

Another season is upon us. And it doesn't bode well. At least not if you take Twitter-gate as an omen. But I wouldn't fret. We usually attract publicity, whether it's sacking and hiring managers or prolonged transfer sagas. You just know with Spurs there's a story waiting to happen just around the corner, and usually it involves plenty of egg on face. Last season was an absolute melting pot of circus activity. We had a manager who could hardly speak a word of English and put as much effort into learning the lingo as he did with team selection (zero) and then blessed us further when he started appearing in post-match interviews to apologise for yet another woeful display. West Ham fans danced in the street showering themselves with mash and eels as they moved 15 points ahead and e-mails and Facebook groups taunted us with jokes about certain relegation. 50 page threads on Spurs message boards cursed us with grim mathematical evidence that proved we couldn't possibly survive. Knee-jerking had turned us all into nervous blithering wrecks. Suddenly every game would be a cup final. A must win. A do or die.

How did we fall to such lowly depths when in the not so distant past we were meant to be on the up? Or have we aimed too high when we should just accept that we've spent the majority of our Prem years mid-table.

The irony was not lost on any of us. Two 5th spot finishes under Martin Jol were meant to signal THE revoultion of hope and progression. The one we've longed for. But Carrick was never properly replaced and then we suddenly found ourselves slumping. Which was no surprise when we later found out the trouble the disruptive squirrel loving Berbatov was causing behind the scenes and that our esteemed Director of Football, Mr Comolli had decided that our big bear of a Dutchman didn't have the skills in his locker to take us to the next level. The devolution had began and one dizzying offer later Jol found out he was about to get sacked mid-match during a UEFA Cup tie. Yet more drama, the Spurs way. And then in came the new messiah who deflected the obvious problems with our league form with a rather wonderful League Cup run and win against Chelsea in the final, masking the decline towards the bottom three.

Blips and transitions is what we are famous for. Chopping and changing on and off the pitch in desperation, hoping to force success. Because, with hearts on sleeves, it's what we crave - to be successful. But impatience strikes us down each time. We're happy to watch our team play entertaining swashbuckling football, pushing the ball around the pitch with shirts tucked out swaggering like kings of yesteryear. We are traditionalists with romantic notions of how football should be played, refusing to see the ball spend more time up in the air than on the ground or bully and stomp are way through the opposition. But alas it's been our downfall too many times. It's a failure that we haven't been able to take elements of steel and blend it in with the flair. We are happy to watch our team play entertaining swashbuckling football, but we are not truly content to always see us nearly be good enough for more. Especially with the money spent. We speculate but rarely accumulate.

We continue to win silverware with every passing decade, flirting now and again with the top end of the table, but never building and progressing. We've lacked the mental strength in recent years along with metal strength in the backbone of our sides. The balance is never right and the weakness always obvious but never worked on. But still we are entertained and still we do our utmost to play great football.

So how did we get to the present in such good nick when we looked so doomed? You couldn’t blame most for our depressive outlook back at the start of last season, because we were so bad it was almost believable we'd perish. Too good to go down? We were so bad we deserved to go down.

When the Ramos chapter concluded with two points from eight games it was time for yet another appointment. It was bleak, considering that the Spaniard was meant to be the man to move us forward. A 'world class' manager who simply didn't settle with the English game.

If we were a TV show, we'd be a dark comedy on HBO. Gratuitous scenes and loads of swearing. A hit with some for the wrong reasons, and a miserable mess for it's targeted audience. With cancellation looking imminent, the producers had to take drastic action. In a surprising scene, the main character (Daniel) got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom, he was surprised and confused to find that it wasn't his Spanish lover in the shower but instead a saggy faced East Londoner, who turned and smiled seductively at him and gently spoke one word:


The ratings went through the roof.

Harry Redknapp turned it around.

  • Logical selection based on effectiveness, form and tactics. Play our best players in their best positions.
  • The re-discovery of pride in the shirt. Too often we accomadte players who casually stroll around in a comfort zone. No more.
  • Belief. Even when you're dead and buried, it's not quite done and dusted. Ask Arsenal.
  • Grit and determination. Working for each other and working for the team.

It wasn't always pretty and sometimes there was a massive degree of luck but we went from a hapless embarrassing mess to something that suspiciously looked like a football team. And from bottom we climbed out of the mire and back up to claim a little respectability.

In addtion, when the window opened, there was no longer any room for superfluous signings. In came Wilson Palacios - the type of player we have been crying out for several years. Defoe returned home. Less said about Pascal the better and Keane did have a postive influence when he returned (even though he has struggled since). But it all came together and the stat geeks salivated over the points accumulated under Harry. Our home record had returned to something good enough to crow about. And away, we began to dig deep when it mattered most. We almost nicked a European spot. All this after looking down into the depths of decimation.

And the summer months have brought us a distinct lack of the usual over-exuberant spending where we usually find ourselves throwing money at anything tagged with 'Player of the Moment'. We've plugged the holes that needed plugging. In came a couple of young lads from Sheffield United, for future-proofing. In came a striker for the one that tweeted his way up North to Sunderland. In came a centre-back to help support the walking wounded. Out went the reserves and academy teams inclusion in their respective leagues. Loan deals for the young ones who aren't quite ready for first team action. Others have gained a second chance to impress. Pre-season has been without the usual over-hyped delusional cries of intent (Roma were not available for a friendly kick-about). It's been understated. Twitter-gate aside. Sure, we've had a couple of 'we are good enough for Top 4' comments, but unlike the past the media have settled for us to challenge for 6th which is a far more realistic goal. The players have no reason to believe they are deserving of anything more and after last season they should all understand that you can't turn up and accept to win just because you all look good on paper.

Plenty of ITK rumours and players linked throughout, and as we approach the big kick off, there's still time to find the final piece to the jigsaw. Someone to add to the Kings, Modrics, Wilsons and Lennons. While others hog the headlines, we are quietly sitting in the shade allowing them to bask in the sunshine while we keep to the cool shadows. And when it's time to swagger, we won't be the ones sunburnt to a crisp. Patience. We'll have our moment in the sun.

We must not fear. We have to be as one, a unit, home and away. Working for each other. No excuses. Relentless, ruthless. With confidence. And with belief. As much as Harry loves a sound-bite, we need to do our talking ON the pitch. It's regarded as nigh impossible to break up the monopoly on a more permenant basis and nobody expects us or anyone else for that matter, to do so. But it's more probable than it was 3-5 years ago. A certain team in red and white the apparent weak link. Everton have proved it can be done. Us and Villa were not far of it.

But there's no point in worrying about others and their ambitions - we just need to concentrate on a continuation of improvement. No European games, so the league is an automatic priority. Compete and aim to defeat the Top 4 sides. Our record against them last season wasn't too shabby. And brush aside the promoted teams. No disrespect to them, but we have always been a soft touch when playing them away from home. Turn WHL into a fortress and look to play offensive football on our travels, taking the game to the home side.

Too often in the past we've failed to do any of the fundamentals (would be nice for us to finally look good with set-pieces). We've tried various structures off the pitch and had far too many managerial appointments. Harry himself admitted he isn’t a long term answer to our ambitions. He's come in to steady the ship and before he moves on his aim is to leave us in a strong position and not another transition.

Someone once said that it's better to fail aiming high than to succeed aiming low. And we have set our sights very high, as a club with both the board and the fans. But claiming an echo of glory even in failure has become the bane of our lives. Aim high, don't ever change that, but get there through hard work deserving of a reward.

Stand up, stand tall and play like your life depends on it. Leave the soap opera and comedy for the other pretenders. I'm not naïve enough to dismiss how the modern game works. If we fail, and failure would be to finish anywhere below a European spot or perhaps to not taste a cup final, we wil stand nervously this time next year possibly without Luka and Aaron and perhaps even Wilson. There are one or two amongst us who would cite that we have to push for 4th. Otherwise Utd will once more pluck our very best, feeding off us with assured confidence we'll always be supplying them with delicious snacks leaving us once more starving with hunger. The perputal rebuilding exercise that haunts the chasing pack.

Pragmatically, if we play to our best and do so consistently throughout this season - we will take the position in the league that we deserve. Might be 6th. Might be 4th. The aim should be neither, but simply to excel as much as possible.

It's all in the attitude of the players and manager. We simply want the best they can give.

To dare is to believe.
To dare is to buck the trend.

To dare is to do.

Reader Comments (53)

Love it Spooky.

Although I can't forgive you for the image of Harry taking a shower.

Aug 12, 2009 at 12:20 PM | Unregistered CommenterOllie

COYS!! 6th is definitely realistic if you just look back at how open last season was.

Aug 12, 2009 at 12:26 PM | Unregistered CommenterRobert G

Bit random but has this site got a league for Spurs supporters on the Fantasy Premier League??? if so how do i join!!! Good article again Spooky

Aug 12, 2009 at 12:26 PM | Unregistered Commenterfolkestone_yid


Aug 12, 2009 at 12:32 PM | Unregistered CommenterAlan

Good article (although a touch too depressing maybe!).

Good point about 'forcing success' - No one can expect to throw together a team each summer and come out playing consistently well. Man City will be very hit and miss this season because of it. They will have some great games but drop points. That is why I am glad that Harry has kept squad changes to a minimum. The players are stating to get to know each other. They know what runs the strikers will make and they can anticipate each others position. That is what makes a great football team - 11 players all on the same wavelength. Spurs have not had that for a long time and I see signs that we are beginning to pull it together. This season may still be a bit early. We may stutter for the first few weeks but once we get a settled side then we can really move forward.

The signings have been sensible and give us options. I would love it if we brought in one more centre midfielder but apart from that I dont want any more changes.... lets break a habit of a lifetime and have not signings in January !!!

Aug 12, 2009 at 12:33 PM | Unregistered CommenterSTu b

Brilliant stuff as always Spooky. Best Spurs blog out there.

Aug 12, 2009 at 12:34 PM | Unregistered Commentercrackinglads

Best article I have ever read on Spurs.

Aug 12, 2009 at 12:35 PM | Unregistered Commenteryid of leon

You are the master of Spurs bloggers everywhere! Great article!


Aug 12, 2009 at 12:47 PM | Unregistered Commenterelwehbi

NIce to see that once agains it's the fans that provide the reality check, and we're all a little weary of the media putting us up just to shoot us down again.

0pf0g and all to play for! I'm hoping for a fair bit of luck and a following wind to get us up and running, and with our first five league games being 'on the tough side' we're gonna need it. But fear not a season is 38 games (as we all learnt in the last year), so let's not get caught up in the 'one game mentality' that would have a change of manager for every other team in the league within the first two months. And let's hope that the 2pf8g trademark is not replace by 0pf5g!

ps; 'loves a soundbite'? You don't say, nicely understand is our Harry most the time. I had asked the question a few weeks back on a different blog how many "triffic's" we would have in the one season. I seriously underestimated, as the seasons not started and we're already well into double figures and I had him down as between 80-85!

Aug 12, 2009 at 12:53 PM | Unregistered CommenterTricky

Another great article chap but I am going to bring up an old point which has no real bearing on this blog post (sorry)


Hull and Blackburn now want him for £12-15 million and he is looking for between £40,000 and 60,000 a week. Both figures are within our structure so the main questions now are:

1- Is he worse than we thought? If he may now be going to Hull for instance then he surely cant be Spurs quality? Can he?

2- If he so desparate to leave Madrid he will consider anything?

3 -Most importantly is he worth a punt?

I am hoping its number 2 and regarding 3 I reckon yes, he is young, he looks good (on youtube!) and most importantly (for me) he would hopefully replace Keane who i detest. At the top end of 15 million he would still be likely to generate that fee again if he is a flop in England and thats obviously somehting Levy looks at heavily

What do you reckon?

Aug 12, 2009 at 12:58 PM | Unregistered CommenterToppsy7

Really should have proof read that. Sorry!

Aug 12, 2009 at 12:59 PM | Unregistered CommenterToppsy7

We shall fight them at the Boleyn
we shall fight on the Molyneux,
we shall fight at the Anfield and in the Emirates,
we shall fight at the Lane;
we shall never surrender...

Bit WC Spooks!!

Aug 12, 2009 at 1:00 PM | Unregistered Commenterhoopspur

'Triffic' post Spooks. However some people have gone as much over the top about you and it as we usually do about Spurs. Never mind the truth is out there.
We seem to have kept the turnover of players to a reasonabl level, so far. We need to give the kids a chance before we start spending £20 million on a new to the EPL 20yr old , Boateng,Livermore, Bostock and Rose are all on the edge of the squad as well as afew more doing well on loan.
Bale Naughton and O'Hara are squad ready.The additions have been sensible and filled necessary spots.
Last years run in proved that we can do it defensively and if we can get a few more goals we could make progress this year.
And I agree 'progress' is the word, not targets. Lets play some good football and see where it takes us.

Aug 12, 2009 at 1:01 PM | Unregistered CommenterJimmyG2

We'll do well this season, no predictions from me, we just need to always win our next game...

Aug 12, 2009 at 1:08 PM | Unregistered CommenterJohnnyB

folkestone_yid - If you want to register/create a league (mail me the details using the contact form) I can post a link to it. In fact, I'll probably create a 'page' for it and link it above under the banner.

Aug 12, 2009 at 1:14 PM | Registered Commenterspooky

A great post. Made me believe in a bright future and almost banish all fears of the coming season! We'll see...

Aug 12, 2009 at 1:19 PM | Unregistered CommenterPuklas

this season our hope isnt based on flash this and flash player will be built on a hardworking side with grit and flair.good on harry coz e couldnt give a toss about player reputations..e will make the blighters work hard and play nice football or sit on the you remember the last time we played rovers n lost wilson n 2-1..those gits rovers..look forward to the rematch when for a change spurs kick em off the park...coys

Aug 12, 2009 at 1:31 PM | Unregistered Commentersimon

Good stuff as usual Spooks. I see what you're getting at. Whisper it, don't shout about it. Let's just hope our players are not mentally weak as per usual.

Aug 12, 2009 at 1:31 PM | Unregistered Commenterfilthy

Good article Spooky. I agree with most of it.

We're all hoping for the same thing but I am following that tactic of 'don't mention it and it might happen' lol.

Just fingers crossed all the way and an ECG booked for about 6pm this Sunday.

Aug 12, 2009 at 1:33 PM | Unregistered CommenterMaddySpurs

Miffed if Negredo goes to Hull. Does look like we're not interested in another forward for the minute, and with Pav looking sharp and having spent £14M on him, I think the logic is plain to see.

Unless of course, its Robbie Keane we need to replace.

Aug 12, 2009 at 2:07 PM | Registered Commenterspooky

Another top notch post, Spooks.

Aug 12, 2009 at 2:16 PM | Unregistered CommenterKay Bee

Amen to that ... stopped writing on my own blog for today because of the superiority of your piece , thanks a lot :-)

ps i still love the original spurs style of football ... it s the way the game is supposed to be played IMO

Aug 12, 2009 at 2:39 PM | Unregistered Commenterbelgian spur

nice one spooky

harrys shampoo ............. shiney.....bloke!

gerrard sudeenly ok for sunday.......yeh right!


Aug 12, 2009 at 2:45 PM | Unregistered CommenterBilliospur

Spooky, so what you're saying is, let's not shout it out from the roof tops and just sit back and take it a game at a time? I dig that. Too often we have preconceived ideas that involve nothing more than breaking into the top 4 (something we could all do if we moved to Liverpool and took up crime...boom boom) but I find that both fans and the media have eased off. Some quarters still fancy us and I've seen plenty give us 6th spot in their predications. Reckon with City needing to bed in and Everton and Villa still a little flaky, we have a chance. But I can't reiterate the importance of confidence. Lose a couple of games and we need to bounce back. None of the feeling sorry for ourselves bullshit that almost killed us last season.

I'm quietly confident. Prem IS open these days but I think there is a gulf in class between 5th-8th and the rest.

I think anywhere below 7th will be disappointing.

Aug 12, 2009 at 2:49 PM | Unregistered CommenterThe Machine

a historic, DVD releasing, season finishing 5th, i mean hey theyve got world wide support, from the states me self

Aug 12, 2009 at 3:09 PM | Unregistered Commenterspursmass

there is absolutely nothing wrong in wanting to win the
league we are starting to think like a mid table club . afterall look what happened to coventry and southampton. happy with mediocrity. i certainly am not.
i for one am demanding a return to the glory days. champions league has to be our aim.?

Aug 12, 2009 at 3:28 PM | Unregistered Commenterham

Not saying it isn't.

I want the moon on a stick.

I think we all know Harry doesn't have the tactical skillz to out smart the top 4 but we might luck out and get there or we might settle for 6th or 7th. Remember, HR is simply an interim manager for us. Steady the ship and take no steps backwards. When he steps down and Levy brings in the next lucky sod, we must be in a position of strength - i.e. NOT IN A TRANSITIONAL SEASON.

I think the problem, the fundamental problem with Spurs is simple this:

We are a big club, which is why we attract quality players but it's also the reason we tend to lose these players because we can't break up the monopoly thus, meaning they move on the second Utd come sniffing. We are in a strange frustrating position. We can't build because we keep losing key players which results in more rebuilding and uncertainty.

If we signed lower-key players (like Everton) we might be in a different type of situation, one that doesn't see plenty of upheaval.

Big season this for Spurs.

I do agree - the priority should be to win the league, but this is a long term strategy that most Prem clubs dream of. The problem is we are not quite in a position to challenge so we need to build up to it.

Things will change around us, especially if Arsenal fail to get into the Champs League or if City and someone else break up the Top 4 and it turns into a Top 6 with clubs sharing the CL experience. We might actually get a far more competitive Prem league with 6 clubs challenging, but my guess is we are possibly 5 years away from that.

Aug 12, 2009 at 3:37 PM | Registered Commenterspooky

Literally best article i have read on the mighty yids... to dare is to do.

Aug 12, 2009 at 3:40 PM | Unregistered CommenterFred

love that, bring on the new season

Aug 12, 2009 at 3:43 PM | Unregistered Commenterchris hughton

absolutely love this blog look forward to reading it, it just doesn't feel right to set our sights too low. after listening to ossie on the radio today brought back memories of beter days.....remember our awesome heritage .

Aug 12, 2009 at 3:48 PM | Unregistered Commenterham

I always enjoy your articles Spooks and mostly I agree with your opinions too. There is, however, just one commment you make in your last post with which I strongly diagree:
"I think we all know Harry doesn't have the tactical skillz to out smart the top 4..."
Last season, considering the top four consisted of Man U, Liverpool, Chelsea and Arsenal, we actually took a very credible 10 points from a possible 30 home and away, loosing only twice; once was the last game of the season against liverpool, and once was the capitulation against Man u that saw us throw away a 2 goal lead.
I don't think Harry can be blamed for that. Two loses in 8 games against the top four is a VERY credible return and in fact shows Harry's tactical nous is anything but lacking. don't get me wrong, I think he has his shortcomings too, but his top four play is not one of them. Cheers!

Vs Manchester United 0-0 and 5-2 (having been 2-0 up at half time): 1 point
Vs Arsenal 0-0 and 4-4: 2 Points
Vs Liverpool 2-1 and 3-1 loss: 3 points
Vs Chelsea 1-0 and 1-1: 4 points

Aug 12, 2009 at 3:59 PM | Unregistered CommenterMatty K

Ham, I think too often we set them too high when we don't actually have the players and the mind set. It's the latter that let's us down. Bit of a Catch 22, because to be a winner you need to win things, but if you can beat teams considered to be better than you and do so whilst sniffing around 6th/5th spot - then you are on the right track. Rather than shout about what we're going to do, its being a little bit underplayed. Which suits us. By saying 'let's finish 6th' its not so much setting our sights too low but rather setting them to a realistic level. We are not good enough to out any of the Top 4. But like I said, if we play to our very best we can compete. We've matched the Top 4 in many of our games against them. Its not just beating them but its avoiding dropping points against the smaller teams.

When you start to fix the problems, consistent leads onward and upwards.

And all it takes is for Arsenal to fuck up again and we (along with others) will think our luck is in.

Aug 12, 2009 at 4:04 PM | Registered Commenterspooky

Matty - It was a harsh comment to make but I think the others have more tactical know-how. I guess I meant in the long term and (fingers crossed) in the Champs League we would have to have a more savvy guv.

About time we 'put away' the scum too.

Aug 12, 2009 at 4:06 PM | Registered Commenterspooky

I'm fairly hopeful this season. None of the top four have significantly improved their squads while the teams around us (Everton, Villa, Fulham... Fulham!) have a small pool of players to try and cope with the extra rigours of Europa Cup football. The number of teams that will struggle will increase this season too with Stoke and Hull unable to compete financially despite staying up last season and Portsmouth imploding. Can't see Blackburn doing much, ditto Bolton and Sunderland.
It's there for the taking. Let's hope the players realise this.

Aug 12, 2009 at 4:52 PM | Unregistered CommenterNext Season

You just need somebody like morgan freeman to narrate that'd sound even better haha...let's just hope that we don't play this season like the animal house version of john belushi was giving that speech...

Aug 12, 2009 at 4:54 PM | Unregistered Commenterus futbol

This is way too positive for you spooky... great read as always

Aug 12, 2009 at 5:01 PM | Unregistered Commenterdiego_maradona

I am a United fan but you are my favorite Premier league blog writer...keep up the great work, the Spurs are always my second team!

Aug 12, 2009 at 5:06 PM | Unregistered CommenterMan United supporter

Great article.
Silk allied with Steel and playing football the right way - that's what makes a team great team. Look at our most famous and successful teams -1961 and 1981 - great players mixed with no-nonsense grit - strong personalities that want to win. I think we are still short of (at least) one leader on the pitch to make us really strong, especially at places like Burnley on a cold Wednesday evening in November ( traditional 2-1 defeat).

Aug 12, 2009 at 5:46 PM | Unregistered Commentertexanspur

Spooky, great stuff as usual.

Matty, I think that should be 10 from 24 mate.

We don't have the financial resources of citeh or the chavs, so buying a CL place is not on the agenda. Anyway, there's something far more noble about organicly growing a team rather than buying one for 'top dollar'. It would be a dramatic improvement to have us stop making continually sweeping changes, just strengthening areas of weakness every year. A settled team needs time to build, when constructed it becomes greater than the sum of it's parts, look at the toffees. Most supporters would be happier seeing gradual improvement rather than boom and bust. As Oscar Wilde put it so well, "We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking up at the stars" . We just need to temper our dreams and expectations with a little pragmatism and patience.

Aug 12, 2009 at 6:06 PM | Unregistered Commentersilver_spurfer

Agent: "Hey Álvaro. Got some interest from Hull City in England."
Negredo: "Hhhhhhhhwhere the hhhhhell is that El Guv?"

Negredo to Hull, very unlikely.

Good post as usual mate. Lots of truth in there. Echoes how I feel about the club in many ways. They have always been like this and for some reason I keep coming back. You'd have think I would have learned my lesson in 37 years...but no. Once a Lilywhite, always one.

Aug 12, 2009 at 6:46 PM | Unregistered CommenterMartin Chivers Boots

Lovely stuff Spooky, just what I like to hear.

There's a strange calm about WHL this season. None of the frantic transfer dealings and outlandish claims of "TOP 4 IS OURS THIS YEAR!". It's quite refreshing.

Aug 12, 2009 at 7:20 PM | Unregistered CommenterJim

Spooky, so you don't think Harry is good enough to outwit the top 4 managers in the twilight of his career?

Aug 12, 2009 at 9:32 PM | Unregistered Commenterelwehbi

One off games, yes, probably. Did it last season. I think in comparison to the current top 4 managers he's not on the same level. Just an opinion. Doesn't matter too much because like I said, he's a interim boss for us. If he excels and does something unexpected (Top 4) I'll admit I under estimated him.

Aug 12, 2009 at 10:38 PM | Registered Commenterspooky

forgot to add that we will play some boring football sometimes this season but get the points.. and our subs will be harry a good enough gaffer?think so..can anyone name another current english gaffer better than arry?seeing that manu, chels,arse,pool dont rate arry e aint goin to a bigger club than us..and why would arry move on?i dont believe he is a transitional finks if and when e goes e will retire...but i fink e will be around in 4-5 years..

Aug 12, 2009 at 11:51 PM | Unregistered Commentersimon

jimmy greaves
martin peters
martin chivers
paul gascoine

All british transfer records, we have wasted too much money on average players making us an average club,
when was the last time we bought a top player?
and before you say it, i think we do have the money to compete , take bentley ,crouch and bents fees around 42m, three average players, and you are in the market for a player of rooneys class.or at least someone special
if we had the money yesteryear to compete we surely have it now .? spooky you the man..

Aug 13, 2009 at 12:26 AM | Unregistered Commenterham

actually got to watch the whole game and dos santos looked pretty good against the usa a-team...drew tons of fouls and damn he is quick...almost ripped one past howard but timmy made a good gio gonna be on the bench sunday?

digression but man everton is lucky to have howard. granted i'm biased since howard is from where i grew up but still. he really is great. if the US makes a run in S. Africa, he will for sure be the main reason.

Aug 13, 2009 at 1:05 AM | Unregistered Commenterus futbol

Ham, last time we bought a top player? How about Modric, Berbatov and, dare I say, Wilson? The problem is hanging on to them, building the team around them and progressing rather than hoovering up the latest young but unproven talent (Gio, Bale, Boateng) or overrated Englishman (Bentley, Bent) just because they represent an investment opportunity.
Harry's a pragmatist and realised exactly what we were lacking when he took over. It might not be the usual rollercoaster but he will leave us in a much better state than when he found us.

Aug 13, 2009 at 8:28 AM | Unregistered CommenterNext Season

Simon, Harry has gone on record that he doesn't intend to be around for more than a couple of seasons when he took the job. This was his last chance to have a crack at a 'big club' after people were saying he bottled going to the barcodes. His idea is to bring a modicum of success and then pass it on. His own words, at the time he also said he didn't want ot be a Robson or Fergie managing into their 70's he likes his life and wants to retire to enjoy it.

Hence he ain't gonna be around for anything more that two more seasons (and that's at the outside), so 4-5 years is unrealistic to say the least.

Let's face it, since keeping us up, he has his millions (probably already in an offshore account somewhere), a decent gaff on the southcoast, and can always get 'the family' round for a spot of Wii action. What would you do? track up to spurs lodge and the ground six days a week for 44 weeks of the year? Or sit back and enjoy the sunshine, play a few rounds of golf, be able to enjoy decent meal on a satuday night followed by settling down to MOTD, and enjoy your retirement?

Aug 13, 2009 at 11:06 AM | Unregistered CommenterTricky

thats what i would want right now actually ... still 35 years to go , give or take ... :(

Aug 13, 2009 at 12:49 PM | Unregistered Commenterbelgian spur

haha u got a point tricky but i think different and that is every gaffer wants to win things and get respect.arry doesnt get the right level of respect that an english manager should for his management style and his tactics.i couldnt care less what the press say about him.ur right in that e might want to retire soon but what if e takes spurs to the verge of something big? lets say top four in 2 years?possible? then he wont walk away coz like any gaffer he would love to be in champions league..

Aug 13, 2009 at 1:29 PM | Unregistered Commentersimon

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