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Spurs 'nearly signing' someone can be music to my ears

I was otherwise engaged yesterday (hence the lack of a morning/afternoon blog article) having spent the best part of four and a half hours as a guest of the Central Line thanks to a track problem, two defected trains and a signal failure.The London Underground is a bit like re-signing Pascal Chimbonda. Shambolic.

This morning’s journey was far more pleasant and was spent a little more productively putting together this light breakfast blog (something to read with your corn flakes). We’ll have to wait and see how the day progresses in the way of more meaty subject matter for me to write-up about. I'll leave the 'Beckham to Spurs' rumours alone for the minute.

So, first up, Daws. The lad might have ligament damage or it might just be a plain old fracture. Either way, not great. We have enough cover to muddle through, I’m sure. Summer isn’t too far off, so plenty of recovery time to be fit and ready for next season – as long as it’s not too serious an injury. I like Dawson. He recovered from his clumsy blip and has performed admirably for us since. Decent squad player who has a part to play at Spurs. I'm sure most of you are now scoffing at the suggestions he was Championship quality at best. Patience, not a virtue some of our fans are blessed with.

Elsewhere, I’ve basking in the glory that is the greatness of Spurs 'nearly' signing players. One player in particular. The two words that make me all giddy?

Craig. Bellamy.

It's scary that Harry wanted this player to spearhead our attack. Mr Angry was never the answer but Redknapp fancied him and made no qualms about it. So much so that our esteemed chairman made a bid or two, thankfully rejected by West Ham's new-founded 'we won't sell to Spurs' transfer policy. It finally ended with the backhanded suggestion that Man City's alleged interest in Palacios - which died the moment we gave up on Bellamy - was a form of blackmail to allow Hughes to complete the signing of the Welsh striker without any trouble. Which indicates that Bellamy was more interested in Spurs than he was City. Who said politics was dirty hasn’t spent enough time in the murky world of football.

As for the day Bellamy was officially unveiled as a City player, what a joyful day that was. It was one of those ‘where were you?’ moments akin to people who recall what they were doing on that fateful day in Dallas when JFK was blown away. I remember dancing with joy and skipping and singing to the birds when I read the SSN ticker. A transfer story is nothing until its trickling across your screen.

He’s gone on to score five goals in eleven appearances and has spent the rest of his time as a City player injured. It’s a concern that Harry actually thought he’d get some kind of positive impact from making him a Lilywhite and his comments post-near miss transfer about how he was surprised about the Spurs fans negativity towards the clubs interest in the player is naivety on the part of Redknapp. Fully fit all of the time, he might have an argument with spending £6M or £7M on him. We – as fans – might have to bite the bullet if a player has undoubted abilities even if he has characteristic impediments relating to personality. But he’s never fit. And he’s not very likable. The fact Levy sanctioned it is even more worrying.

Bringing Bellamy to White Hart Lane would be like a Romulan turning up to a birthday party in Klingon fancy dress. It’s just not fucking funny. Robbie Keane, a less angry Irish version of Craig Bellamy, was the better choice.

Elsewhere, I was not at all shocked or surprised when it was confirmed to me that Noel Gallagher (on the TalkSport show over the weekend with Russell Brand) churned out his ‘I’d rather smother my kid than let him support Spurs©’ line. You’ve heard this one before, right? Although last time he was quoted as saying I've told him (his son) he can support his local team down here if that's what he wants - but he can't support Man Utd or Tottenham. I have an irrational loathing of Spurs, their fans and everything about that club”.

See what he’s done there? He’s taken something that he’s said before and he’s said it again, expecting everyone to be equally impressed with the same thing, said a little differently. I’m not sure. Can’t quite put my finger on it. But this reminds me of something. It’s familiar to me. The same thing, repeated. Same words but delivered a little differently. Not quite the same..but sounds the same...

Nope, can’t think. Not to worry.

Anyways, for all we know, Noel might have already done the deed. Seriously, has anyone ever seen this alleged son of Noel? Liam hasn’t. He’s only seen pictures. Anything can be done with photo-shop these days.

Noel's local team by the way is Arsenal. He’s got a season ticket there. I saw him standing alone.

And moving swiftly along, I’ll end this article with some wise words from Andy Gray who stated the following at the start of the season:

'I know Spurs have been linked with Arshavin but I think he has been over-hyped. I'm not a big fan of Modric either. He looks ordinary to me but I can only assume Juande Ramos knows what he is doing.'

This is the same Modric who is showing mad skillz all over the shop and the idle yet clinical lad Arshavin (too expensive for Levy at £20M because money was better spent on £16M Bentley and only cost Arsenal around £12M in the end) who yesterday evening scored four goals at Anfield, be it four very well taken gift wrapped goals that a player of his undoubted ability could not have possibly missed. Where does Arsene find these kids from? Apparently it was the most brilliant display from a forward he's ever seen. Yeeeeees. Of course it was Arsene. You don't miss a thing with those big round eyes of yours.

As for Andy, take a bow son. You know your football. You know it so very very well, with your graphics and last word antics and you're insightful insightfulness.

In fact you know it just as well as your colleague Martin ‘Nowhere in the world would you get a game like this. And that's why the world's broadcasters come to us’ Tyler.

Time to bring out that yellow ticker. Spread the word.

Reader Comments (23)

Daws - I was one of those deluded fans. He was superb a few years back playing alongside King. Got the best out of him, but when Ledley wasn't playing, he'd show worrying signs. Poor composure and decision making, comical at times. He's come back well this season and is looking far more assured. Likeable chap is Daws.

Bellamy - This and the continued obsession with Jones is a massive worry for me.

Noel - Tit.

Apr 22, 2009 at 10:00 AM | Unregistered CommenterPaxton Yid

Liam called Noel and Brand a couple of housewives.

Couldn't agree more.

Apr 22, 2009 at 10:07 AM | Unregistered CommenterLegacy

Sky Sports coverage is second to none, but their punditry and commentating is vomit-inducing at the best of times.

Apr 22, 2009 at 10:17 AM | Unregistered CommenterBecause I'm worth it

Fear the summer months as I expect us to be constantly linked with Downing, Jones and other ordinary looking players.

Apr 22, 2009 at 10:23 AM | Unregistered CommenterOops

Don't think we're going to spend too much on relegated players, if both Boro and Sunderland go down it will benefit Harry I'm certain of it. Don't want either of them at spurs but can see both signing. Theres a good chance Harry is going to fuck it all up by tinkering too much.

Apr 22, 2009 at 10:25 AM | Unregistered CommenterGlasgow Spur

Anyone would think a Spurs fan crapped in the lap of Noel Gallagher the way he talks about us. You're meant to hate and bang on about Man Utd you twat.

Apr 22, 2009 at 10:39 AM | Unregistered CommenterDug

Dawson's injury will keep him out for the rest of the season make no mistake about it. I did exactly the same thing training for my club last season and I was on crutches for almost a week then couldn't run and kick a ball with that foot for about 2months. Obviously I didn't have a full time medical team to look after me but with ligament damage the only real way to heal it is to rest it.

I was one of those fans who questioned Daws' quality but he's really impressed me this season, before he seemed to only play well with Ledley next to him but now he's becoming a great CB in his own right. You get the impression he'd sacrifice his nan if it meant stopping a goal going in.

Glasgow Spur - I really don't think Harry will tinker too much, he knows that we're building a good side because we're putting the same team out week in week out. He said as much yesterday.

Apr 22, 2009 at 10:54 AM | Unregistered CommenterJamiespurs

Harry will bring in players we need, doubt he'll go over the top. Don't think levy would allow it and doubt we have as much money this summer as we did last summer to spunk.

Apr 22, 2009 at 11:01 AM | Unregistered Commenterollie

I hope so, I have little faith at times based on what he's done in the past.

Apr 22, 2009 at 11:02 AM | Unregistered CommenterGlasgow Spur

TBF he hasn't been at a club as big as Spurs before and consistency has been key since his arrival so he'd be a fool to rock the boat. Would not want to start next season with 2 points from eight games.

Apr 22, 2009 at 11:03 AM | Unregistered CommenterKilljoy


I find it hard to believe that there are still so many Harry doubters, the bloke has proven he's a great manager by taking us from the bottom of the league to challenging for europe in 2/3 of a season. He worked wonders at Pompey by bringing in players who are way too good for Portsmouth, JD, Crouch, Johnson, Diarra, Distin, Krancjar, he had to wheel and deal becuase he never had the money to spend or the clout to weild.

At Spurs he's got the money and the clout to impress players and sign the right ones for the team. Effectively we'll see the biggest changes in the attacking options, we do need a LW (hopefully not downing), Bent will go, I hope he keeps Pav as I believe we'll see a much better player next season after he gets a well deserved rest (17 straight months of football!), we'll maybe sign a LB (depending on how Bale's defending lessons are going) and maybe an understudy for Palacios. 3 players in reality, who leaves is up for debate i guess.

Apr 22, 2009 at 11:36 AM | Unregistered CommenterJamiespurs

Think the fact Harry is at Spurs means he has a bigger responsibility because of expectations and board pressure. I also believe as many others know already that Harry IS a short-term coach for the club, one to steady the ship and pass it over to a new man (as opposed to being sacked). It's part of the plan. If Harry does strike success, then the short-term might extend further. Just my two cents.

Apr 22, 2009 at 11:54 AM | Unregistered CommenteriYid

I, too, share your thoughts about signing the Bellamoid, Spooky.

A bigger shit in football I have not seen since the hayday of Robbie Savage. Or that bloke Barton. Or Arsene Wenger when he opens his sphincter-esque maw to let a fountain of laughably biased, myopic bullshit leak out.

Anyway, Bellamy; I don't know how I'd have managed to reconcile my love of Spurs with my hatred of that twat.

Drugs, probably.

Apr 22, 2009 at 12:11 PM | Unregistered CommenterK-Bizzle

Jamiespurs, did a double take, good to see you resurface with your usual insightfulness. enjoyed your pre/ early season banter at the other place. Spooky take another bow son, great blog.

Apr 22, 2009 at 12:23 PM | Unregistered CommenterAnon

Cheers anon, work blocked HH hence why sabatical!

Really enjoying this blog, the series on 'deconstructing the tottenham midfield' was brilliant.

Apr 22, 2009 at 12:36 PM | Unregistered CommenterJamiespurs

Noel has sold out. He's such a middle of the road bore it's unreal. Wonder what the City fans make of his Arsenal connection.

Apr 22, 2009 at 12:49 PM | Unregistered CommenterWest Stand Bagel

Not knocking Redknapp, he's doing a great job so far, but with the players at his disposal, so he bloody well should be.

We need 3 players. A target man, a left footed attacker and a replacement for Jenas. If Redknapp does replace Jenas - surely it can't be that hard - his stock will double in my eyes.

We need to get Bentley in working order too as Lennon still seems to be struggling with the art of crossing.

Apr 22, 2009 at 1:06 PM | Unregistered CommenterTMWNN


Lennon's crossing is improving he's a work in progress. The way I see it our right side is very very strong. Charlie and Lennon work brilliantly, Charlie's steady solid play lets Lennon attack knowing that there's someone behind him. Our other option is Hutton and Bentley, Hutton's pace on the overlap negates Bentley's lack of pace, thay can both whip in a brillant cross too. However, we can't mix those 2 options, Charlie and Bentley would leave us with no pace down the right and hutton and Lennon wouldn't give us any defence down the right.

JJ for those who still haven't noticed is Wilson's best CM partner, their high energy, high intensity midfield play is working wonders for us at the moment. Sure Huddlestone can put a ball onto a penny from 70 yards but his effort and application are still woeful. On sunday Wilson looked shattered towards the end becuase he'd been doin the running of 2 men. It's no coincidence that Keane has been quiet for the 2 games JJ's been out as Keane has had to drop back nearer the midfield to help out and compensate for Hudd's lack of movement.

JJ and Wilson are a brilliant pairing why break that up?

I think Pav can be our target man. The guy has done 17months of non-stop football and he's still settling into a new country new lingo, new style etc etc. He's still scored 14 goals, i know many were in the cups but they (aside from the burnley & watfod games) were all against PL clubs. I think Pav may get a chance against Man Utd on saturday.

Apr 22, 2009 at 1:25 PM | Unregistered CommenterJamiespurs

Noel Galagher has sold out?

When you start off in such an awful, lowest common denominator, pop-bollocks direction, is it actually possible to sell out as such?

It's like saying Victoria Beckham can't sing quite as well as she used to.

Also, I totally agree with Jamie regarding our right-side parings, and THudd wearing out players in the middle. JJ is much maligned, sometimes understandably, but without his workrate, it's a big ask on palacios to do EVERYTHING bar the Hollywood pass in midfield, which is what you get with THudd. Play THudd against the weaker, slower teams by all means, but mobile and efficient teams would be best countered with a JJ/Sarge. Wilson combo.

Also, I'd have Lennon in the team over Bentley (or Becks, for that matter) any day of the week.

Now, back to my eggs.

Apr 22, 2009 at 2:25 PM | Unregistered CommenterK-Bizzle

Noel, City boy, living it large. Now does radio shows with Russell Brand. I guess he has sold out from a personal perspective. Think it's brilliant the way he always bangs on about his hatred of all things Spurs. Spoke about this before. It's because City and Spurs fans have a lot more in common than he wishes to believe.

Apr 22, 2009 at 2:29 PM | Unregistered CommenterOops

Noel Gallagher is like someone's old mum, always fucking whingeing on about what he likes and doesn't, as if anybody gives a shit anyway. I never did like his shitty brand of Dadrock, but the fact is the twat's been making the same fucking album over and over since 1991. He should take his flat cap, his whippet and rollups and fuck off back to Manchester the mono-browed inbred pikey cunt. Even his band's name is a joke. Oasis? Sounds like an 80s nightclub with plastic palm trees.

Apr 22, 2009 at 2:58 PM | Unregistered CommenterFrancisLeesACunt

I Dont think anyone can be unhappy with what Harry has achieved since his arrival, we monly had two points from eight games in case you forgot, 'dont worry Harry wont let us' but in all sencerity Harry has done a Terrific job, but just before we get too excited remember how happy everyone was with the Ramos appointment until after the Cup Final, then the wheels came off. So i for one will not be spouting off about Champs League or top four quite yet. Harry has to prove he can sign new top quality players not just our old one's back, for us to make that next step to 4th. The summer transfer is all important for Harry and will be the defining point on where we go from here.
Noel Ricky Villa is the man, dont forget it, you twat

Apr 22, 2009 at 3:42 PM | Unregistered CommenterCATCHER

Palacios and Jenas is the best partnership for now, but that doesn't mean it can't be improved. The day Jenas is relegated to squad player or sold will be a happy one for me.

Apr 22, 2009 at 6:04 PM | Unregistered CommenterTMWNN

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