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LDN Derby Match Preview: Fulham v Spurs – It’s all about the Lily...whites

It's almost Christmas. I can taste it in the air. The cold bitter mornings, the flurries of snow. Bright lights in the high street. Carol singers. Last minute shopping. All the traditional sights and sounds surrounding us all. And let's not be forgetting the turkey. The Christmas turkey. Well that's not quite with us just yet. It's usually dished out by Spurs when we work out Santa won't be the one delivering us the one present we dream of. Three points. You don't get to ask for that. You get given it if deserved. Charity begins at home. Or in this case 'away'.

Fulham away

It's Fulham, all-conquering Zamora-raging Fulham, on Boxing Day. I like Craven Cottage. It's pretty much a decent away day, mainly because of the amount of fans we take there and the locality of the ground and the neighbouring pubs. Their fans are decent folk too. Although that Lily Allen scares me. You know what I'm talking about. With her menacing eye-liner stare and rock'n'roll cigarette smoking. The way she struts around, nipple on show. She's unnerving. And as for her lyrics, they bite their way through societies ills with a touch of satire. She's a high maintenance  woman with plenty of verbal punch that seems to bring out all my insecurities concerning strong-willed women. She's sort of scary but not really. Much like Roy Hodgson's side. Not the showing of nipples (does Bobby have nice tits?) but the 'bringing out insecurities' bit. We sort of get stage fright at the Cottage, when we shouldn't really. Much like I did when I met Lily. Well, actually, technically speaking I didn't meet her per say. I saw her. From a distance. I was sort of walking towards the same place as she was but further back than she was and she didn't see me. Okay, so I was following her home. Some might argue this is considered stalking. And some might agree with this argument. But like I explained to the police officer at the time, it's a free country and I happen to be walking in the same direction as a celebrity and at the same time but at a far slower pace. A mere coincidence I assured him.

We need to go to Fulham, with respect for their form, but also not to be afraid to take the game to them. Have a right go. Do you know what I mean?

I wouldn't mind having a crack at them. At her. I mean I wouldn't mind having her crack...a crack…a crack at Lily Allen. I fancy her in that, 'damn I really hope you look like those GQ pictures in real life' kinda way. Which you sort of did from behind but the clothes you were wearing were a little baggy so it was hard to know if you've been photo-shopped extensively in those glossy mag pictures.

Okay. Right. I'm sorry. I'm losing my way a little. Medication wears off a little too quickly nowadays. And the monitor glare always seems to induce hallucinations. I'm okay. I'm sweating, but I'm fine.

Back on topic. Without the sub plots.

Fighting the trend

As mentioned, we don't much like it there (Fulham away), usually preferring to surrender fairly quickly and let the home side boss and dictate the midfield. We can be distinctively average at Craven Cottage. This being a post-Christmas clash is doubly worrying just because, well I don't know why. I guess I'm living in the past again. Because on current form - as far as we are concerned - we can handle ourselves just fine on our travels. So perhaps there is no need to knee-jerk before the game has even been played out.

The crux of it is, we tend to always fool ourselves into thinking we'll cope with them and yet fail to do so. That 4-0 FA Cup win is the type of repeat performance we can do with. And end this annoyance once and for all. We are decent away from home (repeated again just to drum home the point to myself). So we need to be confident going into this one.

Awesome Dawson

It's going to be won/lost in midfield. Obviously up to Dawson and Bassong (not going to the ANC - not great for him, great for us) to handle 'destroyer of bloggers' Bobby Zamora, rather than allow him to bully our back line, much like he did to King and Woodgate last time out. There was some of that naivety, inexperience away to Everton when the back-line sort of went from steel to jelly. No commanding presence. I noted how Dawson - even though he's 26 years young - has not had a consistent run over a period of seasons, rather bit parts here and there. But with every game, he is handling the responsibility of being the captain with much deserved acclaim. Dare I say, he's vocal? Don't whisper it, shout it. About time we had someone in there screaming out to players, encouraging and organising. He might not be a Ledley King in terms of the three 'C's (cool calm control) but he's still bloody fantastic. A proper honest down to earth hard working footballer who is not that bad of a player and has no qualms about rolling up his sleeves and getting dirty. He puts himself in there. He's got a bit of Tottenham in him. And one day so will Lily.

He could save us a few bob in the transfer market if he continues to impress in this fashion. I'm hearing 'Upson' get mentioned once too often in recent days and for whatever price is being tagged on him, I say 'no'. Change of tune here. We might just be alright at the back if Harry shows continued faith in our boy Daws. As for the Sunderland rumour. Do one. Lazy hacks.


As for Fulham. Duff, Murphy and Dempsey will pose a threat so we need Wilson to enforce and protect and break-up play and Huddlestone (stats wise, he's in the top 5 best midfielders in the country for pass completion and apparently has more interceptions than Palacios - WOW) to work hard making sure there is no separation of partnership and no over-running done by the opposition. Yes, I said Hudd has to work hard. Which might mean we see Jenas play. I'm like a broken record with this. Every match preview, I ask if Hudd is suited for the next game and if there's a suspicion he might struggle then I suggest that the opposite of Tommy (high energy) has to be the resolution. Who would you have? Is there even a difference? I'd say there is and that Huddlestone offers more. Although when he is found lost in the mix, he can become redundant pretty quickly. Jenasesque almost. Or perhaps not. Perhaps its time to shut the fuck up about Hudd and take note of what he does on pitch.

I'm actually unable to decide on this midfield conundrum. Huddlestone starts every game. As much as some of us stand with thumbs pointing downwards, he must be doing something right to retain his place (check out the opta stats on the Sky Sports site). And as much as we'd like to believe Palacios does all the hard grafting, Tommy does get involved. The problem is the balance of that partnership is perhaps a little lopsided at the moment.

Same question for Crouch/Keane. Peter of Clancy could cause them some trouble, climbing all over their centre-backs, fouling them to his heart’s content. Scored two at Blackburn, so unless Harry uses his rotation excuse, he'll remain in the starting line-up. He can't really be dropped, not if Keane is still being punished for his Orish indiscretions. Which isn't the case at all. He's on the bench because he's not been very good. But don't be telling the hacks that because their back pages will dry up.


You know, re-thinking this, in the way of tactics or even a player-to-player comparison with the Fulham lads - its probably completely unnecessary. Not in the way of menacing disrespect. They are a plucky side, a decent one. But more the case that we - Spurs - are more than capable of going there and winning. We have the quality and we've shown the heart. Rather than take it for granted, all that Harry has to acquire from the players is yet more backbone and intent. And we've done that in practically all of our away games so far. So it's not so much as expecting the win but knowing, deep down, we are more than capable of doing so if the application is there.

I say, go forth and attack.

If the defence remain alert and Palacios/whomever fight for every ball then the likes of Lennon and Kranjcar will have time to do their usual hurting of the opposition. Basic football 101. Play as a unit, for each other, and play to our strengths. Going to Fulham on the back foot would be an embarrassment. Going there and limply rolling over and getting tickled would be humiliating.

As a way of comparison, watch how the Fulham players take the game to us on the day. They will not rest on their laurels or the glory of their recently released club DVD celebrating their 3-0 thrashing of Man Utd (they did release a DVD, right?).

We have to create hype rather than believe it.

That's almost it folks. One more blog (possibly) to come before Xmas and then I'll be back in front of a pc on Monday 28th Jan looking forward to 2010, West Ham at home and a month’s worth of detox. Have a wonderful Christmas. Hope Santa unloads his sack with everything you could ever wish for. And perhaps this time next year I'll be unloading my own sack when I finally get Lily alone.

Or from afar. With binoculars. Same difference. The end result is always going to be the same. I'll eat pizza and fall asleep.

Reader Comments (33)

As entertaining as ever. Merry Xmas and may this blog continue for a very long time.

Dec 23, 2009 at 11:27 AM | Unregistered CommenterIan Chivers

Genuinely distubring...

Dec 23, 2009 at 11:29 AM | Unregistered CommenterJJ

6 points over Xmas - don't really ask for much do I? But then I wake up and remember this is Spurs...

You can train your 'minces' on Lily, whilst the Lilywhites will do for me!

Anyway, let's hope this year! Happy Christmas everyone.

Dec 23, 2009 at 11:36 AM | Unregistered Commenterhoopspur

Perhaps Harry could persuade Lily to play CF for this game and you could do the pre-match that's your Christmas dreams come true!

Obviously we ought to beat Fulham but we are like Ford Diesel engines....go like the clappers for months and then the injectors pack up and we grind to a halt.

Going with tradition...Fulham to win 3-0.

Dec 23, 2009 at 11:39 AM | Unregistered CommenterDaveK

Your post reminds me of when I followed Jill Dando home - oops! Bad taste. This is the sort of game where teams have often taken us by surprise by rather unsportingly deciding to take the game to us with energy, enthusiasm and good tactics. Hope we are ready for them so that we dont have to wait till the 75th minute for us to stir ourselves into a meaningful response.

Thanks for an always entertaining blog and Happy Christmas

Dec 23, 2009 at 11:40 AM | Unregistered Commenterleonardo

Merry Xmas spooky. I love you.

Dec 23, 2009 at 11:42 AM | Unregistered Commenterthfc1882

Merry Xmas Spook. I love this blog. Discovered it towards the end of the Summer and have been hooked ever since. Keep it up! p.s. Am LOVING TehTrunk's Christmas song about Portsmouth

Dec 23, 2009 at 11:43 AM | Unregistered CommenterFox Mulder


Dec 23, 2009 at 11:44 AM | Unregistered CommenterLily Allen

something in the air around this XMAS period that has seriously affected you!

Dec 23, 2009 at 11:46 AM | Unregistered CommenterAldo

Quality read as always. Have a good Christmas.

Dec 23, 2009 at 12:02 PM | Unregistered CommenterCyril

Nice one Spooky!!

Have a good Xmas mate. COYS!

Dec 23, 2009 at 12:23 PM | Unregistered CommenterSkinny

Spooks, another masterpiece from the annuls of your disturbia. What a Christmas for you eh, Lily Allen followed by Katie there's a couple of london derbies eh...

Have a good one Spooks¬¬¬!!!!

Dec 23, 2009 at 12:25 PM | Unregistered CommenterNeilm

Thanks Spooky.
Always read the blog.
Have a good christmas.

Dec 23, 2009 at 12:42 PM | Unregistered CommenterTottenham Ozspur

Brilliant write up.

Although I did read this word for word over at HH's blog.

Dec 23, 2009 at 12:45 PM | Unregistered CommenterThe Machine

THUDD has had a lot more playing time than Wilson, probably why he has more interceptions, stats can be very misleading! Lets hope my optimism isn't repleaced by embarrassement like after the Wolves game. 6 points and a merry Christmas to you all.

Dec 23, 2009 at 12:46 PM | Unregistered CommenterOssie

I have my T-shirt ready : 19 games = 36 points. Merry Christmas!

Dec 23, 2009 at 12:54 PM | Unregistered Commentercroat

brilliant post - hope you Spurs fans everywhere get what we want - our own 'Lily' and six points!!

Dec 23, 2009 at 1:24 PM | Unregistered CommenterSpursexile

"And perhaps this time next year I'll be unloading my own sack when I finally get Lily alone."

Amen to that!

Dec 23, 2009 at 1:33 PM | Unregistered Commenterelwehbi@ibleedhotspur

Thanks for yet another well written piece Spooky! Merry x-mas and a happy new one!

Dec 23, 2009 at 1:38 PM | Unregistered Commenterjod

This blog is truly part of the Tottenham Hotspur experience.
Fulham are a crazy outfit. who would have thought ex-spurs Danny Murphy and Zamora would put Man-U to the sword like they did last week. Especially considering that no Ex-spur ever had the experience of winning over Man U whilst with us (Question: WHY????)

That said...Man U, for all there glorious past, can't presure a team like us guys can. Remember Aston Villa? We battered them, they won at Man U the next game. So we should teach Fulham a lesson and bring them down to earth. Otherwise they'll cath up with us as they are practically 3points behind us! And you people do remember that its this lot that denied us Europe last time around, don't you?

Spooks. Thanks & Merry Christmas to you are the best.

Dec 23, 2009 at 1:46 PM | Unregistered CommenterRonny

Understand HH has already "visited" Lily.
Looks like your'e following him again!!!
6 points over xmas and I really will start believing.
Would settle for 4.
Thanks for the excellent blogs.
Merry xmas to you and your readers.

Dec 23, 2009 at 6:42 PM | Unregistered CommenterDAVID

As much as I will like to be optimistic of us picking all 3 points away to Fulham, experience has thought me to tamper my enthusiasm with caution. Depending on which Spurs team show up on match day there is no way of knowing what the outcome of the match will be. If we have focused and ruthless Spurs on the field, I expect us to take Fulham to the cleaners with a hard fought 2-1 or 3-1 win. However if the Hot-Cold Spurs team show up instead then expect a revise score. Either way I will have try and have a Merry Christmas by not following my darling team too closely.

Dec 23, 2009 at 7:00 PM | Unregistered CommenterIaG

Once again a cracking piece (the blog not Lily Allen! Although she aint bad is she?!)

Keep up the good work Spooks.

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to you and all fellow Spurs fans.

Dec 23, 2009 at 7:01 PM | Unregistered CommenterCheltenhamboy

Merry Crimbo you git !

Dec 23, 2009 at 8:40 PM | Unregistered CommenterWest Stand Bagel

Quiz of the day.
Lily or Katy ?
Thats a hard one.
I'll get me coat.

Dec 23, 2009 at 8:49 PM | Unregistered CommenterDAVID

Katy every day of the week.

Merry Crimbo Spooky you hack!

Dec 24, 2009 at 9:17 AM | Unregistered CommenterOllie

Why does this appear to have turned into a 'away fan asessment' version of soggy buscuit? Still say our own crouchie takes the prize (or biscuit even) for naling her clancy-ship.

Anyway, on that even more disturbng note. Have a bi-polar christmas and new year, spooks and fellow spurs round the world.

As if seasons form goes to type we shall be visited not by he ghosts of christmas past, present and future but by a certain Mr Jekyll and his esteemed other half over the chrimbo break. Thought not always in that order or in that frequencies.


Dec 24, 2009 at 11:00 AM | Unregistered CommenterTricky

I'm going to miss the internet for the one day I'm without it.

Damn you Jesus, damn you.

Dec 24, 2009 at 11:54 AM | Unregistered CommenterKilljoy

I hope this mister Jekyll you refer to goes into hyding ...

I m confident that our Lillywhites will not deceive , a comfortable win is ours

After all we are Tottenham and consitency and succes go without saying for us.

seasons greetings to all of you

Dec 24, 2009 at 1:26 PM | Unregistered Commenterbelgian spur

Merry Christ(ian Gross)mas, Spooks.

Keep on rocking in the free world.



Dec 25, 2009 at 2:21 AM | Unregistered Commenterwho framed ruel fox?

calll me crazy but i think jenas and keane changes made for a more team effort. we will see

Dec 26, 2009 at 1:13 PM | Unregistered Commenterspursmass

Call me crazy, but I really would rather have had tom huddlestone playing instead of jenas, who seemed quite ineffective and absentminded. I was not excited about keanes play either. We improved vastly with modders and defoe in the side...

Jenas was a real disappointment. Hudd is way more valuable to our side in attacking and retaining possession than jenas and we missed him greatly today.

Dec 26, 2009 at 10:23 PM | Unregistered CommenterKevin

I thought it was a good point. Fulham were solid. I beg to differ on the footie press consensus that we were lucky to emerge with a point of course. And thank you scum for pulling us closer to Villains.

Dec 27, 2009 at 4:05 PM | Unregistered Commenternycyid

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