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Entries in you tube (6)


Spurs Wars

A M*dric free blog zone.

Pre-season has kicked started. It has, right? Have to say, after the summer that was followed by '2 points 8 games' (remember what we did to the Italians at the Lane?) I've completely detached myself from our friendly fixtures other than hoping we get through it without losing players to injury and that there's a spark or two of positivity no matter the results. In 2010 when we finished fourth our pre-season was hardly one of encouragement.

Sure, okay, so we lost 1-0 over the weekend after a 90th minute goal from the Chiefs and from what I've been told it was a fairly non-eventful match. Hardly worthy of commentary. Although good to see Bale back in action. And damn you West Ham for getting yourselves relegated. We are left scratching our heads wondering if someone will take the plunge and sign some of the 'deadwood' we are so desperate to shift on. It really is shaping up to be a window which will only truly open a week before it shuts.

As for the players we're meant to be signing, it's only Monday. Got to leave something aside to complain about for midweek.

So, in the meantime, enjoy the first part of the Spurs Wars series from @whitehartXchang. A little something to get the heart pumping as we continue to work our way through the summer searching for hope like an explorer searching for treasure but fast sinking in quick sand.

Big screen version of vid here.





Luka Modric 'needs the extra cash'


Another day, another Luka Modric exclusive.

Look away now unless you're from Fulham Road, West London. Sneaky secret camera capturing the wantaway star telling all about that transfer request and reasons why he wants out of N17. Pretty much conclusive and damning evidence the red top agenda machine has lusted for to confirm their relentless headline hogging of this summer transfer saga.

Sky Sports yellow ticker to implode in 3...2...1...


For more vids, click here.




Exclusive footage of Daniel Levy and Luka Modric in 'angry' meeting

Another day, more love lost with regards to that once innocent fairy-like dinking Barca-like conductor of our midfield, Luka Modric. How quickly ones perception of someone can change. Very little can be lost in translation this time round.

I'm referring to his interview with the Croatian press (translated by ESPN and others) which makes it sound like he's already going to bed wearing a Chelsea shirt. Suddenly, Harry Redknapp's 'confused' comments from the other day appear to be quite relevant. Seems the gaffer doesn't hold too much faith in the player remaining with us post-season kick-off. Hence his continued disassociation with Levy's fair more sterner stance on the matter.

Seems to all hinge on this 'agreement' chairman and player made when the contract was signed. Player seems to think we should be negotiating no matter the derisory valuation on offer. My money is still on the chairman to be victorious. Although victorious might actually translate into a couple of things.

For now, this saga is not going to stop running any time soon.





An actual conversation with a Spurs and Arsenal fan

Directors cut. Because I don't like to edit. Not safe for work. Unless you plug in your earphones.

You'll have seen one or two 'conversation with an Arsenal/Spurs fan' videos doing the rounds in recent weeks. Below is my own version. A short film. Well actually its not mine, it's yours, whether you're a Spurs fan or one of them lot from down the road, I've weaved your words into a conversation as the material used is regurgitated quotes, sound-bites and commentary taken from recent forum posts, blogs and discussion threads.

Well done all of you.


You can also view the video here.

You tube channel
Facebook group



The jerking of the knee

I'm not saying don't be critical or angry or upset. It's your (our) right to ask questions and feel aggrieved. You should do. So should the players, and the more it hurts - more so now than similar results from last season - the better. Positive from a negative. No point in wallowing in self-pity. Use it to fuel correction and thus redemption.

We can't afford to be making the same mistakes, the exact same mistakes, at this point in our progression. It's frustrating because its unnecessary. But this loss, the first in eighteen at home, with the last defeat coming against Wolves, illustrates that we can count the bad days on one hand. And of course, it also highlights the fact that both of these losses were hardly expected and should really be unavoidable based on the quality we posses. Complacency is the enemy within.



How many times did we question Harry and the team last season? And how emphatic was the reply?

There's not that much more we need to do to get it right. And that's probably why we feel sick for losing all three points in the manner we have. This isn't the 1990's where defeats like this came about every other week.

Keep the faith.



Newcastlol (teh trunk is back)


Me old mucker is back. And good to see him on form. Check this out for more of his demented genius.