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Entries in gloat (2)


So, did you watch anything decent on the box this evening?

Is this a gloat? I guess technically speaking it is. Although I prefer to quantify it as payback for some of the abuse aimed at me by some Chelsea 'friends' through-out the season relating to our adventures down south in the mire of relegation. So, let's not waste a second more.

Football justice at the Bridge. Hard luck for defending deep over two games, nine players behind the ball and then failing to take control of the game against 10 men who nicked it with their one and only shot on target. Although to be fair, it was a job well done stopping the Catalan goal machine for 181 minutes. And if the decisions had gone their way, it would have made going to work tricky and the tabloid love-in for another all English Utd v Chelsea final completely unbearable.

But praise the lord, for he has given us Tom Ovrebo.

Was the Norwegian referee completely out of his depth? Yeah sure. He got the Barca red card wrong and should have given Chelsea a couple of penalties, if not more. But who cares when his performance gave us the magic of Ballack almost jumping on him in protest and the ironic genius of Drogba chaotically chasing the ref after the final whistle before turning to the Sky camera and crying 'fucking disgrace'. Yes, Drogba, you absolute melter, what a disgrace. I guess the moment was made for you having spent half of your playing career rolling around on the ground, diving and cheating. Dry your eyes and consider what would have been had you taken that one glorious opportunity to make it 2-0. Sleep easy tonight.

What topped it off was the minutes silence from the Sky panel post-match. Jamie Redknapp almost in tears, various suggestions that the referee possibly knew what he was doing when not giving obvious expected decisions out on the pitch. Chelsea hard-done by, thoughts and prayers all round. All in all a wonderful ending to a nights football, illustrating once more the complete lack of dignity and class when defeat is dished out.

Apparently it all kicked off in the tunnel. They really do know how to take it gracefully.


Berbatov: Worth a cheeky bid?

Something tells me Utd fans aren’t happy (praise from Reds fans over at

"Veron mark II. That is all"

"Lazy, unprofessional, infuriating"

"Didnt think he would bottle it to be honest. Too cool for his own good"

 "Hey, Howard! Don't cheat! You're not meant to move for the ball"

"Frustrating, I saw alot of determination from Rafael, Fabio, Gibson, Welbeck and Macheda and then Berbatov shows nothing"

"Can someone print his pass completion rate and his ground covered compared to other players. I'm sure another lesson in how great berbatov appears to be for us on paper would go a long distance to making us feel better about his pathetic contribution when we needed him today"

"Summed up everything about him in two seconds"

"Possibly the worst penalty I've ever seen"

"How can you take such a lazy, nonchalant penalty at a time of such importance"

"If Howard went the wrong way then he could have probably got up gone and collected the ball considering how crap the shot was"

"Wish we had never bought him"

£15M should do the trick then.

You can't blame a player for wanting to better himself by moving from a team stuck in the stasis of transition to one that wins silverware season in, season out. And more importantly, one that plays Champions League football - as a player with ambition would inherently lust for the centre stage of European football. But the fact is that not all players make that cross-over from being a key player at a smaller club and just another superstar at a bigger one.

We all know Dimitar well. We all know he has great vision and effortless ability. His swagger is sometimes deceptive and often mistaken for being lazy. At Spurs he was mostly sublime and it was almost forgivable when he was a little slow to get stuck in. At United he hasn't quite made the grade because the expectation from fans and manager alike is that every player - no matter their squad status - pulls the same amount of weight. I guess it's the reason why they are successful and we still struggle to be.

This isn't just about the penalty miss. It's his overall (lack of) effort that has made him the £30M bane of Old Trafford.

So was it worth it Dimi in the end? Your dream move? Maybe he's better suited for Serie A. Or maybe he'll suddenly come to life and lead Utd to a domestic league and Champions League double, and all the abuse will be replaced by 'Cantona Mk II' plaudits.

Guess there's nothing more to say here. Happy to have Modric in our side as the new creative spark of WHL, and as far as I know he doesn't have a squirrel fetish - so we can rest easy for now.