Is this the bit where I'm meant to brick myself?

Here we go then. This might just be fun. Although if Woolwich are dicking WBA early on, attention will soley be on attaining 4th until we switch onto Champions League final night to discover our fate. A variety of permutations, a textbook Tottenham end to the season. Admit it, there is no other way with us. Get ready to have that heart ripped out of your chest once more. With any luck it will be thrown back in and patched up in time for a post-match drink and smile.
I remember 2006 very well. More than I care to. I was in the depths of my depression at the time and football was key to the pretence I kept up when in public, which was basically only to go to football games or work (before I was signed off for my 'sabbatical'). Something I have joked about since concerning that period of time was the fact that when I returned home from Upton Park having witnessed us puke away our chances of a top four place, I proceeded to eat (a pizza) and later that evening experienced one of the worst bouts of food poisoning I've ever had. Knocked me out for a day. Kick a man when he's down.
No pizza for me this weekend and no Lasagne for Spurs in yet another final day of explosive emotives. Bit different this time round. It's not in our hands like it was that fateful day in 2006. Mind the gap? The gap? We fell into it and even though our olde enemy has given us an unexpected lending hand to lift us back up, we've managed to slap it away more times than I care to mention. Yet they have persisted in attempting to drag us back up. No puke, plenty of choke all round. Everyone wants it, no one is taking it.
No matter how the table looks at full time across the country on Sunday, there has hardly been that much in it across the course of the season. Between all the clubs up there, each one has its own set of unique frailties and strong points. Everyone has work to do in the summer. There might have been a points gap but there is hardly one in terms of quality and application. If there is a single point in it at the very end, you'll wonder about all the disallowed goals and the dropped home points and the unexpected away defeats. But don't bother. Won't change a thing. I can only speak for us and it's been discussed a thousand times, but we've been wasteful aided by a numerous amount of reasons ranging from tactical to outside distractions. It's like any season, there will always be regrets. Much like our competitors will argue the very same thing. Some valuable lessons learnt, 2013 is another season.
For now, all I ask for is a strong Spurs performance and three points. If its meant to be it will be. The irony is not lost that it's Martin Jol returning to the Lane. A man in our hearts, a man with Tottenham in his heart. A man that probably wouldn't share a hug with our chairman any time soon. No Dempsey for them. In addition some very pro-Spurs comments pre-match from big Martin. We're also unbeaten at home for an age in London derby games, and so on. I hate all the build up, it screws with the head. I'll probably gorge on re-heated pizza if we managed to lose and Woolwich dropped points to WBA.
Onwards Spurs. I love you so much you crazy cockerel. Echo of glory please.
Christ, what a season it's been. More of the same next year please, just keep the blips to a minimum. Ta.
Reader Comments (125)
What happens if we draw and Arsenal lose by one goal? Especially if Newcastle win their game? Who would take 4th between us and the goons?
Don't worry Spooky you are not alone, i'm here bricking it with you. Bag'o'nerves all week long. Tomorrow will be emotional one way or the other. Good luck mate and keep up the fantastic bloging next season. You probably need a break like dear old Harry.
Ronnie, if Geordies dont finish above Goons go through on goals scored. Must win and win good...
Spooky you seem very calm about life at the moment...I like it when your blogs are cool calm and collected it tends to lend itself to decent discussion and gives woolich wallies nothing to bite against....agree with all you say.....think cos of Chelsea it feels like a bit flat prior to game...but come game time a WBA goal would really raise the we go.....
P.s. Jols comments just show the mans class!
Fear not Spooky, and fellow yids.
I've dreamt that Ars*nal will lose and that we will win, with us rightfully in 3rd. Newcastle wasn't involved in the dream, but so long as we win whatever happens with them is inconsequential. My nerves have been going on the fritz from time to time but after this dream I had I've found calm, it was soo real that I believe.
Don't let thoughts of failure even enter your minds lads, so long as you all believe without doubt, know that we shall overcome.
I go to bed tonight full of nerves wishing upon wishes that the Baggies show up and turn woolwich over! I'm Spurs since birth and just want to see us finish placed above our very own 'noisy neighbours'!
COYS do us all proud tomorrow afternoon!!
No nerves from me tonight, Im quite calm, we will win tomorrow and the scum will draw at WBA, Newcastle will lose so the scum get fourth, Chelsea will lose in Munich.
See you in the CL next year chaps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have thought of nothing else the entire week.... Well it's on us now and may the footballing gods be with us coz they sure weren't with us in 2006, so maybe they are due a visit this time around, it took me so long to get over that nightmare in 06 I really don't want to experiance any thing like that ever again. I honestly believe we will beat Fulham, what happens elsewhere is in the hands of the team in the stripes, not the barcodes but the Baggies.... I feel this time around everything is going to work out just fine, and I will have a customary headache on Monday morning from celebrating finishing 3 rd.
Spooky you are without a doubt the master of words, I can't tell you how much I have loved reading all your post's this season, please don't ever stop... Take a well earned break and return for the new season .
An almighty COME ON YOU SPURS !!! Sing loud & proud !
Thanks Timo. I noticed Redkrapp is back to his "it's not like we are used to it (being 4th)" rubbish. The number of times he's mentioned Chelsea recently is also quite alarming. I really hope he goes to Chelsea next season. It's been a horrible season as far as I'm concerned. Loosing 5-2 to Arsenal being the lowest point but the 4 loses to the Manchester clubs, the horrific loss to Chelsea in the cup, Bale's free roaming catastrophe, etc also contributed. We only seem to defeat poor teams...or those going through struggles (Newcastle when they came to us). I know Redkrapp is rubbish but since most fans seem to still believe in him...I'll patiently wait for his future sacking (unfortunately, after wasting the 2012/2013 season for us)
Yup, what spooky said.
I am with Ronnie on this one, after getting ourselves into a fantastic position we managed to throw it all away with a series of inept performances from the Newcastle game onwards.
Even if we get third, my abiding memory of this season will be the freefall we had to endure since mid February .
We should have all been sitting with a beer in one hand and cigar in the other watching tomorrow's match which should have been meaningless.
Had the Goons to draw this game for months. And they will. Brings back memories, though. I was in Beijing during lasagne-gate, watching our demise.
Ah! One of your sub-headings is Cornerpin 1pm... brings back memories!
Best case scenario: Spurs win and the players do their lap of honour, halfway round WHL news comes in of an equaliser in added time at the Hawthorns, players and fans go mental!
Worst case scenario: Equaliser at the Hawthorns in the last minute, but Spurs are already 2-1 down and Redknapp brings on Parker. Barcodes lose just so Chelsea can then win and steal the CL spot.
COYS I love our team! I'll be there tomorrow singing my heart out what a day and atmosphere it's going to be fingers crossed we put on a show and get the pts. Then again I'd settle for a 1-0 off of Martin jols shinny bald crown! Keep on crowing you crazy cockerel
what an article,its just every emotion im going through. if id have known when i was about sveen or eight years old that supporting the yids was this much hard work i would have took the easy way out and supported man utd.on second thoughts ......nah ....i would,nt change it for the world COYFY COYFY
Tense. As. Arseholes.
I feel sick already.
Worst bit about it is I'm starting Uni exams on Monday. GULP. Please Spurs...let me be in a good mood for these two weeks!
Anyone noticed the latest Hazard news (as a brief aside), that he's definitely moving somewhere? Such a little flirt.
newcatle to win.arsenal lot to draw with fullham.we have got the hardest game.fullham will be up for it.redknapp out...
Just finished work - am tempted to sleep extra long and get up just in time for the full time results.
But of course for yid read massochist - I know I`ll be there for every agonising twist and turn sat in front of sky sports news hearing Stelling say `Goal at the Lane. It`s been all Spurs so far so it can`t be a goal for Fulham can it` - that bloke makes 3 seconds feel like 2 hours!
But the number of ironies if things go our way.
If we win - how sweet for our beloved MJ to be at our party. And if Roy`s Baggies do us a favour - we can all go fcuking mental knowing that Redkrapp will be squirming as out of the window will go his `distracted by England speculation` excuse.
Everyone here remember - you are not alone, we may be miles apart but together in our torture.
Think positively hope, pray, wear your lucky pants/socks/shirt whatever just make what little contribution you can to the cause.
Here we all are praying for a home win against Fulham! Sums us up...............COME ON YOU LILYWHITES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Given up a more than ten points difference without making a serious effort to strengthen the team in January while even those who follow football just for passing their time could see that the team was crying out for at least one-two proper players in order to address some serious shortcomings and failing also to win the FA cup after than more than two decades will be always a blame for chairman and manager. There are no excuses for that. I hope we will win against Fulham and we will be lucky for once to finish third or wait for the CL final to see what finally will happen.
think some are being a bit harsh on redknap, really think our dip was down to not having a striker for the big occasions. we created 20-30 chances in lots of games, our strikers really arent good enough for glory.
we need to send back ade and buy some firepower, a 30 goal a season striker will see us challenge.
its been a fantastic season despite the dip, we really did challenge for the league untill feb. when was the last time that happened.
my nerve's are at breaking point
4th done. Up to the Germans now.
LOL at Man City, holy shit!
Pretty incredible stuff at Eastlands.
Well done Spurs! Nice end to the season. What, are there any other teams in the prem that I should even care about? Nah, didn't think so. Well done, JD. Nice substitutions today, Harold. Thank you for a fun season.
Can't be arsed to watch the CL final. Don't care if Spurs ain't playing :)
Good end of season to win 3 out of 4. But that blip hurt us badly. Lets hope Bayern win.
Well there we are. Fourth and for one night next weekend we are all Bavarians
HOWEVER, Fulop apparently let in 3 very very soft goals...
If you had offered me fourth at the start of the season, I would have been over the moon.
Now we have fourth I am totally underwhelmed. We threw third away and what's worse, handed it to our biggest rivals.
To think that the goalie that handed 3rd place to Le'Arse started his career with Spurs. What a coinsidence.
The win is appreciated-thank you super sub Defoe-but as ever, Spurs do it the hard way. Every other club in all divisions, know where they will be next season, except us (I suppose chelski too) We on the other hand have to wait another week before we
can celebrate and I have no doubt H will badger Levy for a longer contract during this time. I would say a firm THANK YOU BUT NO
Dont lose yourselves - Arry cost us 3rd place, somehow i think he will get away with it and be here next season!!
I hope Levy sticks to his word!! He does not often speak for the sake of it - and what he said today is significant!!
hotspurs-what did Levy say exactly?
From a gooner: "Cant believe we went from winning league titles to celebrating being above the scum"
Sums it up. You should be looking up at that other gap, you know the one between you and Sami Nasri.
I could be wrong but isn't "St Totteringham" day about it happening BEFORE the end of the season, rather than having to rely on getting a result on the last day????
At the start of the season I'd have been happy with 4th place in the league.
At the end of the season I'm disappointed we didn't stay strong and now have to rely on another team from another country doing a job to get us into the CL. It shouldn't be allowed to happen like that after a 38 game season, but what can you do.....
What did Levy say????
You are wrong. St Totteringhams day is the day regardless if its 20 games in or the last game that means that Tottenham won't finish above our good old boys. Its been tight, its been tense but our worst squad in 50 years along with all its supporters wishs you a Happy St.Totts.
Open bus parade?
So Man u lose the league on goal difference despite the fact they scored 8 in one game. Very strange.
lol at spooky , the gap between us and nasri is just 100 millions of pounds and nothing more , he hasnt went to bigger or better or greater club , he has just jumped to a lucky club who found a mega-wealthy owner out of nowhere , so what do u mean spooky that now man city have become greater club than ur beloved spurs too due to that shitty oil money..for me city winning league will not change city stature in may of our eyes , they are the same little club they always were...bcoz it cud have been wolverhampton wanderers who cud hv been winning the league if sheikh wanted , so citys win has not to do anything courtsey of club itself but totally 100 % lucky foreign money , and by the same logic i want munich to dismantle that other lucky rotten club in form of chelsea , bcoz i cant believe i m saying this but spuds rightfully deserves to b representing england in europe than that russian mafia feeded little club..
I suppose you Gooners need to have a day on your calendar to celebrate something....... Presumably you'll have a DVD out tomorrow to celebrate such an achievement.
Fact is, if we hadn't lost focus because of the England situation, we'd have held on to 3rd quite comfortably. Unfortunately a court case and heart surgery also impacted on our season, not to mention never having a regular back 4 or a reliable striker. Gooners on the other hand were a 2 man team, reliant entirely on Song supplying Van Persie...... Shame that RVP didn't have his usual annual injury.
Open bus parade? Answer the question.
All hail to Martin fulop the exspud is the noblest man alive in whole of england, hehe and regarding open bus parade , spooky if u will drive then sure ...he he
I hope you enjoy watching Robin Van Persie playing in Real Madrid/Juventus/"other team who wins things" colours next season.
Also, do you not feel a little sad that you've done fuck all this season, crashed horribly out of both cups, and that the only thing you can celebrate is that you were a point above us?
We may still not know whether we're in the Champions League yet, and we may not know who we're signing this summer, however what I DO know is that you're not going to win it next season, nor probably your group, or anything for that matter. CHOKED. AGAINST. BIRMINGHAM.
How do you like us now, you fuck?
4th place is a real achievement. Well done to the lads.
I hope all of you who think 4th is not good enough demand some real investment in the squad in the summer.
Because if we want to kick on that is what we have to do.
I thought the Arse were quite over the last few weeks!! We lose a 10 point lead - you come out like the true gutless bunch you are, seeking blood - mouthing off like you are top of the table and the championship already in the bag. You then lose a 6 point lead and you go hiding, seeking cover behind the web in true gutless fashion - nothing to be heard - wonder why!!
You then clinch 3rd by sheer luck and out you come again like zombies in the dark looking for scraps to feed on. What do you find - nothing but some glimmer of happiness in finishing 3rd, miles behind the other two, both in points and in cash!! God, you really are a sad pathetic bunch arent you.
What you cant see is the gradual shift that is occuring. Your so called success is based on 1.5 people. Look beyond this and you do not find very much - thats how fragile you are.
We are on the up mate - you cant see it - but its happening and id rather you lot sit there in igonrance and do what you do and continue to feed on the scraps that are left for you.-You are light years behind - so far behind , you need to look up your own arse to see how far behind you are.
Extracts from levys message:
On key players:
Our squad has top players at all levels and we shall continue to seek stability and to retain key players this summer and beyond. We are a Club that is focussing on growth and moving forward
On Stadium:
The scale of demolition around the stadium should leave no one in any doubt as to our intent to forge ahead with this project and we shall devote our full attention and energies to it. Work is expected to start on the construction of the supermarket to the north of the stadium towards the end of the year. We shall continue to make best use of the new space the demolition process affords and to provide extra catering and entertainment during that time.