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« New leaked image of proposed Spurs Stratford stadium | Main | Levy responds »

What's wrong with this picture?

I'd expect a better mock up if the OS is awarded to Spurs, then the designers can go to town much like they did with the now dead in the water Northumberland Development Project (it's dead in the water). At the moment however, we are teased with a rather strange single piece illustration. Not sure what irks me more. The buildings central in the background or the tall red monstrosity looking down at the stadium (never red damn you!). Don't even get me started on the break dancers. I can see it now. Headhunters v the Spurs Yoof. Body popping in Burberry.

Couple of other things in there that hardly appeal to the common football fan, but yes, it's a mock up and if you look closely to some of the design photos of the NDP they actually included a skating rink.

RIP Football, eh?


Levy on TalkSport...listen here.


Click on image to enlarge, if you wish to make your eyes bleed


Once more, I'm placing my hope that Levy is masking his true intentions. Would hardly make sense to tell us there will be a referendum then once more brutally state that there is no option available other than a move to East London. Unless his mind is getting cloudy with the PR soundbites (unlikely).

To further cement the contradictions, note the usage of the word 'current' in his comments on the NDP being dead in the water. Reading too much into it, am I? Then again, if my hope that this is a grand game of poker rings true, what if we are awarded the OS? I guess, either way - Levy will get what he wants. Just no pleasing all of us I'm afraid.

Also - couple of things I saw this morning that made me giggle.

“I don’t think running tracks work, particularly behind the goal. The customers are so far back it doesn’t work" - David Sullivan

Make your minds up.

And from early 2010 just for larfs:

"The bigger dream is for West Ham fans to have a football stadium. He (Coe) can have an athletics track elsewhere. We would offer tickets at £5 a go for some matches. We can bring Premier League football back to the people" - David Sullivan

Prem League the Championship! It's revolutionary! This is the best from the same article from early 2010:

"Karren is a good businesswoman but she doesn't understand football"


Yes, yes, Levy has contradicted himself aplenty with the promises and shattered dreams but I'm beginning to wonder whether his greatest weapon is West Ham's inability to fight their corner. Or if you believe in the conspiracy theory, it's possibly the greatest threat to remaining in N17. Mainly because even with all the bad hype about Spurs and the legacy, many involved in the process of seleciton see the Spurs bid as being more viable (hate that word).

But as mentioned already, either way Levy will win.

Anyone for badminton?



Reader Comments (160)

I hope Sugar makes her strip in the next series of the apprentice, then tells her to fuck off

Feb 8, 2011 at 1:52 PM | Unregistered CommenterChrisYid

Oh and they also dont care about the 81% of Londoners against spurs moving to Stratford and tearing down the stadium, or the tax payers money that went into building it in the first place.

I wont go as far as saying its bad for athletics people as I think the Crystal palace thing would be good for them but that doesnt mean its right for us to move in.

Feb 8, 2011 at 1:54 PM | Unregistered Commenteryidal

yidal - in regards to tax payers money the spurs bid, is the better bid, spurs are going to put money back into public coffers in the form of a lease. I've not seen anything about the west ham bid doing anything other than taking public money.

Feb 8, 2011 at 2:02 PM | Unregistered Commentersfreundwasaleg

I see our pr machine is in overdrive and beckham is going to stay with us longer, I'm not sure what he's bringing to our training, but it must be good.

Feb 8, 2011 at 2:05 PM | Unregistered Commentersfreundwasaleg

'I have read most articles on the Stratford debate, and my overwhelming feeling is a sense of disappointment with football as it is today.'

Thats exactly how I feel, im not enjoying this situation at all.

Thirded! The guys who support Liverpool, Chelsea, United and Arsenal are all probably used to this by now but for our club it feels like the more success we gain (getting CL footbal for example) the further we are tumbling down this new corporate football rabbit hole and the mroe we as fans are prepared to sacrifice for the bragging rights of success.
The fundamental question beneath ALL of this is whether you are prepared to commit yourself to what the sport has become - multi-national businesses competing with each other for global fan base and profit, while entertaining the paying public with exceptionally talented players, no matter what the cost.

Feb 8, 2011 at 2:06 PM | Unregistered CommenterFox Mulder

yidal, I grew up in Wembley, I fucking hated it. It was a shit hole full of cunts, still is.

The unfortunate truth is that football is a business. We can either get on the train or be left behind. Its not fair but the world is not fair. Tottenham Hotspur will always be Tottenham Hotspur. You say about the people of london thinking were cunts for wasting there money? Mate they think were cunts anyway. I couldnt give a fuck about any football team but Spurs. I'm not too ashamed to admit that ive had a taste of the champions league and I like it, I want more. I want Tottenham to be the best team in London, in Europe. I dont give a fuck who's toes we tread on to get there because I know they would tread on our head if it was the other way round, they wouldnt piss on us if we were on fire. I honestly dont know what planet you live on and we might as well just agree to disagree.

Feb 8, 2011 at 2:07 PM | Unregistered CommenterChrisYid

You sound like a sell out tbh.

Feb 8, 2011 at 2:22 PM | Unregistered Commenteryidal

Sacrifice a bit of class, off we go...

Feb 8, 2011 at 2:22 PM | Registered Commenterspooky

yidal, no, just a realist.

Feb 8, 2011 at 2:25 PM | Unregistered CommenterChrisYid

the worst thing about all this is that it's actually turned us fans against each other

Feb 8, 2011 at 2:26 PM | Unregistered Commenterkoume2

@Fox Mulder

Exactly. Its 7.1 by google maps and as you say it like 30 such is the size of London.

Again though this still strikes me as a Levy poker play

I've been saying it for ages...I'm still saying it.

The wife would interject at this point and say that when I set my stall out like this i'm normally wrong...but alas while she supports and understands my love for this club...she's not getting involved!

She did say that we need a bigger stadium like manure/arse etc. So thats it decided then. Mrs. Traubert says we should accept the move. Lets move!!!

Feb 8, 2011 at 2:28 PM | Unregistered CommenterTomtraubert,19528,11661_6738283,00.html

Even Van Bommel singles out our current stadium : )

We had some contact with Spurs," he told Sky Sports News. "Unfortunately it didn't work out in the end.

"It's one of my favourite clubs in England, that's all I really want to say.

"I really love the stadium. I know the training ground because I've been there with the Dutch national team.

"Rafael has told me a lot of good stories. I'd love to play for Spurs. I've told Rafael that as well.

"I don't know how things will go. I'm pleased with what Harry Redknapp's said about me. That's always positive.

"It's not good to look back. You've got to look to the future. I'm happy at Milan, but you never know what will happen."

Feb 8, 2011 at 2:28 PM | Unregistered Commenteryidal

I know, we need to be united at the ground like we were at the start of the season, when we seemed invincible.

Feb 8, 2011 at 2:30 PM | Unregistered CommenterChrisYid

Would love to set Van Bommel on Fabregas at the lane

Feb 8, 2011 at 2:32 PM | Unregistered CommenterChrisYid

yidal - I'm glad van bommel really loves the stadium (from what I remember he scored a great goal from distance at the lane a few years ago) does this mean we shouldn't move from our current stadium?

Feb 8, 2011 at 2:40 PM | Unregistered Commentersfreundwasaleg

or should considering another one of his lines "It's not good to look back. You've got to look to the future"?

Feb 8, 2011 at 2:42 PM | Unregistered Commentersfreundwasaleg


Yes, thats the defining moment in this whole argument and sure to sway all pro-stratford people back to staying in Tottenham. Ha ha

Feb 8, 2011 at 2:42 PM | Unregistered Commenteryidal

It was a Joke man, stop being so literal

Feb 8, 2011 at 2:43 PM | Unregistered Commenteryidal

THFC belongs to the majority shareholder.


Dont like that fact, get your wallets out and quit bitching!

Stratford till I die!


Feb 8, 2011 at 2:44 PM | Unregistered CommenterBOB

just getting a bit tense ahead of the decision, it's a huge moment in our history.

Feb 8, 2011 at 2:45 PM | Unregistered Commentersfreundwasaleg

BTW folks, if, like me you're desperate for this to be decided so we can stop beating each other up & get on with supporting the team/club, be mindful that this week's decision is merely to determine the Preferred Bidder - it won't be done & dusted for a while yet I fear and the PR ramblings will be stepped up if anything

Feb 8, 2011 at 3:31 PM | Unregistered CommenterFrank

Expect bloodshed or gloating by the end of the week.

Feb 8, 2011 at 3:33 PM | Registered Commenterspooky

No gloating from me, just a tear in the eye either way probably. Maybe some internet bloodshed a day or two after : )

Feb 8, 2011 at 4:14 PM | Unregistered Commenteryidal


But is that not what the "decision" we are waiting for is?

If we are not the Preferred Bidder then the stratford move is off the table.

If we are the Preferred Bidder then we are the only bidder should we wish to.

If we win this decision then the campaign will be stepped up

If we lose one of 2 things will happen

1. The NDP will become viable again (after a period of Levy "examining his options")
2. Levy shows it wasnt a bluff and actively seeks another site to move to.

Feb 8, 2011 at 4:14 PM | Unregistered CommenterTomtraubert

picture could look better - bit too colourful and not enough navy and lilywhite.

otherwise 60000 seater stadium looks about right to me.

Feb 8, 2011 at 4:16 PM | Unregistered CommenterTrembly

You pro Stratford Trembly?

Feb 8, 2011 at 4:23 PM | Unregistered CommenterKilljoy

Definitely no gloating from me, its crap were talking about this with the team playing so well this year.

Feb 8, 2011 at 4:24 PM | Unregistered CommenterChrisYid


You're right Tom. So the loser will get back in the box & get on with their lives? Can't wait, whoever

Feb 8, 2011 at 4:43 PM | Unregistered CommenterFrank

Yes to Spurs = Legal action from West Ham.
Yes to West Ham = Legal action from Spurs and Orient.
Yes to going back to Plan A = another great waste of everybody's time money and energy.
Boris Johnson takes it legal for not giving him the world class stadium he asked us to bid for with AEG.

Hoping for plan A, thinking this one has our name all over it, wishing I'm wrong as whatever the decision it is going to continue to distract from our season.

AC Milan 1 week today and yet hardly being mentioned, sign of the times.

Feb 8, 2011 at 4:47 PM | Unregistered CommenterDiaz

On a separate note.... very tempted to go to Milan for the first leg.
Easyjet have slashed their prices and seats available.
Anyone know where I can RELIABLY get a match ticket?

Feb 8, 2011 at 5:10 PM | Unregistered CommenterWalkerboy

Scratch that - been a dunce and got my weeks mixed up....... What I thought was a stupidly low price of £46 return is actually £380 return when I put the right date in!

It's been a long week........

Feb 8, 2011 at 5:19 PM | Unregistered CommenterWalkerboy

That Stelios, he don't miss a trick.

Feb 8, 2011 at 5:28 PM | Unregistered CommenterMes

What’s wrong with this picture?

For me, it does not capture enough of the platforms leading to the stadium. Other than that, it looks marvelous. I’ll not be doing any boxing or break-dancing at the square, but will enjoy easy access with my grandchildren, and the golden cockerel dignifying the stadium. I would only suggest that this viewpoint tower be replaced with an equally high giant blue and white cockerel perching on top of a massive ball, with inside built elevators to take visitors to the top for attractive view of the London.

Feb 8, 2011 at 5:39 PM | Unregistered Commenterbeetlelues

...also, this giant cockerel should slowly rotate 360 deg at the base at speed of one full rotation every 30 min.

Feb 8, 2011 at 5:45 PM | Unregistered Commenterbeetlelues

ChrisYid---Sport is not like any other business, nor should it be. There is much money to be made off sport, but you don't see any business laying out 50 million pounds and taking massive losses in order to prove themselves better than their rivals.

"Sport is a moral undertaking because it requires of participants, and it schools spectators in the appreciation of, noble things--courage, grace under pressure, sportsmanship. "---George Will

The very worst thing fans of any team can do is "just accept it" and take things lying down. Our money is the sole source of power for Levy and Co., and all fans need to take a stand against the increasing bastardization of sporting culture.

The whole situation is farcical, and things have come to this because people were too apathetic to stand up when it mattered. Massive, UEFA-wide reforms are needed---whether that happens through UEFA or the EU remains to be seen, but there are some very easy steps to get the ball rolling, including writing to the Football Supporters Federation, your MP, and your MEP.

Feb 8, 2011 at 5:52 PM | Unregistered CommenterSTLSpurs

"Sport is a moral undertaking because it requires of participants, and it schools spectators in the appreciation of, noble things--courage, grace under pressure, sportsmanship. "---George Will

That describes the opposite of football in 2011.

Feb 8, 2011 at 6:12 PM | Unregistered CommenterDiaz

I make Levy right. Those who say they won't go to Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park will turn up, after they feel the pain of missing match day for a couple of week and no one will know that they were missing. Have your protests, stamp your feet, posture, and complain. After all it is your right and you all love a moan.

Now, switch off emotion, and engage brain. The last thing the scummers want is Spurs getting a cheap Megga Stadium with fantastic transport and communications. Yes, we make money now, so think what we can do at the OS. This will not be a Cashburden Grove. We will have the financial clout and venue to attract the best players in the world to London and Spurs.

See you all at the OS. The late comers be careful, you might not be able to get a seat!!! COYS

Feb 8, 2011 at 6:30 PM | Unregistered CommenterMalcolm Turner

Is that wheel chair racing i see :S "place your bets"... Boxing, Karate and tennis and what are those tent things at the front in weird colours all about? looks like the german flag colours to me :S
Stadium looks great and sleak, interesting that it reads "Tottenham Hotspur" on the side, we may leave our home, but lets not lose our Name!!

Feb 8, 2011 at 6:36 PM | Unregistered CommenterCOYS

one thing for sure the hot dogs wont be cheap....

Feb 8, 2011 at 6:37 PM | Unregistered Commenterbilliospur

Malcolm your deluded. Your going have to become a spammer to get a seat there.

Feb 8, 2011 at 6:40 PM | Unregistered Commenteryidal

I'm not sure Nando's is on Levy's agenda - i'm thinking a Champagne + Oyster bar, a Carluccio's deli/restaurant/bar and a Bentley dealership, throw a tanning shop in there and we 're in business.

As for the breakdancing mats, I think our proximity to Upton Park would make them more likely to be "facebreaking" mats once a season - thats providing they remain in the Prem.

Feb 8, 2011 at 7:04 PM | Unregistered CommenterHomer

How come most of the people in the picture are in West Ham Colours?

Feb 8, 2011 at 7:08 PM | Unregistered CommenterAli

I'm amazed at how many fans here are 'on the waiting list' and can't get tickets??? I'm NOT 'on the waiting list' being only a 'Lillywhite Member' and I've been to more games than ever this season. I've got a ticket to the NLD at the Lane, only match that I've wanted to go to but wasn't able to is the Inter game at home, and that's because I forgot the On sale date and the tickets sold out whilst I was working all morning! I'll not make that mistake for the visit of AC Milan!

To those of you bemoaning 'no season ticket so we must move for me to have one'; Can you afford one anyway if it was offered? I know a couple of bronze members who turned em down as they didn't have the readys, and one lad who wanted to wait for his dad to move up the list so they could go together.

If it is really bothering you 'not having a season ticket' then throw a grand or so into an account at the start of the season, become a silver member (or gold) and use the money to go to whatever games you want. I'd prefer to do that myself, a season ticket sounds nice but with the best will in the world I can't follow Spurs EVERY Saturday anyway, life sometimes intrudes.

Feb 8, 2011 at 7:18 PM | Unregistered CommenterMark

Jaques Rogge - IOC President...
30 October 2008, he said: "If the best solution is to transform the track into something else then we would be in favour of that...We don't have problems with that. I don't want to enter into specifics but we don't want to leave white elephants."

On 3rd February 2010, David Sullivan said: "He (Lord Coe) can have an athletics track elsewhere. The bigger dream is for West Ham fans to have a football stadium. It may be cheaper to build a running track somewhere else.
Asked whether they would be happy to live with the track around the pitch, he said: "Ideally no, but there may be a way we could lay the running track for three months or something.
"I don't think running tracks work, particularly behind the goal. The customers are so far back it doesn't work."

Sir Robin Wales, Mayor of Newham and a member of the London 2012 and OPLC boards is on record as saying this: "We are concerned about it being a white elephant...London needs an athletics facility but there is no reason why it has to be at the Olympic Park. You could renovate Crystal Palace with the money you make from this deal," said Wales, an ardent Hammers fan.

The spam want the OS simply to clear a £100 million+ debt at the taxpayers expense. Gold and Sullivan can then pocket some cash by selling the and effectively have the taxpayer line their pockets.

The majority of fans are silent on a move for us, he who shouts loudest is not a measure of support. Spurs fans worldwide have just as much right to an opinion and I would expect they would choose a move over the mid table mediocracy we will endure if we don't move.

The Financial Fair Play rules mean those with the biggest income can buy the best and pay the best.

They have it in France and Lyon are automatic qualifiers for the Champions League every season. Without moving and increasing our income (signing Beckham will commercially help) we will not be able to compete.

Feb 8, 2011 at 7:58 PM | Unregistered CommenterDoc

Get rid of that big fucking red yoke at the side for a start!

Feb 8, 2011 at 8:19 PM | Unregistered CommenterAndrew

"green square for the disabled to wheel their stuff" disgraceful vile and highly offensive remark, as a disabled fam having gone to the lane to watch my team since late 70's ive never heard even from a nomad such commments. disgracefull that they be allowed to be posted on this site. TMWNN if u want to make these comments, do u want my disanility as well?? no didnt think so!!!

Feb 8, 2011 at 8:35 PM | Unregistered Commenterseanw

Looking at the criteria, i cant see how we will not be chosen.

1. To achieve a viable long-term solution for the Olympic Stadium that is deliverable and provides value for money. OUR FINANCIAL BID IS FAR STRONGER THEN WESTHAMS

2) To secure a partner with the capability to deliver and operate a legacy solution for a venue of the stadium's size and complexity. AEG - CANT GET BETTER THAN THAT

3) To re-open the stadium for operational use as rapidly as possible following the 2012 Games. MAY LAG BEHIND WESTHAM FOR THIS, BUT MEDIUM LONG TERM FINANCIAL VIABILITY IS WITH SPURS

4) To ensure the stadium remains a distinctive physical symbol supporting the economic, physical and social regeneration of the area. WE HAVE SEEN THE PHOTOS - LEVY IS COVERING THIS ISSUE

5) To allow flexible usage of the stadium, accommodating a vibrant programme of events allowing year-round access for schools, the local community, wider public and elite sport. AEG WILL MAKE SURE OF THIS, CONCERTS, SCHOOL TRIPS, SPORTS AND SO ON!!


We are buried im afraid!!! I hope im wrong!!

Feb 8, 2011 at 9:25 PM | Unregistered Commenterhotspurs

Levy said:

“I don’t want to deal with the emotional stuff, all I know is that our average fan travels 35 miles to a game, so five miles down the road isn’t going to make much difference.”

Feb 8, 2011 at 10:15 PM | Unregistered Commenterhotspurs

I am the big red thingy in the picture and you are all hurting my feeling by saying such mean things about me.
I wanted to be a pirate ship when I grew up, not my fault I had to settle for being a rollercoaster.
Knew I should have moved to alton towers, they are all much more accepting up there.
Carriages... wheeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feb 8, 2011 at 10:27 PM | Unregistered CommenterChris

hot damn! i've just sold the crisis. we win the bid for the olympic stadium. we then transplant the stadium back to White Hart Lane. it's already built, we just schlep it the four miles, bingo-town, new stadium! then simply leave whichever parts Levy doesn't want, the 80 mil stated, build up a weeny athletics track and viola! we have a new stadium, athletics has the legacy at the park and wet spam have nowt! i bid you adieu, i'm off to put out some fires in cairo, toodle pip!

Feb 8, 2011 at 10:36 PM | Unregistered Commenterjme

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