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How to defeat your enemies and be successful at table football

A few years back there was this bloke, an acquaintance rather than a friend. He was the sort of person who grated on you because he took much pride (of the gloating variety) in shouting from the rooftops about his personal success. Sort of person who would take great pleasure in the misfortune of others and hardly cared much if something he did happened to leave you feeling a little downbeat. Dog eat dog world, right? Why should he care about me, you or anyone else?

Why should he indeed.

The way he would patronise and condescend was gut wrenching. Happens in the work place. There's always one. Spring in his step, swagger in his stride. Full of himself.

You're sort of green-eyed, not in a depressive self-deprecating 'why can't that not be me' way. Because it's not his fault if you don't have the skills, inclination or ambition to achieve at his level. Not that you didn't have the potential. It was just never fulfilled. But his presence begs the self-doubting questions you'd prefer not to have sparking in the brain. 'Why can't that not be me'. Okay, so yeah, self-deprecating.

He was supreme in his application in the office and he was also stupendously good at table football. Whether it's controlled passing of the ball, knocking it between the footie players on the table before smashing it in or generally just smashing it in from one end to the opposite side, opponent after opponent was obliterated out of sight.

And yes, before you ask, his girlfriend was fit. Not just fit, with her slinky frame and world class chest, but also intelligent. Street smart. Trendy. Considering everything else about him, you lingered desperately to the hope that if his other half was not that great to talk to or look at then it wouldn’t matter too much about everything else because you'd be comforted by the fact he was going out with a melting pot of ming and stupid. But that was not the case. Far from it.

Like a Greek tragedy with relentless plate smashing, his girlfriend was lovely. Gorgeous. You know how usually if you (a bloke or woman) sees someone who's attractive, you flirt with the fantasy of sleeping with them. Go on, you know you do. God made us weak. Well his girlfriend was of the ilk that had you thinking of marriage and growing old with her by your side. And plenty of bedroom action too, before the old bit. Okay and after the old bit.

Her smile, her mannerisms. Her sense of humour and razor sharp wit. You would tremble at the knees with each flick of hair. Had to be something amiss with her, couldn't be completely unequivocally perfect. But she appeared so. And you hated the git she was dating even more because of it. Which ruined it all and made you question the cruelty of life and why it choose to make you feel like crap, constantly with the mocking. Mocking with a cherry on top.

All the pain would however aid with inspiration in attempting to better him at least the once for all the emotional upheaval he caused by just being there. In your life. At work. Christ, you'd try to best him you really would. In conference calls, meetings, projects and then at the fabled table football. But he was just, well just too good. Too focused. Too comfortable at something you had to work ridiculously hard at just to be decent whilst he was very good without breaking sweat.

You'd huff and puff and he'd just pick you off, every time. Plucky you would be. Plucky until you'd choke and capitulate whilst he scoffed and shrugged nonchalantly, as though he knew he'd win again no matter what. And you sort of knew you'd lose anyway. His entourage of hangers on, people who wanted to be associated with his success would fluff and kiss his ego. They would be particularly annoying during bouts of table football, siding with him whilst you protested that he span the handles too quickly, turning all the footie players in the row around, full circle before shooting.

"Nah mate, never happened"

He'd score whilst you complained. And you'd lose. Again.

I'd lose again.

It was tiresome. Hard enough trying to get one over on him without others fighting his corner. Ganging up on me you'd tell yourself. All very apologetic, always an excuse at hand to explain why you've failed to again. Easy way to avoid confronting the real reasons behind defeat. This guy irked me. And I was so drilled with my hatred for him it was far more of a distraction than a tangible strategy. The inspiration and the belief was misplaced every single time, with a reflex 'here we go again' when he showed you up in front of others.

That's until one day I decided to be shrewd with my approach. Getting one over someone doesn't have to be just about the winning, it should always be tinged with a touch of glory. Because people tend to be far more interested in how you beat someone, the manner in which you've gone about it rather than the end result. Because a result has no story. It's just a fact, a stat. But that's still no reason not to embrace the philosophy that a win is a win is a win. Don't just turn up an play to the best of your abilities. Play to your best with their weakness in mind and take advantage, without remorse or thought of failure.

Do to him what he does to you.

An opportunity came up. I took a massive risk. And the plan rolled into motion. The essence of it based on the simplistic template that if it worked, he'd be weaker for it and that psychological barrier would crumble a touch meaning next time round, he would hardly be the immovable object of disdain that had driven most of us in the office insane, specifically me.

I knew I had it in me. Much like he went about his business, I simply focused and retained complete faith from start to finish. Not a second wasted on complacency.

All that was left was to revel in the finale, that moment where victory would be embraced.

On that fateful day I was eight - nil down on the table football, whilst he showboated (danced whilst he played), I appeared disinterested quite on purpose. Just me and him on a Friday afternoon in the chill out area of the office. The only sounds coming from his mouth as he chewed and snapped gum and twisting of the handles of the table, smacking the ball hard. I then spoke.

"So...", I said.

"Nine - nil", he replied.

I shrugged then walked away from the table and into the small stationary room out of sight of the rest of the office. He followed me there, with bursts of confused fake laughter, not quite sure why I had just randomly trotted off.

"What are you doing? You can’t walk away from the game. You'll forfeit".

I placed my finger to my mouth and politely asked him to hush the **** up. I then spoke.

"I've been shagging your missus. Birthmark on her thigh. Completely shaven apart from a strip of hair. Loves her high pitched screams. Don't fret mind, our little secret. Talking of little..."

I then smiled, pointed at him and winked.

Okay, so he kneed me hard between the legs and with gritted teeth grabbed me by my neck and explicitly stated he would kill me. It took a good ten minutes to get myself up from the floor after he walked back to his desk. I had to tell people I had stomach cramp and proceeded to spend a good thirty minutes in the disabled toilets attempting to recover, dipping my balls into a basin of cold water. Dodgy Indian the night before I told everyone when I reappeared.

I slept with his missus having found out from her that she hadn't slept with him for almost ten months. Some relationship. Apparently they were not as strong as they once were. All that bravado in the office, all that brash alpha male b*lls**t. All a sham. And between himself and myself, exposed.

Obviously I forfeited and lost the table football. Shame that. But you've got to take some punches (kicks) for the team and still come out of it standing tall (with slight awkwardness in the midsection). But after that day he wasn't quite as boisterous and in my face as he was prior to my revelation. Sure, he was still successful at what he did at work and still swaggered around the office. But he knew I knew that I could, on my day, get one over him and had one over him, which shifted power a little towards me. I knew that he knew that I knew I had found him out. Finally found him out.

When we went head to head on anything, he was never guaranteed to come out on top like before.

When I played table football I made sure he couldn't refuse by making a point of challenging him in front of others. He displayed traits of mortality in the game he once dominated. Mainly because of my in-game ambiguous banter that had him a touch nervous I would spill the beans to everyone crowded around the table that I had relations with this other half.

His concentration was off-key because he was more than aware it was no longer an easy brisk walk in the park for him. It hardly mattered he span the handles a few times during the game or had his 'mates' distract me whilst I attempted to defend. I didn't bother with the protests because I would make sure I won. His mates can hardly do anything if I'm wiping the floor with him where it mattered. On the table. Didn't always win of course. But won enough games to keep me content and keep him irate. His arrogance no longer grating. A victory for him no longer a forgone conclusion. Suddenly, everything about him that made him such a bane was inconsequential. I had the beating of him.

All thanks to his girlfriend and her needs. They had a wobble, a prolonged wobble, I was a b*stard, I made a move. Just the once. They didn't break up. He knew she cheated on him but didn’t have a clue who with. And I assume they sorted out their issues because they were still together up until I left the company. And he was hardly going to do anything more than knee me because God forbid people found out what I did. And killing me would have been detrimental to his lifestyle. He disliked porridge.

So in order to secure one or two wins on the table and restore some personal equilibrium in the office I did something that was both beautiful and ugly. Something not that becoming of a true gent. Arguably over the top and cruel. Just so I could have one victory. Because I wanted too. Because things just had to change. Pretty much the type of thing he did week in week out to me and other people. Screw people. Getting kneed was acceptable collateral damage.

The moral is simply this; if you want to come out smiling get balls deep.



Reader Comments (43)

With regards to Stratford, I read in The TImes today that we would ship the stadium off to Crystal Palace like a giant Meccano set. Then we build our own ground over the top.

If, and I hope it does not, come to this, then lets have some fun with it. Why not build the stadium in the shape of cockerel with a giant cartoon arse. We could then point the chocolate starfish in either the direction of the spammers or the scum.

In addition, we could have a "mock the cockney" exhibit in the toilets, where each urinal has the face of scum or spammers player in the bottom. In the bottom of each toilet, we could have Wengers smiling face, so you get to shit on it. We should also have a voice recording of Wenger saying "I didnt see anything" when the flush is pulled.

On second thoughts, fuck it, lets not move to Stratford!

Jan 13, 2011 at 10:50 AM | Unregistered CommenterBen

Massive yawn. Please give me my five minutes back.

Jan 13, 2011 at 10:52 AM | Unregistered CommenterMatt

Loved it personally.

Jan 13, 2011 at 10:56 AM | Unregistered CommenterBoxed In

Pictures or STFU

Jan 13, 2011 at 10:57 AM | Unregistered CommenterPLY

Loved it, I get it totally.
Happy new year by the way, been away for three weeks, first chance to offer.

Jan 13, 2011 at 10:57 AM | Unregistered Commentersinger

I fucking love it. Brilliant Spooky.

Jan 13, 2011 at 10:58 AM | Unregistered Commentertimes

There's some one at my work place who peacocks his way around the office thinking he's Gods gift. Got sacked last week for stealing. Karma.

Reading between the lines I think Spooky wants us to play a 4-5-1 formation with vdv in the hole just behind Defoe.

Jan 13, 2011 at 10:59 AM | Unregistered CommenterAuthor of Comment

Rock on!!

Jan 13, 2011 at 10:59 AM | Unregistered CommenterZebby

Always something different with you Spooky.

No Stratford article today?

Jan 13, 2011 at 11:00 AM | Unregistered CommenterJep

you see now that would have worked so much better if you had made the spurs / arse analogy explicit at the end rather than the weak finish that you chose to go with, in my humble opinion

Jan 13, 2011 at 11:08 AM | Unregistered Commenterspurstough

So is this just a massive metaphor?

It's about Bentley really isn't it?

Jan 13, 2011 at 11:10 AM | Unregistered CommenterMattyblamblam

Mammoth. Some might say woolly too.

Them Europeans can be good at table footie ; )

Jan 13, 2011 at 11:20 AM | Unregistered Commenterhoopspur

so is this actually a metaphor or are you really crap at table football?

Jan 13, 2011 at 11:39 AM | Unregistered Commenterdrwinston001

Surely its about United?
Well thats how i interpreted it anyway...

Jan 13, 2011 at 11:58 AM | Unregistered Commenterham17spurs

Lets just say that once you smash United once, the cloak of invincibility is removed.

Jan 13, 2011 at 12:02 PM | Unregistered CommenterPLN

Prolonged wobble? Taking advantage? I agree, let's keep the arrogant Chelsea bastards out of the Champions League. At which point rather than sacking Ancelotti, I'd imagine he'd be sent to some remote Russian prison...

Jan 13, 2011 at 12:04 PM | Unregistered CommenterDavid

I thought it was about the Gooners, until the "girlfriend" bit cropped up.

@Author of Comment - we had one of those too, in the IT Department. Flirted with all the girls, thought he was the dog's preverbials, then one day he didn't turn up. Turns out he'd been caught nicking PCs, laptops and monitors. Did it very cleverly too - boxing them up and getting reception to DHL it out to various locations, claiming it was books, dvds etc that he'd sold on ebay.

Jan 13, 2011 at 12:06 PM | Unregistered CommenterWalkerboy

You slept with Posh?

Jan 13, 2011 at 12:12 PM | Unregistered CommenterShannon

i too thought it was brilliant, my take was a metaphor to the united game and although they swagger about thinking they are gods gift and we are always sat behind although the endeavor and effort are there...all makes sense so far. then the girlfriend bit came up, becks perhaps? Shacking up with man u's biggest love of the last generation? maybe throwing them off the boil a little bit having him sat in the stand with a top thats got no' 77 printed next to the majestic cockeral he bears on his chest proudly (because he's always supported us).....??

answers on a postcard i guess, maybe you just thought it was a funny story aye spooky?

Jan 13, 2011 at 12:15 PM | Unregistered Commentertesken

Absolutely loved the piece Spooky , metaphor or not , gloating or not ... i dont care. I am the kind of guy that prefers style over result footie wise and in life.

But do want to meet that girl actually.

Jan 13, 2011 at 12:16 PM | Unregistered Commenterbelgian spur

Technically, if it's about United/Beckham, shouldn't your tale have mentioned that the girlfriend decided to leave for someone equally as successful? Then she followed that by going off to someone with no heritage but who offered a lot of money......

Jan 13, 2011 at 12:18 PM | Unregistered CommenterWalkerboy

@belgianspur ... agreed, he did sell the girl quite well! want to check out the birth mark....

Jan 13, 2011 at 12:22 PM | Unregistered Commentertusken

I liked this, too, but had to pray our villain was a GOONER!! So disappointed that it didn't turn out that way!

Jan 13, 2011 at 12:35 PM | Unregistered Commenterlettermen1


Jan 13, 2011 at 12:48 PM | Unregistered CommenterMes

Was obviously about United / Chelsea.

I stated Bentley earlier to throw a bit of a spnner in the works. I really like this actually, I think you're a decent writer Spooky.

Jan 13, 2011 at 1:29 PM | Unregistered CommenterMattyblamblam

no tongue in cheek here... just a massive burden off his chest for spooky.

Jan 13, 2011 at 2:18 PM | Unregistered Commenterspursmass

I may be alone in this opinion, but any dude who fucks a girl he knows is involved with someone else is a dickhead, even if the other guy is a bastard.

And yes, I am still overly sensitive about my cheating ex

Jan 13, 2011 at 5:58 PM | Unregistered CommenterDrew Vader

Loved it Spooks.

And would take a 'dirty' win over United at the weekend for that matter!

Jan 13, 2011 at 8:21 PM | Unregistered CommenterMark

If we field Jenas + Luka in the middle and Rafa + Crouch up front and the two wingers then I think we beat manure this time around.

Wish we had Hudd and better strike options but we still have enough with that line up to do it for the first time in decades.

Jan 13, 2011 at 9:43 PM | Unregistered CommenterAS

This. This is what keeps me coming back. There are many faster ways to get analysis and or news of Spurs, and frankly I can't say if Spook is much of a Clipboard genius (No offense, just you never know until you do eh?) But, goodness he can write. Well done Sir! If ever I get the opportunity, many pints shall be proffered

Jan 14, 2011 at 5:13 AM | Unregistered CommenterMichael The G

A great post, once again. As Michael the G said, there are faster ways to get an analysis, but they are definetely not as entertaining as Spooky's.

Jan 14, 2011 at 10:06 AM | Unregistered CommenterJoni

Spooky - Close to, if not the Master!! Not worthy......!!!! Brilliant Brilliant

Jan 14, 2011 at 11:51 AM | Unregistered CommenterScalytomato

Fuck it everyone - Lawro has us down to win on Sunday the git. He likes to Jinx us like that.

Jan 14, 2011 at 12:16 PM | Unregistered CommenterCEJ

Spooky, if you ever write a book... here is your first order. I'll take 5.

Its about damn Manchester United, isn't it? Those guys show up, year after year, to defeat us and actually do it. I had a Man-u supporting close friend in campus and we watched all the Spurs-United games together and in those 4 years I never saw us win. Not even once. Not even when we scored from the halfway line in the very last minute of the game. Maybe I should have tried to shag his girl! Finished school, got jobs, did many things, BUT, still we never won! Not even when we led 2 - 0 at half time.

The worst part of all this is that I know, deep down, that the bastards will do it to us again on Sunday. We can't stop them. Not even if we pray... Believe me, I've tried it all.

Jan 14, 2011 at 12:43 PM | Unregistered CommenterRonnie

Teams have been annouced for Sunday - Man U are playing Mike Dean in the middle of a 4-4-3 formation.

Jan 14, 2011 at 12:44 PM | Unregistered CommenterLemonadeMoney

Ronnie , thats why i never watch that game , my first ever live game was man u - spurs and we beat them en since then i cant remember us winning that game (must have happened since 89 but still). I cant stand watching this game and it always gets me down if i do decide to watch it, even more after reading one of Spooky's uproaring motivational blogs just before the game. He instills hope and then the defeat is even harder to take in

I feel weak for it but i will skip the game this weekend ... but most of the time i still follow it on my blackberry or through score updates or whatever and still feel gutted in the end

Jan 14, 2011 at 12:48 PM | Unregistered Commenterbelgian spur

I fancy us at home this time, i've got to say. COYS

Jan 14, 2011 at 2:14 PM | Unregistered CommenterDeadly

I understand belgian spur...I really do.

Unfortunately, I will watch the whole game. and when we score first (as usual) I won't help but leap from my seat, arms in the air, screaming.

With my Spurs jacket on, and being the only Spurs fan at the local sports bar, its going to be really humiliating when they score the equalising penalty, then go ahead to take our three points back to their over-hyped old trafford.

Oh! You won't believe it but i'm secretly hoping that my "having-given-up" will somehow cause the gods of football to allow a win for us. So much for "giving up".

Man! I hate referees!

Jan 14, 2011 at 3:02 PM | Unregistered CommenterRonnie

That was pretty awesome lol
Does this mean we gotta get balls deep into man u this weekend or bang some of the Top teams players wives to get something over on them?

Jan 14, 2011 at 5:34 PM | Unregistered CommenterEspyid

I am an American and therefore don't understand your humo(u)r or whether this is supposed to be a metaphor or some kind of deep lesson because I'm face deep and overly engrossed licking the remains from my breakfast of a bucket of lard, french fries ("chips"), high fructose corn syrup, and raw beef to tell.

But I never hated Man Utd. until the last game with THAT goal, THAT call, and THAT pompous little ass running around afterwards like he'd just won the World Cup against a team composed of angels and super strong space aliens with death rays and space ships that destroy planets and contain magical machines that dispense a never-ending supply of beer.

So yeah, I'll take it as a Man Utd. metaphor that I'm too dim to understand and sacrifice an extra goat tonight to the great god of murder, glory be upon him, for victory in tomorrow's game.

I want the Spurs to not just win or win well as Bill Nick would have said. I want the Spurs to totally humiliate, dominate and destroy those filthy little bastards. I want to Spurs to crash Man U's little party, fuck their wives, drink all their booze and not even flush the toilets when they're done pissing all over the seat and floor surrounding the toilet, before jumping into their cars to go to ruin another jerkoff's party next. No mercy. Not anymore. Not for them.

But that's just me. I'm a bad person.

Jan 15, 2011 at 4:04 PM | Unregistered CommenterMalcolm Tucker

/\ I like this guy /\

Jan 15, 2011 at 4:12 PM | Registered Commenterspooky

Wrong sub, VDVD shd have come off for Defoe. Palacios was doing well.

Jan 16, 2011 at 5:49 PM | Unregistered CommenterNochman

Spooky, can Malcolm come over play again, pleaaaaase!

Well looks like we've signed that Striker we've all been crying out wait its another midfielder....actually quite happy about this signing very decent player and improves our already great squad.

Now please, pritty pritty please Harry gets us that striker who will strike some fear into defenders when they see his name on the team sheet, we are so so close

Jan 19, 2011 at 6:24 AM | Unregistered CommenterMattyboy

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