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« You wait ages for one and then three… | Main | The Jan transfer window has gone looney tunes »


So apparently we've signed Gudjohnsen. On loan. He's definitely not a defensive midfielder (sigh) nor a prolific striker. He's a link man. Superb player at Chelsea, but not sure exactly how he's progressed since - other than the odd cameo during his time at Barcelona. No problems, it would seem, in getting him to sign on the dotted line as there was no competition for his signature.


Nah, just kidding. West Ham apparently offered him a contract and the player had a medical there too. We then offered the same contract (wage wise according to honest Harry) and he's chosen us. Not sure why the claret and blues are in melt-down over it. He had two choices, he made a decision, end of story. Why do chairman/owners always try to re-invent the wheel in the hard-done by stakes? It's not like this type of thing is rare in football.

Sullivan spouting about karma just adds fuel to the perpetuated obsession that is directed towards us and thus by mentioning it our obsession with them…it's complex stuff this rivalry business.

Birmingham recently stole a player from the clutches of Wolves, so perhaps that's the karma Sullivan is referencing. Otherwise, let me remind you about a certain French player we spoke to who then got into a cab we paid for, drove to the cesspit and signed for the enemy. Karma? We've had plenty of it rammed down our throats with excessive dollops of lasagna to last us a life time.

Still, I'm not stripping down to my y-fronts and moon walking across my office desk just yet. Perhaps it’s the collection of forwards we now possess that has me wondering where they will all fit in from one game to the next. Although plenty of time for one of them (at a stretch two) to be sold on between now and the 1st of Feb.

I still believe that another DM is a necessity if we are to consolidate and take that 4th spot. This is a massive chance to claim CL football because next season the likes of Man City will have spent another £200M or so in a single summer and Liverpool will probably rediscover their form - leaving us scratching our heads and wondering about 'what ifs', and in addition relentlessly trying to hold onto Lennon and Modric, before accepting a donation to the Tottenham Foundation and accepting defeat.

Good luck Eidur. Once upon a time, it was Keane who spent the game linking the midfield with the forward line. Hopefully Harry has a plan about how this will work, but considering the issues we have currently with unlocking defences and thus making a meal out of it, we might have just got ourselves a rather worthy key.

Reader Comments (23)

Methinks Keano is a gogo!
I used to really rate Gudjohnson back in day, as for now, how knows?

Jan 28, 2010 at 3:16 PM | Unregistered Commentersinger

who was this french guy

Jan 28, 2010 at 3:17 PM | Unregistered Commentermemzy

i love small boys

Jan 28, 2010 at 3:18 PM | Unregistered CommenterGooner Jake

Gooner Jake, please can you and Mr Wenger leave the school playground...

Ta nicely...

Jan 28, 2010 at 3:23 PM | Unregistered CommenterSquirrel

The French guy was Mr Petit

Jan 28, 2010 at 3:29 PM | Unregistered CommenterHeroes

We cant grumble with a free Transfer but why are we going with Kaboul is Harry trying to rescue Pompy on his own he needs to move away from Living there .Eidur is not a Gamble but can we trust Kaboul from relegation to the top four is Pav going to Birmingham to Haunt us i doubt it where is the 40 million Yeung promised Mcleish just said on Sky 15 mill is outside our price then he said we have 25 millon but some is for the summer.All this 40 millon was a ploy to let Birmingham players play well or you are gone and they have only beaten by a more energized Chelsea so don't be fooled into thinking we will not be chased allover st Andrews Because you cant enegized twice in a week remember Wolves got Hammered 3-0 then beat us you have bean Warned lets hope we overcome this like the Fulham game .If a certain governing body had done its job our team would be higher up the table and Keeping all our players .The player i highlighted on here last week Mutu the last prem player to fail a drugs test has failed again in Italy its funny he only got caught because he flew at is manager Moreno and he reported him now where have we heard that Mr Beattie we have the fastest league and the cleanest according to the FA?. COYS

Jan 28, 2010 at 3:36 PM | Unregistered Commenterdavspurs

I'm happy with this signing. Intelligent player. Loan deal too, which is shrewd.

Jan 28, 2010 at 3:36 PM | Unregistered CommenteriYid

What the fuck are you rambling on about for Eidur, good on loan so we can see what he can do, seems a bit old for the pace of the prem though?

Jan 28, 2010 at 3:40 PM | Unregistered CommenterRyman

I think the Karma thing was rather about them than us? They deprived us of signing Bellamy last year when we were in a relegation position and he wanted to come to us, so we've just returned the favour this year in depriving them of signing Gudjohnsen ;) In fact they're still on top in those stakes seeing as not getting Bellamy ended up with us getting a damaged goods Keane as part of the fall out. Jenas for Parker anyone?

Jan 28, 2010 at 3:41 PM | Unregistered CommenterSpursfect

'Arry must have looked at his lineup of strikers and thought, hmm. what we really need is another old c*nt past his prime. We've already got 3 of em. Why not have another?

Jan 28, 2010 at 3:42 PM | Unregistered Commenternycyid

Even better that Gudjohnsen's wages are being substantially paid for by his previous club. Bit of a no brainer - if we don't intend to play Pav that much, then we might as well not play a much cheaper option that much either, and save ourselves some cash.

Defensive midfielder? Personally I think Kaboul can do it. Come on then you lot - cue the comments!!

Jan 28, 2010 at 3:44 PM | Unregistered Commenterhoopspur

I was joking in my comment above. I agree with hoopspur and do imagine there is a solid overarching strategy with the whole thing. It'll be very interesting to see what happens next.

Jan 28, 2010 at 3:47 PM | Unregistered Commenternycyid

Davspurs - it's quite ironic that you hold a paranoid view that all Prrmiership teams are doped up on ephedrine when every incoherent, stuuttering post that you leave reads as if you have been sniffing glue all night and smearing large dollops of cocaine under your foreskin. Seriously mate, let it go. Premiership players are paid handsomely to be as fit as they are. There is no conspiracy. (ps - Harry lives in Bournemouth, not Portsmouth)

Jan 28, 2010 at 3:48 PM | Unregistered Commenter??????

Do West Ham actually think we've gone in for the player because they want him?

Jan 28, 2010 at 4:01 PM | Unregistered CommenterThe Machine

davspurs , you must be happy that they nicked Mutu in Italy ... he was apparantly energized as you like to call it.

Jan 28, 2010 at 4:11 PM | Unregistered Commenterbelgian spur

Davspurs - you need your own blog son.

Jan 28, 2010 at 4:15 PM | Unregistered CommenterKilljoy

Harry Redknapp and 'overarching policy' do not usually appear in the same sentence.
I assume that someone is going, probably Pavlyuchenko, maybe Keane perhaps both, who knows.
I'm not a great Keane fan though he has actually looked better lately when coming on as sub.
I think Pavlyuchenko has been badly handled and I really rate the boy.
However I think that 'The icelander' ((easier to spell than Gudjohnsen) is additional as he is costing us little and may be happy to be a sqad player. He is intelligent and versatile and was avery good player. But that was then.
If nobody leaves it makes no sense to bring him in except that he is a bargain. Maybe.

Jan 28, 2010 at 4:21 PM | Unregistered CommenterJimmyG2

I can't make up my mind on this deal yet. It is either an extremely shrewd move by Harry to bring in an experienced and "versatile" player till the end of the season as an added attacking option, or it is a needless signing which distracts from our real need for a DM and may further unsettle our current strikers (Pav and Keane, I'm looking at you).

I guess, we'll have to wait until the end of the window before we can really evaluate why Harry has brought in Eidur and how useful he will be.


Jan 28, 2010 at 4:22 PM | Unregistered CommenterJJ - When the year ends in one

Nah you ve all missed the point , The Arse got an overage, overwieght ,has been and we thought " Hang on they have a cunnung plan" lets have some of that

Jan 28, 2010 at 5:20 PM | Unregistered Commenterjohn james

I fucking LOVE this club. Love it.

Jan 28, 2010 at 5:27 PM | Unregistered CommenterAuthor of Comment



wos the problem?..................

another thing .........get off the players backs at home when were up against it at home

a reason why we dont perform in sections of the games...........

the away sides are using it

Jan 28, 2010 at 8:34 PM | Unregistered Commenterbilliospur

I actually rated Kaboul during his time with us, and in a way, followed his progress at Portsmouth and I thought we were quite premature to call time on him then. He is a solid, versatile player and useful in the opposition's box..

As for Gudjohnny.. he WAS a good player.. dunno how he IS now.. but he has a good footie brain and touch.. we shall see soon.. this is a good punt by 'Arry.. methinks, he will do as a great impact sub.

Jan 29, 2010 at 2:16 AM | Unregistered CommenterSteviespurs

shopping in the hand me down bargain bin aint gonna get you into the CL. Eidur is well past it, had no pace to begin with, is a reject from Ligue 1, and being Icelandic hes a miserable fucker. Maybe he will reinvent himself as a deep midfielder. lets hope so.

Jan 29, 2010 at 7:42 PM | Unregistered Commenterchrisman

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