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« Gudjohnsen | Main | Spurs 2 Fulham 0 - We still 4th then? »

The Jan transfer window has gone looney tunes

So apparently David Sullivan is mouthing off about all this Gudjohnson business. The Evening Standard run with the back-page headline stating:

"David Sullivan’s fury as Spurs hijack Eidur Gudjohnsen deal"

Is this not the same Sullivan who had shares in Tottenham and attempted to hijack ENIC's consolidation of ownership? Or did I just make that up? If I did, it's just like the tabloids. Ooh. Maybe he tried to buy shares in THFC. Bah, I've lost my punchline now.

How about posing like Ray Winstone again for the camera. Yeah, that's it, no smiling, just make sure you look well 'ard.

Bore off mate.

As for Eidur, got a footballing brain and some of our lot are justifying it by suggesting he would work a treat linking up the midfield with attack. We're not short on the creative side. I'd much prefer a proper goal scorer. Are old men really the only choices we have at the minute? Not seen the bloke play recently so I can't really offer much other than to say his best years are past him. Then again, some said the same of a certain other 'clever' forward.

I wish him luck at Upton Park.


So Gio is off to Turkey and once more we are divided into various groups of opinions.

"He's over-rated"

"Trouble-maker who doesn't train"

"Never got a chance"


Did Barcelona know what they were doing when they got rid of him? Probably. I don't buy all this 'he wanted to play first team football so he left' nonsense. What amuses me is how having done nothing with this player, do people actually believe we'd go out and buy his brother? This is now officially the worst January transfer window of all time. Anyways, Gio is on loan so you never know...we might see him again. Probably not.

Time to re-call Adel.


On the subject of kids, have we learnt nothing with Gareth Bale? So refrain yourselves from thinking that John Bostock has been ruined. He's a teenager. The mistake we made was not leaving him to complete the season at Crystal Palace and then bring him into our academy fold and allow for first team experience. Rather than tour games and the one UEFA Cup cameo. The kid has talent, but as usual we don't appear to be the best place on earth to nurture and develop and bring them into the fold. I liked Harry's comments about getting him to train with the first team. Positive thinking finally. If he's good enough, we'll soon know.


Kaboul. Two words. What the fuck? That was three words.

Reader Comments (47)

If I thought the xfer window was put there to entertain me I'd be asking for my money back.

Jan 27, 2010 at 7:27 PM | Unregistered Commenterthfc-lac

You fishing?

Jan 27, 2010 at 7:27 PM | Unregistered CommenterToken Yid

Gudjohnsen is a fantastic player - some of the quickest feet in the game. If his head is screwed on then he will be a great bench player and capable of forming a partnership with any of the other strikers.

Jan 27, 2010 at 7:28 PM | Unregistered CommenterFootballIntel

Afternoon all. Anyone looking forward to City v Utd.

I remember something about Sullivan and Gold trying to mix it up in our gaff. I think they were trying to buy a majority share holder out or maybe trying to buy up more shares. Very vague.

Jan 27, 2010 at 7:28 PM | Unregistered CommenterJep

The word is Spooky, that a Spurs representative met him at the airport.......
Gio on his way to Turkey maybe?

Jan 27, 2010 at 7:30 PM | Unregistered Commentersinger

YID ARMY - that's two words. YIDS YIDS YIDS - and that's three!

Jan 27, 2010 at 7:31 PM | Unregistered CommenterDoglegz

If Pav is on his way I'd take Gudjohnsen. Gutted we're not bringing in a DM.

Jan 27, 2010 at 7:32 PM | Unregistered CommenterOllie

"Did Barcelona know what they were doing when they got rid of him? Probably."

Like they knew what they were doing when they got rid of Fabregas?

Jan 27, 2010 at 7:47 PM | Unregistered Commenteranon

They didn't get rid of Fabregas though did they? He was stolen from them. Don't rate Gio at all. Just seems to be a pain the arse off the field. If he can't be bothered about turning up to train then why should Harry or anyone care to give him a chance?

Jan 27, 2010 at 7:55 PM | Unregistered CommenterOops

We have just got rid of a player who could have bean our Xfactor to get us in the champs top four Harry has spoken with a fork tongue again lets hope the judge believes him ,Because after the Preston game Harry was drooling about the glimpses of Gioes skill and he said its a shame he cant wait to see him play never thought it would be for is old manager Rhykart ,he noes how good he can be with is hatrick in his last game against Mercia he played him.Bostock has gone backwards why give him Champagne then make him drink Vinegar he should have bean comming on for ten mins in games like Wigan Hull away. Gudgod is still a good player if you look at is game against us at wembley for Barca he troubled our defense all the way through and created the goal for toure.

Jan 27, 2010 at 8:07 PM | Unregistered CommenterDAVSPURS

If Pav's definitely going, then i'd take Gudjohnsen although he's not going to provide us with goals thats for sure, it'd be nice if we get some good cover for Wilson and Huddlestone in the middle of the park as Jenas looks well and truly benched....even better if we can find someone to challenge them for a start. I'd have to agree with the school of thought on Dos Santos that its down to the player rather then the club as to why he isn't knocking on the door of the first team, he has undoubted talent, but how much application? I remember Robinho as an 18 year old at Santos with the world at his feet, the next "Pele", showing all the signs of being the next great samba star, and look at him now, creeping out of major European football for mainly being a lazy, luxury primadonna. Same goes for Pav really, if they want to start make it so you can't be ignored, be the first in and last out of training, take extra sessions, outshine your starting rivals. Don't just ride on your price tag and reputation. I can only presume this isn't the case in either situation. Shame.

Jan 27, 2010 at 8:07 PM | Unregistered Commenterparklanedan

Fabregas was not stolen from what I remember. Was he not involved in the Petit and Overmars sale and came to England when he was very young? Might be wrong also might be wrong in saying I remember Suliven trying to buy shares it also said he was a life long Spurs fan it was in the Sun I think so most probally bullshit. And on the what goes around comes around was we not after horse face first before Porn man came in shouting his mouth of about we have offered a player 100k a week. Also we were on the verge of signing Duff before Newcastle came in and stolll him (That was lucky). Its football get over it. Would rather he goes to the hammers anyway great in his day not sure we need him now. I'm praying please Harry please make a late move for Van der Vart and Gago PLEASE.

Jan 27, 2010 at 8:08 PM | Unregistered CommenterBrazilyid

Some clarity re: Sullivan and Golds Spurs 'involvement' (with thanks to Intrepid over at GG):

In a word, yes. They were never too keen on Levy/Lewis getting control and caused many problems. The crunch came in financial year 2003/04 when it was clear that new finance, via a shares rights issue, was required and ENIC proposed selling 60,000 preference shares for THFC at £250 to raise £15 million – Levy and Lewis agreed to underwrite the deal.

It was basically a call to “put up or shut up” – the club needed money and not just talk – ENIC put up the money and in doing so increased their shareholding (obviously) – the other two gentlemen had the opportunity to put their hands in their pockets – it would appear that they neither had the stomach, nor the money, to take on ENIC. Like many people, they were all talk until such time the money had to be put on the table. They wanted a big say in running the Club but were not prepared to put the required amount of money into the Club.

Jan 27, 2010 at 8:23 PM | Registered Commenterspooky

What I want to know is that now the spammers are owned by Jews, will they stop their anti-semitic abuse?

I doubt it...

Jan 27, 2010 at 8:25 PM | Unregistered CommenterSquirrel

The truth is Squirrel that half of the spammers have probably got Jewish blood without even knowing it, they'll always bitch about us, because much as they envy the success of the Arse and Chelski we're the club they really want to for Sullivan, the pictures of him in his burgundy "smoking" jacket reminded me of Del Boy in his heyday, once a (black)market trader, always a.....he's just an Alan Sugar wannabee.

Jan 27, 2010 at 8:35 PM | Unregistered Commenterparklanedan

Doubt it very much Squirrel as Arsenal had David Dein for years and Chelsea have Roman Abramovich and it does not stop them.

Jan 27, 2010 at 8:38 PM | Unregistered CommenterBrazilyid

gio doesnt fit ?.......

for me with lennon out ....he could have played as his skill is there..........??

..whats the truth about his attitude?

as with bale eg...a run of games turns all the negative opinion
upside down.........

Jan 27, 2010 at 10:19 PM | Unregistered Commenterbilliospur

What is all about Bale?Do i miss something here or we watch diferent chanels?
In 1t place-he play because BAE is not available.2nd defence-still look to shaky.Attacking-he run alot(if he dont he will be a baby-sitter)not high % of deliverys in to the box-last night cant think of many reaching target man,all he does try to do 1 on 1 and run.Luka last night playing on the right make him look good cause his call has answer in the other side-Luka,god bless him have a football view and skills to open the other side and thanks for his effort we unlock the game.Players to talk about and thanks this season are all the same-Gomes,Dawson,Bassong,Wilson,Huddelston,Luka and Niko,Crouchy-they all work hard and almost every game give them best and play for the team.Faces like Defoe,Bentley,Bale,Keane,Jenas are not playing for the good of tottenham-they have own targets.
We should of buy a central middfielder-Tom was 2 games away and without him funny enough we became slow side.Is it Tom that good or just thtas the best pair in the middle we can play?JJ never will make a game unless a cup one,Bentley can't play there so if any of them 2 get out who will fit them?-JJ and will be poor display.Still dont believe Sandro was only option and we have to sell to buy.Who we sell last Jan - i guess again!!! if you about to loss something cash is small problem,if you about to achieve something you have to sell first.Thank Daniel!!!keep them now -Keane,JJ,Hutton,Bentley-wait 4 more years untill you get 49 millions for one of them.Whats the menu for the last day this year?Last time close to top 4 we got danny murphy,this time we loan player?Welcome to Frampton Hart Lane.Fack

Jan 27, 2010 at 11:10 PM | Unregistered Commenternet-it

Tottenham beat West Ham to sign former Chelsea striker Eidur Gudjohnsen on loan
here it iwe find him-our central middfielder.Loan for Loan.Better of loan some over 30 old experience german or playing in there DM.Werder Bremen have 2 of them for sample

Jan 27, 2010 at 11:19 PM | Unregistered Commenternet-it

net-it, DAVSPURS..... WTF? Might I suggest that you both spend the rest of the transfer window learning the English language and its correct usage.

Jan 27, 2010 at 11:43 PM | Unregistered CommenterHenryPercy

is that gon make you feel better?or kkep us in top 4.good point-spelling the top 4-it's t-o-p and then is 4 innit?

Jan 27, 2010 at 11:53 PM | Unregistered Commenternet-it

i hate man united and hower webb

Jan 28, 2010 at 12:43 AM | Unregistered CommenterBernhard Carl "Bert" Trautmann

Bernhard Carl "Bert" Trautmann, OBE (born 22 October 1923), is a retired German footballer who played for Manchester City from 1949 to 1964. Brought up during times of inter-war strife in Germany, Trautmann joined the Luftwaffe early in the Second World War, serving as a paratrooper. He fought on the Eastern Front for three years, earning five medals including an Iron Cross. Later in the war he was transferred to the Western Front, where he was captured by the British as the war drew to a close. One of only 90 of his original 1,000-man regiment to survive the war, he was transferred to a prisoner-of-war camp in Ashton-in-Makerfield, Lancashire. Trautmann refused an offer of repatriation, and following his release in 1948 he settled in Lancashire, combining farm work with playing as goalkeeper for local football team St Helens Town.

Performances for St Helens gained Trautmann a reputation as an able goalkeeper, resulting in interest from Football League clubs. In October 1949 he signed for Manchester City, a club playing in the highest level of football in the country, the First Division. The club's decision to sign a former Axis paratrooper sparked protests, with 20,000 people attending a demonstration. Over time he gained acceptance through his performances in the City goal, playing all but five of the club's next 250 matches.

Named FWA Footballer of the Year for 1956, Trautmann entered football folklore with his performance in the 1956 FA (Football Association) Cup Final. With 17 minutes of the match remaining Trautmann suffered a serious injury after diving at the feet of Birmingham City's Peter Murphy. Despite his injury he continued to play, making crucial saves to preserve his team's 3–1 lead. His neck was noticeably crooked as he collected his winner's medal; three days later an X-ray revealed it to be broken.
The Jewish hates me.Thats why tonight we've lost 3:1.Mazzeltoff-we did Man U

Jan 28, 2010 at 12:45 AM | Unregistered CommenterBernhard Carl "Bert" Trautmann

bale is playing well so let him be so is bentley , pav has struggeled and needs the chance prasie bentley for being isolated and sill performing well the sliky touches and the thepassing was great against fulham , crouch has been terific in recent weeks he has worked so hard for a beanpoll defoe is lacking but once he scores a goal he well be a threat just a blip well like ahrry said we lost 1 game in 11 some blip , gio is hakey and light weight needs experince thats why hes gone to gal on loan ,we might four strikers but IVY will only play mid to let sir modric get the ball and speed up the attck , please i have said before dont give the team a hard team if they play well and if we get a ugly winjust clap , because this team this season is already performing better then expected so enjoy it .... and long may it continue with sir harry redknapp at the helm

Jan 28, 2010 at 4:50 AM | Unregistered Commentermr s

I think some added experience on the pitch would a great thing. I still do not think Pav should be sold though.

Jan 28, 2010 at 7:53 AM | Unregistered Commenterelwehbi@ibleedhotspur

west ham crying over loss of potential loan player.the important word is potential.he was on the market and the one offering best conditions won.end of story.bert trautmann,didnt he return to germany after his career was over?i believe so.

Jan 28, 2010 at 9:01 AM | Unregistered Commentertony

would it be such a bad thing if we started the second half of the season with the same that we had at the start? After all we haven't done too shabby a job at avoiding relegation this season so far.

Jan 28, 2010 at 9:30 AM | Unregistered CommenterTricky

Stability sounds good to me, leave the "big purchases" until summer.

Jan 28, 2010 at 11:20 AM | Unregistered Commentermazzatron

dr mr gold and dildo Sullivan,

Crap alan sugars!
You're just crap alan sugars!
Crap alan sugars...
You're just a crap alan sugars...

Jan 28, 2010 at 11:41 AM | Unregistered CommenterAlan Sugar

2 points, 8 games! You're shit - aaaaah

Jan 28, 2010 at 11:45 AM | Unregistered CommenterDildo Sullivan

I hate west ham. SOO 2008

Jan 28, 2010 at 11:48 AM | Unregistered CommenterAlan Sugar

Sorry Lads, The Davids have done you like a kipper. Always wanting what some else has got.

No one wanted the Icelandic pensioner, least of all The Davids. Its all set up to give the Spuds
an Icelandic experience like our one. :-)

Jan 28, 2010 at 12:51 PM | Unregistered CommenterCranham

Cranham: Yeah, okay son, move on and make sure you break a leg on the way out...

Jan 28, 2010 at 1:11 PM | Unregistered CommenterSquirrel

What someone else has got? What, you had the player on a pre-contact then? Jog on mate.

Jan 28, 2010 at 1:59 PM | Registered Commenterspooky

Loooooooony Tuuuuunes indeed. Kaboul on his way back.....

Jan 28, 2010 at 2:07 PM | Unregistered Commentersinger

"Did Barcelona know what they were doing when they got rid of him? Probably."

I think that could apply equally to Gudjohnsen as it does to dos Santos. While there is no doubt the Icelander was a very good player in his day, he has not had regular football for coming on 4 years now. It says a lot about his ambition and motivation that he went for the easy life in Monaco - where incidentally he has performed unspectacularly in what is a very modest league - when he had plenty of other suitors in the summer.

I would personally prefer somebody like Victor Moses. A young, hungry player with plenty of potential and hunger for the game.

Spooky, as you know, we did not have him on a pre-contract agreement but he had his medical and it was a case of crossing the t's and dotting the i's. To be totally honest, I don't think Tottenham have done anything untoward but it grates that Redknapp feels the need to add to an already inflated squad despite him publically saying he will not be adding to your side. While you can mock our new chairmen all you like - and rightly so in terms of that Evening Standard picture and jacket - let's not pretend those in charge of Spurs are whiter than white, as seen with the constant whinging and whining over both the Berbatov and Keane transfers despite their love of pillaging young players across England in some very shady and unethical practices. I think it's the hypocrisy that annoys me the most but then that applies right across the majority of clubs and people involved in football.

Jan 28, 2010 at 2:16 PM | Unregistered CommenterChazza

I notice that people struggle to actually pin an error on Bale. Other than still looks'shaky' defensively. He is 20 and one of the best young prospects that we have. He poses a real threat to the opposition and because he has a football brain combines well with Modric.
He needs cover when he goes on his liitle missions into enemy territory but so do all such attacking fullbacks. He can't be in two bloody places at once. Thank god we wont hear any more of the 'hoodoo ' theory. I doubt if Harry would have played him if Ekotto had been available and wouldn't be surprised to see Ekotto preferred in his place when he returns.
This would be an error of judgement in my opinion. Mind you most people wrot e off Ekotto before he became one of our players of the season. then there's Kaboul, O'Hara and Boateng, and one or two others.
Ive waited a lot longer than most of you for 'success' and I'm in no hurry if it means sacrificing players who might need a little more time on the altar of the Champions League.

Jan 28, 2010 at 2:21 PM | Unregistered CommenterJimmyG2

I agree with Chazza actually and that is very confusing to say the least ... well put m8

Jan 28, 2010 at 2:22 PM | Unregistered Commenterbelgian spur

JimmyG2, I would saying trying to cut inside and score a wonder goal in the 95th minute in a tight FA Cup game but then be dispossesed to which the opposition go up the other end and score is an error on Bale's part? As was his choice of ball in the latter stages of the Leeds game where after a very good run, he decided to take another touch and go for a shot from an audacious angle rather than cut the ball back to Pavyluchenko who would have had a tap-in. That was the first game I have seen him in since he has come into your side but both errors showed a lack of experience which some may say should be expected of somebody his age. I'm not so sure about that considering he has played an awful lot for the Welsh at international level. It also highlighted a problem in his decision-making. It's easy to put that aside because other than that he was probably your best player on the night but ultimately his mistake(s) means you now have to face a tricky replay.

Jan 28, 2010 at 3:03 PM | Unregistered CommenterChazza

Ive waited a lot longer than most of you for 'success' and I'm in no hurry if it means sacrificing players who might need a little more time on the altar of the Champions League.

Who can argue with that? Well I suppose many can :) I actually don't think we're ready for CL (though to be fair neither are any of the other teams chasing fourth.) I'd rather see us build long term success.

Jan 28, 2010 at 3:09 PM | Unregistered Commenternycyid

nycyid... Today, CL is not about football, it's about the money!!
know what I mean son!

Jan 28, 2010 at 3:24 PM | Unregistered Commentertonyblue

too right tonyblue

Jan 28, 2010 at 3:48 PM | Unregistered Commenternycyid

Good points and I think he is inexperienced as he showed against Leeds. He would have got away with it if his more experienced captain had not compounded the error.
What I'm really talking about is the fans criticise himfor his defensive errors and poor positioning at times which he hasn't been really guilty of since he came into the side again.He hasn't actually played that often over the past two years for us.
If given the chance he will become a Spurs legend.
Another one that we nearly dismissed was 'clown' Gomes who has overcome injury and errors to become one of the best keepers in the league. We are too impatient

Jan 28, 2010 at 4:07 PM | Unregistered CommenterJimmyG2

FEEL MY WRATH Rrraaaaaaaa

Mega Alan

Jan 28, 2010 at 4:12 PM | Unregistered CommenterAlan Sugar

JimmyG2, I completely agree with you but would be vilified for being a "bitter Spammer" had I said as much. Dawson, Ekotto, Defoe and Lennon head a long list of players who have not been good enough at various points in their Tottenham careers only to be described as greats at a later date. There never seems to be any middle ground which is a disease that seems to have quickly spread right across the game.

Jan 28, 2010 at 4:21 PM | Unregistered CommenterChazza

The "weaknesses" attributed to Bale were also levelled at Ashley Cole when he was a similar age.
Cole has improved the defensive side of his game; Bale has enough time on his side to do likewise.
Is there a better young attacking left back ? His pace and crossing will frighten the life out of opponents and he seems to be fit enough to make these runs constantly for 90 minutes.
He reminds me of Zeige around the time of the Euro championships in 1996, before he sustained a serious injury which reduced his abilities.
Bale could be a fantastic attacking weapon for us if he retains confidence and fitness. Just give him time and remember he is only 20.

Jan 28, 2010 at 6:40 PM | Unregistered CommenterDAVID

This is so true, the Dan transfer has definitely gone a little looney

Sep 29, 2011 at 6:45 AM | Unregistered CommenterSoccer Blog news

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