Observations after Anfield...

Some observations after Anfield and beyond...(reposted, as the original article had comments disabled)
Did we learn anything from the 2-0 loss? We learnt that we always, without fail, choke when expectations are high. In fact we choke even when expectations are not high. Without fail. Ha! All we had to do was show some assertive swagger at Anfield and instead we failed miserably. Between now and April - if we stand any chance, any chance at all of finishing 4th - we have to remain unbeaten. Because April could well be a shower of pain. Take a look at the fixture list, then go sit in the corner of a room and slowly rock your body forwards and backwards until the men in white coats help you up.
Howard Webb is a mong. How many times has he directly influenced a game against our favour now?
Aston Villa 6 Blackburn 4. Did I really miss this game? Nine different goal-scorers? I even removed the recording from Sky+ just after it began because the other half wanted me to record American Idol. Which I happen to watch with her. Well, she doesn't actually watch it. I watch it on my own. With popcorn.
Did Jenas have a good game? Once more he divides opinion. Some people think he's shit others think he's crap. So, what do you think? Did he work hard or was he ineffectual out there? Flattered to deceive or under-rated? Who knows. Fact is he never does anything that can be perceived as completely comprehensive one way or the other.
The men holding the flags and the mong with the whistle are utterly incapable of understanding the offside rule and how it works in a passage of play where the player comes back into an onside position before the ball is played forwards again. Which is what happened with Defoe. I think.
Was I the only person who thought that was Pav on the touchline coming on only to then see Hutton? I think it's safe to say that our 'squad depth' is vastly over-rated.
Arsenal continue to exist within a bubble where the laws of the footballverse are ignored without question. It seems that brutal tackles are acceptable when dished out by one of the untouchables. The irony is invisible as witnessed with the cowardly foul Gallas committed on Mark Davies, with led to a goal for the home side from the resulting break away. Wenger, obviously, didn't see it yet feels it wasn't too bad. Didn't see it, but concludes it wasn't too bad. The logic. It's unparalleled. Dismissive. Anyone care to remember the Eduardo Crusade? There were rocks on the moon that knew about the heinous assault on the player thanks to Wenger's relentless ranting. Davies appears to have got lucky (not quite the right way to describe it). Brilliant stuff at the end of the game with Gallas and his Haiti awareness drive. Faux morality at it's finest.
Also worth mentioning how Wenger doesn't think his team did anything wrong by not kicking the ball into touch with a player down injured. How times have changed since 2006. Someone let BMJ know. WengerVision is in full effect.
Peter Crouch will never be awarded a free-kick in his favour, even if sexually assaulted in the penalty area. It would seem it's fair to hang onto the lank, pulling and tugging his shirt, kissing his neck and doing your utmost to drag him down to the ground so you can have your wicked way with him. Next tall person you see on the street, jump on his back and spank his bottom. No one cares. They're freaks. It's what they're meant for.
Bale. I feel for this lad. He isn't a bad player. In fact, going forward he is more than useful. Doesn't defend as brightly so development wise we need to work out where his future should be. Left back or left wing. Wing-back it is then. Regardless of the position the result is always the same. No win. It's not a monkey on his back. It's his monkey face. Resolution? Plastic surgery. Pin back those ears, shave his head and sort out some re-constructive work on his cheek bones and we're set to go!
When's Azza back? We're a one man team.
Reader Comments (75)
WE did choke again, Harry got it wrong again, playing a weakened Liverpool team we should have gone there and impose ourselves on them, as soon as Kuyt scored we seemed to accept our fate. Firstly we lacked leadership and secondly surely harry watched reading beat Liverpool surely he saw their LB had a world of trouble with Mc anuff, so why did he not replace the hapless Jenas move modric to the middle and put GIO on to terroise their defence.. TOP 4???? WERE HAVING A LAUGH
Wankers keep deluding urself u wankers r finishing in the top 4.Sure u guys r having a laff right?
Well i wouldnt trust him not to beat the crap out of a suspect if it meant getting a confession!
wow, gunnerboy, you certainly are doing our undereducated rivals proud with that comment
Been on various blogs and nobody seems to mention Ledders. Don't think he should've played last night as he did not look fit. Know he obviously has his problems, but thought we were doing not too bad defensively so why change to bring him in? First goal, which set the tone for the whole game was a result of a centre half, whether it was Ledley or Dawson that should've attacked the ball, not going for it!
Big chance blown again! Well pissed off!
We have the quality but we don't have it right mentality yet, hopefully that will come. We do fold under pressure but that is something we can change and we must if we are to push on from here. Harry has turned Spurs round and is doing a fantastic job. To be 4th in the league at this stage is very good. We need another central defender ASAP a real leader, another midfielder who can boss a game and a reserve keeper. Apart from that i think we are ok. Obviously if we get those 3 players in a couple wll have to go.....JJ to go abroad and King has to call it a day as sad as it is. Be nice to see Pav come on in a game too, he has skills!
very funny post - "no one cares they're freaks it's what they're meant for " made me laugh so much - quality
Brilliant article mate, brought a smile to my face. Considerably more measured than my shameless ranting. I'm happy to chip in for Bale's surgery.
Cheers for putting a smile on my face. It feels like all I've done today is fight the urge to hunt Howard Webb down and torture him, but you just made me laugh with the Crouch & Bale stuff!
Let's not let last night define our season
1 Chelsea 89
2 Man U 81
3 Arsenal 73
4 Spurs 66
5 Liverpool 64
6 Man City 63
7 Aston Villa 58
we r gonna finish top 4 , we r gonna finnish top 4 , we r gonna finish top 4 ,we r gonna finish top 4 !!!!!!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!! , in harry we believe, in harry we believe ,in harry we believe !!!!!! defoe best striker ,defoe best striker ,defoe best!!!!!!!!! striker ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!! modric best midfielder ,modric best midfielder ,modric best midfielder !!!!! ,now we r as good as arsenal , now we r as good as arsenal ,now we r as good as arsenal ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!! this was all spuds shouted not a long time ago, now as always they have again become a subject of mockery and public disgrace , turning their backs on own players and managers just typical of shitty fans of a shitty tiny passionless club.!!!!!!!!!!111111
You make oi larf!!! Crackin article. Jenas is plop. Agree with Andy c about King although it breaks my heart. Also was hoping to see Dos Santos. Nevermind. Now we are all gonna have to listen to Liverpool fans saying how good Aquiwhatever is, even though they only won cos they were less shit than us COYS
Are all Arsenal supporters retards or is it just the two who have posted on this blog ?
1 Arsenal 89
2 Chelsea 88
3 Man U 80
4 Liverpool 69
5 Man City 64
6 Spurs 63
7 Aston Villa 58
Why oh why would u split a centre half paring up who have kept several clean sheets in a row? ( had we won my sheets certaintly would not have been clean).
We neede width to attack Insua where was Rose or Gio?
Why did we not play O Hara on th left?
JJ is worse than my arse. Folk see him running around and equate that with been a great player, watch the minutiae of his gme he is a terrible footballer. He always appears not to want the ball, he hides. He is clueless hwta to do after one of his pointless runs and he always looses it. He passes either sideways or backwards and slows us down all the time. He makes passes to team mates who are not in a position to recieve it. If you love JJ just watch him very closely each game he is shite. What is the point of having a rolls royce engine if tyou put it in a Robin Reliant.
We need a midfield general WP is not the player we thoguht he was going to be.
We def need a big strong stiker who can hold the ball up and score 20 a season, it's not Crouching Tiger hidden spider.
Harr really needs to decide where Modders and Kranks re going to play and dont mess around with them. Persoanlly I would love to see NK in the centre of midfield. It's a bit like shagging really we all can adapt to different positions when required but there is always one we perform best in.
hey ! david, just like a dog barking at a priest will not turn the latter into a dog in same way u ppl the biggest delusionists aka retards aka spineless fans aka spuds calling us retards would not change anything and u and ur club will remain lonely and shitty as it always was.
Not all arsenal fans are retards. I know one who even knows how to use a knife and fork. He is 73 years old and a collectors item. A complete set of one.
Your article made me chuckle, lots.
I live in South Yorkshire and when I see Mr Webb, I'll give him a piece of my mind.
The lack of an onfield leader couldn't have been more obvious than it was last night at Anfield.
If the gooner boys are still up for offering opinions on football matters, what have they to say about Mr Gallas and his tackle on the Bolton player that's making all the headlines today?
What a wonderful example of a typical arsenal fan gooner rule is. On the assumption he is more than eight, (years old that is as obviously his hat size is greater but IQ somewhat lower) his total inability to compose a simple sentence provides a great belly laugh. All those words without capitals or punctuation is only topped by by his use of words that his carer uses whern trying to impress this challenged mite. Carry on gooner, as they say in show business break a leg. Whoops it's not Gallas posting is it? With a problem with english perhaps it is.
Top stuff Mr Spooky. Spat out tea reading the Crouchie stint.
Bit confused now because having read GOONERS post I thought I might be wrong but then along comes Gooneruler who obviously came from the same defective sperm bank as the other two Arsenal retards who posted on here previously.
Looking forward to seeing how many more post on here who share the same defects.
I hope that helps getting it off your chest, but it isn't Webb, Gallas, Wenger or Eduardo who you should be taking about it should be the tax-dodging wheeler-dealer chancer of manager at the Lane who cannot motivate his players for a critical game against an injury-hit low-confidence Liverpool, who cannot recognise a tactic if it jumped up and bit him, and can't even organise his substitutes to be ready when needed. Or maybe I'm being harsh ? In which case it's the 11 overrated buffoons who actually took to the pitch clearly not up for the game, probably because it meant they had to miss out on a golfing (sorry binge drinking) party or their weekly jaunt to some night spot (sorry brothel) to get even more pissed and throw-up in the company of their gaggle of wannabe slappers.
Yawn @ the pikeys
Im giving a talk at our local school next week on "why cousins shouldnt marry" and i was wondering if those Arsenal lads could come along? Just to make sure the kids get the message. I would really appreciate it
Juergen I'm sure Harry did fire the players up big time, you can see the man has passion. The players let him and us down simple as that. Spurs need a Psychologist, or they need to sack the current one as they are not doing their job! Look at the City performance, total football. and 3-0! Any fan with half a brain will tell you that. Yet we play a Liverpool team who are poor and lose easily. The problem is in the mind when the pressure is on us AWAY from home.
We don't need anyone telling us we're rubbish when we've got Spooky doing that. Keep it up.
Supernb article - a couple of proper giggles, CHEERS for that , much needed after 20 hours or so of feeling totally gutted.
Ledders shudnt have played - Why would you change a winning formula? We all knew he woulnt last the whole game, so he's a liability to us now from the start!
Bale - did ok , but in all fairness had no support on the left at all
Modders - NOT FIT
Charlie- has been our worst player for a while , he actually offers us NOTHING. Poor positional play, shit in a challenge, disgraceful first touch, poor distribution and not an ounce of speed.!!!!!!
Hutton - needs to play saturday & every game there after. How fantastic was he when he first signed???!
Niko - Lost
Wilson - For me is really pushing Charlie hard for the worst pl;ayer in the team. What has happened here? he came in and looked a world beater now he doesnt even look like a panel beater-
The front 2 looked out of sinc , altho Crouchy should really win more than 2 headers out of 10.
Without Aaron we are CLUELESS
The bottom line is we need to sort this shit out as soon as possible and harry needs to pull a rabbit out the hat. That rabbit may already be at his disposal , we need pace and we need it QUICK....... ROSE or GIO pleaase step forward.
Evening all.
We are 4th. We're not bottom four. We've got some tasty players and we play some decent football. Nowhere near the finished article. Are we having fun? Yes.
That'll do me.
"Peter Crouch will never be awarded a free-kick in his favour, even if sexually assaulted in the penalty area. It would seem it's fair to hang onto the lank, pulling and tugging his shirt, kissing his neck and doing your utmost to drag him down to the ground so you can have your wicked way with him. Next tall person you see on the street, jump on his back and spank his bottom. No one cares. They're freaks. It's what they're meant for"
This is gold.
An enjoyable article. I needed some laughs after the Liverpool fiasco.
Thanks David. Great advice. Should have made it clear that im more than happy to pick them up and drop them off. And will also buy them each a happy meal. And supply crayons
In my opinion Crouch was askin for it. Did you see the amount of flesh he had on display? He was flirting with Kygiakos all night, and we know what the Greeks are like at the best of times. Total slapper.
If you're gonna play a 4-4-2, then you have to have more than one flippin winger in your squad who you can rely on!!
Jenas - no better or worse than usual. Just totally pointless. Has an appaulingly slow football brain, and no 'bite' to his game. He's like a monorail. No craft, guile, power, or desire.
Basically, we're screwed away to the top 4 as we don't have a striker condusive to playing up top on his own. We can't utilise our creative midfielders as we pretty essentially have to play 2 strikers for either of them to be of any use.
But really it was a decent performance, bar Dawsons error and the last 15 mins. Harry needs to review his 'favourites' and try to judge perfomances more objectively. The team has moved forward a lot in the last year, and some people have been left behind. I think its always prudent in these situations to ask yourself, which of these players would NOT fit in at Chelsea, Man U or Arsenal. Get rid of Dawson, JJ, Keane and Defoe. Harry is showing too much loyalty to his British favourites, as do the Spurs fans.
It's funny how Bale gets more good will after 2 average games that Corluka and BAE get combined for a year's worth of top draw performances. Same with Dawson. The one consistent fiugure in our good defence this season has been Bassong!! But fans get so hyped up about British players that you would think Dawson is the second coming of Christ. He's not. He's a slightly above average defender who will always make silly errors. Bale is a very talented footballer who isn't, and never will be, a good defender. Keane played his best football under Hoddle. He's good when he's a big fish in a small pond, or with Berbatov holding his hand. Defoe thinks he's Ian Wright, but doesn't have a fraction of the physicality or consistency. All of these players are talented, but ultimately, for one reason or another, not good enough for the 1st XI of a team who wants to be top 4. Squad players, yes, but not starters. We would be better of cashing in and buying more effective players to compliment the genuinely top level players we have.
Crouch > Clancy
tnks. this is my first post from sunny portugal (not so sunny at the mom). It seems to me that Harry has selection problems. If lennon is not fit, why does he play mod out of position, why not bite the bullet and accept the fact that at the start of the season we were superb cos of mod's play when in his natural position, and that is where he MUST play?
i know what u mean. It was stupid, and i almost thought it was some kind of oversight on Harry's part cos kranjcar had been playing on the left recently....but he was playing on the left to replace modric, and because lennon is an out and out righty. So when modric comes back, why not put him on the left and switch kranjcar to the right?? Kranjcar is more offensive than modric, so the balance of the side would actually stay the same as if lennon was there....and corluka is more defensive, and you have bale on the left...i know modric isnt exactly the most defensively minded, but it makes sense to have him on the same side as bale....it was a decision by harry taht didnt work. Neither of them found their feet from the start. kranjcar was poor and modric out of position.
while i am at it. Is Pav really so bad that he doesnt even come on when we are desparate? If so why is he even on the bench?
I also think that we should forgive gooners. It is a birth defect.
You are clearly a very kind person Rick, but I think youv'e gone too far with that forgive the gooners idea.
Get a grip lad!
I'm with you re Pav.
We were crying out for width and pace in the second half, so why leave Gio and Rose on the bench ?
The substitution of Krankie for Keane made us weaker, not because Krankie was having a great game or Keane was useless, but because no one seemed to know what position Keane was playing and our shape vanished.
Then we subbed King and the defence went with him as after he went off, they could have scored 5.
It could be Pav, Gio and Rose are useless but we will never find out if they spend every match warming the bench.
Lennon is a massive loss and I suspect he is going to be out for longer than the club have indicated.
Without Lennon Spurs do not have a attacking opttion that can cause real problems in a defence. Modric is good but is more the subtle touch player with the occassional goal. The heart of Spurs problem is the strikers. Having 4 so called top strikers is ludicrous when one never gets a game --yet how often do we see Pav labelled a 'flop'. It is like having invested in a Rolls Roysce then keeping it in the garage for the sunny day which never comes--- if Spurs have an accountant he must be going spare at this just from a business perspective. Three top strikers are what is required with the 4th spot going to a youngster if necessary--some encouragement for them. Crouch is a good tactical option but not a starter, neither is Keane any more. Defoe needs a 'heavy' he can play alongside him and who requires a couple of defenders to look after. him thus creating space for Defoe Bent could have done the job but has gone. So we ned a striker in the Drogba mould and let Pav and Keane go.
I am amazed how quick people are to crap on the defence. They have conceded 2 goals in 6 games and one of those was a penalty!! there can't be many other clubs with that record.
Arsenal fans are obsessed with SPURS!!! They are always commenting on spurs and its fans- you lot are really sad
You lot actually read spurs blogs- get a life! Yes spurs did miss a chance to make their chances of top 4 stronger but we can still get there- look at this season compared to last- there is a massive difference-!spurs need to get a couple more players- spurs need pace like lennon and rose to be effective which is why we lost to hull stoke and wolves because lennon was not there or we did not get the ball to him!- bentley needs to go- get in mcgeady- sandro and muntari need to be brought in asap and Huntelaar is a must buy!!!!! Huntleaar and defoe upfront will be like torres and villa for spain+ absolutely priceless!!!!!!!
Harry, Jordan and Bond had two weeks to prepare this team and sent them out ILL PREPARED to deal with Liverpool who, we all know were wounded by their recent defeats. This team did not play with the passion needed last night and it's all down to the three coaches. When are we going to get rid of this low self esteem and take the game to the (so called) big four.
A good team doesn't become a bad team overnight. There's no good in castigating JJ or Daws, Bale or Crouch. Last night they didn't turn up and I'm feeling fu**ing miserable and mad at Harry and his crew for their slack preparation.
When the going gets tough Spurs dissapear. This shit has to be addressed. Whats the point in bringing other players in they will just end up playing the hide and seek game like last nights showing. How many good signings came in in the last two windows and flopped last night. I'm still counting. Harry get your mind on the job.
Did Jenas have a good game? Once more he divides opinion. Some people think he's shit others think he's crap. So, what do you think? Did he work hard or was he ineffectual out there?
imo he was mediocre in a sea mediocracy and didn't really stand out one way or another. The difference Lennon makes on the team being gone is awful. Bale impressed me, so at least I was able to take away something positive from this. Hopefully this doesn't leave them too deflated for Leeds.
Crouch > Clancy
Clearly, no contest.
Firstly, great article Spook, top notch.
Secondly, had this argument with a few Gooner mates, why can they not revel in their own success but feel the need to act like illiterate baboons. I'd rather die in my own excrement than support those immoral twats. Keane plays on after two Arsenal players run into each other, we should be thrown out of the Premier League. Gallas smashes a kids ankle, they play on and score and it's all good in the hood.
At the thought of turning into those hate mongaring pricks, I love this team and I for one look forward to what the rest of the season brings.
Whether success or failure, I will always love thee Lillywhites.
That howard webb was influenced so badly every time the crowd complained they got the decision this is by far the worst iv ever seen of this,Yeh we lacked a lot of dig but we allowed them to play as if they were the away side which didnt help neither
rick at 10:17 PM |
I'm with you mate
Please, why not give Pav a chance? For fuck's sake 'arry, put him in against Leeds! How much worse than Keane and Crouch can he be?
"I am amazed how quick people are to crap on the defence. They have conceded 2 goals in 6 games and one of those was a penalty!! there can't be many other clubs with that record."
Well said D. Kirby especially when it's obvious that our problem IS THAT WE CAN'T SCORE.
Sometimes i seriously wonder if we blew our wad with Wigan
For me its simple. If you dont want to buy, then play your best youngsters
Livermoore-Better than Jenas and a good understudy to Hud
Rose-Can play on the left letting Niko and Mod play in the middle instead of cutting in and loosing shape.
Bostock-Better than Jenas and can play as a creative midfielder or in the hole.
Dos Santos-If lennon is injured its only logical that Dos Santos plays instead. If Keane is of Par then Dos Santos could do just as good a job or even better.
Harry has not gone for a blend of youth and experience but has decided to place our top 4 hopes all on experience alone, even when those so called experienced players are underperforming and lacking in hunger and desire to play, which the youngsters normally have.
This half of the season should have been a chance to freshen up and make top 4 ours. We look stale as some players like Croach, Defoe and Keane even Niko feel asured of a starting place because Harry is not rotating enough to keep players on their toes so they give 100% when they play.
We have a big squad of UEFA cup players with 2 or three Champions league players that like to rest on their lawrels.
The problem Spurs have is that we are very fragile. if a couple of players are out (or sometimes even one) , we don't have someone who can play that same or similar role. Modric is no Lennon. jenas is not similar to hudd. Even Bale is a bit different to Ekotto. With Arsenal, the kids even play the same way as the first team. When someone is not around, the entire game is not affected. Yes they might not be as good if Fabregas is not around, but they still play the same way. With Spurs that is definitely not the case. If Keane plays instead of Crouch, the style is quite different. If Huddlestone is missing, we don't have someone who can play the same role. And the biggie is Lennon. If he is missing or marked out of the game, everything falls apart. In some places one guy can replace another. For example Kranjaer did a good job when Modric was not around. Bassong has been very good when ledley is not around (in fact I would have him first choice with Dawson now). Yeah he had a bad night at the end but he should have started. Other than that, the style of a player coming in is quite different to the one who is not available. it is time that Spurs define a clear way of playing and make sure we recruit players who can fit into this system.
dr feelgood thanks for brightening up my friday morning