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Is the wrong way the right way?

For arguments sake (we all know it's fantasy) let's say someone outside the current Top 4 manages to gatecrash one of the CL positions, sneaking in and remaining there not just for a single cameo season but for several years. Cementing their place as one of the Sky Sports favourites.

Obviously, with this new-founded success comes various welcoming bonus additions courtesy of eager to please referees, the suddenly soft-hearted FA and the usual drivel from the media that aids their stature further.

Let's say it happened to us (stop laughing).

Do we start to embrace a team of c*nts, justifying every obvious cringe-making cheat ethic as something that's a necessity? You need to be arrogant and you need to be hypocritical. Add to the mix thousands of glory hunters joining the ranks doing their utmost to prove they are loyal fans and have been since the beginning of time by wearing various assortments of club merchandise including three scarfs and a tracksuit, preferring to savour the moment via snapshot on their mobile than share true emotion that comes with a goal celebration.

I'm wondering, is there any hope of bucking the trend?

There was another stand out moment for me in the Chelsea v Spurs game, other than that penalty decision that did not go our way. It's a two-parter, with the first part starring Drogba. You might know him from various football incidents such as 'My losing battle with gravity' and 'Losing Gravity II - Gravity wins again'.

The Drog, dying on the ground, is left there while Spurs move forwards with the ball. Chelsea fans protest at their crippled brethren who is desperate for treatment meaning the good attacking position attained results with the ball kicked out of play. Keane doing the 'right thing' even though it's up to the ref to stop the game. Play resumes and Spurs do not receive the ball back. Part two sees Ledley King turn and fall to the grown in agony, pulling up knowing full well he wont be getting back up again to take part in the game. So what do Chelsea do? They continue with their attack and almost steal in with a goal.

Of course, some might point out the goal scored in the 2006 season at Highbury where two gooners crashed into each other and Spurs played on with Davids playing in Keane for 1-0. Play acting on the part of both of the Arsenal players. But a true wannabe Top 4 reaction from Spurs.

"Fuck 'em"

More of the same please in future. No point waiting to get into a CL position. Just play like you're there already.


Reader Comments (107)

Completely agree with the ethics here. We need play with fire in our bellies at all times.

Sep 21, 2009 at 2:39 PM | Unregistered CommenterPaxton Yid

Easy said than done. We need players who don't let their heads drop, even when we don't get the luck we deserve. Keane should have fallen to the ground from the off and not waited for gravity to pull him down. Yes its not pretty seeing one of our own do this but it would have been 1-1 and game on. Would have happened the game up and we..well we might have stood a decent chance. Play dirty against the Top 4 because they do. Just play football against the rest.

Sep 21, 2009 at 2:43 PM | Unregistered CommenterThe Machine

Let's say Keane has kept the ball and let's say we attacked and scored. You just know Chelsea would step up a gear, Sky would pin us down as being unsportsmanlike and out of order, and Chelsea would score and we'd end up in bad light. If they did the same nobody would bat an eyelid. Wont make a blind bit of difference.

Sep 21, 2009 at 2:57 PM | Unregistered CommenterYiddet


Sep 21, 2009 at 3:02 PM | Unregistered CommenterGrim down South

I fucking hate Drogba. All that badge kissing nonsense, what a prick.

Sep 21, 2009 at 3:20 PM | Unregistered Commenterfonz

100% more mr nice guys.

Sep 21, 2009 at 3:31 PM | Unregistered CommenterRustyNumbNuts

We've been here before. And our players just don't react like this. Its not in our genetic make-up as perpetual underdogs to be bullish and up front when face to face with a team we are meant to lose to. We fight the good fight and we have shown we can beat them but I dont think we have quite grasped the dirty aspects of the game enough. Not sure Harry would encourage it either.

Sep 21, 2009 at 3:41 PM | Unregistered CommenterGeneral Brickhouse

It's long past time for ref's to start dishing out yellow cards for oscar winning tarts who roll about on the ground seemingly near to death, only to run around like gazelles two minutes later after a cat's lick from the 'magic sponge'. That kind of simulation along with the 'Tom Daly' antics of cocks like Eduardo is blatant cheating and needs stamping on toute suite, the tooter the sweeter.

Sep 21, 2009 at 3:47 PM | Unregistered Commentersilver_spurfer

Players that go down clutching their faces etc. If they get up with no bruise or mark then surely this is worthy of card action too? Terry having words with Drogba proved how embarrassing it was for his own teammates which speaks volumes considering they're scum.

Sep 21, 2009 at 3:50 PM | Unregistered CommenterOops

Drogba falling down like violent acid rain drops fouling the ground below, the stench, the stench is unquestionable bad. A player with so much power and presence and he has to disgrace himself like this. Tiresome.

Sep 21, 2009 at 3:59 PM | Unregistered Commentermyhstg

Cant stand it when our players play-act. It's just about the most cringe-worthy thing you can see on the field of play.

Sep 21, 2009 at 4:06 PM | Unregistered Commenterklaxons in the wind

More cringe worthy than a Jenas tackle?

Sep 21, 2009 at 4:06 PM | Unregistered CommenterOllie

You've seen JJ's tackle? Your norty sod.

Sep 21, 2009 at 4:10 PM | Unregistered Commentern17 kebab king


Sep 21, 2009 at 4:10 PM | Unregistered Commentern17 kebab king

spooky i was thinking along the same train of thought this weekend. but im pretty sure we can play confidence/arrogance without the top 4 douche-bagery.

on another note i dont want to here another word about the challenge on keane. Carovalho was late for sure. but keane def had full balance but when he realize he had waited to god damn long to shoot or pass and cech was going to save easily he decided to buckle at the knee. i would have yellowed the both of them and played on of done nothing as was done. but one missed penalty shout is no fucking excuse for creating next to nothing for the second 45.

moddle brings the daring, which get the doing out of everybody else.

and for goodness sake give pav a chance

Sep 21, 2009 at 4:24 PM | Unregistered Commenterspursmass

Depends whether Tottenham are more than just a football club to you and an important expression of your attitude to life.
You support a team for various geographical, personal, historical reasons but you stick with them for more than this.
I don't want some property or oil rich overseas investor to come in and help us buy our way to success.
And I want Tottenham to play the right way even if it means we lose out occasionally.
Success through good football. Even if it doesn't happen and personally I think it will, then at least its good to watch in the meantime.
Who wants Terry, Cole and Drogba as our heroes. Do we admire Chelsea? Does anybody apart from their fans even like them?
Don't lets sell our tradition and heritage which is widely admired for short term gain.

Sep 21, 2009 at 5:03 PM | Unregistered CommenterJimmyG2

Damn right JimmyG2. I'm not big on Team England because of the cheating, ref harrassing ways of Terry, Rio etc and will always support Barca over Man U, Chelsea etc in the Champs league.
Drogba's just embarrassing. It's pathetic how someone his size feigns injury after a challenge from a player like Defoe or when he goes down in the area clutching his head when the opposition have the ball knowing that the ref has to stop play for a head injury. We can do better than that. Makes it all the more satisfying when we do beat them.
What are the odds that he's fine for the weekend after his mysterious air kick induced injury? Probably felt outdone in the injury stakes by Ledley and Bassong.

Sep 21, 2009 at 6:57 PM | Unregistered CommenterNext Season


Nobody ever dived outside the top 4! What bitter bitter people.

Sep 21, 2009 at 7:50 PM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

Gooner Jake, find me an incident of a Spurs player diving recently. Other than Zakora once a few years back, you'll strugle.

Sep 21, 2009 at 8:09 PM | Unregistered CommenterGutted Yid

You expect drogba to act normal this is the maniac that run at the television cameras and frightened the shite out of kids grannys and the fuckin camera man schreaming obsenitys if he doesent take shit then my name isent DAVSPURS THE LONE WOLF IN ENERGY ABUSERS .Lets look at all the champs league teams that played twice you will find somthing strange arsenal half time 1-0 full time 4-0 second half energey LIVERPOOL 3-2 second half comback- UTD 4-3 second half comback Chelsea 3-0 second half blitz all won twice all played slower in the champs league and not very well but won not a tired leg amongst them except drugba when he hit that fresh air shot is manager said we dont no what happened we think its cramp what is wrong with his team mates rubbing it and stretching it the truth he was fucked and is energy had run out chasing allover the pitch and running like usain bolt passed charlie just take a good long look at is face like the new police advert on drugs the eyes have and also take a good look at ex boo boy fletcher sunken chops.we are gettin mugged but not by refs but energy bunnies mr cole even essien caught LENNON AND HE PLAYED WEDNESDAY .cole and boswinger faster than lennon and ronaldo wake up and start talking about the sudden extra speed that is catching lennon .And take a very good luck at burnleys speed it will shock you 36 year old blake is awsome energey.

Sep 21, 2009 at 9:25 PM | Unregistered Commenterdavspurs

Silly Yid:

"other than" LMAO. Defeat your own argument why don't ya! Soft lad!

Oirish Gippo this weekend. 3 steps after contact and whoopsadaisy lets fall over.
Aaron "won a penalty" Lennon.

Guess we aint allowed to mention that your gaffer is bent as a nice bob note either.....

But yeah, conspiracy against ya aint it. Dear oh dear.

Sep 21, 2009 at 9:59 PM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

Gooner Jake, you appear to have made a typo in your name and mistakenly put an a where an o should have been.

Sep 21, 2009 at 10:26 PM | Unregistered Commentersilver_spurfer

Well at least you've stopped crying long enough to come and post a shit insult mate. Progress innit!

Sep 21, 2009 at 10:38 PM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

It's nothing to do with defeating my own argument, it's to do with an honest opinion, that's not designed to manipulate or deceive. The fact is Spurs players rarely dive and in honesty I think neither do Arsenal players to the same extent as a certain C. Ronaldo or D. Drogba. The Zakora incident is genuinely the only one I can remember. Arsenal were appalling in the days of R. Pires but at present not as bad as others. If you're on here purely for the wind up don't bother, 'cause this is one of the intelligent blogs and people aren't gonna take the bait. Good luck for the season.

Sep 21, 2009 at 10:43 PM | Unregistered CommenterGutted Yid

Intelligent blog? You mean all sat round blaming everyone buy your own shit team. Refs, Big 4, Sky Sports... conspiracies. Yeah mate, real intelligent.

Sep 21, 2009 at 11:16 PM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

What is this "TOP 4" shit. The TOP 4 is dead. There's a TOP 2. Did no-one see CITY beat the ARSE? Did no-one see VILLA, or who was it? oh yeah... THE MIGHTY SPURS beat LIVERPOOL? In the space of 8 days you've all gone mad.

Sep 21, 2009 at 11:31 PM | Unregistered CommenterStratty

So you are here purely for the wind up then. If you want to discuss inteligence it's a nine bob note for a start and the racist comments re: Keane are hardly becoming of such an intelect as yourself.

Sep 21, 2009 at 11:35 PM | Unregistered CommenterGutted Yid

Can you all stop responding to the Filth? Any replies encourage them.

Sep 21, 2009 at 11:38 PM | Unregistered CommenterStratty

Gutted Yid, it's "...becoming of an INTELLECT (that's double "L" mate) as YOURS." Best not to respond, pal, trust me.

Sep 21, 2009 at 11:41 PM | Unregistered CommenterStratty

Cheers Stratty. Understood.

Sep 21, 2009 at 11:45 PM | Unregistered CommenterGutted Yid

I support Tottenham largely because we DON'T behave like other clubs, we have dignity, respect for the game and we always seek to play beautiful football. It's more than a football club to me, it's an attitude to life. I believe in doing things the right way. That's why we are always more glorious. When we do eventually win, and I believe a club this big is bound to rise again, then we will be celebrated in manner that the others just can't emulate in England.

In life there are people who have shafted their way to the top and form lobbies that pay for political parties election funds to stay there and get bigger. You could say the lack of ethics is endemic in football as well in a different way, it takes the form of many more unsporting managers as you go up, divers, cheats and pussies. And somehow the referees and authorities are very biased towards them, which is baffling. How spineless are they?

The only other clubs as glorious as Spurs in Europe are Barcelona in Spain and Celtic in Scotland (probably some others as well).

In fairness to United and Liverpool they aren't the worst. Chelsea and Arsenal are dispicable football clubs, for numerous reasons.

Sep 22, 2009 at 12:00 AM | Unregistered CommenterChoda

Why did we not buy another centre back before the season started? We knew the situation with King and Woodgate's past. On deadline day we were trying to buy Upson like that was going to happen! Why the 11th hour with Spurs? We are very short at the back now and a 5m move for Distin or even Lucas Neil on a free seems a far better option then if we have to play the likes of Hud at the back. Spurs will come in at 8th or 7th at best I think. If we are ever going to make that stinking top four we need a take-over otherwise I can't see it happening. Jol nearly did it but we chose to stay in a hotel for an away game in London! Oh yeah and then we sacked him after another 5th place finish. I hope the next time we play Hud and JJ aren't in the team together, one of those two should have been sold in the summer with a replacement coming in. Harry said today he didn't want O'hara to leave on loan so why did he leave? He always gives a 100% Get fit soon Modders and Harry get some more mental strength installed in to our boys! We need it when things don't go our way we fold. 12 points out of 18 is still a very good return at this stage though. COYS.

Sep 22, 2009 at 12:23 AM | Unregistered CommenterRick

Any Spurs fan worth their salt would never want to see Spurs players act in the way these miscreants do. Did most Spurs fans not condemn Zokora for, what we all believe, was a dive. Honour still has a place in the game and in life. I have never taken a dive, nor would I ever want to see any son or daughter of mine take a dive. Play through it. What I am constantly embarrassed by is the incessant complaining by players like Keane on the pitch. I believe Liverpool and Arsenal are but a key injury away from falling out of the top 4. Win the next 4 games and then take it to Arsenal. No more excuses and complaining, just get it done. We have the players, we have the coach and we definitely have the fans. COYS - look forwards not back. Worry about what we can change - clearly the governing bodies are happy with cheating (Eduardo suspension lifted) and don't kid yourselves, Chelsea will be able to do business during the next transfer window. I just don't see how focusing on the Mendes goal or a coincidental food poisoning helps us in the least.

Sep 22, 2009 at 5:41 AM | Unregistered Commenterpeterballb

I was asked some time ago if I'd have welcomed Abromavitch, or the like, to Spurs. Hand on heart, here, I would never want Spurs to be the play thing of someone whose sole criterion by which he measures and lives life, was money.

Chelsea are a sad club and it's most revealing that to all Chelsea fans apart from a handful of present day yuppies and children, their best Chelsea team would be their great one of Hudson, Cooke, Osgood, Hollins and so on. Chelsea's 'honours' and 'records' under Abromavitch will never touch a supporter's soul in the way some of our great players have nor Chelsea's when they defeated Revie's negative Leeds.

I see there's some Arsenal fan crapping on about us getting over it, always the catch-cry of these 'top' clubs supporters when the questions of bias are raised - notice it's something they never have to have levelled against them - but I for one would like to know if any Arsenal fan out there, sees his team containing no U.K. players and wonders where the real Arsenal has gone?

Sep 22, 2009 at 6:22 AM | Unregistered Commentercliffyboy

So why does Daniel Levy/ENIC own Spurs? Umm... to make money? What does he measure his life by? You are very naive.

As for the "real Arsenal"... do me a favour. Unlike you we have a settled management and a clear organisational philosophy. A decent chunk of the squad has been groomed through the youth set-up, that's the "real Arsenal".

Don't act like your lot grew up on the Seven Sisters. Some more English boys yes, but bought in from Blackburn, Derby, Newcastle, Portsmouth etc at great expense.

Mind you are still the real Spurs i guess, bitter delusional fans and a total shambles of a team. Some things never change. LMFAO.

Sep 22, 2009 at 4:08 PM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

A decent chunk of the squad has been groomed through the youth set-up, that's the "real Arsenal".


The fact you are down here with us fighting the fight speaks volumes about your current stature. Dry them and deal with it Tarquin.

Sep 22, 2009 at 4:44 PM | Registered Commenterspooky

Must have come to the wrong website. This is supposed to be the intelligent blog, yeah?

Sep 22, 2009 at 9:04 PM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

You're in the right place. We just like to point and laugh at obsessed idiots like you. Five years ago it was Man Utd blogs. Now its Spurs blogs. Give it three more years and you'll be slumming it with the West Ham.

Sep 22, 2009 at 9:24 PM | Unregistered CommenterKilljoy

Pikey, run along now back to Woolwich. We couldn't care less about your kids or your team or your philosophy, which by the way is something that's only existed for 10 years and yet you miserable sorry people dont come anywhere near embracing in the fashion other supporters would. Too busy gloating or slagging off your manager. Such cunts. Enjoy the cycle.

Sep 22, 2009 at 9:58 PM | Unregistered CommenterKingofKings

Couldn't care less mate? Someone asked me a question, I answered it., and I pointed out how he was wrong and hypocrite. Oh yeah and then your hero came along said LOL and ingnored everything I said.

10 years... Arsene has been here longer than that actually. And in case you hadn't noticed that makes him the 2nd longest serving manager in the country... hard for you understand i know, cos you've had about a million guys in the meantime.

Real intelligent crowd here LOL.

Sep 22, 2009 at 10:31 PM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

Believe you me, pal, I'd rather be naive then wearing the kind of spectacles that supporters of the so-called top four clubs wear. Talk about losing your soul. Some of your past players would be spinning in their graves at what's become of their once-great team. And let's take your manager - yes, I'd concede, he's the best of the four, in my view, but like so many players nowadays, he has little or no dignity nor losing grace. And if Abromavitch pulled himself and his billions of red out of Chelsea, you'd see the same players you now see embracing their badge with sychophantic kisses, spitting on the bloody thing.

But for your information, it is possible to live life outside of your superficial either/or mentality. Thus while I realsie everyone needs money to live, we don't all live in the seige mentality of 'Lord Of The Flies'.

Your generalisations are simply a crutch alternative to thought.

Sep 23, 2009 at 12:33 AM | Unregistered Commentercliffyboy

Sunshine. MY generalisations?

Like yours about Abramovitch? and what "all Chelsea fans apart from a handful..." think. And what the "real Arsenal" is? Or how "supporters of the so-called top four" think.

Back track and re-read what I actually said. Mate you aint got a leg to stand on, you're chatting grade A cow pats son.

You're taking like Spurs are some local kids club run as a charity. I mean i know you usually play like one, but grow up eh. Probably better you sort your own shop out before you start talking about anyone elses crutches. Lord of the Flies aint about seiges either cunto, might need to know a bit more than GCSE Engloish if you;re gonna try some bookish references innit.

Silly tart.

Sep 23, 2009 at 12:59 AM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

Sorry, didn't realise dictionaries had changed the meaning of 'generalisation', that's what comes of not owning one of the big print versions. And try looking up the meaning of irony and juxtaposing it with some of your 'pearls of wisdom'.

Here lies the debris of Arsenal's soul,
A sad gunner tapping on empty keys,
Insults and swear words his coward support,
While 'facing' the world on servile knees.

'Yah, Sucks, Boo', is his 'argument',
His 'level', 'You suck!' and, 'Stuff you all!'
And in the mirror he sees himself,
Unworthy companion to King Lear's fool.

Time can't unfossil this little man,
So his words, like an epitaph, leave a mark,
Speak volumes of his insecurity,
Can nothing ever enlighten this dark?

Sep 23, 2009 at 3:31 AM | Unregistered Commentercliffyboy

What are you on about mate? You made a load of sweeping statements and now instead of backing them up you're waffling on. Pretty embarrassing what passes for intelligent here.

I will say I was wrong about the GCSE English tho. Judging by that effort you made it as far as a creative writing class at the local poly. LMFAO

Sep 23, 2009 at 3:45 AM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

That's one hell of a come-back!

Sep 23, 2009 at 4:09 AM | Unregistered Commentercliffyboy

yeah mate. I should have written a poem huh. clown

Sep 23, 2009 at 3:27 PM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

Gooner Jake's Lament

'Oh that Tottenham fans could reach my dizzy heights,
my dictionary my dearest friend for life.
Now I think that 'Fuck off' begins with an F,
but how the hell do you spell wife?

Fuck that, my rant's against Tottenham fans,
never mind the wherefore and why.
They'll never be in the Oxbridge class,
but there again, neither will I.

Where's a thesaurus, I need to swear,
and why does 'You' not begin with a 'U'?
But now for some cutting criticism of Spurs:
Here it comes, boys, yes: 'Yah, Sucks, Boo!'

And there's more where that came from, plenty more.,
my pen dribbles with purple prose.
You're wankers and tossers and jerk-offs, each one,
why I come on here God only knows.

I'll admit it gets lonely on Arsenal sites,
we don't talk much, just usually brag.
And we do tend to think we should always win,
it's enough to make a man gag.

When an Arsenal fan posts on a Tottenham site,
sure does seem a weird thing to do.
It could appear to some I'm just trying to stir
and says more about me than 'bout you.'

Sep 23, 2009 at 11:58 PM | Unregistered Commentercliffyboy

Keep writing bad poetry cos you know your "intelligent" argument was total shit and you cant back it up mate, yeah that'll work.

second stanza scans like a bag of spanners btw. LMFAO

Sep 24, 2009 at 2:27 AM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

Honestly, Gooner Jake, your come-backs are something else.

There once was a gooner called Jake,
who'd give himself a bit of a break,
posting on a Spurs' site,
his intellectual might.
Jake, gives us a break, for fuck's sake.

Sep 24, 2009 at 10:39 AM | Unregistered Commentercliffyboy

Yeah mate, like your "come-backs" that are a total abandoning of your bullshit "intelligent" "argument" that you can't back up.

How comes you don't want to talk about who was making generalisations? Poems are a crutch matE? Dear o dear son. I came with a decent response, got LOLed at and then poems. and i'm on a wind up. k mates.

Sep 25, 2009 at 4:00 PM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

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