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Is the wrong way the right way?

For arguments sake (we all know it's fantasy) let's say someone outside the current Top 4 manages to gatecrash one of the CL positions, sneaking in and remaining there not just for a single cameo season but for several years. Cementing their place as one of the Sky Sports favourites.

Obviously, with this new-founded success comes various welcoming bonus additions courtesy of eager to please referees, the suddenly soft-hearted FA and the usual drivel from the media that aids their stature further.

Let's say it happened to us (stop laughing).

Do we start to embrace a team of c*nts, justifying every obvious cringe-making cheat ethic as something that's a necessity? You need to be arrogant and you need to be hypocritical. Add to the mix thousands of glory hunters joining the ranks doing their utmost to prove they are loyal fans and have been since the beginning of time by wearing various assortments of club merchandise including three scarfs and a tracksuit, preferring to savour the moment via snapshot on their mobile than share true emotion that comes with a goal celebration.

I'm wondering, is there any hope of bucking the trend?

There was another stand out moment for me in the Chelsea v Spurs game, other than that penalty decision that did not go our way. It's a two-parter, with the first part starring Drogba. You might know him from various football incidents such as 'My losing battle with gravity' and 'Losing Gravity II - Gravity wins again'.

The Drog, dying on the ground, is left there while Spurs move forwards with the ball. Chelsea fans protest at their crippled brethren who is desperate for treatment meaning the good attacking position attained results with the ball kicked out of play. Keane doing the 'right thing' even though it's up to the ref to stop the game. Play resumes and Spurs do not receive the ball back. Part two sees Ledley King turn and fall to the grown in agony, pulling up knowing full well he wont be getting back up again to take part in the game. So what do Chelsea do? They continue with their attack and almost steal in with a goal.

Of course, some might point out the goal scored in the 2006 season at Highbury where two gooners crashed into each other and Spurs played on with Davids playing in Keane for 1-0. Play acting on the part of both of the Arsenal players. But a true wannabe Top 4 reaction from Spurs.

"Fuck 'em"

More of the same please in future. No point waiting to get into a CL position. Just play like you're there already.


Reader Comments (107)

Gooner Jake, if you really think in that tiny thing you call your mind, that I can't back up my arguments, you're living in a fool's paradise.

Generalisations! 'All Chelsea fans apart from', is a qualification, qualification of absolutes, if you're interested. Arguing something is or is not the case, is not the same as generalising. You might disagree that those Chelsea fans who think their present team's the best Chelsea team ever are, in my words, 'yuppies and children' but don't make the mistake of assuming that 1. It is a generalisation, and 2. Untrue.

You called other Spurs' fans contributions 'shit' and so on and so forth. Hardly the words of one who weighs his contributions subtly in his head - or maybe, sadly, it is - some generalisation, hey. When I labled what you said as generalising, I was applying it to your crude, often one-word dismissals of other people's opinions. That's all you usually offered, just a sniping, anonymous, snide anti-Spurs rant.

Hey, Mr 'Intellgent', what makes your one word dismissal of other people's arguments incisive, knowledgable and well-founded, rather than crude and sweeping?

And Abromavitch was another one where what you presumably think is your razor-like intellect, decided to call a generalisation where I said something about his measuring life only in a monetary sense - I'd stand by that one, thanks very much, what, a Russian joker, armed to the pits in money acquired by god knows what means, shops around for a club to own, and picks one at random? Don't tell me, when he was little boy in the depths of the winter steppes in Soviet Russia, he dreamed of supporting Chelsea. Pass me the sick bucket, there's a bunch of Arabs on the look out for a club, and guess what, they've chosen a northern one. But whatever you do, don't see it as another nail in the coffin of football, there's a razor-like mind coming, called Gooner Jake. Christ, god alone what planet you're on.

And what was my last 'generalisation' something about supporters? Tell you what, you find the words 'All' or 'Every' or 'Each' etc., etc., preceding the word 'supporters' and I'd concede it's a generalisation, but until you do,
rather than lable it, wrongly, as a generalisation, try to disprove there's any fans who it applies to.

Good luck!

Sep 27, 2009 at 4:33 AM | Unregistered Commentercliffyboy

Oh give it up cliffyboy you clunge,your embarrising yourself.

Sep 27, 2009 at 2:10 PM | Unregistered Commenterfilthy

No mate, you're getting confused I'm afraid. You claimed to know what "all chelsea fans apart from" think about their team. That is a massive generalisation, qualified with another massive generalisation about who the other group are and what they think 2. Thousands and thousands of people don't easily divide into 2 groups, and when they do, you still aint qualified to say what they all think. Cos that my thicko chum is a GENERALISATION.

As for your waffle about Romanski, pretty good that you miss my point altogether. Mister Levy is a born and bred lillywhite then yeah? Just like he was a lifelong Rangers, Prague and Vicenza fan before that LOL? Just not that smart are you lad? Second, how he judges his life you have no idea. You characterisation of him is based on pretty much sod all except a big stereotype of a rich Russian. And you know what that are don't ya mate? A GENERALISATION.

"you find the words 'All' or 'Every' or 'Each' etc., etc., preceding the word 'supporters' and I'd concede it's a generalisation"

"All Chelsea fans..."

That do for ya spanner? Daft tart owned again, cya later.

Sep 28, 2009 at 10:10 PM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

Gooner Jake, honestly, your come backs are worth their weight in brain cells, they really are. Your fantasy about Abromavitch would have them rolling in the aisles in Moscow.

Didn't realise that Levy and him were the same, thanks for the 'insight'.

But do you honestly think that mssing out the words 'apart from' on the all Chelsea quote, proves your point?

Here's another generalisation for you to swallow then.

All non-Spurs fans who come on Tottenham sites like this one to mock and snipe at the love Spurs fans have for their club, are sad little people with little to say except posting miserable revelations of their own inadequacies and not just in the areas of grammar and punctuation, either.

By the way, were you aware that Putin was once a member of the KGB?

Sep 29, 2009 at 12:30 AM | Unregistered Commentercliffyboy

What fantasy mate? You're the one peddling arm chair psychology about people you don't know jack shit about. I aint said nothing about him one way or the other.

Nice that you more or less admit Levy is the same but with a smaller wedge in his wallet too. Didn't think it would take so long for the shekel to drop, but some people take a while to catch on i suppose LOL.

Good to see that you've abandoned all that stuff about not making generalisations though. Probably is wise since I destroyed you with your own arguments last time. I don't think you want to go down the SPAG route either son, we've already established that your education ended with a half arsed reading of Lord of the Flies.

Stick to shit poems ya fuckin minge.

Knock out punch once again cliffyclown now 0-10, 10 losses by way of ownage LOL.

Sep 29, 2009 at 5:31 AM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

Honestly, Gooner Jake, you're a knockout all right and as for that cliffyclown come back, it had me rolling in the aisles for all of a split second. Do you think them up all by yourself or do you get your inspiration from your calloused right hand?

Let's see if I can do as well: here we go, wish me luck Spurs fans, not that I need it with one of Jake's intelect, whoops, intellect, around. Got it, Jerk-Off-Jake! Christ, it's easier than I thought.

You read carefully your last posting here and then juxtapose it with many of your comemnts on and to Spurs fans on this thread, and remember, too, that every one of your comments were, in the first instance, totally unsolicited.

This to Spurs fans discussing players diving: 'What bitter bitter people'. No problem here with generalising, I'm allowed to, I'm Jerk-Off-Jake, and as for my words above to Cliffyboy: 'You're the one peddling arm chair pyschology about people you don't know jack shit about', well, I guess in your twisted world Spurs fans aren't real people, any more than your comments can hardly be delivered without a swear word - god, you sure as hell need those old crutches.

Because, for example, although you know 'jack shit' about Gutted Yid, it didn't stop you from calling him 'Silly Yid' and 'Soft Lad', and while Abromavitch is for some strange reason in that head of yours off limits, you know that Harry Rednap is 'as bent as a nine (you meant to say) bob note.'

Look at your own comemnts about people on this site you've never met and each one of them unsolicited:

1. Well at least you've stopped post a shit insult...Progress innit'
2. Intelligent blog? You mean al lsat around blaming everyone buy(t) your own shit team. Refs, Big 4, Sky Sports...conspiracies. Yeah mate, real intelligent.

I've heard of being hoisted on your own petard but with you, it's positively raining petards.

And to Stratty: 'hardly becoming of such an intelect (sic) as yourself' - how come you have this superior knowledge of everyone on this site?

Could it really be that your concerns about generalising and armchair pyschology don't actually apply to you?

Well, I'll be jiggered, Jerk-Off-Jake is a hypocrite.

You called me naive, while apparently completely oblivious to the irony of your nonsensical defence of Chelsea's Abromavitch.

And here's your lucid and non-general comment on our team and its supporters: 'bitter delusional fans and a total shambles of a team' followed swifty by the coup de grace, though to be perfectly frank, you've actually dished it up in the form of a frigging cliche: 'some things never change' - no. indeed they don't, one of them being your seeking refuge in using expletives.

'Must have come to the wrong website. This is supposed to be the intelligent blog' you sprayed your venom to Spooky before delivering a serve to KingofKings: 'Real intelligent crowd here'.

In all honestly, do you really not see any irony in posting such comments.

You've got a mighty funny way of dealing with something so far beneath your own intellect and intelligence.

Sep 30, 2009 at 1:36 AM | Unregistered Commentercliffyboy

Hilarious mate. Just keep talking about me and not your arguments. There's a Latin term for that, maybe they taught you it in special school?

I know this one is hard mate, but I ain't defending Romanski. Just saying you are chatting shit and your fella is no different. But we know why you don't want to talk about that don't we chum? Same reason you've stopped pretending that you ain't Mr Generalisation. Cos you've come a cropper and done yourself up like a kipper. If you're the best that the intelligent Spurs blog has got to offer than Gawd help us all!

Dry your eyes mate. Game Set Match GoonerJake again. Prickyboy off to write a poem again. LMFAO.

Sep 30, 2009 at 4:23 PM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

How can you argue with someone who repeatedly says I win? It is futile, if the aim of the argument is to have the other party concede to or accept your point of view. However, this has been a pretty interesting read on a boring night. Cheers. And they were top notch poems, lol :)

Sep 30, 2009 at 7:56 PM | Unregistered Commenterbenp

I have a poem for you goonerjerk , SUCK MY COCK

Sep 30, 2009 at 10:12 PM | Unregistered CommenterspursLA

another intelligent Spuds fan I see! LOL

Sep 30, 2009 at 10:30 PM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

Thnaks, benp, it's a way of passing the time.

Look, Jerk-Off, if a Spurs' fan has spoken out of turn, rather than clutching at feeble, non-punctuated straws, I'd just ignore it if I were you. Cos, you must admit, it's a strange old thing to do, you know, continually visiting a web site you consider unintelligent and fathoms beneath your own intellect, and even frequently posting comments there.

It doesn't quite add up, you know.

Now, I'm no armchair psychologist, as you know, but I reckon a psych could have a field day, you get my drift?

It almost seems as if, to quote from Faulty Towers, the Samaritans are engaged.

It's just that I've noticed in life, I'm talking in passing here, you know, that things I'm not interested in, I tend not to bother with. Yes, call me old-fashioned but take Arsenal, for example. My being a Spurs fan, means that I wouldn't bother going on an Arsenal site, even just to browse let along pass comments. And on top of that, it would be even more ridiculous if at the same time I also considered that site's contributors as being so far beneath my own levels of intelligence it wasn't funny. Some peple, even fellow Arsenal fans, might say, then - you know what armchair critics are like - that far from your being out of place on that site, it sounds like it's where you most feel at home.

We could put it into the form of an equation with A being the mighty intelligent Arsenal fan, B, the Spurs site, C, the woeful level of B's contributors' intellectual levels and general intelligence.

Now you must admit, A+BC = Doesn't make sense!

And as for that insult, well, it's called 'The Jerk-Off-Jake Effect, and bugger me, I feel another frigging poem coming on, no pun intended.

Oct 1, 2009 at 12:22 AM | Unregistered Commentercliffyboy

Well here's the thing mate. I'm a football fan! I'm interested in other teams aint I!

On the other hand, you admit to being a parochial little plonker but still feel qualified to tell everyone how all Chelsea fans feel. Funny that innit?

Back once again with the Renegade Master! Poemtwerp out for the count. BOOM LOLOLOL.

Oct 1, 2009 at 12:58 AM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

To Jake,

I too am interested in other teams. But at least I can back up comments with facts, rather than simply saying 'boom' in capital letters, or by means of some sort of strange self justification that is the equivalent of an 8 year old saying 'because I say I win, so there'. Make's you no better than a politician, or worse one of max clifford's clients.

Consequently, I would personally read and answer the main quesiton, that being 'should we act like arrogant fuckers in order to become arrogant fuckers'. Well very few peole here are being caught up in the 'spurs break top4' hype and so it i a valid question, should our team do what others do in order to 'break the cartel'. It's not a conspiracy by ref's etc, it is a self fulfilling scenario as manipulted by media outlets to maintain readership and reveune streams (just my cynical opinion), we will end up in may somewhere between 6th and 10th is my best guess based on what I have seen to date, and our season will not be defined by loses to the 'top4' or wins at home to 'bottom half team', but by away results in general and home results against the likes of villa, everton and city.

I also don't, metaphoriaclly, go into someone's house and piss on their carpet straight away. That's just 'ill behaviour', it's reactionary and all too easy to do, even a simpleton can do that (as has been proved time and time again on various different blogs accross the board).

And finally be grateful that your posts aren't simply deleted, some of us believe in the freedom of speech (even if it is abused by those that don't deserve it), try coming back closer to the NLD, before and after the game, as it is something you may be better qualified to comment on.

Oct 1, 2009 at 11:26 AM | Unregistered CommenterTricky

Mate, I did post sensibly. Someone asked me a question and I replied to it. Then someone came along and just said "LOL" in reply and Cliffytart opened his trap. Quite happy to have a sensible discussion mate but seems some people like Dippyboy can only give it the big one. And when they start giving it the big one to me mate, and thjey're full of crap as well, I aint standing for that. So I have to show em who is boss and slap em round the chops don't i!

Take it easy bud!

Oct 1, 2009 at 3:41 PM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

Yeah but you're not 'boss', this is spooky's house. Not exactly leaving hear with the moral higher ground if that was your intention, are you?

As either (and this is just according to you an I can't profess to having the desire to wade through two pages of the lowest common denominator) you have lowered yourself to 'their standards' (as would appear to be your perception), therein selling out what respect or values you may have commanded during your visit here. OR you were there already, and are being a pedant for the sake of continuing an arguement when in real life you would no more 'slap a stranger round the chops' than you would 'give it the bigun' in the middle of the Northumberland Arms.

I suspect from the 'who's boss' and 'slap round the chops' comments it's the latter. I could be wrong of course, but I doubt it.

Find a neutral ground blog for some banter between Spurs and Goons closer to the NLD and we can work out who 'know's what is what', and who 'just struts'. Could be entertaining, moderators nightmare, but entertaining nonetheless.

Oct 1, 2009 at 4:36 PM | Unregistered CommenterTricky

*that is 'here' not 'hear' damned pesky typo's I know!

Oct 1, 2009 at 4:37 PM | Unregistered CommenterTricky

Mate, the bloke in charge was the fella who just said "LOL" to me. Why don't you think about who is saying daft stuff in capital letters instead of an argument, sure as hell weren't me mate. I bring substance or I destroy clowns, and I get called out on it. Funny innit.

Also I'm only giving it the big one when people try to do that with me. Especially if its a pranny like Cliffycock who ain't smart enough to tie my shoelaces. LMAO.

Oct 1, 2009 at 5:25 PM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

Jerk-Off, I don't know where you get your come-backs from but by golly, they do have a certain ring to them, mostly of desperation.

It's like you're thinking - now, I'm only surmising here though, you know - but it's as if you're thinking: 'Christ, the bastard got me good and proper with that Jerk-Off-Jake jibe, I've got to get him back, somehow....Where's that frigging dictionary.....thinks....must get one that includes a thesaurus. Here we go: Cliffyboy = Sniffyboy. No, that's no good, there's no swear word. Wait for it, wait for it, got it, Jake-the-Jerking-Joke,. Christ, no, that's me, I'll only be giving him ideas. Got it, Cliffycock - great, I'm a flaming genius. Ten nil to me.

I'd challenge you, though, on your pathetic justification and so-called reason for coming on this site.

You came out with this pearler: 'I'm a football fan! I'm interested in other teams aint I!

Funny thing to say, though, seeing as you earlier labled us Spurs supporters collectively as being :' bitter disillusional fans' and Spurs as 'a total shambles of a team'.

So run that by me one more time - you post on here because you're interested in football, yet this particular team is a shambles? Yeah, that sure makes sense. If anything, sounds more like a reason for avoiding this site.

Half or more of the time, you lable our team as 'shit' and I'd reckon that's how you really see us and Spurs.

Perhaps in that fertile thing you call your brain you can somehow reconcile this supposed love you have for football and other teams with your pitiful denigration of Spurs and our team's supporters.

Truth to say, going by your collective postings here, football seems the last thing that has driven you to this site.

And since you used the plural in your piss-weak defence, well, here's a non-rhetorical challenge to you - post on here the other football teams' sites you've visited and left comments on.

Let's face it, it shouldn't be too difficult to find your comments.

Oct 2, 2009 at 1:02 AM | Unregistered Commentercliffyboy

Cliff, I've got a feeling I've seen this Jake before somewhere. If so, he's 19 years old (20 on 11th feb - big brother is watching!!!) and previous posts are of about the same standard, reactionary and not exactly enlightened, the type of thing that you get if you reurgitated the past few years of Sun reporting or that twat Holt in the mirror or worse still piers morgan and his own deluded anti-spurs campaign. And should I ever get the chance to meet either of the later a short shap slap would be my opening 'remark'.

IF all the above is true (the profile, not the slaps for Holt and Morgan which are defintiely true) then that would explaing the ability to hold on to the arrogance of youth (and not meant to offend anyone here) combined with the beligerence in the face of structured debate.

Freedom of speech and blogging is an interesting concept, on some levels it's no different to giving people a chance to vote without qualifying if people know what they are voting for, it's just more acccessible and tends to be abused by irritating tw@s. But that's another debate entirely and not one for a footie blog!

Oct 2, 2009 at 9:15 AM | Unregistered CommenterTricky

LMFAO. So now you've worked out my entire biography from a handful of posts. Genius lads, genius. Totally wrong of course but anyways!

And Cockyboy. Mate, I ain't telling you what blogs and forums I go on. No way do I want you pitching up with your poems. Just keep chatting crap about me cos you can't back up your daft arguments from earlier mate. You've been owned and you know it. Just admit it mate, it's ok. LOL

Oct 2, 2009 at 4:57 PM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

Dear Straw-Clutcher, Crutch Shareholder and Breather of Expletives,

I don't have the slightest interest in visiting your forums and blogs.

I'll call your bluff here, though. I humbly promise not to compose anymore anti-Gooner Jake poems on any football clubs' forums, apart from this one, if you name the other football club sites you visit, excepting, of course, any Arsenal site.

Now the ball is firmly in your court here, Gooner Jake. If your justification for pouring your scorn on Spurs and Spurs' fans is genuine, you shouldn't have the slightest difficulty in doing this.

But remember: you said an interest in football and other teams brought you to this site. I question that and I qoute as evidence for it being total bollocks, your own postings . Redeem yourself, fellow football lover, and prove you amount to more than a pile of anti-Spurs manure.

Oct 3, 2009 at 3:50 AM | Unregistered Commentercliffyboy

Nope soft lad, ball is still in your court. Still waiting for you to admit that it's you doing the generalisations and crutches and not me mate. I've proven it beyond all doubt of course, but I'd like to read you admit and apologise.

Poems and now this new argument are just an excuse to distract from what I've been saying. Well it aint working dickyboy, you ain't fooling no-one and I ain't gonna get distracted.

Oct 3, 2009 at 4:45 AM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

I have a poem for you goonerjerk , SUCK MY COCK

Sep 30, 2009 at 10:12 PM | spursLA


Thats got to be the worst post from a spurs fan ive seen in a long time,thanks for showing us up as idiots spursLA.

And now for cliffyboy,you have been completly OWNED and as i said before GIVE IT UP. I agree with every thing gooner jake has said about you,and i wont even start to go into them pathetic poems. cor what a clown,a total embarrisment to the real spurs fans.

Oct 4, 2009 at 5:38 PM | Unregistered Commenterfilthy

Ok. Enough. I'm adding a bit of extra to my name as I'm not the filthy who posted above. Two filths is too much for this town.

Oct 5, 2009 at 12:07 AM | Unregistered Commenterfilthy (blogger)

filthy, do you really think in that empty vessel you call your brain that I am seriously persuaded by your peanut efforts?

You are so obviously a fellow Arsenal fan of J-O-J's. his alter ego, or even more likely, old JugHeadJake himself, that it's hardly worth the bother of correcting a line of poor English.

But in your transparent case, I'll make an exception. Here's some of your first miserable posting to this thread, your laughable, as if independent and objective, 'advice' to me. Give it up, you suggest, 'your embarrising yourself'. Yeah, not half so much as you with that illiterate contribution.

Oct 5, 2009 at 12:30 AM | Unregistered Commentercliffyboy

LOL mate even your fellow Spuds are telling you to give it up and you just keep going. Deary me mate. Deary me.

Oct 5, 2009 at 2:22 AM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

I imagine you're talking about the brainless filthy making out he's a Spurs' fan.

Sorry to kick away one of your crutches, J-O-J, but he's about as convincing as you are.

There's enough material there for an entire weekend conference. Ring any bells?

Oct 5, 2009 at 7:30 AM | Unregistered Commentercliffyboy

Still talking about my crutches then pal. Seems all you can do is parrot one line which I've already proven was bullshit. You're a bit of a sad case really ain't ya. LMAO

Oct 5, 2009 at 4:16 PM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

Another spell-binding come-back from J-O-J, the master of the quick and witty reply,. Honestly, when those old few brain cells start whirring around inside that fertile bonce of his, there's no telling what our wonder of the airwaves will come up with next. Well, filthy, for one, and the incisive way he ends each post, often with crushing capitalls, leaves masterminds floundering in his wake.

And at least we've move forward, he's now responding to the J-O-J. tag.

Here, might as well slip into J-O-J mode while we're at it: 'Progress, innit!'

Memo to Readers Digest - Do you have anything for a personality so laden down with mediocrity and inferiority that he struggles to put a sentence together without using an expletive and posts himself crutch messages of support under a different name? Now, that is sad. Irony, what irony, come to that, what is irony? 'Progress innit!'

Gooner Jake and Filthy, one and the same strange beast.

Oct 6, 2009 at 12:12 AM | Unregistered Commentercliffyboy

LOL mate, gotta love how every reply you make just proves me right again.

And nah Flithy ain't me I'm afraid. Amazing how you keep assuming stuff about me that is wrong but don't learn your lesson. Makes your assumptions about Romanski look really good don't it? Oh yeah, I forgot, you don't wanna talk about that.... poetry corner time!

1 'l' in capital too btw. LMFAO!

Oct 6, 2009 at 1:22 AM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

Yeah, oh what a knockout, one 'l' in capital alright and one 'l' also in filthy too, only it comes after the 'i', not before. Smash and crash, the sound of breaking class as J-O-J's greenhouse takes a direct hit, and not for the first time, either.

Behold the sight of a grinning mug appearing through a self-inflicted hole.

Not filthy, eh? Pull the other one, it's got bells on.

Oct 6, 2009 at 4:43 AM | Unregistered Commentercliffyboy

I think it's you who needs to worry about glasshouses mate. Who started with the spelling corrections? Remind me? And who was it who started all the crap about generalisations and crutches but doesn't want to talk about it any more cos he got owned? Ring any bells sunshine?

Oct 6, 2009 at 3:56 PM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

Listen clungeboy dont take it out on me because you have been owned ,your just giving people more evidence of how stupid you have made yourself look.and there is no need to be a snob in your post.

Oct 6, 2009 at 4:16 PM | Unregistered Commenterfilthy

Who Am I?

My first is in jackass but not in Cliffy,
My second's in generalise but not Filthy (nor Flithy),
My third's in straw but not in clutch,
My fourth's in crick but not in crutch,
My fifth's in goal but not in net,
My sixth's in fool but not in met,
My seventh's in feeble but not in me,
My eight's in joker but not in see,
My ninth's in meal but not in munch,
My tenth's in knockout but not in punch,
My eleventh's in Arsenal but not in Spurs.

My whole is a clot,
rounded, complete,
a greater dork
you couldn't meet.

Oct 6, 2009 at 11:33 PM | Unregistered Commentercliffyboy

That's chapter 1 of your biography of Romanski yeah? What a fucking muppet. LMAO

Oct 6, 2009 at 11:43 PM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

Sorry to upset your finer sensibilities, if that's what they are, filthy, but let me tell you that if you want to deliver your totally unsolicited illiterate invectives against Spurs supporters, as you pitifully did with me, by making out you are also a Tottenham fan, and not either J-O-J or his miserable clone, don't complain when you cop a serve back.

You posted your original junk mail first, and the only reason I didn't respond earlier to your peculiar form of gibberish was its transparent feebleness.

But as with the response you've just delivered to someone on the Darren Bent thread, you don't mind insulting others first but put up your sad hands and cry 'foul' when the same thing happens to you, just like your soul mate, J-O-J with his idiot-like straw clutching that, for example, somehow, his typing errors are different to everybody else's.

And if this illiterate last posting of yours on this thread, is another example of your fine intellect at work, don't bother turning on your computer, punching a few keys, logging onto this site and calling my posts evidence of stupidity, save time by just looking in the mirror. There's all the evidence you're ever going to need of stupidity, let me give you the tip/

Oct 6, 2009 at 11:56 PM | Unregistered Commentercliffyboy

Ah, J-O-J's back on line - and what a yah sucks boo humdinger of a come-back - you can tell it's him by:

(a) Its general mediocrity,
(b) Its failure to string a couple of coherent sentences together without one of J-O-J's major crutches, an expletive, and
(c) Its nonsensical simplistic belief that if it's finished with a few capitals, it somehow means something big, rather than just being evidence of imbecility.

Bascially, when push comes to shove, that's what you are, Gooner Jake, you can't think of rationally debating football with Spurs supporters so when the going gets tough, how does this joker with the hide of a rhino react, with insults and swear words?

Tell me, when you move your head, does it rattle?

Oct 7, 2009 at 12:17 AM | Unregistered Commentercliffyboy

ROFLMAO. Son, who ain't rationally debating? I did that, got LOLed at and then had you post about a shitload of poems and other irrelevant crap. All cos I won the argument, left you without a leg to stand on, and you can't admit it.

I know it's hard for you to realise mate, but all you actually do is the exact same crap that you accuse me of. Fuckin priceless! LOL

Oct 7, 2009 at 1:32 AM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

Errm, cliffboy and goonerjake, you are aware that you are a pair of tools?

Oct 7, 2009 at 2:47 AM | Unregistered CommenterYiddogray

Yes, thanks, for your contribution, Yiddogray, but don't you mean singularly, and I'll wear that badge proudly if it means I don't sit on the fence.

Rational debate, Gooner Jake, rational debate?

To pinch from Blackadder, you wouldn't recognise a rational debate if it came up to you, clouted you on the head with a rolled-up newspaper and said 'I'm a rational debate.'

Go back over your first few comments on this thread - and don't forget, your first response was totally unsolicited. Your comments simply mock, criticise and insult people you've never met nor know, all of them interspersed with a selection of expletives, boiling down to Spurs and their fans are generally 'shit'.

And that's what you call rational debate?

Oct 7, 2009 at 5:53 AM | Unregistered Commentercliffyboy

Umm there's a comments section. Pretty safe to say that comments from everyone are solicited pal. Dumbass.

Why don't we go back to your first reply to me instead though son? The one were you chatted nonsense about how you'd like your club to be run, then when I showed that was all BS, you did a half arse justification. So I demolished that. And now you don't want to talk about it any more! LMFAO

Oct 7, 2009 at 4:17 PM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

Exactly, J-O-J, my first reply to you, which therefore means that you, an Arsenal fan, must have initiated the debate by referring to my original comment, adversely, of course, as you did with other comments made by Spurs' fans.

No-one forced you to do so! Get it!

Get yourself a big print dictionary, please - you can rest it on your crutches - and look up soliticted and unsolicited - they're not difficult to find once you master the alphabet. The specific or particular comment where you are addressing someone else first, it means, and you call me 'Dumbass'? Mind you, you have to laugh at old J-O-J, he calls me that and not a minute later spells 'where' 'were'.

J-O-J on Mastermind: Special Subject: Self-Flagellation.

One hundred nil to me!


Oct 7, 2009 at 11:37 PM | Unregistered Commentercliffyboy

umm yes pal, my first reply was the rational debate part? And it was implicitly solicited by the fact you posted it in a comments section full of people replying to each other about various points. If you can't handle smart folks like me pointing out that you're talking total manure then you should probably keep thoughts to yourself. Gettit? LOL

Dictionary corner:

- Erroneous use of apostrophe in "Spurs' fans". The fans don't belong to Spurs, they are fans of Spurs. Different thing pal.
- Solicited doesn't mean "forced to" thicko. So you've done yourself up like a kipper there too! LOL
- "soliticted"!? Who ain't mastered the alphabet again? ROFLMAO

So to recap, you've now started a different argument to distract from the first ones that I've hammered you at. And I've slapped you in this argument too. Stick to poems mate, might not trip yourself up as much if you do that. LOL

Oct 8, 2009 at 12:32 AM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

Sorry to correct your attempted apostrohpe 'analysis' but we use the apostrohpe for two main reasons:

1. Show omission of a letter(s), and,
2. Show possession.

In the case of Spurs' fans, the fans of Spurs, the apostrohe is most certainly applicable being used to indicate possession, and if you could get your hands on a Big Print Basic English Course Book 1, you'd actually find that a definition, and guide for usage for that matter, of the use of the possessive apostrophe, would include the word 'of' when applied to the 'owner', for example, 'the players' stadium' = the stadium of the players, thus letting you know that an apostrophe is required. Only a prize prawn would argue that that must mean the players literally own the stadium.

If you had suggested, instead, that Spurs was being used as an adjective to describe the fans, then you would be right that no apostrohpe would be needed.

As for yet another straw-clutcher, the mis-typing of 'solicited', the error of an extra 't' is not the point - it's your having the gall to call someone else a 'Dumbass' before making such a basic error as to spell 'where' as 'were'.

You got any glass left in that greenhouse of yours? That's not a rhetorical question, by the way.

Thousand nil to me.


Oct 8, 2009 at 4:14 AM | Unregistered Commentercliffyboy

Im sorry i'm a nob

Oct 8, 2009 at 7:54 AM | Unregistered CommenterGooner Jake

Fuck me ladies. Get a room.

Oct 8, 2009 at 4:26 PM | Registered Commenterspooky

No, mate it is wrong I'm afraid. No-one uses an apostrophe in that sense. Good effort to try and and explain such a basic error away but you kind of fell over again when you spelled "apostrohpe" wrong about 5 times. LOLOLOLOL

But yeah, when you do a typo, it's not the point. When I do one, well that's different innit ROFL. See why I told you not to go down the SPAG route mate? Should have listened to me and just admitted you were wrong in the first place. Could have avoided all this humiliation couldn't ya? LMFAO.

Of course, the fact that you typed a book desperately trying to show that you know how to use basic English (when you don't) doesn't really distract from how comes you don't wanna talk about generalisations and why Sir Dannyboy Levy only owns a football club cos he loves em and it has nowt to do with money, does it?

I guess you love the "real Spurs" but not the "real argument". LMAO

Oct 8, 2009 at 6:11 PM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

I don't know if you've ever thought of joining us here on planet Earth, J-O-J, but if you do think of ever dropping in, you're most welcome to learn one of our many languages and get to know people generally.

But while you're merely prattling on about things you know very little about - I'd keep quiet about your gibberish regarding the apostrophe, though - try if you can to see how you might well have added a couple of commas to the opening sentence, as well as some others, of your latest proof that buffonery is alive and well and living in Gooner Jake's fertile bonce. Just what have you got against the comma, by the way?

Love the brainless generalisation that follows that first sentence too - does the glazier have a standing contract with you? Incidentally, let me give you the tip, you should have continued that second sentence with: 'well, that is, unless they're educated.'

If you believe in the rarified atmosphere of what passes for your brain, that my typing the p and h in the wrong order in the word 'apostrophe' - though notice I also spelt it correctly a couple of times too - was the equivalent of you missing out the letter 'h' from 'where' - I'm stilll trying to work out how that is a 'typing error' - your response to a teacher's giving you a hundred lines for doing so, would be:

I mustn't leave the 'h' out of 'were',
I mustn't leave the 'h' out of 'were',
I mustn't leave the 'h' out of 'were',

and so on, one hundred times.

By the way, has someone posted something under your name but is trying to fool us?

Thousand and five nil to me!


Oct 9, 2009 at 2:11 AM | Unregistered Commentercliffyboy

LMAO so you abandoned that argument too then huh. And yeah, when I make a mistake once = typo. When you do it 3 times in one post = thickyboy can't spell. GEDDIT? LOL

Is that why you don't want to talk about the real arguments btw? Cos you can't spell Romanski's surname? LOL. What a loser you are.

Oct 9, 2009 at 2:42 AM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

Is there a trophy at the end of this or some sort of prize fund that I was unaware of? Why not whip 'em both out lads and get the measuring done...

Oct 9, 2009 at 7:15 AM | Unregistered CommenterYiddogray

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