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Who's gonna be our next signing?

So having signed Crouch, we are back again sitting in the cushioned seat of patience as we await the next decision from Levy and Redknapp in this rather understated transfer market, where everything moves around in slo-mo. But unlike The Matrix, it lacks any real explosive punch. At least at the minute it does.

Negredo (remember that one?) is now being linked with a move to Liverpool as part of the possible (probable) transfer of Alonso to the White Storm. But don’t fret, because Harry is spewing out his favourite sound-bite of the moment (if he’s available we’re interested) relating to one of our other perpetual summer transfer targets, the prolific Klaas-Jan Huntelaar.  He won’t be moving to Germany but considering how long we’ve allegedly spent flirting with this player via the tabloid pages, you sort of half expect Arsenal to glide in and stick if up our Arshavin, much like they did with Zenit’s gem last time out. Although we had washed our hands of that little annoyance long before the scum showed interest and up until this morning we thought the same about KJH – that his wage demands stopped any potential deal from happening.

Bent may as well have gone to China, because he is no nearer joining anyone at the moment. Brilliant strategy from Levy by the way. No, I’m not being sarcastic. He knows we spent £16M on the player and he knows there are several clubs that need a proven Prem scorer (something Bent is, if not something we need as accommodating his weaknesses is detrimental to the way we play). But other clubs will probably aim to play to his strengths, and he’ll score a bundle for them in doing so. Sunderland, Hull and I think even Stoke are sniffing around. Sunderland in particular have had their nose snorting all over Bent for the best part of the summer. And Levy simply won’t accept anything below what he wants, which is possibly around £15M. Which is why Sunderland are still snorting, inviting others to inquire. Brilliant. As long as we actually accept a bid at some point soon. Otherwise my sarcasm will drown the streets of N17, leaving Daniel with only the head of Chirpy to keep afloat above the turbulent sea of disgust.

Bent is off no matter what, but the fact we are looking at KJH suggests either Keane or Pav could be sold on if the right offer is made. Pav is once more linked to Roma. And Keane is being linked to nobody in particular. At a stretch, Aston Villa might look our way. You never know what might happen, even if Harry talks up the current ‘four’ (Defoe, Crouch, Pav, Keane) as being more than enough for him - he'll always look to mix things up. If it's right for the team.

As for Mr Vieira, make what you will of Henry shaking his head and saying no when cornered by Harry and Jamie the other day at Wembley. Apparently he has since come out to state he would never tell Vieira to sign for us. Sounds like he’s more pro-Spurs than he’d like to believe. Thanks for looking after us. In the past few days the stories in the press now suggest that it’s Arsenal who want him to return on a pay-as-you-play deal. Cue some Spurs fans, no doubt, suggesting ‘if he’s good enough to go there, then he’s good enough for us’.

Don't try to justify it.

It’s a desperate move for all involved. Let’s please look elsewhere.

And we can start by looking for cover for Woodgate/King/Dawson. Possibly a young player with potential (do they exist?) who can not only cover but one day replace the mighty King. I know, it’s unlikely we’ll sign someone anywhere near potentially as good as Ledley, but with him still only able to play a game per week and with Woody and Daws out injured – we can do with a CB. Turner at Hull wouldn’t be too bad a deal for us. Bassong is another target that returns into the transfer rota every month, and once more he’s been linked - thanks to our scout being spotted at the Newcastle v Leeds game last night. A game where a certain Leeds youngster (Delp) starred.

One area that has gone back into its state of hibernation is the left-wing conundrum. For now, it would appear that Modric will remain out on the left, drifting in. Thanks largely to the fact that Downing was the last available left-winger on the face of the planet.

I’m gonna stick £5 on Delp being the next Spurs signing. Beyond that, I haven’t a jiffy.

Reader Comments (55)

Are we in compotition with City to see who can gat a team full of forwards first?

Jul 30, 2009 at 1:08 PM | Unregistered Commentermickyspurs

delph if you please

Jul 30, 2009 at 1:09 PM | Unregistered Commentercheck

Would Delph be good enough to play now or is this another prospect?

Jul 30, 2009 at 1:10 PM | Unregistered Commentermickyspurs

Bassong will be announced at the beginning of next week. Spurs are in pole position for Delph and once Bent is sold KJH talks will start and Keane and Pav will be put up for sale

Jul 30, 2009 at 1:12 PM | Unregistered CommenterJamiespurs

give dos santos a proper go at the first team..he can do it
delph would be a prospect but has only played league one before and would take time

Jul 30, 2009 at 1:13 PM | Unregistered Commentercheck

I'm not sold on our interest for Delph. sounds like a lot of money for what we become our youth player. he obviously wont get a start above palacios in the middle so that leaves one opening. jenas, huddlestone, o'hara who finally put in a good shift against west aaaaaaam, the newly first team promoted livermore and bostock fighting for the same spot. personally i think we hav tons of cover in midfield, left right and centre. if were going to sign anyone they need to be world class otherwise why not just stick with what we got?

for me we need to get rid of keane and pav, huntelaar would be nice and then get a 4th youth striker in, similar to chelsea with daniel sturridge or villa with delfonsou. not overly convinced with obika.

the only position i can realistically see being plugged is centre back. bassong, maybe, fits harrys typical profile. player i would love though is Shawcross. kid has massive talent, single handedly bossed the strong stoke defence and at such a young age, being with the england under 21's set up is a huge plus for me. Although he is a prem starter he would take a back seat for a season, going 50/50 with king then eventually taking his place alongside woddy/dawson or whoever next year. he wouldnt cost a stupid amount either, for me, he is the best player we could possible sign in any position.

Jul 30, 2009 at 1:14 PM | Unregistered CommenterJack

its all a mystery for me, especially when im living a place where the only fans i know are either Panathanikos or Olympiarkos fans, so i cannot guess at all

Jul 30, 2009 at 1:14 PM | Unregistered CommenterDayveTheGreekYid

We love buying the kids don't we? But they can never settle in a side that doesn't have good experienced quality players. Get the right balance and we can start to introduce the kids into the side, without the worry of killing their confidence. Quite happy if we sign Delph. But sorting out a CM and the forwards is the main priority for me.

Jul 30, 2009 at 1:19 PM | Unregistered Commenterkilljoy

Keane will not be sold as Harry sees him as having a vital role playing at the head of the diamond when the formatin is used. Hhe is also the only forward we have who can drop into the middle to make a 4-4-2 become a 4-5-1.
Pav wants to go and that has been proven but his complete lack of interest in developing the lingo of the summer break. Problem we have with Pav is Levy does not want to take the hit of the fee. Roma are the only interested party currently with less than a £9m figure offered.

The Viera talk to Scum, wonder if Harry started that to make it look as if the player has somethig to offer?

Jul 30, 2009 at 1:21 PM | Unregistered Commentermickyspurs

remember that we released alot of our kids with ricardo rocha, so i think we're starting a new, dont you think?

Jul 30, 2009 at 1:22 PM | Unregistered CommenterDayveTheGreekYid

Personally I think we won't sign any of the above.

It seems as if peter crouch wasn't his priority if i'm honest and HH just bought him because he knows he will get more out of him than pav! Barry and Roque were his preferred 2 signings.

No doubt a CB should be 1st priority but It should be considered a bonus if we get anyone else in, simply because (in my opinion) we have a perfectly adequate squad that can compete at the level we will be contesting (taking into account Villa, Everton etc.).

It wouldn't suprise me though if we bought a load of players in positions we don't need strengthening in (right backs for example) and paid a stupid fee on the 30th August for a crappy is the tottenham way!

Jul 30, 2009 at 1:26 PM | Unregistered CommenterevYid

Don't think we are done yet. Especially our record going into the final week or so. Expect 2 more signings at the very least.

Jul 30, 2009 at 1:28 PM | Unregistered CommenterSam knows best

Personally i would like to see the back of Keane, he left us once already and although he has been great over the past few season, i think he is past his best, he's getting on abit too and frankly just doesnt cut the mustard anymore :) .
I would like to see Huntelaar come in, his signing would send a clear message to the like of Arsenal scum that Spurs are a serious contender in the upcoming seasons. It would also help players like Luka Modric, believe that Tottenham is a team with ambition, worst thing is our star player become fustrated and just jump ship.
Apart from Huntelaar, a good defensive signing and i think we would be there.
Keep Pav, he is yet to show his best form, give the likes of Bently, Gio and other fringe players the chance.

Jul 30, 2009 at 1:30 PM | Unregistered CommenterMacca

A quality centre half and Joe Cole

Happy :-)

Jul 30, 2009 at 1:30 PM | Unregistered CommenterParklaner

Jole Cole would be a superb signing but I don't see it happening. Can't see Chelsea letting him go.

Jul 30, 2009 at 1:33 PM | Unregistered CommenterSam knows best

just shore up CB with bassong or something and then leave it at that...without our s*** start last year and a couple other bs games (the man u and wba games come to mind), we likely would have been at least tied with everton or villa and perhaps pushed arsenal...we have a solid core...honestly i'm beginning to believe its unstabilizing to constantly be throwing names all over the place all the time. i can't wait for this damn transfer window to close.

Jul 30, 2009 at 1:36 PM | Unregistered Commenterus futbol

With the Adebeyor and Toure money banked, Wanker will sign Huntelaar and Hangeland and we wont be able to compete because they will be attracted by the lure of CL football. Great shame - I'd love us to sign these two.

Jul 30, 2009 at 1:36 PM | Unregistered CommenterRonnyCOYS

I really hope Harry has noted Dos Santos' performance for Mexico and sees a way to involve home with the 1st team this season.

We defo need the CB and would be great to get one with some leadership qualities and a great turn of pace.

I'm still not convinced we have found the right partner for Wilson in the centre yet. Jenas to inconsistent, Hudd not mobile enough, O'hara not gifted enough. Early signs are the Jake Livermore could be a cracking box to box player

Jul 30, 2009 at 1:38 PM | Unregistered Commentermickyspurs

"Apparently he has since come out to state he would never tell Vieira to sign for us. Sounds like he’s more pro-Spurs than he’d like to believe." Ha!!

Jul 30, 2009 at 1:40 PM | Unregistered CommenterKay Bee

dos Santos v a USA b team is far from being a Premier game. But yeah agreed, Gio deserves another chance.

Jul 30, 2009 at 1:42 PM | Unregistered CommenterOops

yeah the US b team was basically our 21U team, if not worse...regardless, he played as well as he could have. assuming he won't make it to china, he better at least be out there for Olympiacos

Jul 30, 2009 at 1:46 PM | Unregistered Commenterus futbol

Delph is good enough to be played as a sub, the same thing goes for Bostock and Rose. I think that Noughton has shown that there is genuine ability and hunger for a chance to shine at the top level - the likes of people like Livermore, Bostock, O'Hara, Thud, Lennon etc etc etc is proof that the future is bright for Spurs as we are collecting a real squad of future stars; all of whom who are playing alongside people like Modric and Palacios whilst poloshing their skills.

It's crazy to think how young some of our established 'stars' are...

Jul 30, 2009 at 1:49 PM | Unregistered CommenterdRb

Livermore is a fuure spurs captain. Natural leader with a real passion and hunger for the game. He will make a massive impact this season and could well force his way into the starting 11

Jul 30, 2009 at 1:52 PM | Unregistered Commentermickyspurs

@ Jamiespurs - are you Harry in disguise?

@ Killjoy - I think we're going to need a strong core of youth talent for when the stadium project begins. This transfer window is a preview, selling before buying. Gone are the days of £70 million summer sprees.

@usfutbol - totally agree regarding this window. Let it end and let's get on with it! I'm itching for the new season and, looking at the squad we have, think we'll do really well. Fair enough, Dervitte doesn't quite look ready to cover CB at Prem ier League level so cover may be needed.

Keane or Pavlova for KJH is appealing but I'm quite happy to start the season with the current 4 as none of them are new to the league.

Consistency breeds success!

Jul 30, 2009 at 2:02 PM | Unregistered CommenterMaddySpurs

@ mickyspurs - love your optimism mate! That's the attitude. If someone like Taraabt shared that passion he could be a star. I hope players like O'hara and the likes of Livermore, Rose and Bostock get there chance this season (at least in the Carling Cup). There's nothing better than seeing youth talent coming through - something we've been starved of for years.

It's also something we'll have to get better at when the money stops flowing.

Jul 30, 2009 at 2:05 PM | Unregistered CommenterMaddySpurs

@MaddySpurs "Consistency breeds success!" ...exactly!! otherwise we'll constantly be in this state of purgatory...its really sad how right colin farrell was in 'in bruge'....hopefully that will change

Jul 30, 2009 at 2:06 PM | Unregistered Commenterus futbol

Re: 'its all a mystery for me, especially when im living a place where the only fans i know are either Panathanikos or Olympiarkos fans, so i cannot guess at all'

I love You Dave.

Jul 30, 2009 at 2:09 PM | Unregistered CommenterDyson

Having watched a lot of the pre season games including attending the Wembley cup I still haven't a clue what our best 11 is.
Gomes in goal I would say, Hutton, King (if fit), Woodgate & Ekotto across the back. Lennon, Wilson, SuperLuka in the midlle. Still think the 4th midfield spot is wide open. Up front, Defoe and ??????

Jul 30, 2009 at 2:15 PM | Unregistered Commentermickyspurs

I think O'Hara could partner Wilson this season. He looked totally comfortable against the spammers. He isnt the quikcest but for some reason this wasnt really exposed playing in centre mid. His performance yesterday reminded me of that game - one of his first - against the Scum when he looked really sharp in the middle. Ive had enough of Jenas and Thudd is just too immobile but they are good squad players. With those four, Livermore and Bostock i think we're sorted in centre mId - maybe Viera would be good as an example to follow but i wouldnt like him to be blocking others' progress. Keep Modric on the Left, Lennon on the right, ship off Bentley and then have Gio and Rose as back ups. Bring In Delph as well and with Naughtons versatility we wont need another right mid and should sell Hutton - hes very overrated and no better right back than himbonda - orluka is miles ahead of then both. Wouldnt mind Bassong as good over for CB and LB. Finally sell Pav - he's a waste of space - and bring in Huntelaar!! Keano is a good player and a great leader even if he is past his best. If all the above happens ill be sooooooooo happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jul 30, 2009 at 2:18 PM | Unregistered Commenterjimijimmy

How many times do it need saying that robbie keane cannot be sold as it would be 3 clubs in less than a year and that is against prem league rules!! jesus its almost like we want huntelaar no matter what, he is bound for the scum so lets all forget this player donning the lilywhite shirt cause the scum up the road are all gonna laugh at us knowing we wanted him so much, bassong will do a job for us and keep the other cb's on there toes when all are fit, maybe a CM like dare i say darren fletcher would do us good but no chance of him coming so maybe have to do with cattermole, that should be enough for the new season and hopefully we will do a good job and at very least finish in top 6. COYS

Jul 30, 2009 at 2:19 PM | Unregistered Commenterspursman79

The question is who is leaving ... and then you will know who is coming ...

Jul 30, 2009 at 2:22 PM | Unregistered CommenterRamsesv

Must say this summer I was looking for evolution rather than revolution and because of our financial constraints I think we have got it.

I think we'd be nuts to sell Pav after a single season, it would be gutting to see him go elsewhere and score plenty after we bedded him into the league. I think Crouch was a silly move, I think he will do as well as Bent if not worse. I think JD is going to start but on the evidence of pre-season he is still as greedy as ever and will offer us nothing if he doesn't score. Keane has offered vocal leadership on his return but nothing much else.

On the midfield, I think Modric/Lennon out wide sorts our winger/balance problem. I think Gio should be Modric's understudy and Naughton can adequately cover for him.

In the middle, I think the choice we have is clear - Palacios plus JJ (box to box), O'Hara (effort, no skill), Huddlestone (skill, no effort). Livermoore looks a good prospect (a bit of JJ and O'Hara combined) and Bostock looks good too (Huddlestone plus mobility). If I had to sell one O'Hara would be first, followed by Huddlestone - despite his Marmite qualities JJ still brings the most to the table.

Defensively, I think both Dervitte and Corluka can do a job alongside King and Chimbo should be avoided at all costs. (When I look at him these days, all I see is negatives). Akotto and Bale can fight over left back and Hutton/corluka/Naughton can all fight over right back.

All in all, I'm satisfied with the squad. If KJH came in I'd prefer Keane to leave over Pav. If Viera came in I'd prefer O'Hara to go. Truth be told, we're a pretty settled side so I'm hoping (praying) that we don't have the usual ultra slow start.

Jul 30, 2009 at 2:24 PM | Unregistered CommenterCorrupted Mind

Keane leaving doesn't mean this window now does it?

Jul 30, 2009 at 2:27 PM | Unregistered CommenterOracle

JimiJimmy - just wondering if you have ever seen O'hare in a live game rtaher than on TV? The guy has bags of energy and runs around all day but his overall positioning without the ball is poor and gets out of position way to much. Against Barca last Friday this was very evident. Luka was conering hime way to much and tis takes away from Luka game. You dont always see thsi side of the game on Tv and watching a live game helps to really see a players overall ability

Jul 30, 2009 at 2:29 PM | Unregistered Commentermickyspurs

@spursman79 - I know of that rule but am not 100% on the details. If it is a calendar year, then surely the clubs just have to wait until the same date Keane left us last year. If it is based on a season, then surely the slate has been wiped clean now?

Forgive me if I am totally wrong but it would seem to me he is now free to move on. Not that I particularly want him to.

@ jimijimmy - that all sounds very logical. As long as you know very little if any of it will happen ;) Also there are very many 'examples' Viera has set that I wouldn't want Spurs players to follow, i.e. spitting and diving. Now Zokora hsa gone we don't have any serial divers.

I do however agree with you on Naughton. He does look versatile and I like to think he could become our Clichy, i.e. very quick and attack minded (but not a c*** like Clichy of course!)

Jul 30, 2009 at 2:30 PM | Unregistered CommenterMaddySpurs

I still think having a gut-busting O'hara in your side can be more helpful than a 'past it' former master like Viera.

Mickyspurs - whilst O'hara does have his negatives he is still a joy to watch live. I'd like to see nothing more than the whole team willing to bleed for the shirt (not common these days). O'Hara's like a very very watered down Dave Mackay. In the sense that out of all of the primdonna attitudes out there, he seems to be the one closest to joe public and most willing to show gratitude for being able to do our dream job.

I hope he stays and think he's a good, reliable squad player, if not first team. It must be a joy for someone like Harry to be able to rely on Jamie to wait his turn and really try to take every chance he gets.

For those of us lucky enough to see Spurs games at WHL in recent seasons - simply compare Jamie O'hara to Kevin Price Boateng when he comes on. A greater chasm in effort you will not see.

Jul 30, 2009 at 2:38 PM | Unregistered CommenterMaddySpurs

i think we need to beef up our defense so bassong or turner... delph is another one for the future but the season is going to be a long one, with or without us competing in the europa league, so we need back up in that area badly!


Jul 30, 2009 at 2:42 PM | Unregistered Commenterelwehbi

I have a feeling that if we had (somehow) qualified for Europe, we'd have a few more funds available this summer. But, and I am aware this subject has been talked to death, it may well be a blessing to be able to concentrate on the league this season.

Positives - less games = less injuries, etc. More Saturday league games!
Negatives - less games will be shit for the fans lol. Less money, etc.

Let's just hope for a similar season to 05/06 without the conspiracy at the end!

Jul 30, 2009 at 2:49 PM | Unregistered CommenterMaddySpurs

And without going out in both domestic cups after the first game...

Jul 30, 2009 at 2:58 PM | Unregistered CommenterMaddySpurs

Does anyone have any info on the Gio situation and why he hasn't been given a shot?

Jul 30, 2009 at 3:01 PM | Unregistered CommenterGoude

gio was injured for a bulk of last year then went out on loan...(i assume it was because coming off of injury, it would have been tough to just through him out there as we battled relegation)...this summer he's been with the mexican national team...i hope he plays in our last preseason game next weekend...i dont know why he wouldn't

Jul 30, 2009 at 3:12 PM | Unregistered Commenterus futbol

Agree usfutbol - he should get a run out next weekend. Unless plans are afoot to send him out again. Seems an awful waste - especially when the likes of Rose have got some pre season time with the first team.

I'd be tempted to keep him on the bench playing cameo until he gets restless then send him out on loan.

When players like Gio and Taraabt start moaning about not getting 1st team action I feel like telling to take a look at themselves and ask themselves why? It's probably cos they're not good enough or it's not in teh best interest of the team. They simply need to try harder and be patitant or go to a smaller team.

Depends if they want to be a big fish in a little pond or a little fish at sea.

Jul 30, 2009 at 3:29 PM | Unregistered CommenterMaddySpurs

Welcome back Spooky How were the Turks? As you can see you missed all the transfer activity, all the press conferences oh we had a fine time in your absence. But now you are back I expect it to settle down again to translethargy..... made up word (shrugs) and absolute boredom. The kneejerkers are out in force calling for harrys head / dorvitte is rubbish / why dont we sell the squad and buy real madrid / etc... etc... etc.... Oh and of course all the experts have already played the season out on footy manager and if we buy KJH we will win the league BUT if we buy crouch we will be relegated....go figure, its been worked out by a computer must be true lol

Jul 30, 2009 at 3:30 PM | Unregistered Commenternomorewhlegends

MaddySpurs, us futbol, Goude:

do you think that Gio plays better as a forward on the right? he lacked some qualities as a left winger but from my understanding, he moves to the right a lot with mexico so he can strike with his left.

he scored a beauty for spurs from the right forward position, can't remember which game though

Jul 30, 2009 at 3:54 PM | Unregistered Commenterelwehbi

modric is fine on the lft..we need a centre half but what would happen to him when all iinjuries clear i guess we must find a mercenary short term who wont mind warming the bench for a few quid..bad but realistic.....i dont think we need fowards maybe a midfielder but i think we r gonna do ok this year without going over the top in expectations

Jul 30, 2009 at 4:02 PM | Unregistered Commentermke e17

for those of us lucky enough to see spurs games at WHL ... Before i went on here and made some facebook spurs friends i thought it was only hard to get tickets for foreigners , but it seems to be very hard for you guys 2 ?

I m counting on doing some games this season but it's just so damn hard to get a ticket if you dont want to pay three times the initial price

On topic : Gio is a top class player , plenty of talent but i m doubting he has what it takes to succeed in the PL. Most of the "spanish" (i know he s a mexican but you will catch my drift i guess) players that came tot the PL learned to fight and had at least some 1 st team experience or came up trought the ranks (scum style). He will succeed in the liga. I just don't see him having the patience and spirit ... more than prince and adel but still ...

KJH isn't the savior of spurs as some pepole would have you believe but he remains a very lethal, good player with some dutch flair, they are not easily impressed the orange boys ...

Jul 30, 2009 at 4:20 PM | Unregistered Commenterbelgian spur

It aint that hard to get tickets I got 6 over the phone yesterday ok 4 was for next weeks friendly and the other 2 are for the Birmingham game but still I got some. Would of like to have gone to the Liverpool game but just cant afford it with £400 being spent on the bloody car this month.

Anyway who we signing ?????? You know what I am not really bothered anymore I think the kids should get a chance. UNLESS the signing is WORLD CLASS

Jul 30, 2009 at 5:49 PM | Unregistered Commenteraaron

In my opinion we need to buy Riquelme , because he is world star quality player , he can play everywhere.

Jul 30, 2009 at 6:58 PM | Unregistered CommenterSpursKing

KLH will definitely not be coming to the lane...that is based on ITK info here in Holland. Tottenham is only seen as a 'sub-topper' and the likes of Robben, KLH and other players who year in year out play in the CL see a move to WHL as a devaluation of their status. It's a shame as I personally have a great regard for the 'Greavesie' like Huntelaar and reckon he'd be an enormous asset but it's not to be. Spooky, you write as though Ledders, Woody and Daws are out for the season. The injuries can't be that bad or have I missed something whilst on holiday? Bassong would be a good signing though.

Jul 30, 2009 at 8:47 PM | Unregistered CommenterDutchspur

Can't see KVH signing for a team without CL football in a World Cup year. His pulling out of the Stuttgart (who can offer him CL) deal suggests that he has an even bigger destination in mind. I'm pretty sure it's not us which is why we signed Crouch instead. We don't pay £70k a week for someone to sit on the bench.
Other than that Martin Petrov would be a useful addition (left footed, experienced, cheap) as would Shawcross or Turner, especially if it means Chimbo heads in the opposite direction. As for Bassong he kind of got lost in the motorway pile up that was Newcastle so I can't really tell whether he's any good or not.
We need to keep players like O'Hara and Dawson around if only for their infectious enthusiasm for the club. Nothing worse than having a squad of soulless mercenaries (*cough* Man City).

Jul 30, 2009 at 10:05 PM | Unregistered CommenterNext Season

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