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Its all over

One day after the 'Berbs on Bulgarian tv' story was posted in Spurs message boards, the tabloids and broadsheets are running a story about a bust-up between Jol and Berbatov stating that the Bulgarian doesn't want to be involved in a rotation system and that Jol wants to sell him because of his attitude.

You couldn't make this stuff up. How very convenient for this story to appear days after a 4-0 win with the Park Lane singing Martin Jol's name.

Would appear that Levy and the board of directors are getting desperate to make their changes. Martin Jol is a dead man walking.

No official statement from the club to counter or dismiss any of these tabloid/tv/broadsheet rumours. Not a single word. Just relentless propaganda from Levy's war machine. Martin Jol may not even be manager by the end of this week.

What is it about this club that it persistently attempts to commit suicide? What's wrong with consistency? What's wrong with not rocking the boat?

Staggers belief. Oh hold up, of course it doesn't. This is normal service running at the Lane. And with news we have bid for Riquelme - you know that Levy is doing his utmost to weather the storm of disapproval from the Tottenham faithful.

Reader Comments (2)

Say it aint so!! I'm pretty disturbed by all this. Why do we keep doing this to ourselves?

Aug 21, 2007 at 11:02 AM | Unregistered Commenteroops

Joining you in your Levy Jihad if Jol is gone this week.

Aug 21, 2007 at 11:20 AM | Unregistered CommenterForza Hudd

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