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Entries in podcast (8)


Like being punched in the face by God

Latest episode available, innit.

Season 2, Episode 12 - Bareback

Danny Blanchflower's grandson. Chelsea autopsy and positives. Some Crouch loving. Left-back conundrums. Sig and Demps. Rickipedia and Ricky's misadventure. Twitter, Kyle Walker and scapegoating. Bale's baby. Keeper sweeper. A couple of laughable match previews followed by the return of Pr*ck of the Week. Windy and his delicious youth update. Quote of the week. Running order chaos. Footballers sleeping with our girlfriends. Quantifying loving the shirt. Missing games. Being punched in the face by God. And we've got a welder update. We sincerely apologise for all of it. Jousting: Flav, Spooky, Thelonious, Ricky and engineer Al. Ross Blanchflower guesting.

Click on download to listen.


Previous eps: 

Season 2, Episode 11 - Fight the power

This week consists of seriousness, anger and controversy:

Safe standing and EDM, Gareth '3rd best player in the world' Bale, Andre and Chelsea, Rickipedia, racism in football (apparently there's a fair bit but don't shout about it), Windy yoof update, a variety of random questions and not so random, including 'why do some Spurs fans hate Chelsea more than Woolwich'?

Wyclef Jean approves of all of the above.

Panthers: Flav, Spooky, Thelonious, Ricky with guests Lustdoctor and Dave covering for our missing engineer.

Click on download to listen.


Season 2, Episode 10 - Married to Tottenham

Flav had a meeting with Tottenham at the Lane about 1882. If you're attending the Maribor home game and sitting in block J, you're going to want to hear the update on this. Aside from the serious real talk, we look back on our 2-0 win against Villa and the variety of story arcs that encompass our current momentum. We playa hate Noel Gallagher. We playa hate diving but also try to rationalise it. We've got the curious case of Kyle Walker and then to be honest, I'm not sure what happens after that point. Something in the air. Our collective minds wandered into the abyss, all very very confusing. Husband and wife role-play. Beastly midfielders. Cannibalism I think, not literally, that would be hideous. And trikes. I remember trikes. Rickipedia, Meat Men and Windy provide our features this week. Tripping: Flav, Spooky, Thelonious, Ricky and engineer Al.

Click on download to listen.


Season 2, Episode 9 - An audience with Micky Hazard

The lads meet up with Micky Hazard, watch the Panathinaikos game, have a few beers, get to the 'studio' (lol) and record. Organic stuff. Practically orgasmic.

We've got a show jammed and buttered up with news on the next 1882 event (get your singing voices ready) plus a brand new project in the making, the historic OTT win at OT, AVB versus the media part seven hundred and a bunch of other stuff including questions from us and from you for our guest, London's finest black cab driver and not the father of Eden Hazard. Starting line-up: Flav, Thelonious, Ricky with Micky Hazard and Greg.

Click on download to listen.



For the full archive click here.

Or subscribe via itunes.


What's going on?

I’m in one of those places at the moment. Much like Dexter Morgan (in the hit US tv show ‘Dexter’) has a dark passenger that lusts for blood (he’s a serial killer, but a good one, he only kills people that deserve it like...other serial killers) I also have dark thoughts. Mostly about ordering a kebab at 11pm or attempting to induce lucid dreams that consist of me scoring last minute winners away to the scum then diving into the stands to ‘sort ‘em out’. Although I could be more like Dexter. Kill other bloggers. Alas, never red, so lusting for blood is a step too far. Click whores, you're safe for now.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, it’s international break time and I am suffering from a creative lull. There’s not that much going on to be fair. Here's some snippets of things that might muster up a discussion or two.



Might as well. I tuned in with 30 minutes gone, caught the goals, sort of half watch the second half. Was all very mediocre but that extra bit of quality allowing us to comfortably pick off San Marino. To be honest, I found myself watching more of the Wales v Scotland game. Football irony in your face with Gareth Bale’s winner, leaving Adams in his wake as he finished brilliantly to add to a dubious penalty which saw him win the spot kick by tripping himself up in the area. It was against the Scottish so allow it. Defoe sat on the bench (from what I saw) and Walker and Lennon didn't pick up injuries. Good enough for me. Elsewhere, three of the back four (Smith, Caulker, Rose) of the England U21 side were Spurs. Some of that.


Manager of the Month award

So Andre Villas-Boas had the better record than winner David Moyes? Who has the better beard and why isn’t a monthly award given out for that instead? Talking of which, I’m sporting hobo chic at the moment. I look rough and I like it. The fact I’m even talking about my irreverent fashion sense pretty much tells you everything you need to know about my opinion on the Manager of the Month award.



The Olympic Stadium and Tottenham. It’s like stepping in dog **** and no matter how hard you try to wash it out you swear you can still smell the stink. Britain, gold medals, glorious scenes aside...back in the real world if we had to play away from the Lane for even half a season, would rather Wembley than a structure not purpose built for the sport our team actually plays. Hopefully the original plan (of playing at the Lane with building work on-going) sees fruition. Unless the OS has purpose built caravans shifted onto the running track to double up as executive boxes for corporate hospitality. That’ll work.



Win against Villa. Noel Gallagher. Diving. Walker. How to get out of doing something with your missus and going to Tottenham instead. Midfield beasts. Cannibalism. And trikes. Click here for it.



The only Hazard that matters

click on above to listen


The Fighting Cock - Season 2, Episode 9.

The lads meet up with Micky Hazard, watch the Panathinaikos game, have a few beers, get to the 'studio' (lol) and record. Organic stuff. Practically orgasmic.

We've got a show jammed and buttered up with news on the next 1882 event (get your singing voices ready) plus a brand new project in the making, the historic OTT win at OT, AVB versus the media part seven hundred and a bunch of other stuff including questions from us and from you for our guest, London's finest black cab driver and not the father of Eden Hazard. It's emotional stuff.

Starting line-up: Flav, Thelonious, Ricky with Micky Hazard and Greg.


Subscribe and listen on itunes.





We need your help – ‘Memory Lane’ – is a film in the making about our home, WHL. It’s currently in pre-production and we’re looking for old footage, programmes, rare items. So get in touch please. More info on the podcast and website (soon).


Hello, Hello, we are the Tottenham boys

This is The Fighting Cock.



Episode 34 - "Unleashing hell...blindfolded"

Oh look, it's us again. Big whoop for ep 34. O drum, drum! Wherefore art thou drum? We talk up the crusade to get the Shelf Side drummer back in the stands. An update on another crusade, this one to get the Fighting Cock emblem tattooed on Chicago Dan's bum to raise money for a new mic. We do football as well. Our third successive sobbing on the trot (wherefore art thou three points?). Bolton in the cup for Tottingham. Stoke under the lights. We then tackle knee-jerking with two feet, studs up. We've also got questions via the forum along with Rickipedia, Windy blowing sh*t up, ZoC with an exclusive interview with Arsene Wenger and a Meat Men update.

Round the table today: Flav, Spooky, tehTrunk, Ricky, Thelonious, engineer Al and some bloke called Richard with a beard and a camera crew that plan to follow us around for a while. The stalkers.


Click on above image for the podcast or use itunes to subscribe/download.



International Spurs fans of Mystery

via Ricky (from the podcast)

The Fighting Cock has a new feature that needs the help of you! We all, as fans, go to ridiculous lengths to watch or listen to Tottenham. Whether you live in Tottenham or Thailand, we all have one thing in common, our love for TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR! We want to hear how much effort it takes you to catch the game.

Tottenham have a lot of fans around the world and a number of you tune into The Fighting Cock podcast every week, so this is your chance to have your voice heard as an international Tottenham fan. We are truly taken back with the amount of fans that listen to The Fighting Cock on foreign land ranging from America; China, Germany, South Africa, Norway, Ireland, Canada, Singapore, Nepal, Djibouti, Bermuda, Vietnam etc!

What do we want you may ask? Either a recording of yourself or an email, simple!

We want to hear and experience your journey which can include your town/country, time difference, chosen bar, your superstitions, if you snuck in a crafty ***k before the game, what transport you took, the whole lot.

For a three O’clock kick off, I roll off tehTrunk’s mum four times, watch Sky Sports News until 11 and whilst popping in and out of the kitchen I make myself a fry up and get changed. I meet Flav for 11:30 (but it always ends up being 12 because I’m late for everything), get the W3 bus from Crouch End to WHL station and go straight to the Bell & Hare pub for a beer.

Not very exciting I know, but we want to hear what YOU DO, whilst we’re doing that. I literally have sleepless nights thinking of your routine as I carry out my routine from across the globe.

Love, Ricky

“Love the shirt” (and the lengths you go to watch that shirt)

Email your stories to


Updates will be appearing here (as well as features on future pods).



Project tattoo Chicago Dan's arse

Hello one and all.

We’ve got another appeal. Now we know we’ve asked for money before, and we’re very grateful for everything that has been donated so far this season. There was the Botswana Christmas Appeal. And there was the drum that the FC forumites clubbed together to sort for the Ultras event. And lets not forget that we raised over £600 for Movember last year.

We need a new mic to record the show. What we use currently, although sounds alright, isn’t fit for purpose. Plus it’s Engineer Al’s personal Mic and he doesn’t really like carting it about all over the place, he gets angry, and well, he isn’t a very nice person at the best of times so, and he is very ugly even when he’s happy.

The cost of the mic we’re looking at is £340. That’s a lot of dough. We’re looking to raise £250 of this through your donation. The rest we’ll raise ourselves.

Now, we don’t just simply expect you to give us the money. We want to give you something in return, more than just the podcast each week. For your donation, Chicago Dan has agreed to get The Fighting Cock emblem tattooed on his arse. We’re talking as much of the cheek as possible. We will film the event, and edit it, and stick it on the website.

One day The Fighting Cock will cease to exist, but we will live on, immortal, by way of Dan’s arse tattoo.

To make a donation send it via paypal or use the following link:

More discussion on this here.

60% thus far so ta muchly for that.



Top threads this week from the message board...

When is Harry going to STFU about England?

The squirrel chaser - (Berbatov anyone?)

I'll be happy with fourth

Polish Under-8's Game Abandoned (Ultras Style)

Your most akward moment



By any means necessary (cheering for Woolwich)



Éperons and Belgian Spurs travelled from the continent to the Valley to join in with the Tottenham Ultras supporting the youth team in the FA Cup.

Here's their photo-diary of the journey. Essential stuff.

#TottenhamUltras Travel Diary



Love the shirt.


It's launched!

Oh yeah baby.

We have ourselves a spanking new glossed up website for the podcast. Props to Casey for sticking it together. We didn't even ask him to do it. He just stalked us online, stopped short of sending us his scented boxer shorts and instead gave us this:

It's glorious. We accepted the gift gleefully.

The podcast will still be available here on DML, but the new site will allow for a more community type feel for the shows allowing us to indulge in a little ego-massaging with comments from our listeners who wish to partake. There's a message board, so click in and sign-up.

Episode 8 is now available.

Follow us on Twitter: 

@tehTrunk @Flav_Bateman @RickyTFC @chicago_dan_TFC @TheloniousFilth @Alex_Prole @Spooky23


Love the shirt


rss feed


Not so Bravehearts hanged, drawn and quartered

Hearts 0 Spurs 5

Spurs break Hearts. Tottenham on the fringe in Edinburgh. Freedom of the park that even William Wallace would be proud of, or not so proud. Okay, so that last one is hardly slick. Talking of which, just how slick was the Spurs last night?

Hands up if you somehow got sold on the idea that we were going to find it tough and that Hearts would stick it to us with some hefty tackling and bruising shoulder barging only to find them attempting to play football without the physicality? Not quite, hey? They more or less allowed us to run the show from the off, supremely confident in possession and in movement with some rather delightful (oh yes) passing and vision.

Wasn't just a hot knife melting butter. This was an ice cream in hell. For them. For us, feet up on the sofa (for the many that didn't travel) and almost embarrassed for the home side when applauding every time we scored.

Gulf in class, obvious. Even if I was one of the people who was sold on that idea of a 'tough' 90 minutes. What with Livermore the only apparent natural centre-midielder. He played well, very well, along with Niko in the centre doing a little bit of that dictating stuff that other 'injured' Croatian does so well for us.

Defoe looked sharp. Sexy sharp. Rafa once more leading the team forward along with Lennon and Bale doing their thing down the flanks. I can't fault any of the performances to be honest. Very encouraging to see both Livermore and Lewis Hamilton play a part, the latter with a great driving ball out to JD who crossed in for Lennon for a rather smart counting attacking move ending with yet another goal.

Everyone had a solid game. Huddlestone also making an appearance and no shock with the ball to Bale resulting with a goal. It's what he does so well. Hearts gave us a scare early in the 2nd half with some sustained pressure before that Bale goal ended any ridiculous dreams of a comeback or a more realistic ambition for a consolation.

It was a good work out and more importantly, its great to see us be so professional and swaggeristic. We got on with the job, killed the tie played some wonderful football. No need to get carried away with it. But no harm in basking in some of the unity out there. Obviously, better teams will ask far more sterner questions. But we can worry about that at Old Trafford on Monday.

For now, good work. Well done Harry, with half a midfield.


Be sure to check Episode #4 of The Fighting Cock below. Slight Bermuda triangle of an issue with the original article meant it didn't make it's appearance on some news feeds when it should have and got lost in the abyss of transfer gossip.



Robbie Keane and The Tottenham Whisper

Welcome to episode 4 of the The Fighting Cock podcast recorded on Wednesday 17th August from Ricky's living room.

We chat Everton postponement and the build up to Hearts in Europe (build the side around Livermore!). We also take a look back at Robbie Keane in Lilywhite (legend or tainted?) and attempt to decide if Gomes is worthy of his number one shirt. And emails too. There's also a controversial game of Killer (the Burkinshaw divide) and we're left scratching our heads asking: What is the Tottenham whisper? Don't forget to get in touch with your feedback and questions at

Love the Shirt.


The Fighting Cock podcast - episode #4


The Fighting Cock podcast #01 - Harry, Luka and the summer of discontent 

Welcome to the first ever 'The Fighting Cock' podcast. The recording went very well all things considered (had to change location twice at the last minute. We rolled with the punches and imperfections. Ghost ice cream van included). 90 mins of chat cut down to about 45 mins for the released version. We hope to have a more peaceful setting next time.

In terms of tempo, vibe and humour...we won't truly hit out stride until after a few eps so a bit of Tottenham supporting patience please (gulp) although I think we did mighty fine with our debut effort considering it was recorded in a greenhouse.

We've got a whole host of content and features lined up for future eps, along with some 'squad rotation' in terms of people guesting. The plan is to record a pod every 10 days. You'll be able listen to it here on DML via your browser (Quicktime plug-in required) or simply download and listen at your pleasure.

It can take between two days or two weeks before it appears in iTunes so patience all Apple fanboys and girls.

Check out The FC Podcast on Facebook for feedback and suggestions as well as one or two polls that we'll fire up over the up and coming weeks (including 'Prick of the Week').

If you want something read out or discussed on a future ep, please email us at thefightingcock at gmail dot com.

Love the Shirt.

Flav, tehTrunk, Spooky, Ricky, Chicago Dan.


iTunes: coming soon

RSS Feed: the-fc-podcast/rss.xml


Episode #01 - Harry, Luka and the summer of discontent

Click the link below to play the podcast in your browser (quick-time plug-in required) or right-click to download:

The Fighting Cock podcast - episode #01


The biggest Tottenham news of the summer so far...

The Fighting Cock...coming soon.

It's not a six year old bottle of Kentucky Bourbon whiskey. It's not an adult pay-site for men. And it's nothing Peta should be worried about. The Fighting Cock is a brand new THFC podcast that you'll be able to stream or download here on DML (make sure you have a Quicktime plug-in installed) or subscribe to on iTunes.



So what exactly inspired us to pull a podcast together? Blame the epiphany born out of a night fueled by alcohol amongst friends.

It plays out in pubs and cafes all over the country no matter the club you follow. It's as much about football as celebrating a goal, or singing your heart out in the stands. Talking about football is fulfilling, it eases the pain of a heart wrenching defeat and makes reliving past glories that extra bit special when shared.

Recording that, releasing it on the internet and allowing (hopefully) thousands of fellow yids to listen in...well it seemed like an excellent thing to do. It's not original, but done right it can be genuinely unique. Or at the very least different from what's out there right now.

We hope to bring truly genuine opinion on all matters Spurs.

We hope you enjoy our efforts.

Love the Shirt.

Flav, tehTrunk, Spooky


Coming soon...