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Entries in Mido (4)


Twisted Conspiracy Theory

Berbs was never injured. There was a dis-agreement over squad rotation between him and Jol. The politics that Mido touched upon concerned how in one camp sits Levy and Comolli and the other Jol, on his own.

Berbs is sent off on a 'holiday', with the cover story of an injury while Levy cleans up the 'mess'. Stories break in the press, leaked by Levy. Berbs agent denies any truth in them, keeping Berbatov 'innocent' while Levy makes his final preparations to oust Jol.


It's such an easy life being a journalist. Conjuring plot twists as easy as a magician pulling rabbits out of a hat.


A Public Apology to Birmingham City FC

It would appear that Mido and Ghaly are back with Spurs training and that the proposed £9M transfer is off. Apparently the glitch concerns the players failing to agree personal terms with the Blues. I'm guessing Bruce and Gold rejected Midos request of a win bonus made up of cheesburgers and fries.

Birmingham playing hard-ball with the two players? Christ, I fucking hope so. They have been the only club to show any interest in the pair, so if they have given up we might be stuck with them.


£6M 'Dollar' Man

Mido is set for a £6M move to Birmingham, rather than the original one-year loan with an option to buy him out right.

Brummies sign Mido for 6 big ones.
Mido goes for Six Million.
Six Million Mido joins the Blues.
Jol has six million reasons to be happy.
Mido worth £6M in Blues deal.

No matter how I write the news, I still can't quite grasp how we have managed to get so much for someone so bloated. Oh, hold up. Of course. TV money.

Steve Bruce and the Birmingham board

I don't go with the current knee-jerk 'goodbye' reactions of some Spurs fans wishing him luck. He played decent for us 3 or 4 times, doing what any forward player ought to be doing playing for the first team.

So what if he scored a brace on his debut. Fucking 'ell, anyone would think we won silverware that day. He is six million miles away from being a model pro. Good riddance.

Seems that Ghaly will follow Mido to the Blues, for half the amount.

Shame that we wont be spending any of the cash on the 5 or so players we have been linked with recently.

No Boateng or SWP or Petrov (though the former is a done deal according to some 'insiders'. Not heard that one before).


Goodbye Mido

From an Egyptian website:

Egyptian star striker Ahmed Hossam "Mido" is set to join Birmingham city on loan starting from next season, according to the player himself.

"Both sides have agreed terms. I will move on a one-year-loan deal to Birmingham worth 1 million and at the end they could by my contract for 5 million if the club survives in the Premier League," said Mido to

"Birmingham's offer is the best I had received especially that I chose to stay in England," added Mido.

The 24-year-old striker also confirmed Birmingham's interest in his fellow teammate Hossam Ghaly but said his case is different as he will move on a permanent base.

"I would love to have him (Ghaly) with me in the same team."

Mido confirmed that the contracts should be signed on Monday night or maximum Tuesday morning.

Thank God for Steve Bruce. Not much more to say than that.