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Zdravko Mamić: Modric - he can be poisonous

Never ends.

This is a part translation by ZG Spur (Glory from this interview with Zdravko Mamić (executive manager of Dinamo Zagreb) talking about Luka Modric and the transfer saga. The translated slice of the interview is more pro-move propaganda. I'm sure you could push the whole linked page through an online translator to get a more comedic version of it.

I will translate (the best of my ability) the the importmant part:

"If I was Levy, I would have waited for Luka with an improved contract, doubled his wages, and wouldn't be arrogant and all high and mighty so the kid would be all fired up" - (he used a phrase 'f**ked up', but you lose much of the intent in the translation).

"You know how Luka is, an honest guy, normal, but if you provoke him, he can be poisonous. I can't understand that he is not the highest paid spurs player, and they don't want to let him go. You can't ask ask for a high transfer fee" - (he said "licitirati" which would mean looking for the highest bid), "...and at the same time deprive him of the CL, on not giving him an improved contract. There were just to many wrong steps taken".

How will this story end?

"He will go to Chelsea, City or Man Utd, because all of this 3 clubs want him very much. And instead of 3 000 000 euros, he will be making 5 000 000".

Won't make a blind bit of difference Zdravko 'mate'. Love how any other club with a star player 'must keep star player' according to the press and anyone that might wish to throw in their two cents, but Spurs are 'in the wrong' and 'the bad guys' for wanting to retain the services of someone under a long term contract.

I still think Luka + agent have given into the fact he has to remain at Spurs. Otherwise, why not just stay home, not go to SA and hand in a transfer request (and leak it to the press)? Why? Oh yeah. I know why.

6 year contract.

Suck it up.

Chelsea + Luka + agent = not that serious about making a transfer happen. Could try harder.

The player signed a long term contract, it's on him if agreed to the wages. Give him an improved contract? For what? For allowing himself to be 'turned' by the 'machine'?

Suck it up.



Don't know who Zdravko Mamić is?

Seven deadly sins of football <- scroll to bottom of article

It's difficult to know where to start with the Dinamo Zagreb executive vice-president Zdravko Mamic. His numerous admissions of match-fixing? The Nazi salute with which he celebrated his side's victory over Lithuanian side Ekranes? His (quickly overlooked) 15-year ban for assaulting a member of the Croatian FA? The time he nearly knocked over a traffic policeman as the cops tried to tow away his car? His attack on Zagreb's director of city planning using a pair of crutches? The death threats he has issued to journalists? Or the time one member of the press was forced to hide in the bushes after fleeing from an attack? Or perhaps all of the above?




Reader Comments (39)

Suck it up's the term indeed. I would add he deserves a cock slap from Levy if he continues moaning and disrupts team spirit.

I cant believe he thinks we're 'smaller', for that Levy needs to show just how big we could be. Sign two top names!

Jul 17, 2011 at 8:45 PM | Unregistered CommenterSuperPav

Not sure Luka is doing anything other than nodding his head and agreeing to anything his agent tells him.

Jul 17, 2011 at 8:54 PM | Registered Commenterspooky

"...and at the same time deprive him of the CL, on not giving him an improved contract. There were just to many wrong steps taken".

We supplied him with CL and were successful in it.. This year he failed to supply us with a CL spot finish. After he received a new contract for his efforts the season before. That contract could still be described as "recently signed" and had a 6 year term.

Sorry Zdravko, who are you and why does anyone care what your opinion on the Modric saga is? I have my opinion, but I am not blurting it out the the press as gospal.

Jul 17, 2011 at 8:56 PM | Unregistered CommenterMatt

Modric hasn't handed in a transfer request, there's been speculation that he has, but when you read the myriad quotes, there's nothing definite only the attributing hacks take on things. Modric by all accounts has been happy and remained quiet throughout, according to Redknapp. We all know he's been turned and we equally know who's done the dirty deed. But until it's official, let's let the press speculate, after all they're the ones who are stirring things up in both the UK and Croatia. And like Paul Jiggins has discovered, give them both barrels when they get caught out lying!

Jul 17, 2011 at 8:57 PM | Unregistered Commenteressexian76

As I have said before this whole Modric affair is not of major consequence when we set it against the current Press scandals involving the NOW and other papers, but I suspect they are all part of the same spectrum of un-ethical practice and corruption. I only hope Spurs spend the effort to look into this and pursue legal redress. It is necessary that a breath of fresh air flow through the Premier League and the FA . When we look at the curent scandals regarding match fixing in other parts of the world is anyone really sure it does not happen here when such vast sums of money are involved?

Jul 17, 2011 at 9:18 PM | Unregistered Commenterdavid

This chap sounds like he would bend over and take it from any player who is unhappy in order to keep him sweet.

Screw him and screw Modric too. Luka is two faced and a rat, flog him abroad with a huge sell on clause should he be sold on to a premier league club. Keeping him out of the league for a fairly long time ( minimum of 2 seasons )

Jul 17, 2011 at 9:27 PM | Unregistered CommenterJonno

Agree with David that this reporting is all part of a corrupt media working (with paybacks) for the Murdoch Empire and the Russian Mafia. Chelsea should be deducted 6 points for this illegal approach. City should be deducted 6 points for their illegal persuit of Nasri. These fucking unprofessional Russians and Arabs need to start doing things the legal way. Should they do it again, dock them points and give them a years ban in the CL. They would soon learn that if they want a player and the owning club say he's not for sale they do not go to the press. That's touting. They would learn that chairmen do not invite another club's player on to their yauct for drinks. Thats touting. The authorities are going to have to put the boot into these leeches or it's just the rich clubs buying their titles.

Jul 17, 2011 at 10:00 PM | Unregistered Commentercookiebun

I don't think Modrics agent has played much of a part in this. Most of what he's said has been favorable toward Spurs, though of course, respecting his clients position.

I think it's blatently obvious Modric has been tapped-up by Chelsea, Kia Joorabchain getting an early mention was clue here. Since then very few quotes have been attributed to Modric and his agent compared to the comments from others in the media. The most infuriating part of this whole saga has been the opinions everyone else and his dog, and the musings of the pro-Chelsea media ad nauseam.

Jul 17, 2011 at 10:21 PM | Unregistered CommenterJohnnyB

Oh goody, the views of some bloke running some club in Croatia on a topic he has no knowledge of. Next week on DML, Ken Barlow from Corrie gives his views on climate change

Jul 17, 2011 at 10:24 PM | Unregistered CommenterPaul F

Had to scrap the Barlow interview. His entourage is ridiculous and the costs and fees outrageous and hardly competitive (from my stand point).

His climate change article will be on next week if you're interested.

Jul 17, 2011 at 10:27 PM | Registered Commenterspooky

Sir, the anticipation shall consume my every waking hour for the next week! I heard Mike Baldwin is a denier and Ken is going to lay into his half baked water vapour and solar activity theories

Jul 17, 2011 at 10:37 PM | Unregistered CommenterPaul F

Modric 'wants to leave' us after he's tapped up by the same old Chelsea tactic they got a transfer embargo for a few months back, and somehow we're the ones in the wrong for trying to keep him and make him honour his contract.

Nasri is in a similar position with the scum, yet they are apparently doing the right thing by forcing him to stay.. Love the good old English media!

I don't think Modders will end up leaving though, Levy seems pretty determined!

Jul 17, 2011 at 10:46 PM | Unregistered CommenterAbbey Yid

"and somehow we're the ones in the wrong"

Yep. Bad bad Tottingham stopping the little player making it big elsewhere.

Jul 17, 2011 at 10:48 PM | Registered Commenterspooky

40m the deal will happen. Just my opinion.

Levy would like it if all 3clubs were interested for sure.

In the meantime united in for Wesley, City in for Nasri. If those 2 deals happen, Chelsea need to buy just to keep up.

Either way we are winning this particular game.

Jul 17, 2011 at 11:13 PM | Unregistered CommenterDiaz

Reward him for trying to force a move and giving such disrespectful comments? Manic is clearly talking alias of old Jiggins

Jul 17, 2011 at 11:15 PM | Unregistered CommenterSpurfect

In so many similar situations the player manages to renegotiate his contract for a higher wage. I think this is what will happen here.

Jul 17, 2011 at 11:34 PM | Unregistered CommenterIndyfan

At least the hacks have spread one piece of good news today that is we will not be signing Parker. Just what we need another pensioner!! It really is kinder to him to leave him with West Ham. HoweverI I do hope there is no truth to that old chestnut that surfaced again, that we might get Drogba as a part of a deal with Chelsea. I suspect we would see as many farewell performances from him as Cher has given, each with a different club. If we do make a deal with Chelsea lets hold out for 30 million plus McEchran and Sturridge. That might be a deal worth looking at.

Jul 18, 2011 at 12:37 AM | Unregistered Commenterdavid

what ever levy decides to do with the little rat thats disrupting our pre season, i will stand by!

Jul 18, 2011 at 12:42 AM | Unregistered Commenterspurs muaythai

First off to people dismissing Mamic's knowledge of the situation, he was the guy who sold Modric to Tottenham. I would guarantee he knows more about negotiating with Modric than anyone else on this board for sure, and possibly in the world, as Modric came up through the Dinamo system. So while his opinion isn't necessarily the right one, Mamic does know what its like negotiating with Modric.

Secondly, how can you say that you would want to see this guy off your team? He is clearly very talented at what he does. How cynical do you have to be to not want him on your team? Clearly, many other teams would love a chance to have his talent.

Best case scenario, Tottenham increases his wages and they get a CL spot next season. However, that won't happen with the same team as last year. Otherwise, they'll have more than just Modric to worry about.

Jul 18, 2011 at 1:50 AM | Unregistered Commenterobjectivepov

Reward him for trying to force a move and giving such disrespectful comments? Manic is clearly talking alias of old Jiggins

Jul 17, 2011 at 11:15 PM | Spurfect

My sentiments exactly, that's wrong with the whole of society today, in my day if I fucked up I'd be punished accordingly....... but now it's a case of reward them with money; (Rooney, Tevez, Grab-Me-Ass, Terry, Lampard etc).
people, esp from the media have to understand, he just signed a 6yr contract, so why should we let him go, basically you're saying the contract is worth nothing & if so, why sign one in the first place?

Part of me say's let him go to the highest bidder, (Abroad), & part of me says, fuck it, a 6yr contract says you ain't going nowhere & end off......... but I dunno, hope it all works out in our favour whatever the outcome.......

In DL & HR We Trust


Jul 18, 2011 at 2:33 AM | Unregistered CommenterYid4Life

If Modric really wants to leave, why make him stay? Get 35 mil for him. I don't want him to go but it could make for an insufferable start to the season. Let's face the fact: we are not a selling club as long as we get into the champions league. That's simply where we are at right now. Modric is certainly the main catalyst in our Redknapp era "success." At the same time, Luka scored 17 goals in his last season at zagreb yet has scored 12 in 3 seasons with us. His playmaking skills are sublime but he can't score to save his life. We need someone who can do both. At least Kranjcar can score when we need it.

Also, been watching Copa America and have been really impressed with this guy Humberto Suazo of Chile. Plays for Monterrey Mex. They lost (somehow) to Venezuela today, but Suazo scored and did his usual bit of terrifying the opposition. Not sure how well he would work with Van Der Vaart but I think this guy is definitely one of the most underrated players out on the world stage right now. He is older but we could use this guy's grit (and goals).

Jul 18, 2011 at 3:35 AM | Unregistered CommenterMikey S

To a top player, staying at Tottenham with no Champions League is as distasteful as most good players would feel having to stay at a relegated club. It's natural that if a player is wanted to participate in the profession's main competition, he isn't going to want to stay with a club that is not capable enough to even gain access to participate in it. When Modric signed his contract, the big talk of Levy and Redknapp no doubt led him to believe more investment in the team would at least maintain their level. He was mistaken. He signed a contract with a club that went backwards in the PL and no longer competes in the CL.
Some might say Modric should have known Tottenham were not good enough and not signed the contract. But he showed faith and basically told Spurs that he'd be there for them in helping maintain their forward movement. Of course, what transpired was something of a slap in the face for the player – he now knows he is dealing with wafflers and failures. So it's entirely understandable he is desperate to escape. He doesn't want to have his CL participation limited to the same level of some old codger watching on TV. Spurs fans should appreciate this and write to Levy asking him to represent the club honourably by releasing a player who has the opportunity to join a much better club. Why on earth would they deprive a player of the opportunity to better himself, when doing so at Tottenham is an impossibility? With or without Modric, Tottenham will not finish above any of Man U, Chelsea, Arsenal, Man C and Liverpool next season, so they might as well take the money for Modric and put it in the bank in place of the CL money they won't be earning any more.

Jul 18, 2011 at 6:42 AM | Unregistered CommenterSir Cecil

I am so fed up with this story now like most of you fellow yids, lets hope we sign a top class striker and a central defender. Start the season off with a couple of wins and strike fear into the Goons.

Jul 18, 2011 at 7:40 AM | Unregistered Commenterneil the yido

Will not forget your comments come end of this season, Sir Cecil & hope you are proven wrong.

Jul 18, 2011 at 7:40 AM | Unregistered CommenterRoy Singh

let's sort this, and give 100K pw, he deserves it.

Jul 18, 2011 at 8:39 AM | Unregistered CommenterSpurs_Q8

Oh definitely, about time his disrespect was rewarded methinks.
L \ \

Jul 18, 2011 at 9:34 AM | Unregistered CommenterWinterWeekend61

Yes this guy will know about negotiating with Modric, due to their past.
But why does his opinion matter in this situation of a contract between Modric & THFC?

Jul 18, 2011 at 9:47 AM | Unregistered CommenterMatt

Why does this guy care....surely they don;t have a sell on clause? £16.5m was a pretty full value for Luka at the time'

This is how I see it.

Luka will stay because Levy has decreed it. The only way he will leave is if he kicks up an almighty fuss, goes on strike, lacks committment, disrupts & bad mouths all things Spurs in the press. Even then it will have to be massively disruptive behaviour to force us to sell. Plus the bid would have to be north of £35m, at least!

Chelsea cannot force this any more.....They have played their disruptive card and unsettled the player and the Spurs are not moved by this, or Modric's pleas. It is down to the player and his attitude (as described above) so the level of bid is irrelevant. Having said that the current level of bid is an insult.

Also, Chelsea have to tread carefully or risk Levy lodging a complaint.

Jul 18, 2011 at 10:27 AM | Unregistered CommenterDevonshirespur


because he is a partner in ASA international, (who are modric's and charlies agents) and therefore has a vested interest in seeing Modric move on, in fact, in terms of agents fees probably around 1,500,000 of them..

Jul 18, 2011 at 11:08 AM | Unregistered CommenterSpurs4ever

My main worry now is that he'll end up being sold on the last day of the transfer window and we wont have anyone else lined up to replace him because Levy and Co have wasted all summer on this one player.

Jul 18, 2011 at 12:27 PM | Unregistered CommenterDR

Instead of 3m get 5m? He's being deprived of 2m when he's only getting 3m?

How sad for him.

These footballers have the most perfect lives. They constantly insult us fans, who pay their wages by chasing money.

I hate Luka Modric. I will never cheer him again. I'm pretty sure I wont have to seeing as he will be playing for Chelsea next season.

Jul 18, 2011 at 12:39 PM | Unregistered CommenterTruYid

Shock horror, another pro-Spurs (club) article to go along side the one from the Daily Mail (yes, I said the Daily Mail).,,11979_7045912,00.html

And the Mail:

Jul 18, 2011 at 1:04 PM | Registered Commenterspooky

""I cant believe he thinks we're 'smaller', for that Levy needs to show just how big we could be. Sign two top names!!!

You can thank Redknapp for thinking this way. His mouth is so big he has damaged us more than anybody else whilst defending his own position! For me, he is a disgrace at Spurs. he be-littles the club for his own sake. Im really surprised Levy has not shut his mouth, which is why I think the two are working it!

Keller hits it on the nail for me.....we are a position here that will dictate the clubs future for the next 7 years!!

Are we a big club or a 6th to 15th position club its as simple as that!! This is where we are right now in the clubs history, Do we have the balls to compete all round, transfers, wages, stadiums, the lost, are we up for it, can we compete?

We are where we are because others have stepped up to another level and not because we have gone backwards. Yes, we have progressed as a club, but im afraid others have simply moved into another financial world where we cant (wont) compete.

So do not be surprosed when we finish 6th or 7th next season. Its going to be a long, long long road back to the top four and it will look further away than it does now!

As ive always said, finishing 4th last season was the only priority we should have had, we lost our way in the bloody glory of it all, any regrets??

Jul 18, 2011 at 1:08 PM | Unregistered Commenterhotspurs

OK, maybe I was a bit flipant with the first comment, but seriously, this guy is a class 1 nutter and his opinion is of no concequence in this matter. Fans of nutter bios will enjoy this

If Modric or his agent are really taking any notice of this prick, I suggest we get rid on principle.

@Spurs4ever - if this nutcase is a partner in the agents representing Modric (that must be illegal by the way, even in UEFA world - given that he is CEO of the club that sold Modric) - then surely the fact that he has a vested interest in seeing Modric move makes his opinion even less relevant, doesnt it?

By the way Sir Cecil, I'm not sure what any of this has to do with a WHam fan. I dont think Modric will be playing at your level, not until he is in his late 30s at any rate.

Jul 18, 2011 at 1:14 PM | Unregistered CommenterPaul F

Not being funny but how you can say Chelsea are not bigger!
A couple of years under old codface has produced some good results but all the money spent, something like 3rd biggest spenders in last couple of years, and still won Sod all!!
Should be allowed to leave and have opportunity to win something, you know I'm right.

Jul 18, 2011 at 2:26 PM | Unregistered CommenterSpud_delusional

But in other news I've heard levy wants to plant carrots around the side of the pitch so that at the end of the season the players have something to lift....

Jul 18, 2011 at 2:35 PM | Unregistered CommenterSpud_delusional

come on you Spurs

Jul 18, 2011 at 2:51 PM | Unregistered Commenterneil the yido

Harry in the media again, this guy never shuts up, hes a fcuking parrot saying the same things over and over, could someone at the club show him how to say no comment, or just say nothing!
The mans pulling us down with him, "Spurs need to show ambition" he says, hold on to Luka ffs, what does he think Levy and the board have been doing for 2 fecking months? cant the prick just say he's not leaving, end of, not answering any more questions on the matter.....
And another thing, Levy has shown ambition, if Harry wouldn't have dithered over strikers then we wouldn't be in this position gagging for one like a vicar in a hoar house!
We can only spend what we have ffs, if the money isnt there it just isnt there, we aint heading the way of Pompey and Leeds Utd thats for fecking sure,
Now grow up Rednapp, coach the fecking team, and stop sucking off Rupert murdoch ffs!

Jul 18, 2011 at 5:21 PM | Unregistered Commenterh

But in other news I've heard levy wants to plant carrots around the side of the pitch so that at the end of the season the players have something to lift....

We''ll have to get the TImeTeam in first so Baldrick can dig up that joke.

Jul 19, 2011 at 11:18 AM | Unregistered CommenterWinterWeekend61

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