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Exclusive footage of Daniel Levy and Luka Modric in 'angry' meeting

Another day, more love lost with regards to that once innocent fairy-like dinking Barca-like conductor of our midfield, Luka Modric. How quickly ones perception of someone can change. Very little can be lost in translation this time round.

I'm referring to his interview with the Croatian press (translated by ESPN and others) which makes it sound like he's already going to bed wearing a Chelsea shirt. Suddenly, Harry Redknapp's 'confused' comments from the other day appear to be quite relevant. Seems the gaffer doesn't hold too much faith in the player remaining with us post-season kick-off. Hence his continued disassociation with Levy's fair more sterner stance on the matter.

Seems to all hinge on this 'agreement' chairman and player made when the contract was signed. Player seems to think we should be negotiating no matter the derisory valuation on offer. My money is still on the chairman to be victorious. Although victorious might actually translate into a couple of things.

For now, this saga is not going to stop running any time soon.




Reader Comments (101)

I agree mostly with Essex Spur,some of the other comments are with the heart not the head.
There are a couple of suggestions are to ignore the situation,this is a situation that needs discussion and a resolve.Levy has made a stance,the player has publicaly challenged that.Levy now needs to call Modric in and spell out exactly what is required from a Tottenham player or face the consequences,starting with a ban on talking to the media.
While he is at do us all a favour and ban Harry too.
As for "if an offer came form a bigger club"....well when one does we will listen to it.Bigger than us,Man Utd Barca,Real Madrid,Bayern .......Chelsea no I dont think so.
As for letting him rot in the reserves.....a)we dont have a resrve side rather stupidly
..............................................................b) his value would fall....doing us no good at all
..............................................................c) we need his creativity in the side
Trouble is even if we keep him we can see by some of the comments posted here and elsewhere that the fans are turning against him and even given the fickle nature of a football crowd I feel he will be not be welcome by the home fans next season.
I admire what Levy has done,I admire the stance.I care about Modric only now because it impacts on the team morale.
In summary if he isnt proud to pull on the White shirt take the money......but proper money to reflect the 6 year deal he is breaking,50million should do it he is a better value than a Torres,and keep the under rated Kranjar.

Jul 11, 2011 at 4:18 PM | Unregistered Commenterbournemouth spur

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