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Luka Potty and the Threatly Hollows

(Part I)

It's a war of words between Luka Modric and Daniel Levy and it can still take on another twist and turn if action is taken as the next form of attack. But we've been promised no such undertaking from agent and player with regards to a transfer request. The words at play appear to be slow brooding monsters which wont truly pack a punch until they are backed up with substance. The trouble is, such substance would constitute an action that would possibly push this saga to the point of no return with any chance of a reconcile left bloody and lifeless on the dirty floor.

At this point it's hard to guess which of the two will be holding the shovel, digging the shallow grave. I'm going to side-step the necessity to drown myself (and you) in another philosophical dissection and instead just respond to what Modric has said in his most recent comments, post-meeting with Levy. I'll include a caveat. It's just a theory. Again, probably just part of the denial process we're all working our way through.

The caveat is this:

The words from Luka hurt because they are words directed straight at the chairman and at the club and appear to be pretty much final in terms of where his preference for football resides. Now regardless of whether these are actual words straight from the horses mouth or are in fact via the mouth of whom mounts said horse is neither here or there because the agent is protecting his clients best interests. Or at the very least advising client of what his best interests should be.

Note how quiet the agent is. Not too many quotables from him. All the sulking and disparaging remarks are from Luka. The victim. The one chained to a drain pipe in the basement. I'll get to the details below, but I'm wondering if victim Luka has been advised that the only way out is to engineer a sh*tstorm via relentless insubordination. Scrap relentless. It's more akin to a crying child that refuses to go to bed, ignoring his father and the belt he holds firm in his hands.

If there was no gentleman's agreement then perhaps a half-truth distorted to create the illusion of a broken promise? The fact is, how desperate is the player to leave Tottenham? If he's that desperate and hard done by, hand in a transfer request and go on strike. If this is a matter of honour (not to go back on your word) and handing in a transfer request is not a possibility and is in fact a point to be made (against Levy's apparent dismissiveness of the aforementioned broken agreement) then how about extending that honour to include the six year contract signed at the time?

I don't believe there's any prolonged tapping up at play. Chelsea have told the player they want him. They've done their bit. Light the match, watch the fire spread.

So unless this is a slowly orchestrated attempt to gradually force the club to sell up, I hardly see any point in all the crying from the Croatian. Because it won't be enough. He (along with agent) know there is no way out of this. They have quite possibly even accepted it. No legal clause, no leg to stand on. Massively long contract. Other clubs have stood their ground. Why should we be condemned for doing the same thing? He's our player. He should have thought about the challenges ahead for Spurs in terms of fighting to cement a top four place for more than just a cameo.

So all they can do is make biting remarks and point fingers about how unfair things are. As cited, if you mean it, then push us a little more to see the type of reaction you'll get.

If Luka had the same length of time left on his contract as Berbatov, then Levy would never have said what he said about this being a closed subject/not for sell/not about the money. Luka loses because of the signature he signed. This is not about loyalty because we know its something only supporters embrace. Luka left his boyhood club to join us, but that was thanks to an accepted transfer bid and agreement between two clubs and the player. He wants to play CL football now and his personal opinion on THFC has changed from this time last season when he was committed. In a blink of an eye things can change.

Until such a day (another move) he should deal with the reality that unless someone breaks a transfer record, we wont entertain it. And even then we probably wont - if you wish to take the chairman's words at face value.

The club > a player

Unhappy footballer aside, this is a statement. If Luka wants to be the sacrificial lamb, that's up to him.

Play out of your skin or be skinned. Over to you Luka.

Lengthy caveat or what? Okay, so I failed to side step drowning in another philosophical dissection. This is my therapy so thanks for listening. I've used The Guardian's article as reference to the translated interview from Croatian newspaper Sportske Novosti. My thoughts included below each quote.

(Part II)

> Modric, who said Levy had given a "twisted account" of their meeting at the ground last Wednesday...

Anything can be 'twisted' if you don't happen to agree with it. It's called perception. If you're told something you don't like but it's an unequivocal truth you simply have to take it on the chin. So stop suggesting you've been knocked down to the canvas with a punch below the belt.

> "I reminded the chairman of our gentleman's agreement when we were in Dubrovnik last summer and I agreed a contract extension with Tottenham"Spurs are saying, supposedly, there was no agreement.

You wonder how this played out at the time. Was it part of the formal discussion? Did they sign the contract whilst dining at a restaurant? Few drinks? Perhaps Luka leaned forward, politely asked if the club could listen to any offers with Daniel nodding a yes and a sure. Is that it? Is that the get-out-clause? Is that Levy down on his knees with gun pushed hard to back of head? Levy, the shrewd negotiator agreeing to something doodled on a napkin? Give over. This sounds like nothing more than a seed planted to be refereed back to if required. Which is what agent and player have done.

Considering how content all seemed post-signing of contract, I doubt this was anything other than a whimsical whisper lost over some choice food and wine.

> "At that time, I had an open chat with Levy – that if a bigger club came in with a concrete offer, we would consider it and agree the best solution for all concerned. Now Levy doesn't want to talk to me and said there is no possibility that I can leave Spurs. He threatened me – he said if I didn't accept the club's stance, they would make me sit on the bench or in the stands."

Does a club that advertises season tickets to fans with zero loyalty points constitute a big club? Or is it simply a club with big money? Sorry, low blow. Could not resist.

This is about Champions League and having it every season. Shame on us for attempting to break the already degrading monopoly. Fact is, had we qualified for it again we'd not be talking about Modric to Chelsea. Fact is, had Luka scored a couple of comfortable chances we'd not be talking about Modric to Chelsea. We are owed a lot by both Luka and the rest of the players. Just a couple of home wins in it, that was the difference.

Retaining Modric will mean nothing, not a thing, if we don't consolidate and sign 2/3 top drawer players. The onus is on the chairman here.

As for the rest of this quote. Anyone wish to explain to Luka what 'best solution for all concerned' means? It doesn't mean agreeing a transfer because the player wants one. Chelsea want you Luka? Get on the phone, have a word, tell them to start at £40M.

The threat part is tricky. Levy might well have explained that any player bringing the club and his contract into disrepute would be dealt with in the same manner. Do you see a problem with that? I don't. He can spend the whole season on the bench just to prove a point. A costly one. But he wont spend it there because he'll suck it up and perform for himself and the club.

> "I must say that I am genuinely disappointed about what Levy said to me. He didn't care about what I was telling him. It all only convinced me further that I was right to consider moving on to another club. I hope that eventually he will understand the situation and that we will reach an agreement and go our separate ways in an appropriate manner."

I want to leave Spurs.
Can I leave?
You're in a long term contract, you signed it very recently. Nobody has meet our valuation of you in terms of a transfer bid. And we also wish to retain your services, as per your contract.
I want to leave.
Close the door shut on your way out.

> Levy has a reputation for being a tough negotiator and there is no indication that he will back down. Modric's agent has suggested that his client will not lodge a transfer request to try to force the issue, which points to an impasse unless Chelsea make a substantial bid and Spurs accept there is nothing to be gained from keeping a player against his will.

That last bit is being touted as the probable conclusion. Can you see Levy going back on his words? Apologising that the situation has got to the point where player can no longer be retained? Honestly? Its about making a statement. The chairman's statement states that, no? If other clubs can hold onto a player under a long contract then we have to be seen to do the same. Otherwise, there's no point. Just get rid of Bale now so we're not put through the same saga next season.

Levy has made a stand. He simply can't be seen sitting down.

> "There is no doubt that Chelsea want me – they sent a concrete offer to Tottenham"

Concrete? More like Playdough. If Chelsea want the player, where is the renewed bid? Or is the plan to wait until the last day, with Luka protesting naked outside The Lodge refusing to train, before they table another £22M bid believing we'll do anything to get rid of him, even on the cheap?

Not going to happen. Words are cheap right? It's about actions and ones with substance. We've done our bit. We don't need to do anything else.

> "I know that the new Chelsea boss [André Villas-Boas] said he wants me in his team. Of course I am flattered by this interest in me – it's a club that all players dream of joining, fighting for every competition available."

Sorry what? Where? Did I miss this? Stinks of agent propaganda. No offence to Chelsea but 5-10 years ago players had never even heard of them. If you're going to leave, grow a set of balls, and let the missus know there is more than just London. Because that's the crux of it, isn't it? Head turned by CL (fair enough) only destination is Chelsea. Because anyone else would wish to perhaps aim slightly higher if they wished to jump from a small club like Spurs.


In conclusion:

Yes footballers have short careers and there's no wage cap so why not jump ship and go elsewhere and be given CL football without the concerns of having to chase it and then triple or even quadruple your earnings? All with the added bonus of elevating your stature in terms of exposure to continued top class football and silverware.

Clubs will continue to lose out to players. We'll continue to lose out, forever an easy access stepping stone. We have no choice but to make a stand. It's up to anyone wishing to employ Modric to call our bluff.

Modric will not sit on the bench. He'll play. All just empty threats to force us to give in and get rid. Hand in a transfer request. Make a genuine concrete bid for the player. Otherwise, just f*** off and shut up.


Reader Comments (109)

As much as I want Levy to keep his word "Not For Sale At Any Price" there is a bigger problem on the horizon. He has obviously alienated the fans and how do the rest of the team feel about training or even playing with him. Levy cannot allow him to become a disruptive influence on the rest of the team.
We are not wealthy enough to just "let him rot in the reserves", and ignore his true monetary value.
Unfortunately player power will again prevail, but at least let Levy set the terms ie realistic transfer fee somewhere between £40-50m and demand that Modric submit a formal transfer request, (that will cost him) and not to one of our main rivals.
With regard to the "gentleman’s agreement"
I reminded the chairman of our gentleman’s agreement when we were in Dubrovnik last summer and I agreed a contract extension, at that time, I had an open chat with Levy – that if a bigger club came in with a concrete offer, we would consider it and agree the best solution for all concerned.
The key part of this "gentleman’s agreement" if it did in fact even exist is "agree the best solution for ALL CONCERNED".Modric obviously needs an interpreter to understand what this means. It doesn't mean what is best for ME !
I for one will not hold it against Levy if he backtracked now under the circumstances as he has to make a decision that will be best for Tottenham Hotspur football club.

Jul 11, 2011 at 1:00 PM | Unregistered Commenteramf00769

Good summing up...

All so painful - we've got another 7 weeks of this, 3 while the season has actually started.

Meanwhile our quest for a centre forward seems to be going nowhere.

Harry, I know your a football manager and not a wheeler dealer but at the moment we need a wheeler dealer

Jul 11, 2011 at 1:08 PM | Unregistered CommenterMattspurs

Why do I feeling that ''de-motivational'' poster should just read "Daniel Levy - silent assassin".

Jul 11, 2011 at 1:10 PM | Unregistered CommenterGino-Ginelli

Send him out on loan. Fulham will do.

Jul 11, 2011 at 1:10 PM | Unregistered CommenterRJT Spurs

Please insert "get the" where the usual rules of English would dictate. Apologies.

Jul 11, 2011 at 1:11 PM | Unregistered CommenterGino-Ginelli

Bang. On. Spooky.

Let him have his strop.
Hell, anyone would be kinda narked - let him rant, until his little lungs get just as bored of all this as I am, and decide instead to puff and pant their out in the lilywhite shirt just like before. He is awesome, we need two, maybe three more like him. If he leaves that becomes three maybe four we need like him. That would suck. Plus, as we have already said no, if we now say - ok, as he really wants to go - we will look like pricks. I hate looking like pricks.
He can't go, he can't spend all season on the bench. Looks like he will have to just go ahead and be awesome again. Ah well....

Jul 11, 2011 at 1:13 PM | Unregistered CommenterFlangey

' Hand in a transfer request. Make a genuine concrete bid for the player. Otherwise, just f*** off and shut up.'

And there it it or stop wasting our fucking time....Bless their fucking little cottons...Modric was alledgedly 'embarrassed' to earn 40K a week while his fellow countrymen & women struggle........wonder what he'll tell them should be get £120K a week? By rights he'll top himself...

Such a spineless way to do want out? slap in your request or STFU and stop crying about it...

What odds on Blatter coming out with slavery comments soon ?

Jul 11, 2011 at 1:14 PM | Unregistered CommenterWinterWeekend61

Yeah i agree, i wouldnt hold it against levy if he sold the runt, but not to chelsea.

Jul 11, 2011 at 1:14 PM | Unregistered Commenterspurs guvnor

I think we're all pretty much united on this one, anger rather than heartbreak.

We as a club have to make a stand, this situation with us regularly losing our best players to other pl clubs cannot continue (i can accept players wanting to leave the uk).

Football is becoming a predictable farce.

Just look at the goons, i find it quite unbelievable really that players want to leave them and go to city.

Jul 11, 2011 at 1:15 PM | Unregistered Commenterkoume2

I am dead against his leaving. Not for him but the effect that it has on the squad. eg bale and sandro. We should loan him to a team in a very foreign league where the fans are allowed to batter the player for a bad game (River Plate should do). One season there before he comes back broken and beaten then sell him to the highest bidder. Make the ferret faced arsehole work for his transfer!

Jul 11, 2011 at 1:16 PM | Unregistered Commenterjim

This has now become bigger than just Cheatski and Modric. It's unsettling to Bale, VDV and others who know that they are in demand, it's detrimental to the cohesion of the squad, it's off putting to any potential signings (a big name striker - you say?) who must now view a transfer to THFC with the skepticism of a stint on a boat where the rats have begun to pack their bags. Levy must stand his ground and let the footballing world know that we are not going to bend over and lube up.

That said, I wish he'd also shut Redknapp the fcuk up. It can't help to have your manager exult the wonders of playing for Cheatski at such a delicate time. The guy really needs to put a sock in it.

Very disappointed... if not surprised. I believe that almost every Spurs fan at one point or another over the course of last season and the Summer and January transfer windows predicted the "our best players will leave" senario without Champions League football and the requisite signing of a proper striker or two.

Jul 11, 2011 at 1:17 PM | Unregistered CommenterSam-I-Am

if modric did get a gentleman's to discuss a potential move when he signed his contract, then he lost the right to it when he announced in the press that he wanted to move to chelsea prior to meeting levy.

we truly can't afford to sell him for anything less than a record breaking bid £60m plus. we spent £16.5m on him, I say let him sit out the length of his contract in our (non existent) "reserves team". If we sell Modric then we might as well give up and say any of our best players can go every time we don't make the champions league. bale can go, vdv, lennon, sandro, huddlestone. anytime in the future if we unearth another gem, fail to qualify for the champions league wave them off as well.

Even if we bench for a year his value would still be high, plus at the age of 25 he's not going to want to sit on the bench for a year. levy has to sit firm, if the offer become ridiculous then sell him, I've mentioned it before, in my view he can go for the money it costs to build the new stadium.

Jul 11, 2011 at 1:20 PM | Unregistered Commenter@sfreundwasaleg

Couldn't agree more, I think it highlights the laziness of players today. He cites ambition as a reason for leaving. Is it ambitious to run off and join a club who will almost definately make the later stages of the champions league and finish in the top three with or without him? a team which does not look like winning either. Or alternatively stay with a group of younger players (to whom he made a long term commitment) who over the past two seasons have looked like building something. With a couple of additions to the squad as has been mentioned many times and this Tottenham side with him as part of it could be competing with Chelsea and anybody else. So the question remains is it really ambition or is it the massive pay hike disguised by the need of champions league football??

Jul 11, 2011 at 1:24 PM | Unregistered CommenterSN1968

if he is to go, then abroad please....

Jul 11, 2011 at 1:25 PM | Unregistered Commenterfoxyf

And as for a serious opinion, firstly I feel let down by Modric, more fool me I actually thought he was made of different stuff to the average footballer and now we know he's just the same as any of them.

But this is about more than Modric, it's about becoming the sort of club that players know has ambition, know that they are not bigger than, and that may take a sacrificial lamb, it may be costly and will require cajohnes to go through with, and it has to happen at somepoint, and there is no time like the present.

Manchester Utd may have had more money in the past, but it is a PLC, and love or loathe him Sir Alex makes no bones where players are in the mix, they're employees of a club. Look at Japp Stam or Beckham to name a few who were put firmly in their place.

Stitch in time, saves nine is the philosophy we should adopt here.

Jul 11, 2011 at 1:26 PM | Unregistered CommenterGino-Ginelli

It really bugs me that Mr Modric quotes "he (levy) didn't listen to what I was telling him"
Who TELLS their boss ?? Levy has splashed out £16m, paid him upward of £1.5m a year, and then gets accused of dirty tactics?! If this indeed is Modric's words, then he can go, preferably abroad, or... No I'll keep it polite for now!

Can anyone recommend one of our players names to get printed on the back of my sons shirt?
Having Hero's and idols at your club seems a thing of the past. Might just play it safe and get Jenas or Pienaar?!?

Jul 11, 2011 at 1:27 PM | Unregistered Commenter@stevewfinch

Its fukkin simple.....we should have made the top 4 last season and qualified for the CL, but no,. we fukked it all up with shitty results all season losing to teams we should have fukkin slaughtered on match day!!! Redknapp screwed us up with some real shit team selections, those hopeless fukwits Crouch and Defooey were so inept they made our goal count laughable!!! No team in the prem is scared of Spurs!!!! In fact, they relish rollin us over after we lose to shit teams the week before!! We keep making it more difficult for ourselves all by ourselves week in week out! A few good results are fuk all on their own without CONSISTENCY!!!! We have to go out there and put in solid team performances EVERY game!!! Had we made the CL this year, Im sure Modders would not be looking to worm his way to Chelski so suddenly. He would have at least stayed until the end of the coming season!

Jul 11, 2011 at 1:41 PM | Unregistered CommenterDisloyalty for cash!!

Has anyone considered that the article that has created all the emotion is actually Modric's words..?? Isn't it possible some journo has actually fabricated all this just to unsettle everyone..?? If that's the case, it's been really successful...!!

I'm hoping it's not true but I have great trust in Daniel Levy to do the right thing for the club.

I voted for Luca Modric in the Player of the Year poll. If this is all true, I wish I'd voted for Gallas. At least you know where you stand with him...!!! COYS

Jul 11, 2011 at 1:42 PM | Unregistered CommenterBJ Spurs

DL is winning al the plaudits for his stand and rightly so. can't help wonder tho if this upstanding moral position is in part designed to ingraciate himself with the poilitical types who will determine if we get the govt hand out? in any case DL is a top bloke in my book for this and Modric has exposed himself as an utter *~!%. And good point re the season tkts at the Bridge being offered to those with zero loyalty, that is brilliant. If Italy goes bust then maybe they'll have loads of Italian banking types packing their Gucci bags up and vacating Holland Park, Kensington, Notting HIll etc and handing in their Chels season tkts on their way back to Heathrow lol.

Jul 11, 2011 at 1:42 PM | Unregistered Commenterdixta

The modern footballer will not hand in a Transfer Request...why...because they are money grabbing morons.
They will not lose their 5% loyalty bonus for not pushing a transfer.
That they earn more in a year than the normal man in the street does in a year is immaterial to them.
Modric is in my eyes a 'forgotten' Spurs player.
I would make him train for the coming season and then not even give him a place on the bench for the first month.
See how he enjoys that.
Any more of this nonsense from him then ommit him from the squad list.
I know I am sounding angry but really....THFC is way bigger than this little RUNT !
WOW...rant over ..

Jul 11, 2011 at 1:46 PM | Unregistered CommenterDace

Excellent, intelligent summing up of the circumstances........................bad for the team if he's not fully committed and disasterous if we sell (especially to another Prem team). Hope Levy and 'Arry can muster up some decent signings in the next couple of weeks to take my mind off this and make the stupid git fight for his shirt.

Jul 11, 2011 at 1:46 PM | Unregistered CommenterBaxter

I am becoming totally disillusioned with football these days, why do we all bother when our clubs are continually held to ransom by players? I cant see us ever winning the league! The ideal solution for all parties now is that somebody comes in from abroad with a sufficient offer, I guess £22m would do given the current situation as long as he didnt join a competitor thats the main thing? If Levy sticks him on the bench I could understand and support the stance, problem is how this would stance would effect potential new signings would this hard line scare them off, stuck between a rock and hard place!

Jul 11, 2011 at 1:47 PM | Unregistered CommenterUnhappy Yid

Right now I'm torn between "fuck off to the Russian then you rat faced, mong haired, traitorous little shit" and "please don't leave us Luka you cherub faced, golden haired, little genius." Becoming increasingly minded to go with the former.

Jul 11, 2011 at 1:53 PM | Unregistered CommenterShelfLife

Re stevewfinch
Difficult question in these days of "player loyalty", The only player that springs immediately to mind is Ledley King, and even then if he hadn't suffered with all his injuries who knows?
Even players signing new contracts like Gareth Bale means nothing in todays world! just ask Modric, unless of course they become injured then they would honour them.

Jul 11, 2011 at 1:55 PM | Unregistered Commenteramf00769

'Can anyone recommend one of our players names to get printed on the back of my sons shirt?
Having Hero's and idols at your club seems a thing of the past. Might just play it safe and get Jenas or Pienaar?!?'

I'd wager the only way to play it safe now is to get your son's name on the back...I've learnt that lesson myself.

P.s Seeing that pic of Levy again only reminds me of your (at least I think it was you) quote: 'He looks like a turtle with a Topman voucher'. haha

Jul 11, 2011 at 1:55 PM | Unregistered CommenterWinterWeekend61

And what was Brad Freidel doing in Dubrovnik?

Maybe he's behind all this.

Evil Brad.

Jul 11, 2011 at 2:07 PM | Unregistered CommenterMubarak's Mum

This whole saga depresses really taints the experience of supporting a club as the greed of players and the tactics of other clubs makes the off-season/Jan window unbearable for anyone other than maybe to the top 2 clubs + City.

Luka points at the need for CL but like Spooky says, he was complicit in our failings this season. I remember a 6 yard out tap-in againts the Goons which would have completed a brilliant comback to 4-3 which hit the keepers legs with the goal begging. He along with the rest of the team were responsible for our failings this season. We had the quality, we didin't have the delivery and that falls largely at the feet of the players....Redknapp cannot be blamed for our strikers/midfielders missing sitters. We weren't outplayed by anyone in the league last season, we were simply guilty of errors in front of goal or in front of our own goal.

As for Modric in the CL, I was very underwhelmed by the contribution he made vs the big teams. Inter (h) Real (h) + (a). He was far from his usual best and seemed overawed by the occassion, gifting the ball away with much greater regularity.

I don't expect loyalty from a footballer but I would hope for some level of integrity....To sign a 6 year deal only to ask for transfer some 9 months later astounds me. It smacks of utter greed.

I would suggest that even with CL football, Modric would still be looking at Chelsea and their mega wages. My opinion of him has fallen this low, that I know put him in the mercenary category.

Jul 11, 2011 at 2:12 PM | Unregistered CommenterDevonshirespur

At least Modric's beef is not with the manager / team.

He doesn't have to see Levy if he doesn't have to.

Perhaps that is why Harry is by and large staying out of it and stays onside with Luka, because if he had a problem with Harry too then there would be no going back.!

Jul 11, 2011 at 2:16 PM | Unregistered CommenterDevonshirespur

Both sides have put themselves in positions from which there is no retreat, which is the cardinal 'no no' of negotiations. So Modric must go. Spurs could delay this at least till January and not play him as a form of punishment. Given the paucity of talented midfielders at Man U and Chelsea this probably would not impact his value a great deal to those clubs.
If Levy wants to retain any credibility with supporters I think his best option is to transfer him but not to Chelsea or Man U but maybe to Man City who, despite all their cash, seem to deal honorably in the market, or alternatively to a European club.

Jul 11, 2011 at 2:18 PM | Unregistered Commenterdavid

Look at what City are doing with the players that want out from them - Tevez, Adabayor, Bellemay, Given, Bridge.

They are all unhappy footballers yet City wont sell to us. Why would we ever consider selling to Chelski?

The above players are not city's best players but what does it matter, they still qualified in the CL with unhappy players in t he Squad.

Many occasions have Tevez, Adabayor, Bellamy used the press to try to engineer a move away because they are unhappy but City (rightly or wrongly) have made their stance and stick with it.

Also I saw someone mention about Harry distancing himself from Levy's comments; to be fair he kind of has too as Modric needs to feel Harry is understanding to him in order to help repair bridges and get him back on side.

Now fine Luka 2 weeks wages and get him cleaning the first teams boots : )

Jul 11, 2011 at 2:19 PM | Unregistered Commenteryidal

Couple of things. Chelski are the shits in all this - they set it up in the most contemptuous of ways with a bid significantly lower than that made for a half-formed defender-cum-midfielder and for a sulky crocked striker. This is 'the business' we are talking about here: the third best midfielder around, and they offer £22M!!! Clearly they do this to 'declare an interest', and to cause trouble because they are loaded and they know they can, and this succeeds. Now my view is that the player says he wants to go, and so we don't keep him unless we have to, but we say that we will release him ONLY to a foreign club and at a price that meets our valuation, and UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES will we release him to Chelski. Hopefully (it is only hope) we have a young midfielder lined up at a lower price and we fit him into Modric's place quickly. We use the surplus to buy at least one really good striker PDQ, and at similar speed hold a fire sale of ALL of those surplus to requirements we have had hanging around for ages. We do this, taking a loss for some, in order to lower outgoings, and spending the residue if any on good young hopefuls. And do it as quick as we can. And consign the young genius, sadly, to the dustbin of history. And consider upping the wage bill for a few 'treasures'.

Jul 11, 2011 at 2:31 PM | Unregistered CommenterTommyHarmer

If Luka stays... Luka plays... he'll want to showcase his talent for a potential January or summer 2012 transfer. He will not want to rot on the bench; he's just that type of player.

At least I hope he is...

Jul 11, 2011 at 2:32 PM | Unregistered Commenterelwehbi

...??? but maybe to Man City who, despite all their cash, seem to deal honorably in the market,...??? City wouldn't sell us Bellamy last season "not to a competitor" they said, so I wouldn't dealk with them at all...!!! If we do end up selling him, not to City or Chelsea, possibly to United but preferrably to Europe...

Further to my earlier post about is this all made up by a journo, if it is fiction, imaging how our player of the year, voted by supportes, would feel if he read any of these posts..!! It would make him want to leave..!! So, calm down my dears and put your faith in Daniel Levy to handle this...

Jul 11, 2011 at 2:40 PM | Unregistered CommenterBJ Spurs

I still can't see past last summer/Jan when Redknapp failed to bring in the players required for us to cement our place in the top 4. Levy seemed willing to spend the money but Harry was more interested in chasing has beens! Christ without Levy forcing the matter VDV and Sandro wouldn't even be on our books right now!

Oppotunity missed regardless of the Modric situation.

P.S. Where is our top top striker? Gyan definitely isn't him!

Jul 11, 2011 at 2:49 PM | Unregistered CommenterOssie

Luka,Luka calm down.
You can't have a 'gentleman's agreement'with a man
that has no pretensions to being a gentleman.

Levy is hard faced, clever (too clever by half?)
manipulative, business bruiser.

There is a financial tipping point in all this
which I have predicted for some time will be around £35 million.

Levy won't be able to resist the money and Harry's eyes
will light up at the thought of it.

No way will he be left on the bench 'to rot'

That train left the station with Berbatov aboard.

Jul 11, 2011 at 3:03 PM | Unregistered CommenterJimmyG2

It is interesting to watch the evolution of Chelsea fans thinking (if that is the word) during all this.
It started with the usual nonsense about Spurs being a rubbish team--despite everyone wanting their players.
Then how Spurs should realise that Modric really belonged with a 'top club'
Then how Spurs should not be angry but should swallow their pride and allow Modric to follow his heart across London
Then how keeping Modric was bad for his emotional health.
Then how by not giving in to Modric would damage the rest of the team.
I suspect the next step will be that Spurs are now infringing on his human rights and should be brought before the United nations for that.

Jul 11, 2011 at 3:06 PM | Unregistered Commenterdavid

Found this on Harry Hotspur, and it made my day.

Astromesmo Says:
July 11th, 2011 at 1:55 pm

I’ve managed to obtain secret CCTV footage of Daniel Levy in his office after Luka left…

Jul 11, 2011 at 3:38 PM | Unregistered CommenterDubaiSpur

Why 22m? An opening salvo? I see one of your correspondents suggests the 'tipping poit' is 35m. This is of course the standard Man U suggestion that appeared in the press some time ago. I think most Spurs fans would suggest 45m is a more realistic price, given how the prices for total rubbish has soared as illustrated by current Man U and Liverpool signings. Thus I suggest Spurs set a price of 70m with a view to settling at 45-50m and accept none of the off-loadings such as Drogba, Berbatov, Evans, Gibson etc. as a part of the deal..

Jul 11, 2011 at 3:49 PM | Unregistered Commenterdavid

If a man wants to change jobs he should be able to if all legal matters are resolved , Modric could break his contract and pay the price (does anybody know how much he'd have to pay) , get a ban from fifa for a few months and then join Chelsea and be rich again.

But that would be the brave thing to do , and even then it wouldnt be all that brave because Chelski would probably pay for him.

I already said it , this is making me more and more disgusted with football nowadays but the way things are going now makes me follow down that road even more. The crying like a little bitch , the press mingling , Chavski using the back alley tactics and so on.

But we do the same to smaller clubs from smaller leagues , we also go and get players by offering big money ,these clubs also have fans that complain because they lose their players to bigger (re:richer) clubs etcetera

The only fools in here are we , the ones that actually care about clubs and a stupid game that can be so beautifull ...

And i for one am tired of being the fool.

Jul 11, 2011 at 3:51 PM | Unregistered CommenterBelgian Spur

BJSpurs, you're still in denial fella. Give it another day and you'll be where the rest of us are...

Jul 11, 2011 at 3:57 PM | Unregistered CommenterJohnnyB

The phrase gentlemans agreement used by modric, is it just me or does signing a contract and less than a year after putting pen to paper and wanting out seem very ungentlemanly? He needs to put his toys back in his pram and look to get spurs back in the champions league if he thinks thats where he should be playing, because obviously last season HE and his miss firing team mates were not good enough to get there. I bet this contract would look good to him if he was in the same position as essein now (not that i'm wishing him injury) he was happy to sign the contract which gave him security for the next 6 years at a club who were the ones that took a chance on him, he was to small not strong enough for the premiership so every other club thought but spurs had faith in him, wheres our security in this 6 year contract what seems to make him believe he can just walk away when it suits him thats what contracts are for not just his security but the clubs. I hope Levy sticks to his guns and puts the little croats big nose out of joint again and tells him to either play or sit in the stands its his choice, only if he wants to go to the european championships i'm sure croatia would prefer to see him playing

Jul 11, 2011 at 4:06 PM | Unregistered Commenterbob l

Just a thought

Levy = A touch machavelian (as per previous post)

Is all this 'firm stance' business just DL positioning himself with the fans and the footballing world as a bit of a hard ass!

He is winning the fans backing and at the same time getting top lucre for Luka.
The player has to agitate for a move, becomes a bad guy.
Chelsea have to pay top dollar to prvenet tapping up claims etc.
Levy gets what he wants, a huge profit.

Might just drag out long enough so that we can't find a suitable replacement!

Regardless of this mess I really hope this nonsense and the stadium plus thoughts of Arry leaving next year might prevent the board from splashing out on his recommendations, won't culminate in another relatively quiet transfer window. We need to kick on and push for CL again or face more of this next year with whatever player shines this season.

Jul 11, 2011 at 4:28 PM | Unregistered CommenterTotallytottenham

Sick and tired of hearing the old 'Well, if you got offered 2 or 3 times your wages, you're telling me you wouldn't move?...yeah right!'
Too right I'd move!....But the analogy is bullshit!
My clients or customers dont treat me as a hero, nor spend their lives devoting time and money to my company, and they certainly don't have my name on the back of their shirt....they don't love me either.....well I dont think they do anyway.

Jul 11, 2011 at 4:50 PM | Unregistered CommenterWinterWeekend61

Chelsea have supposedly bid £28M + add ons.

Jul 11, 2011 at 4:54 PM | Registered Commenterspooky

Johnny B, I've been a Spurs fan since 1967 so have developed a hard shell and very positive outlook...!!! COYS...

Jul 11, 2011 at 4:57 PM | Unregistered CommenterBJ Spurs

'Chelsea have supposedly bid £28M + add ons.'

£28m?!.......sure itwasn't strap-ons? Taking the piss! Add another £10m and throw in Didier for good measure.

Resigned to losing him? We've got the upper hand....Like Billy the Kid with a maniacal grin: 'I like these odds'..

try again chavscum

Jul 11, 2011 at 5:03 PM | Unregistered CommenterWinterWeekend61

Oh Luka, you coulda been a hero, but now you're just a wanka.

Let him sit in the stands for a year, watch us overtake chelsea then sell the little runt to them.

Does he not realise that I have to listen to my Mrs complain about him letting us down, thought he was different etc? Wanker.

Jul 11, 2011 at 5:36 PM | Unregistered Commenterflatearther

At 28m we would have made just 11.5m on him since turning him from an unknown potential to one of the best mf's in the world.

Minus wages in that time too.

What I would have said if I were Levy was that he just rejected a 45m bid from Chelski and said no.

Make up shit, play around with them.

Offer them 5m for Frank Lampard & John Terry.

Jul 11, 2011 at 5:50 PM | Unregistered Commenteryidal

"My clients or customers dont treat me as a hero, nor spend their lives devoting time and money to my company, and they certainly don't have my name on the back of their shirt....they don't love me either.....well I dont think they do anyway"


Jul 11, 2011 at 6:20 PM | Unregistered Commenterkoume2

Ironic that:

We lose Carrick the same year we brought Berbatov
We lose Berbatov the same year we brought Modric
Resigned to lose Modric the same year we buy......

£28m bid now from Chelsea now - Get on the phone to red nose and quote him the same price with Berba thrown in, reject Chelsea's advances last minute.

I'm sure Luka's wife can jump on Virgin, they're doing a deal from London to Manchester for £17:00, with his new contract he'll be able to buy 6000 tickets per week - everyone's happy :)

Jul 11, 2011 at 6:30 PM | Unregistered CommenterShady

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