Dear Mr Tottenham supporter, regarding Stratford...

Dear Mr Tottenham supporter,
Regarding Stratford.
It’s a reoccurring discussion point this, one that will soon go beyond protests and arguments once a decision has been made by those with the power to do so. The question being; Stratford? Potentially the new home of the world famous Spurs?
Fancy some of that? Personally, I’d like to reiterate once more; thanks but no thanks.
And yet many amongst us, in a blink of an eye, would be happy with this. It's in our catchment area, it's only a few miles up the road they say. And that we need to make the move otherwise it will cost us a couple of hundred million more, resulting in masses of debt if we proceed instead with the Northumberland Development Project. Haringey and Levy are playing a game of political mug-off, all with their own bluffs, double bluffs and agendas. They’re broke and want to use Spurs for the redevelopment of the area and Levy is using this excuse in addition to lack of public sector funding as a platform and easy way to push the Olympic Site as the only feasible alternative otherwise THFC's very future would be under threat. I call bullshit because if the OS is given to West Ham then what of a contingency plan? What do we do then? By definition, there has to be an alternative. Mainly because, Daniel Levy is no fool – and is hardly naive. So even though Wembley and Arsenal are tagged with receiving public sector money in every other complaint article you may have read, to base all hope on the NDP being manageable for the club on those extra funds...well, it seems very very flimsy and clumsy if to be believed.
It's not like Levy is going to shrug and give up on the vision if the OS goes to West Ham. He'll work towards a resolution. To appease us and to appease ENIC. And to fulfil the promise and the next stage. We have planning permission for N17, so if it’s vital for us to have a 50K+ ground - he will find a way. Unless all eggs have been placed in the Stratford basket from the very beginning. Either that, or he only recently gave up on N17. Which again, seems an improbable thing to do considering how difficult it is for anyone to get through the red tape of development to achieve their final goal.
It's just far far easier to opt for Stratford. No crippling debt we are told and then he can build a stadium and eventually sell the club for untold millions to someone like AEG (who have a habit of getting involved in this type of thing) and could soon be partners in crime if the bid is won. But what of the advantages of moving there I hear you ask? A stadium with a ready-made infrastructure of travel links, the rich in the City a short distance away and countless corporate t*ssers and day tripping tourists. Revenue, it's the new Promised Land. Levy is serious about it, you only have to look at the people he's appointed to talk up the OS bid and the statements they have made. Eggs firmly in that basket then – and if the bid fails, then onwards (back to) North London to make that work.
What some of our faithful are failing to see is that it's hypocritical to move onto someone else's patch. Imagine someone moving into North London. Oh hold up...wait...
It's also quite lazy to believe this is the only viable alternative (I’m going to keep on repeating this) and we'll stagnate if we don't move to Stratford. Moving would also make as a franchised club. Five miles or not. That might sound overly dramatic, but it's fact. If the project in N17is complicated and will take longer in terms of building it (having to knock down parts of WHL – playing with a reduced capacity etc), what is ‘longer’ when the end result is to retain our home and a ground in our area for another 130 years or so? We're not going anywhere, are we? Or perhaps, we are.
There has been no final ‘we are so so sorry’ statement to explain that staying in North London is not, unequivocally not, an option because of the debt we would inherit during the redevelopment. If, 100 per cent without a shadow of a doubt, if...remaining in N17 would cripple us for a decade or so, then perhaps we need to revisit and understand how viable redeveloping White Hart Lane itself would be. If we have to move to survive, it would change perspective. But it's hardly that is it? Is it? If it was, unquestionable, they’d hardly be any debate just more questions about other potential options. Are we staring into oblivion? Are we?
How hard is that gun pressed to the back of your head?
I appreciate Levy is a very shrewd chairman, a good business man and in recent years (finally) a good leader with regards to the actual football (appointing a back to basics manager and letting go of the D.o.F system). He runs the club brilliantly. It's what we expect. It's his responsibility. And even if you might not get the impression from this letter, he does ‘care’. But he’s still a business man who uses business to drive the club forwards. I do get that. But to ignore all of the footballing sentiments? Sometimes, those intangible elements – they speak far more loudly than pennies under the bed.
Levy has a responsibility. To us. And everyone else who has a (different type of) share in the club. ENIC are an investment company and their main priority above all will always concern the money they can make back from their investment. They have an end game. They will be long gone and our legacy will be stuck in East London - making us a club with a history detached back in North London.
Again, I get told countless times 'this is progress' and that I should ‘allow us to create new history’ and that if it's good enough for other clubs why should we bother attempting to define ourselves by citing North London derbies and rivalry and passing judgement on other clubs on what they have done or are doing to be the very best? We should be selfish I'm told and we should focus on making as much money as possible to be able to challenge top end season in and season out. Money, money, money. Its progress. Spare ribs and prawn sandwiches dished up at half time so we can afford the bills to sign and keep world class players.
I guess football has changed. But once more, it’s not do or die until I see it written in blood. That gun, it’s nowhere near the back of my head. Can you feel anything at the back of yours?
Apparently all this money will also guarantee success. May as well invite a billionaire to buy us out and invest £500M in players. If we are that desperate. Okay, being pedantic a little there. Money will aid with remaining competitive. But no guarantees. We’ve been high spenders for years and years. It’s not worked out that well for us until we sat with two points from eight games.
The football. The kicking and pushing of the ball. On the pitch. That has led us to fourth spot. That has allowed us to dream and want for more. It should always – always – be about the football and the desire to succeed. It’s hardly down to the money spent. Sure we spent some, within our current means. And the other superpowers around us, not all of them are in a position to compete with us in the transfer market. But let’s move on from this.
Tottenham the area is a toilet and we’re not the only club whose ground is sat in a toilet. It could become less of one if people started to play ball. That includes you Lammy. People supporting the move are not considering how much the Spurs match day landscape in terms of support and vibe will change. New chapter, I'm told, stuck in the past, I'm accused of. History is relative. It sure is. I hope you enjoy chatting about it in a pub or cafe in Newham which is draped with Claret and Blue colours or Orient colours.
Imagine us winning a Cup. Open bus parade. Through the streets of East London. Stratford, Leyton etc. I don't know about you, but that would be like waving your willy around in the front garden of your girlfriends ex-boyfriend. All a bit unnecessary and avoidable, when waving it around in your own bedroom is far more applicable to the occasion. Call me sentimental.
Sorry for thinking football was about moments, about games, about having a drink pre and post match and making a go of it on the pitch without sacrificing and boxing up your heritage and traditions and replacing emotions completely with harsh economics that instruct us to move now or perish. You know, we've got where we are today by bucking the trend.
I want what is best for the club. And competing at the highest level is what we can all agree on as an ambition although some of us are fine with us just being Tottenham. Regardless, let's try to remain anchored to the place that gives us our name. Try a bit harder. Much harder. Without going weak at the knees at something we are only bidding for because of the apparent commercial support we have backing us - allowing all involved to swim in the quick fix, no matter the consequences.
They say, N17 is but a post code. It doesn't mean anything, not really. The club, its history and traditions - these will remain forever with us and can't be pinned down geographically. Honesty and integrity and Innovation, free flowing football, flair players. Glory nights. This is Tottenham. The fans and the fans expectations of what the club should be. It's not a post code, I agree. But it’s what the post code stands for, what it should stand for. And it should not be replaced by one starting with the letter 'E' and representing a by product of commercialism first and a football club second.
It's consumed the Prem League. Let's not let it consume us completely.
I should not even be bothering to quantify all this. Home is where the Hart is. We are the one constant that will always remain ever present. We, the fans. And all the romantic notions should not be dismissed because they can't produce profit. And they should not have to be packaged up and sent to another part of London for the sake of said profit.
You might not agree, you might cite what I’ve already stated that history is pinned to you, on you – the Spurs fan. Where you go, Tottenham goes. Football (and fans) are fickle, rule changing to suit their preference. I refuse to change the rule.
North London is ours.
We should not even be considering Stratford and I can only hope this is part of some Machiavellian strategy by the chairman. Because the alternative is Tottenham Hotspur without the Tottenham. Perhaps in ten years we'll up and move from East London to the Midlands for easier accessibility for the rest of the country to the brand new home of Sportstainment.
In conclusion - We as fans and as a club have retained plenty of pride in old skool integrity. You know, traditional values pertaining to heritage and history. The type of things you can't slap a price on because, let's face it, its priceless stuff.
We've struggled, no doubt, in the past, but recent management on the pitch has gone some way to repairing the damage. It's a quick fix to accept the OS as the only way to consolidate. And God have mercy on all involved if the Sky Sports money making machine stops printing the notes. It's a risk either way. But it’s a soulless one to the East.
And if we go to the East, there will be no national Olympic Stadium. No running track or obvious legacy paid for by tax payers. Keys to be handed over to a football club for them to demolish a stadium built at a cost of £500M for a few weeks worth of athletics. East London will lose out on the regeneration project in and around Upton Park. West Ham won’t have a new home. What a shame their bid is so weak in impact, hey Karren? And let's not forget Orient. Or have we already? And then there's White Hart Lane, home of many Glory Glory nights which will probably be turned into a massive housing development, flats for the locals, concrete where once Dave Mackay and Danny Blanch flower stood with studs on ball. A car park where Bill Nicholson’s ashes rest.
It's our club. It was our club. It will hardly be our club. Say no to Stratford.
Regards to all. And...
Come on you Spurs.
Be sure to visit We are N17 for your anti-Stratford fix and latest news. You can also find them on Twitter and Facebook.
Previous Stratford/N17 articles:
N17: Home is where the heart is
A nail in the coffin of Stratford?
For some, it's a brutal interrogation...
If Stratford Hotspur ends there (guest blog tehTrunk)
And as an alternative form of petition against moving out of North London and into East and follow: FC Hotspur of Tottenham.
Reader Comments (255)
This letter was actually meant to be a video, but at 10 mins +, well we all know online folk don't have much of a concentration span ;)
hallelujah ! You'll probably attract the usual pro and anti forces on here again , 500 + comments and nobody backing down
But for what its worth , i am also an oldfashioned fan of football and its moments, its history and the fact that it has to be more than just money ...
As are all of the others here in my old folkes home ...
Also - I know I'm banging on about Stratford a lot. I think that's my lot in terms of written pieces until after the decision.
Only so many ways I can say 'no'.
Belgian - the pro-Stratford lot have valid points. And if you look back, at the start, I sat on the fence (in terms of written work here) for the purpose of trying to understand and appreciate both sides of the argument.
I've now settled with my heart.
Like I said, until the decision is made, will revisit then. If any of the guest bloggers want to write something up, they are welcomed to do so.
Will get back to the football now.
Another splendid piece.
Good article and very fair.
Sentimentality or ruthless progression?
Forget about the landscape of Spurs fans changing, it's Spurs fans who are changing.
..... yes but my in laws recently moved out of the area and house that they had lived in for nigh on 50 years and they could not be more happy. So change is not always a bad thing even for the elderly, and you just never know how things will turn out. What might seem scary looking forward may take on a very different hew when looking back.
There are so many pro's and con's to each side of the argument.
After reading this, especially, NORTH LONDON IS OURS I'm desperate for us to stay in and around WHL.
If only Lammy/TFL/Haringey would support us and not see us as a cash cow, it would make things so much easier.
I've said it before and I'll say it again:
Forget the trophies, the money, the corporate hospitality, the big name signings, larger capacities etc.
I watch Tottenham Hotspur because I love them. I don't watch them because they win. The ultimate dream of every football supporter is to have a successful team but NOT at any cost. I don't love the club any more now than I did 15 years ago when we were shocking. I wouldn't love them any more if we were winning the league and champions league every season. I celebrate a win against Wolves as much as a win against Chelsea. I feel equally depressed when we lose to Arsenal as I do when we lose to Burnley.
Success is NOT the be all and end all of supporting a football club. If it is then you're in the game for all the wrong reasons and you just don't get it.
Those are the fans who actively want to move to Stratford, the one's that just don't understand.
i think the main point here is Lammy is a massive twat and should look to encourage the club to stay as opposed to slagging us off and threatening to take us to court.
Who is this knob head Labour twat anyway? Did anyone even know who is was before he started shouting his mouth off to the press?
You could have saved yourself a lot of time and effort spooky and just posted the last statement. "A car park where Bill Nicholson's Ashes rest?"
I was ambivalent but that's convinced me.
more blah blah blah...getting boring spooky, not the subject, just you on the subject! All this waffle and heart rendering pleas will count for nothing in the end your best hope is that we just don't get to the preffered bidder stage and then you and all the rest of the rattles out of the pram, short-sighted, self-interested 'local fans' can crow in delight as we lose an opportunity that could have made us the biggest club in London and possibly the PL in years to come. Then you can all comfort yourselves by whinning endlessly about why we can't compete and collectively dream of a time that you can only read of in history books.
Fakin brilliant son
Spooky, for you, I always make the time to read your blogs regardless of length of copy. You could do with an editor but there is something raw in what you write and I think sometimes it's purposely done to gauge opinion.
Hoping there is a distinct lack of name calling in this thread this time round. There are pros and cons and the cons (if you're anti-moving away) actually make sense as a business model. The sentimental and 'heart filled' gut reaction to staying wont make us money or make it easy but there's a sense of pride to stake these things above the financial aspects.
It's a discussion with no winners I'm afraid.
What a letter I agree 100% and I'm off to sign my name and anyone else I can grab hold of. Fuck the east London we are N17 lily-white yids I won't sit in the same pubs as hammers fans pre match I refuse. And poor old bill I forgot about him.
You know I've not really been sure (up until now) what would be best for our club. But after reading this I know. There are so many points in this article that have really hit home that it would take to long to mention them all. You are right N17 it is. It would be interesting to hear how many others out there have read this and felt the same. Nice one my son. Keep it up.
Spurstop - I hear you brother and like I've stated, that's me done. I've gone on a journey with four or five blogs and I don't have anything more to say now (unless I go on another drunken twitter rampage at 2am).
Plenty of pro-stratford people I know have been banging on about the finance side of things, so I guess that's what made me want to create a video as a final 'there you go'. Video to letter. And now onwards.
Probably cover the current Jan transfer window in my next blog.
Cause that's like, fucking electricity at the minute.
Keep on writing Spooks.
Can someone send this to Sky/newspapers/wherever? Plenty of quotable stuff in this.
Brilliant piece. Say No to Stratford.
Cant we go to Milton keynes?
Glad this wasn't a video (I'm guessing Xtranormal like the other ones right?). This type of statement is better read in text format than having an American styled Stephen Hawkings Paws character in a field talking to the camera in deadpan monologue.
Decision time is on the 27th Jan ? I thought it was March. Can someone please confirm??
say no to stratford, north london is ours
So, there we were quite happily bouncing along, champions league place secured, stunning new kit for the forthcoming season, new sponsors, an intrigung new signing named after a ninja turtle, a new stadium designed and waiting for the builders to show up, everything looked on the up for the love of our lives. There were some annoying whispers that the club might have to look at an alternative to the plans of the iconic new stadium but nothing that anyone was taking seriously because 'Spurs would never move from Tottenham'.
Pop, the secure bubble burst when Daniel Levy announced he was serious that the club were interested in the move to Stratford as it may be 'in the best interest of the club'. Surely not, Tottenham out of Tottenham ? What was he on about ? Silly Daniel. He also said if the club did move into the Olympic stadium then they would definitely rip up the running track even though the Olympic committee stated that preference would be given to the bidder that kept it. Then the committee announced (moved the goalposts) the preferred bidder would 'make a legacy for athletics at the new stadium', quick as a flash Daniel announces he would not only rip up the track but knock down the whole stadium, build it from scratch to the spec of the new plans we already had and take athletics out of it altogether. Now, although these revelations sent many a Spurs fan into rage at the chairman making plans to leave Tottenham it made me wonder what someone had spiked his coco pops with. Here was a man who, although ridiculed for his mild manner and quiet nature, was nonetheless pretty handy when it came to running a business, making profits and giving the club what it wants on the pitch, the man had style in a balanced and shrewd manner, yet here he was telling a committee holding the keys to a new home that he would do exactly the opposite of what they wanted, TWICE. Now are they the actions of a man looking to get given a stadium by a committe, get his hands on a cheaper option to get gold stars from the shareholders and make a pile of cash or are they a mild mannered form of a protest against being MADE to make the decision because his plans are blocked for building the new stadium in N17 by a government refusing to help redevelop the area and transport facilities ?
The Labour groovey gang when in power splashed the cash about like a teenager with his first credt card and got in all kinds of debt, in order to secure the olympics 2012 they designed and put into construction the Olympic Stadium, transport routes and facilities and it paid off. However during the launch of the Northumberland Project, Lammy and his spewing garbage gob were nowhere to be seen to support the area and get the planning permissions in place until he saw an opportunity to raise his profile after being caught fiddling expenses on a 2nd home in Tottenham. They also helped the likes of Woolwich and Wembley with public funding to improve roads, access and parking around their new stadiums. Then they lost the election and the coalition were left with the bill and a recession to sort out. Obviously they are going to look at cutting costs wherever they can. So when Daniel goes skipping into Westminster with his cap out for funding to help with the new WHL they say 'Hang on a minute, weve already splashed out on a similar stadium less than 5 miles away, why dont you have that instead ?' . . . 'No thanks' says Daniel. 'Weve got our plans and we are just after the money and redevelopment everyone else got for our own area'. 'Fuck that' says the governmentl.'250 million is a bit much after the we've already done it 3 times, You go into the empty one after the Olympics or we will block you at every turn if you continue with your N17 plans'.
A shell shocked Daniel then has to make a move in order to secure the future of Tottenham Hotspur, does he kiss their asses and agree to a move ? does he take them on head first and go on with the original plans, build the new stadium surrounded by a run-down area and risk all kinds of hassle because the roads get blocked, trains are over crowded and no one can park at the new stadium ? . . . NO, he plays his poker hand. . . 'Ok, you want to make me move to E15 ? We will rip up your track, shit on your athletics and kick it out of the stadium altogether and heres a few quid to regenerate Crystal Palace you tight wad bastards !!!'
Add to that the fact that since this has all started Spurs have bought up land, changed plans to suit Harringey council, and applied for a section 106 which the government seem to be delaying accepting and all in all l feel the club are battling to stay in N17 rather than sellup and move. Plus the CHAIRwoman for TFL (transport for London) is Tanni Grey Thompson, yes that ginger queen of british athletics so our chances of getting the preferred bid title is very slim if existant at all.
I may be wrong but that is the only reasoning l can see by Daniel saying what he has said but ive put it in layman's terms so everyone can see the thinking behind the madness.
For the record, although a part of me will be gutted if we are forced to move, I will always be a Yid and will continue to support Hotspur FC, Stratford Hotspur or whatever they are called after the event because its the team l have supported all my life and my loyalty is to them til the day l die. To the Yids that say they wont support them if they move, although l understand the emotion of losing our history l for one will never support anyone else.
Spursstop3 has summed it up in a suitably aggressive manner, but I find it rather effective!
What the likes of drwinston001 are forgetting is that football has been a big business for 20 years now, and so just happily chugging along acheiving mid table mediocrity every year with the occasional place in the CL is not what the club - or the shareholders want.
And as for Billy Nick's ashes - do you think he'd want the club in a position to compete with those who have the funds and the staduims to acheive greatness, or do you think he'd have the same indifferent feelings asdrwinston001 as to whether we win or honours or not?
Football has changed, we must change with it. Spurs will not spend £450m on a stadium in Tottenham, and 20 years from now, when every other Prem side has a billionaire sugar daddy, we'll be in the Championship - then Stratford won't seem so bad.
@Spurstop3, everything about your comment and the name you choose to give yourself proves me comment to be 100% accurate.
Being a fan is more than supporting a club that's winning all the time. Of course it's great when it happens but it must happen in the right way.
I know Chelsea fans who stopped going to Stamford Bridge because watching their team win 2-0 every week got boring. They're now returning because there's a chance they'll see an entertaining game and without the chance you could lose that entertainment isn't provided.
If all you care about is sitting in the top 3 of being the biggest club in England for years to come I suggest you move you loyalties and support to United who attract that sort of fan.
Be at the top but do it in the right way.
I was sitting on the fence, no opinion either way, as long as we continued to progress as a team, but after reading that I feel ashamed.....perhaps it was Champions League Fever!
It's White Hart Lane and always should be...
Maybe Kenneth Branagh should read this out in Henry V style, post it on YouTube.
drwinston001 sums it up perfectly. I don't crave success - I would like success but don't expect it. In fact, being a Spurs fan is one of the most exciting journeys that you could ever go on, so many ups and downs, trials and tribulations, the club imploding when you think everything is okay - the Stratford debate has just added to this journey. But having gone to the game on Sunday and seen the protests, and then all that has been said and written over the last few days, this feels different. To me, Stratford is the biggest threat that has ever befallen our great club, and deep down I am dreading the decision. It is a similar feeling to watching Spurs trying to defend a 1-0 lead - anxiety, sickness etc. but with the knowledge that the journey could all be over. Tottenham have been the biggest thing in my life, but with the move to Stratford it will all be over. I for one would support the Spurs until they move from WHL, and then that would be it - a huge part of my life gone forever. The 28th January could be a dark day.
Emotive bullshit.
And not even very good emotive bullshit at that.
Frazzler I think the point is that the N17 Project is viable it's just that the club have opted for something that is far less complex to get going on. If there is still reason and hope to fight to develop Tottenham in Tottenham then that should be the priority no matter what other options are around.
Why are we suddenly in the need to make the move NOW and will it really drag us down if we dont.
What if we were not in the CL? There is no guarantee we will be there next season or the season after. And if we were midtable now would we be more patient in looking at ways to expand the stadium?
These are important questions. We look like we want to move because in the short term its the best solution.
A large majority of us don't want North London, in fact you can keep it. As even the locals admit it is a drug laden, crime ridden sh*ole that even the local council and local MP gave up on years and years ago, if you think that isn't the case just have a look around you when you're next at the Lane and take in the sinkhole the place has become over the last 30 years because of a lack of investment.
What we want is a club that isn't up to it's neck in debt and can compete at the highest level, but I guess it's just easier to get swept up in the emotions then it is to understand the impact getting the Olympic stadium site could have on our future. AFC Totteham sounds like a great new club and should suit all you locals well, it will never win anything, play crap football with crap players, but you'll all be able to go and watch and pat yourself on your back that it was only 5 mins down the road and that it's still 'local'.
The World and top class football has moved on, nigh time we did too.
Nice on John. You work for AEG?
The one thing that sticks in my throat about it is, will our rivalry with Arsenal still remain as strong? Wrong or right, that is and always has been an integral part of the Spurs supporting experience. Do we then have to accept West Ham as our local rivalry? Because it's not going to be so easy to muster up any sort of passion for that.
NLD wont matter any more David. In 30 years time it will all be about West Ham v Spurs and our history with Arsenal will be deeply dilated. How's that for emotive bullshit.
Dogs Bollocks article, well written Spooky, I no longer live in the U.K. as now I am exiled in OZ.
But home is where your heart is and although I am now over here it is not the same and it will
never be the same, if we move neither. I am sure that most A5ena1 fans will agree that they should be back
in Woolich where they belong.
So let us stay in out beloved home where we belong, It's the same if you go abroad on holliday, Its nice to go but
nice to come home.
TOTTENHAM is our HOME and forever will be.
COYS. (spurs fan for nearly 60 yrs.)
I appreciate this is a huge moment in the clubs history, and therefore demands thought and discussion between all the clubs stakeholders, but I have to say I've now read hundreds of articles for and against the move, and this article bored me by the end, raising the same sentimental view points, as raked up everywhere else just in super extended form, I think 95% of fans have made up their mind about the move one or another.
Surely wanting to move for money reasons is just as weak as wanting to stay because of what N17 means to a supporter? I'm completely undecided and hopefully we don't get the OS site so that I don't have to think about it much more.
Jep: In the short term it IS the best soloution, because the perfect site is available. If we were moving somewhere less developed just because it was cheaper then it would be different - and pointless. But the the olympic site is up for grabs, much of the work is done and we are rightly in for it.
I'd rather move to Stratford, generate extra income and compete that way, than have a billionaire chicken farmer try to buy us the title.
I think we need consider the fact that it could be one or the other for us in the medium/long term.
'more blah blah blah...getting boring spooky, not the subject, just you on the subject! All this waffle and heart rendering pleas will count for nothing in the end your best hope is that we just don't get to the preffered bidder stage and then you and all the rest of the rattles out of the pram, short-sighted, self-interested 'local fans' can crow in delight as we lose an opportunity that could have made us the biggest club in London and possibly the PL in years to come. Then you can all comfort yourselves by whinning endlessly about why we can't compete and collectively dream of a time that you can only read of in history books.' - Spurstop3
Exactly this, by the way. Exactly this.
Wake up Spurs supporters, cos this opportunity ain't ever coming around again.
When Bear Stearnes collapsed a couple of years ago, losing Joe Lewis over a billion pounds, we were told that Spurs would not be affected in any way - but it seems apparent now that Levy has been told to go for the cheapest option because the new stadium investment money is no longer available.
What really riles me is that for a year or more, the Club were dangling a fantastic shiny new White Hart Lane in front of our eyes. Didn't those artists impressions look great? With that built, North London could well have been ours. Then Plan B arrived and before long it became the Plan A that no-one wanted. The feel-good factor evaporated.
If I were an Ars*n*l supporter I would be laughing myself silly at the embarassing prospect of Spurs moving to East London and leaving the whole of North London entirely to them.
Once again, this article is a conclusion of all the articles that came before. I've read plenty of pro-stratford stuff in recent weeks/months. I hope you're telling them they equally bore you in terms of talk re: revenue etc and ease of travel. You know, travel. Trains. Those gorgeous train links.
Stratford, you choo choo choose me?
Only fair, right?
I'm sold. Say no to stratford, even if it means staying put for a few years
David, no it wont.
They will have marched up from South of the river and walked into our home, kicked us out and claimed it as their own.
And I'm sure they'll let us know about it at every opportunity.
Spursstop3 we already the biggest club in London. No need to move to achieve that status.
Good bit on the BBC website:
"Once Spurs and West Ham have made their final submissions, OPLC chief executive Andrew Altman faces a long weekend of deliberation. He and Baroness Ford, the OPLC chairwoman, will then make their recommendation to the OLPC board.
If the board are happy, that positive feeling cascades down to the two major stakeholders: the Government and the London Mayor's office, who have the final say.
The OPLC will have to be confident its decision will stand up to scrutiny, especially from the Government's audit committee, for whom value for money overrides all other more emotive considerations in these difficult economic times."
I smell a done deal. West Ham's figures don't add up, Boris "invites" Spurs to bid because the government don't want another Dome fiasco hemorrhaging money. For all the OPLC talk of legacy, the 2 shareholders are the Mayor and the Goverment. It will all come down to who has the best financial solution.
The real farce is why the Olympic stadium was ever allowed to be built for £500m when it's very design was for it to be immediately dismantled. It should have had a football club in from the beginning, with the stadium designed with removeable seats/pitch so that the public would see some return from the hundreds of millions spent. Instead it's going to be a cheap and ugly looking structure that will only be used for 2 weeks and torn down, regardless of who wins the bid.
The taxpayer loses. I suspect that public funding for this folly is about to come to an end.
From that entire text, I take one line; "Home is where the Hart is."
West ham should win anyway so dont worry. Then hopefully that dog karen brady will finally shut the fuck up
Rebuild WHL one stand at a time, less financial risk in the event that money goes out of football in general. Provide safe standing areas and higher/steeper stands to get up to 60K. Provide better bars/restaurants with views out, that people will want to be in longer than 90 minutes (i.e. give reasons for crowds to arrive earlier and leave later, and spend more money - a sit down meal shouldn't only be for corporate hospitality). Build a multistorey car park on the existing players car park with a bridge link to the north stand. Subsidise BR to provide more trains on matchdays. Post match naked female dancers fuck volunteers while the fans shout 'YIIIDDOOOO' - well it worked in Memory Lane.
Or perhaps this idea is too long term for ENIC to find a buyer?