England? Whatever. Come on you Spurs.

The dust has settled. But now we have even more dust to deal with. Millions upon millions of pesky particles, clogging up everything in their path and our sight, leaving us with very little to see. We are helpless. Not a lot we can do about it either, other than remain patient for the gust of wind which will thankfully divert the dust storm away allowing us to once more see clearly again. Unfortunately we won't be saved until the 11th of September. Until then, joy-riding tumble-weeds is as good as it's gonna get.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen. It's that time again. Welcome to the International Break.
Jesus wept.
I'm still hurting bad from the World Cup debacle. A shambolic display by the Three Lions, moaning and groaning, swollen and bleeding paws. No Androcles to pull the thorns out. We would have won it had we taken early season Ballon d'Or candidate Theo, no doubt. I'll be watching on Friday, but can't say I'll be doing so with much excitable effort. I mean for a start, no Tommy Huddlestone. He's got no experience, they say! How can he gain experience if he's not selected, they shout back! New England; my hairy backside. First Hoddle, now this. C-O-N-S-P-I-R-A-C-Y.
I want to skip this international BS and jump straight back into my much needed fix of EPL and guaranteed redemption (don't let me down) from our players so we can quickly forget about the Wigan hiccup. Will probably spend the time between now and the weekend after next downloading Sasha Grey's complete back catalogue and trying to blag myself an iphone 4 (seriously, I will whore the blog out sponsorship wise, for an iphone 4, so get the **** on it, I'm this cheap and this desperate. For the record, all disposable income goes on baby spooky who spends all her disposable time disposing herself in nappies. iphone 4 required for development work for this blog, and stuff).
Any ways, low point moment out of the way, I may as well take this opportunity to reflect on the transfer window that has just closed up.
How thin is the line between happy and sad? Very thin. Had we not gone in for vdV, we'd all be near suicidal about the lack of anything sexy happening and how we've blatantly missed the opportunity to really give 4th spot and the CL a right royal go by not purchasing a brand spanking new unlocker-of-doors type of player.
Cue flashback to windows of the past. Blue screen of death. Reinstall required. No CD or cab files found. Downgrade to ME. Might as well go back to pen and paper.
But this time round we didn't disappoint. We got ourselves a last minute nifty upgrade. An unexpected service patch. Rejoice.
Spurs and their roller-coaster. It never stops, so you can never get off it. We have riches of talent and versatility and lush tactical candy to gorge on. Between now and Xmas, it's down to Harry to work out the best formation for domestic and European tasks in hand. We need to be able to flow, swagger and kill.
We can then re-visit the forward conundrum in the new year. 4-5-1 might mean we need a further upgrade in the striking positions. By 'might' I mean 'FRIGGING SIGN SOMEONE YESTERDAY FFS'. Why say this when the players (minus Keane) got us 4th last season?
Do you really need it answered? Go on then.
It's mainly because Keane is spent, Pav is not excelling in any great way, Crouch is great to have in the squad but isn't prolific but might be on our continental travels, and Defoe will always score (as well as always lose out to the offside flag). It's about ambition on and off the pitch. When you endeavour to step up a level, then you need to step it up in terms of quality. And it's all a bit mis-mashed in this particular area. More than decent. Honestly, feet firmly on ground, it's a good strike-force. But that shouldn't stop us improving it more so.
Obviously, it's all within our means. We can't attract top top TOP end quality, but you feel there is a next-level-forward that would fit the role perfectly at WHL. I think. Someone out there, must be one. If our scouts are struggling they should wait for Football Manager 2011 to be released and sign any European striker with a current rating of 170 with a potential rating of 188.
Is Andri Sigporsson available?
I guess we'll just have to wait for the right player and have faith in us finding and signing him. In the mean time, players like Keane (rejuvenation) and Pav (confidence) might yet prove to be useful if their personal demons can be defeated. Jig Robbie jig, damn it, jig! Pav, something in Russian Pav, something in Russian, and Louis Vuitton manbags!
But let's worry about this only if we have to, only if we mis-fire up to the opening of the next window. In the mean time, on with gorging on creative cake.
Huddlestone. Lennon. Bale. Modric. Kranjčar. dos Santos. van der Vaart. Ridiculous (still waiting on Premier League ratification on the last one).
Embrace the lack of egos (we'll have to wait and see how long vdV behaves himself). But for now, we have a team. United, with less of the Utd and more of the Hot. The giant has woken up. Granted, he's still in his pyjamas and slippers, but it's only a brisk walk to the bathroom to freshen up. No falling asleep on the toilet, k? Get dressed, dapper, and get to work.
All smiles thank you very much, because we can't be not smiling. You've heard the song.
As for England. If I want to watch a*seholes getting licked, I think I might just stick with Sasha thank you very much and not bother with ITV.
Reader Comments (53)
Please watch the England match and review.
On second thoughts. Please watch Sasha Grey movies and review.
You make me smile spooky. Every time.
And go buy your own iphone you cheapskate.
Screw Fabio Capello and his England farce!
I didn't watch a single World Cup qualifier, and I won't watch a single European Championship qualifier.
Why bother?! After all, we only build up the hype via qualification, then fall apart in the competition itself.
Roll on the WBA game.....
Ah balls, I'd completely forgotten it was England this weekend. It's also my wedding anniversary so at least I've got a proper excuse not to watch that shower.
Why do they put these things so close to the start of the season? It's like being given Pamela Anderson's home made porn DVD but only being allowed to see the bits with Tommy Lee in!!!!
Hell at least you guys win a game from time to time, i ve been given VIP tickets to see the Belgium- Germany game and it doesnt even feel like a real gift , free wine and whatnot included
Creative cake. Cut me a slice.
Andri sigporsson lol. Screw this international window nonsense; bring on WBA.
Lennon has obviously shown over more than 3 years of starting in the PL to not be good enough for England. I have stuck up for Capello before, but although Lennon hasnt been at his best recently, he must be in the squad. Maybe play Walcott up top if they really need to, but we all know who the better winger is. Actually, i dont really want him burning all his pace for England, keep him to ourselves and watch him destroy defences for the rest of the season.. Walcott has played and scored his season's quota now anyway.
Draw v Bulgaria. Lose v Switzerland. Capello sacked. Harry new England manager? Now there's a reason for supporting the 3 Lions.
I've hated watching England since they dropped Jimmy in '66 and will never forgive the bastards for what they did to Goddle.
wat big fish said would make me very happy for my own reasons .Bring on David Moyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bring on David Moyes? WTF?
Belgian VIP? isn't that some kind of oxymoron? Name me one famous Belgian who a) actually exists and b) isn't a convicted paedophile. And c) isn't Van Damme. Eddy Merks? Never heard of him.
I find the Qualifying games much more entertaining that the actual tournament games. There is usually a decent level of intensity, the players don't play like they are crippled by fear or gout.
We could have signed Fabiano but refused on grounds of cost. Cut off our noses to spite our face. As for Pav, they say strikers need confidence. Well is it any wonder this bloke has none when Harry has made it pretty clear he will only use him as a last resort, and will never really consider him as a regular starter?? Strikers need a run of games, starting. He hasn't had that, so as hot and cold as he blows, it's remarkable that he's even been that good. Look how shockingly poor Keane has been in comparison. It might not look like he's putting in much effort, but honestly, what is his motivation?? He knows that even if he goes on a run of 9 in 9, it still won't dislodge Cruch and Defoe from their positions in Harry's mind.
Whatever spin you put on it, it's a mess. We have 2 strikers sitting there that the manager clearly doesn't rate at all, and won't use unless he has to.
Spooky, you edit FM? Gone down in my estimation.
@cHRISMAN-Haven't you heard of Nico Classen mate, he played for us successfully just before LInekar
joined in the mid to late eighties. I truly am not being smart, but you did ask...
lol Chrisman , that's a bit harsh on my fellow countrymen , that's a bit like claiming all Brits are fat, bingedrinken warmongerers
But now you ask : Jacques Rogge and off course Marouane Fellaini :)
Where's my fucking iphone 4?
Never thought i would say this but bollocks to England,i do not want any Spurs player getting injured playing for that lost cause and i would love to see the old farts at the FA having to explain to UEFA and FIFA how we were not putting a team in because of lack of interest and a vote of no confidence in the FA,especially that nose sucking yes man Brooking.
Classen scoring with this arse in 3-1 home defeat to Norwich was a highlight.
She's a dirty cow, that Sasha Grey but she looks a bit too much like that one off the x-men movies that can't touch anyone or she saps their lifeforce.
Love the video link.
First time VdV so much as warms up, we have to give him a rousing Park Lane "lala laa lala laa lalalala la laa" (van der valk tune). It'll be funny if nothing else...
EPL is worldwide, and TOTTENHAM are going international. It started to happen last year, and now we're definitely a worldwide phenomenon. If we compete in the CL two consecutive years, they'll be no going back. England only matters on the island, chaps. SPURS are all over the world.
Agree. England = snooze fest. I actually sometimes welcome a defeat because even when we win it is done in a mind-sappingly boring fashion except for the very odd occassion when we beat someone good. At least when we win we get to read all the hilarious doomsaying hyperbole in the papers.
Hope they win though. Don't want harry going anywhere just yet
This international break has come at the worst possible time. I want to watch Van the Man coming with his unbelievable tekkers, not another plodding unconvincing performance from our international C team. Bollocks to it.
fat, bingedrinking warmongers? I'll take that. As for Jacques Rogge, he is just a pencil pusher, basking in the relected glory of other men. He is the Belgian Graham Kelly (rememrber him?), and thats nothing to be proud of.
Yes I remember Claesen. What about Van den Hauwe, the Welsh Belgian. Or Welgian. Or Belshman.
welgian lmao...
What about Jonathan Blondel wasn't he Belgian we paid £1 millon for him from Standard Liege and let him go on a free. Young lad alot of talent not really given a chance.
Agree with the article written about Pav not being Harry's favourite and he will always be 2nd fiddle to Crouch and defoe. I blame harry for last weeks defeat he had the chance to make changes and didn't yet he states we need a big squad for the season and then doesn't play them. At least 6 of the 25 man squad are not going to get any chance of a start apart from the Carling cup.
serious loss of patriots on this blog............nothing worse than seeing grown men booing like donkeys not getting their feed......
VDV has taken a huge step down by joining spurs and it will bring disgraceful end to a potential great player unless something drastic happens. problem is that in madrid there were too many better players and here at spurs too many avg and medicore players around him. evey spurs fan deep in heart knows thay r not good enuf for being a top 4 club last season it was liverpools unfamiliar form which gave spurs to come in and this season i was not at all surprised when wigan beat them 0-1 bcoz spurs were avg at home against city, thrased by a team like young boys and verry very lucky against stoke to get anything and again against young boys at home there was some luck involved in goals, so u spurs fans may dont like it but this season spurs r will finish no where near top 4 and therefore enjoy cl grp stages or bear thrasing u will get by real euo level clubs in ur grp .....
Luck involved against YB ? Average against the money burning City ? And you really want us to take your comments serious , do you ?
I saw both games and Spurs were absolutely dominanting both games , confirmed by even the most anit spurs pundits
But , enjoy the damp cave you retreat to every night sir Troll.
"spurs were avg at home against city, thrased by a team like young boys and verry very lucky against stoke to get anything and again against young boys at home there was some luck involved in goals"
HA HA HA HA HA HA - funniest thing I've read all week.
Average against City?! Erm, had it not been for Joe Hart we'd have scored at least 5. It's City who were average, not us.
Thrashed by Young Boys? 3-2 is anything but a thrashing.
Lucky to get anything against Stoke?! Maybe a bit lucky to take all 3 points, but even if their goal had been allowed, it would have been a draw.
Lucky against Young Buys?! 4-0 suggests otherwise.......
Go away!!!
no surprise in reading reactions from TYPICAL DELUDED SPUDS believing their team to be world beaters on basis of one overachieving season but anyways it will b huge fun when they will be thrased in europe at every matchday and also in epl when their luck will drain out and bale loosing his fluke form(wasnt he the same guy who has record of being player in the loosing side for longest time)
Oh rocky rocky,
rocky rocky rocky rocky stif as a board.
Typical deluded gooner, thinking his team are world beaters based on the last time they truly had a defining side, 5/6 years ago.
It's amazing what you can type with a stick attached to your forehead.
ha ha ha ha typical spud mugs cant even come up with comebacks of own , everything has to b copied from arsenal from stadium to style of play , to players and what not !
Style of play? Where you born ten years? Take a look back before Wenger was appointed you manager. Go on, don't be scared. I guess the fact you are here chatting to us says it all. No longer welcomed over at Utd and Chelsea blogs and forums because you're no longer at that level. Bless.
Look everyone, the gooner is rolling around on his back. Stroke his ickle cutie belly.
Or if you prefer, drown the fucker.
Thank fuck we haven't copied the noise level from the Emirates.
dont welcomed to chelsea and utd blogs ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !!!!!!!!!!!!!! doofus pussies arsenal used to dominate england in 1930s much before chelsea , liverpool and united learnt to kick football, bloody pigsperms talking about history , u lot won couple of second rate euro cups just like clubs of level as sevilla did and u think it makes u anyway better ha ha ha ha ha ha
'doofus pussies arsenal used to dominate england' - is that really what you call your team? You're not wrong, but I'm surprised you admit it. Refreshingly honest.
The 1930's.
noise level !!!!!!!! u ought to have fraudy dna in u talking about that wasnt it was lane which was quiet as serial killers grave against wigan and yeah all that booing at the end of match just week after biggest achievement in ur clubs history getting into champions league...........
For the record, I've seen this kids ip address before under a different username, so just another troll.
chrisman , author of comment and rocky from holland are same person , what a moron he is .
/\ Rocky /\
IP banned.
Spooks, I'm afraid I don't know what LMFAO means , but 1930s has no apostrophe (I'm a sub-editor). It also drives me mad when people write "compliment" with an i, when they mean "complement" with an e, a common mistake which is all over the footie blogs. You pay someone a compliment; he complements our style of play.
However, I have a recurring fantasy that Keano comes good again in a Spurs shirt, so you may want to ignore me.
Yidkif , as long as you dont soil yourself during that fantasy you'll be allright
You'll note that my spelling is atrocious at times and I suffer from occasional grammatical lapses. Sincerely sorry.
I could do with an editor. I could pay you in kind?
can arsenal please be referred to from now on as doofus pussies arsenal.
chrisman dont be such a jerk , i believe he meant us spuds doofus pussies rather than arsenal , and anyways caliing a boeing 747 as a bicycle will not make it cycle, in same manner calling arsenal doofus pussies will not turn them into same, sometimes we really act as deluded.
basically I'm just up for using the word doofus as much as possible. And Goofball.