This is...'Dan'

Re-worked into a track from the recently updated Eminem inspired 'Stalking Daniel Levy', with special thanks to Sean Lawrence for basically making this happen and Pete Mahatna Stalin for the lyrical tweaks and performance. Norty language, NSFW etc.
This is...'Dan'.
Enjoy. And Daniel, get in touch buddy. We should share that bagel. Or at the very least let me interview you ffs. I promise, I won't touch you inappropriately.
Well, maybe the once.
Reader Comments (44)
When's the album release Spooks?
You might has well retire now Spooky. You'll never ever top that.
That is just A++++
Quality watch - quality blog. Respect to Levy, the future is Lilywhite.
I'm seriously worried. Have you seen a specialist? I mean someone to talk to...not just us, the strange blog stalking public.
Awesome. Still, disappointed you couldn't entice Marshal Mathers over from the States to perform it.
Beetle is Matthew Norman, that's my theory.
Amazing work Spooky.
This is quite simply superb. I bet even Mr Levy would chuckle at this?
What's with the badgers?
Credit to you son, that was a corker. I do prefer the first version which included Chirpy in the boot of the car, but I guess James Corden is more relevant to recent blogging.
Brilliant just brilliant, even the video cracked me up.
That is really very good.
The video is so shit, its actually funny. Bagels, evil Chirpy, Levy photo-shopped. Genius, you fucking great loon.
Top top drawer.
'ENIC' across my chest, lol
Love you man.
Quality. Can't believe you went to the trouble of doing this.
err , omg
You crazy son of a bitch
That was brilliantly. Take a bow.
Best thing I've ever seen on any Spurs related forum or blog.
Respect to Spooky and Pete Mahatna Stalin.
That was really rather good.
No earphones at work... Cant wait until I get home, remember reading the lyrics a while back - CANT WAIT!! Like a kid at christmas!!!
Would've been nicer if you had the Harry Redknapp instead of Dido parts.
Ahmed, working on the chorus.
'Opened mouthed' dog wont come in from the garden.....poor fucker's shaking like a leaf..... what just happened ? I seem to have lost twenty or so minutes and i have a resting heart rate of 210bpm.......and FUCKING HELL.... I have a fucking twitch!!!!
I can't stop watching this.
i could kiss you! made my week and its only 9.47am! :)
It's definitely a fine line
Jenas screaming like a little bitch is quality lol Legend Spooky retire on top man.
"I dropped James Cordon on his head and doubled his I.Q"
Agree with some of the others that the original's slightly better but f**k me spooks that is fantastic
Awesome. Made me laugh.
Great work , have to agree with the fellow 'brownnosers :-)' here ... how are you going to top this ?
Quality Mate
How can I top this? Well, I'm one phone call away at any given time from asking for Harry's mobile number with a decent probability of getting it. Although I wouldn't want to be harassing the bloke now, would I?
Sure you would , the thought of it is slowly consuming you ...
I love you Spooky, we coulda been together, think about it..