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Gaffer on Talksport

Not a big fan of knee-jerk station TalkSport, but can't go ignoring it when our gaffer is on it. I've been on a two-day no interweb sabbatical (new world record) so in case you've missed it (which I doubt, considering how sound-bite heavy it is), here's Harry on the Drivetime show, 2nd July:

Part I
Part II

He talks about England, Fabio and the (lack of) attitude from the England players along with touching on Tottenham. Summary below.


'Too open for how we wanted to play with the way we lined-up, didn't get hold of the ball' - Harry saw us being far too naive and from the body language of the players, they felt uncomfortable and the suggestion (not original) was they were unhappy with it. Been here before, haven't we? Harry says he spoke to some of the players, so a bit of confirmation there.

He also talks about Fabio and uses Ramos as an example of the struggle that befalls some managers when failing to communicate to their players.


Harry slates the kids. A generalisation obviously, but he believes that the modern day young footballer is given the worlds riches before they've actually achieved something tangible, and thus do not bother grafting as hard because of it.

Joe Cole

Off the back of the yoof thing, he uses Cole as an example as someone with the right attitude to better himself when he was a young lad aiming for greater things. Any chance of him coming to Spurs? Good chance according to Harry, but he downplays it a little saying it wont be easy - but does say he has spoken to Cole and gives away a bit (IMO) stating that Joe would want to play more often than not and that his best position is in the middle of the park (possible promises made to the player perhaps?).


Talks about how some yoof players are best left out on loan gaining experience rather disappearing in the reserves - the suggestion re: Bostock is that the player probably should have remained at Palace for a little bit longer. Still has a future though, but I'm unsure of it myself. Mainly because Harry isn't too convincing with it.

dos Santos

Talking of yoof, you'll have heard this sound-bite already, re: dos Santos: If he could pass a nightclub as good as he could pass a ball he'd be alright. LOL indeed, a tag associated with one or two players in the past and is the perfect description for the little Mexican who apparently spends his weekends in Barca partying and calling in sick on a Monday morning. Mum and dad dos Santos visited Harry last year and apologised for their sons lack of commitment and application. Apparently he does have a future at the club if 'he gets his nut down'. Really down to the player with this one. If he can be bothered to turn up then it will be like signing a new up and coming player (again) rather than another show-pony (Adel - anyone? Actually, can I get me some confirmation on Adel - is he back training with Spurs at the Lodge on Monday?)


I'm talking Aaron Lennon and that Cuban cigar. Interesting this one, because if you listen to Harry's reaction there is a pause before he answers it. Is this because he was genuinely surprised to hear it? Harry 'I work for The Sun' Redknapp, unaware of the various tabloid front-pages covering the story? Hmm. Okay. After the pause he states 'I swear I never saw that picture, I couldn't imagine him smoking a cigar, I mean my God, it was probably bigger than him, was it?' - textbook classic 'arry in full flow. He does add 'He'll lose his speed' and 'What's he smoking cigars for after losing in the WC' - so I'm expecting Azza to get a bollocking when he returns from his summer hols in Havana.

Collymore Asks

Stan asked Harry on whether we have the quality to challenge on all fronts. Simple reply, we want to bring in one or two and possibly sell one or two. Which is not really saying much at all, because we are bound to sign some players and sell some players. He (Harry) does however mention Uruguay and in particular Forlan - so either there is genuine interest or its simply mis-direction (based on what the press have been printing and allowing everyone to believe the player is a target).

Man City

'Are you worried?' - the question posed. More and more difficult to be in the top 4, replies Harry. Diplomatic answer, no doubt building it up once more to be mission impossible so the pressure is on others rather than us. And then says it's going to be more open in 2011, which it probably will much like the season past.


Woody is back in the country and Spurs will monitor him. He's not going to be back in training just yet, but the suggestion here is if there's no progress, Woody might have just the one option; retirement. Harry doesn't actually use the R word but it's easy to read between the lines. Fingers crossed for Woodgate. Class player, we'd do good to have him back in the fold.


Made a massive difference to us last season, but Harry believes his best position will eventually be left-back, allowing for him to run rampant up and down the left-side. Bit like Ashley Cole I guess, but this will depend on the development of his defensive duties/positioning. At the minute I prefer him on the left-wing with BAE left-back. Playe your best players in their best positions.


Harry then goes onto mention that legend Steve Perryman is in hospital after an operation, and wishes him well - which we all do. One of the finest ever servants of THFC is Steve. Hope it's nothing too serious and he's back home soon.

Harry also predicts Argentina to beat the Germans. Oops.

Reader Comments (19)

If we want to condemn players for going to clubs/bars, then look no further than Robbie Keane and Ledley King

So stop singling out Dos Santos

Jul 4, 2010 at 9:20 PM | Unregistered Commenteranon

dos Santos is a piss artist who hasnt done anything yet, Keane and Ledley have. Re-evaluate your thoughts anon. And it's Harry who is and has single out dos Santos.

Jul 4, 2010 at 9:24 PM | Unregistered CommenterAuthor of Comment

Heard this, Harry was on form, but quite honest and up front about it all. Completely in agreement about youth players. Far too many believe they've arrived on the back of very little and too much hype.

Jul 4, 2010 at 9:25 PM | Unregistered CommenterLangford

Adel is back in training with us.

Jul 4, 2010 at 9:27 PM | Unregistered Commenteryid from harrow

Redknapp loves a soundbite.

Jul 4, 2010 at 9:35 PM | Unregistered CommenterJep

1st- englands loss is our gain, or at least not our loss! It was the one scenario which had it transpired we all would have felt those trouser filling 'not again' thoughts! So thank fook the fa didn't fancy it or couldn't afford it etc time kind of stood still while they decided! So Arry is at the helm for now at least-joe cole a real possibility- forlan to come in and looks every bit the world better micah richards (not so sure) but a solid buy with the prospect of sandro living ur to even some of the hype? I'm a little bit excited about the coming season. We could be on the telly tuesday and wednesday evenings, mixing it with the big boys? Welcome back mr redknapp or thanks for not leaving us up the creek! Ps the new kit looks quite tasty to boot! COYS

Jul 4, 2010 at 9:40 PM | Unregistered Commentertotally tottenham

ok, so he plays joe cole in the center...

that would mean our best starting line up is:
Corluka, King, Dawson, Bale
Lennon, Palacios, Cole, Modric,
Defoe, Crouch (or a new striker)

That sounds pretty tasty; Modric Cutting in with Bale overlapping, Lennon protected by Corluka, Palacios as a holding midfielder

Jul 4, 2010 at 10:32 PM | Unregistered Commenterspanish spur

yer its obvious if joe cole wants to play quality football he will come to spurs......

Jul 4, 2010 at 10:45 PM | Unregistered Commentersimon

I think that if joe comes it will be 5 in midfield next season - bale on the left, azza on the right, palacios destroying everything coming at us and joe cole & modric running riot from the centre supporting JD who I think can play up there on his own despite his size. He will be able to move around alot and be elusive to both opposing centre backs. To think we can still throw in or start the likes of tommy gunn, niko and sandro amongst others shows how strong we could be.

Wouldn't Samuel Eto'o just top it all of? 25m bid anyone!?!?!?!?

Jul 4, 2010 at 11:05 PM | Unregistered CommenterDoglegz

WHEN we qualify for the champions league we will have to change our formation to a 4-5-1 or 4-3-3 as is your want. You cant play 4-4-2 in Europe you get found out most of the time so a quality striker who can hold the ball up, bring other players into the game, has a footballing brain and a decent turn of pace is the only player we are really screaming out for. Defoe only ticks one of them boxes (pace) my choice would be Eidur get him signed up asap, what he lacks in pace is more than compensated by his other outstanding attributes and he knows the club already wont need to settle in and all that.


Jul 4, 2010 at 11:24 PM | Unregistered CommenterTopyid

Well its that time of year when we all love to speculate who's coming who' going.As long as we do no go and sign Heskey I will be thankful for small mercys.Some of those with whom we have been associated with,Have already expressed their desire not to come to us,so who gives a dam.Not only ourselves( but any club) should only go for those wanting to join and showing the same passion and desire to give Spurs a bigger and brighter future.Those showing the same to move on,should be allowed to go.As we only want players who see themselves in a Tottenham.

Jul 5, 2010 at 1:03 AM | Unregistered Commenterbrian

Another Sunday night another Sunday on the beer another iPhone debacle. Look I don't think we will
get j cole but a change in formation is called for. Not with defoe up top though. We need a player like dzeko. But we won't get him. Who else ticks that box?

Jul 5, 2010 at 1:24 AM | Unregistered CommenterTomtraubert

I am all for Forlan , a lot more then suarez who is more a waiting striker , Forlan is probably one of the best strikers around for the moment

Also , seeing the Prince play for Ghana makes me think we were way to hard on him when he was at Spurs , the boy has got the skills , pace and persistence to be a true lillywhite

Jul 5, 2010 at 8:57 AM | Unregistered Commenterbelgian spur

Corluka, King, Dawson, Bale
Hudd, Modric
Lennon, Cole, Kranjcar

Jul 5, 2010 at 9:53 AM | Unregistered CommenterLemonadeMoney

zamora? hahaha!!!

if we sell PSB Keane-o then we should be able to splurge out on a decent striker/finisher. I would prefer a European rather than South American/African... we need someone who will bang in 20-25 goals for the season.

Jul 5, 2010 at 10:23 AM | Unregistered Commenterbringbackmabbutt

I'm here all week

Jul 5, 2010 at 10:37 AM | Unregistered CommenterLemonadeMoney

I love the rest of the line-up though Mr LM. :¬)

Jul 5, 2010 at 12:05 PM | Unregistered Commenterbringbackmabbutt

Zamora is one for the future.......

Jul 5, 2010 at 1:00 PM | Unregistered CommenterPLN

assuming we were to play a 4-5-1 (especially away from home and in Europe), which of our current forwards would play up front alone?

Jul 5, 2010 at 3:41 PM | Unregistered Commenterspanish spur

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