
In the wake of the rather disgraceful photo of Ledley King and Ashley Cole (Laughgate) walking off a jet 'aving it, laughing, waving a massive banner stating 'who gives a shit, we're rich' and flashing their willies, someone has managed to grab and share a photo captured by King (he's blatantly the ring-leader in this, compensating for only having one knee I reckon) in the Hotel Marang in Rustenberg (photo snapped on his Blackberry, leaked thanks to a function that allows selected friends to share photos) of the England players sitting around, lounging, smiling and laughing (they sicken me with their constant Jokeresque grinning) along with Aaron Lennon puffing on a big fat cigar. Presumably because he's now free to return home to oversee the sale of his mansion. The mansion that you and I have paid for. To which he has shown his gratitude by aiding England's World Cup to go up in smoke. Keep on puffing on that cigar Azza. Which by the way, was lit. The cigar. Not just sitting perched in his mouth for show. The cigar was in full working order, unlike England's formation. Who the heck has ever heard of someone smoking a lit cigar? Who the hell does think he is? Smoking, a lit cigar, in a hotel? Aaron Che Guevara Lennon? And if that wasn't enough, their mentalist party also included beer, beer and ice buckets for more beer, champagne and wine. Hedonism at it's very worst. See how the table is untidy, no regard for the maids that. It's what money does to you. That's the level of respect they have for the little people.
The photo was tagged by the hapless King with the title 'Home time then holiday time'. Because the photo was taken before they left South Africa, to return to England, to then leave again no doubt for more sun and probably more kicks of a beachball than they've had of a football in the past couple of weeks. Surely the title 'Larding it up with the England massive, off our tits' would have been far more suitable commentary. Who the f*ck do they think they are anyway? Two summer holidays in one working year? WTF? Hapless indeed. I mean who sends a picture message these days and doesn't expect a dishonest friend to forward it onto the paragons of justice, the national tabloids? One knee. And half a brain. Guilty as charged.
Football is in ruins. I have never witnessed such debauchery in the wake of defeat when the expectancy was for us to win the whole damn thing. The players should have sat reflecting on their early exit, had tea and fizzy drinks, wore black suits, and quietly prayed for forgiveness.
I blame Fabio. This wouldn't have happened had he taken the job.
Reader Comments (39)
Lucky this is on a Spurs site: Arsenal fans would miss the sarcasm.
What sarcasm?
Ashley Cole apparently slated England fans also today? It's not half as damaging as nonchalantly puffing away on a Cuban cigar.
Lennon is the don.
Look no one knows what really happen behind the scenes.
Maybe Fabio mess them up so much they wanted to drink and smoke to get over it.
As for the picture of King and Ashley cole laughing , 2 seconds after the pic was taken you see Fat frank and Ronney laughing as well.
But they didn’t want to show you that picture.
Just another case of trying to bring the black man down.
Rooney was shit in this world cup, what do the media say oh he must of been injured .
Lennon didn’t play that well (but i think he was one of Englands better players) and media say he aint good enough.
The Sun and company will simply not let go of this.
Old Skool Spooky
Strangely these pictures appeared on the Daily Mail newscast, now there's a shocker. We as fans expect what exactly?. If Cole, Lennon and King are having a jolly after the event, so what. Was it them who replaced Defoe for Heskey or played a system that patently didn't work, and refused to adapt accordingly? Was it those guys who selected Upson instead of either King or Dawson..was it these guys who put these donkeys on the plane in the first place?. Scapegoats are going to ltter the back pages, but surely these are the guys that have convinced the whole of football that Ronney, Lampard and Gerrard are World Class, how about the media look at thier part in this debacle as well?
I've missed these rants that are oozing sarcasm!
who gives a fuck now roll on champions league & hopefully harry staying put
why the fuss ? the england defence have been on sunloungers ,smoking cigars all thru the world cup !!! nobody gave a fck then ?
gotta go ,get me some more bling and bitches
Da Cap
they say smoking stunns your growth !!
So that's why Azza is only 4 ft 6...stunting growth indeed.
God he beat me to it by seconds.......I want video technology inroduced on this blog!!!!
thats why his eyebrows have got slashes in em,he puffed too much ,and it lit em up
Da Cap
When all else fails blame the black man
bloody media!!!!!!!!
It's all sensationalist bollocks. Listen to Talksport this morning was like listening to a shit spilling audible Sun. Listen to the people phoning in with their opinions. Take no notice of it other than don't look at it, listen to it etc.
Anyway, Spooks - I need to start a triffic new campaign ABH (anyone But Harry!). Will you help? You've heard it here first. You'll hear it elsewhere.
I heard that they had sex with their wives/girlfriends yesterday.... Bloody cheek! I haven't laughed had a drink or shagged the misses since Sunday like everyone else!! When will this feeling of disapointment go away? ... COYS!!!
Hoopspur I'm joining!!
Yidango - if that helps alleviate your disappointment then please do so!!
Get a little bit of ABH! in everyone's life.
completely respect the sarcastic nature of this post spooky, but I am also a little suprised by Azza smoking a cigar... I don't care if they all head home and spend a week swimming in pure vodka, but for a professional footballer whose main skill is running, I'd have thought that smoking was a no-no...
Tell me more about ABH.
Spooks - it's just a bit of fun really, and it does need to be in the right context. Just using it wherever I'm posting and telling the world Anyone But Harry!
signora twitcher , can have my job, ima sicka of having players that are outrun by coastal erosion ! that bleakly chica has bigga lips tho,i go rounda Jts for a go on that ,hes had everyone,no wonder hes tired
Da Cap
Nice one, ridiculous over-reaction from the gutter snipes.
They look like they're having a whale of a time don't they? looks more like a wake for English football.
Tis funny that its the black players getting it in the neck.
Hoopspur, Spooky... Do you not think 'Arry is possibly hindering our chances of signing players? With Levy negotiating with various clubs would a player be put off a move to Spurs with uncerntainty surrounding the manager? Will other Spurs players who are approached by so called " bigger clubs" be able to take what 'Arry says about committing to Tottenham when he throws his hat in the ring at the first opportunity.... I'd imagine Modric and Bale find what he's saying interesting.. I bet Mr Levy's not happy about 'Arry's comments!..
I'm lovin' a bit of ABH! Coys!!
Everyone knows Harry is a media whore. It's BAU.
Marisa - FO go back to Greeneland!!
Yidango - I suspect that Harry and DL probably already have an inkling what is likely to happen. If there is any chance in hell of him managing England I would have thought both he and the club he would have been sounded out already. I agree with Spooks he plays the media like the old expert he is. Also, if a player is really going to rely on Harry being there then they will tell him he will be if he will be. It's just us that's panicking in reality. And even our cold sweats are to be taken lightly until we hear more. C'est-la-vie
ABH!!! The more exclamation marks I add the better I feel
They'll be going out with girls next. Except Ashley Cole of course.
The British tabloid media are simply the most ridiculous, laughable insitution in the world. I swear to god I want to smash Steven Howard ´chief football writer´straight off his high horse. I´m sure just after qualifying he was singing the praises of Capello, saying that 4-4-2 was the english way and he´s finally found a non-complicated working system that gets the best out of gerrard, lampard and rooney. Now he and many others are saying the we need to change with the times, 4-4-2 is out, too simple you see. Playing gerrard on the left ´doesn´t work. Rooney needs to play up front ON HIS OWN??? He was so gash at this world cup playing against defences who also had to look after another striker. How on earth would he have faired any better on his own? Oh wait. We know how he would have faired. He wouldn´t have scored a goal, got frustrated and got sent off for kciking someone in the knackers like he did at the last world cup. Where incidentally Eriksson was slated for playing a 5 man midfield by Steven fucking Howard and his cohort of absolute c*nts.
If I´ve learnt anything from watching this world cup is that there are far too many football writers and tv pundits taking up jobs that should be given to people who actually bother to do their research properly and are genuinely knowledgeable about the game. A bit like the England team that they are so ready to slate.
The simple fact is that the majority of English players are simply not intelligent enough to play together in any other system than 4-4-2. Our young players are brought up to be strong and fast but not intelligent with and without the ball. No manager on earth can do anything about that. Especially when the players at his disposal are late 20s to early 30s and are too old to change their entire way of playing football.
This whole argument about them playing well at club level is stupid as well. Because they don´t play TOGETHER at club level bar one or two. They are surrounded by the best talent accross the world where their abilities are then able to thrive. And you wonder why Wenger doesn´t buy English players. Because he knows that they dno´t possess the intelligence to play the way he wants his team to play.
There's been a "Newsflash" on ITV... Apprantly David James was filmed eating a Walnut Whip.... IN PUBLIC!!!
I'm going to book all of them next season
and the depressing thing is that in 4 years time nothing will have changed. Wayne Rooney will still be going to win the world cup on his own, the England manager will be paid ridiculous money to pick chavs instead of a team and we will still come home early
chris you forgot to mention the part where everybody considers England to be an outsider ...
The old countries need to realise that the Germans have seen the modern game for what it is and changed their style of play , more skill , more youth and above all create a team. Not a bunch of individuals ...
Spain , Holland and Gemany are the only ones from the old continent able to hold their heads up high , all three of them created a modern football machine ...
Azza was just warming up the cigar so Fat Lamps could do a Monica Luwinski to Ashley Cole, what they missed was Azza calling Jenus to talk football but unfortunatly Jenus could not get the phone out of Campbells arse quick enough!!
Lilywhite - If you smoke a cigar you don't or should not inhale the smoke so Azza will be fine
It was a small hamlet Azza was chuffing on, it just looks a bit bigger, perspective people!