Paying the penalty, over and over again...

I asked for swagger. What we got in the first forty five minutes was not swagger. It was a hellmouth of atrociousness. No shape, no fluidity, no composure. Granted Bolton are spoilers, a side that will get in your face and stop you from playing, but let's not exaggerate. This is no longer Big Sam's anti-football on show at the Reebok. It's a far more timid version and regardless of our poor record up there you'd hope we’d at least attempt to match their tenacity. But oh no. This is Tottenham and once more we failed to see any of our esteemed players capture that early to mid season form which was spent chasing down opposition players, applying pressure and generally bossing teams and picking them off with comparative ease. I'm not even exaggerating, we looked the part back then. But with each passing week we appear to be forgetting how to play as a unit. Granted, no Lennon means we lose a vital dimension to our play. But this goes beyond not having the little man in the side because our decline began when he was fit and playing.
So we got battered for 45 minutes, looked absolutely lost and lacked any sort of spark. They're calling it a game of two halves and that's just about the best tagline you can give the match. Although it wasn't until the 60th minute that we awoke. Two moments that saw the ball hit the woodwork (for any other team, it would have sneaked in but we seem to will the ball over safely thanks to our desperation for relying on any anything that resembles luck). But when the goal did come (Defoe lashing it in) I almost felt a moment of over zealous confidence. We're going to win. The assault continued, can hardly remember Bolton doing that much in the second half so when the penalty was awarded, I jumped up and punched the air in delight, dancing a jig of joy followed by some break-dancing.
I'm fibbing, that wasn't how I reacted. I infact feel to the ground (Wengeresque) with my head in the palms of my hands. Because I knew, I just knew that more misery would be compounded on us. That it's not enough that its taken one hour to get going, we're now going to see victory wave a fleeting goodbye and disappear, to be seen next under floodlights.
What? You telling me you honestly thought we'd score?
When Huddlestone stood there ready, there was a moment, half a second, that had me thinking he would drill the ball towards the goal. The fundamental issue with penalties remains one of mental strength. If there is 1% doubt in your mind, you're likely to over-think how to take the kick and probably fail to simply rely on instincts and the natural obvious method.
i.e. Decide where to strike the ball before you put the ball on the spot, then strike it with power to the pre-determined target area.
The moment Tommy started to do the shuffle I laughed. If that wasn't a 'I don't know how to take this penalty' moment, then I don't know what it. He placed his shot. Placed it. Tommy 'I have a thunderous thunderous shot on me and can't half it hard' decided to softly softly place the ball allowing for a comfortable save. Yes, I know, its 50/50 with pens. Had the keeper guessed wrong we'd have scored. But why leave it to percentages? Pick a far corner of the goal, left or right, doesn't matter. Then drill the sonofabitch towards it. Damn it, Tommy, we know, you know…you can hit a ball with venom. It's usually moving. Here, it’s a dead ball and what do you decide to do? Caress it.
I say give the next one to BALE BALE BALE.
Anyways, if we get past Bolton we've got Fulham away. So we go from one bogey away side to another.
COYS. In it to win it.
Reader Comments (44)
I watched the penalty from behind the arm of my sofa - like the old days watching Dr Who. Knew he wasn't going to score, but Row Z had my money.
Well if we win the cup, at least we can say we did it our way lol
Id rather get CL than win the FA cup.
The title of this blog says it all, perfedtly - there can't be another team more demanding, more draining to support than Spurs. They are now playing shamefully badly. Bale has come good [so Harry will probably loan him to Hertha Berlin as soon as A-E is back]. I was almost relieved when Lennon was injured, I thought 'here's a chance to show that we are more than a one man team'; 'here's a chance for Krancjar and Modric to cretae a new Spurs'. Well, I should be shot, or put myself out of my own misery. At Anfield I saw the worst ever display by a Tottenham team - Liverpool there for the taking, no Gerrard, no Torres, and we laid down and died for their reserves. Time and again this team does not turn up - Man U in the CC, Liverpool, Wolves and first and second halves littered through this season and last season as well. Why? Because there is no leader. I will never forget the sight of Ledley, Ledley..., hoofing the ball into the crowd at Anfield - he wasn't distributing it because everyone was hiding - led by the impeccable Jenas, whose unwillingness to play while picking up his insane wages and looking cute in paparazzi photos has now rubbed off on his colleagues, no-one asking for, demanding, the ball, everybody looking the other way. There is a rot in the dressing room [notice Keane's restoration of his goal celebration at Celtic?]. And the rot in the dressing room is coming from the top. Back to the clear out, back to a change of all personnel, back to a couple of 5-1 wins early next season to make us think it's a new dawn, and then back to Premiership Tottenham - how to come tenth by the most tortuous route. How to get to the sixth round of the FA cup by the most painful route. How to almost win something and then play Jenas or send Dos Santos to Turkey.
I too knew he'd miss. What does it say when you get awarded a penalty and you have zero confidence in the taker? Eleven men to choose from and the end result is "not him, he's gonna miss." I would have bet on blasting it at the keeper with the rebound flying backwards twenty yards. Same result: replay.
Keano could take penalties(!)
Seriously though the whole first half was played like a dead rubber. Doesn't anyone give a toss about the FA Cup any more? What would it take to re-ignite the passion of this once great tournament, a tournament a few years back we had won the most out of anyone? CL place to the winner?
Ahh, the good old days of Kenny Sansom's Norman Wisdom impressions, the "How they got there" montages, a whole day devoted to the Final.... *Cue Hovis advert music*
I watched the penalty and said Jaske (whatever) shouldn't really move and in all truth he really didn't need to. I'll go back to my comment yesterday - as a team we have very few out there with any guts. Actually Bale, Kranjar or Bentley could have taken it. Tom has about as much guts as a comfortable soft cuddly real feather pillow. Where's the real captain, telling them, motivating them? Don't get me wrong I love Ledley, and Daws puts it around, but a leader - naw!
The second half was better but did not make up for the previous 135 minutes!
Niko would also be a good shout for penalty taking, methinks.
Don't forget that we have got a very good peanlty taker, unfortunately I doubt Pav is going to get much time on the pitch...
To score a penalty you need to do 2 things....(1) get it on target and (2) beat the keeper.
By striking the ball high in to the net you take the goal keeper out of the equation.. You therefore just need to get the thing on target.
So for me its simple......Height. If it is high and struck well it does not matter if the GK guesses the right way. And I don't mean it has to clip the bar on the way in but anything shoulder height or above, so long as it is not straight down the middle,and is well struck, will be a goal.
The other thing is bottle and both our last pens, the taker has been delayed by the opposition dicking about. Thudd must have stood there for 30-45 seconds, same for JD last time, and it just does not help.
My approach would be to hold the ball until the ref has everything under control. Then place the ball, step back and take it. It is only when you place the ball that you enter that zone of total focus. The shorter that time span the better. If you place it and are made to wait your focus will get interupted and distracted. Like a golfer, they concentrate for about 20 seonds at a time and then switch off until the next shot....same principle. When conditions are right, place the ball , enter t6hat zone and take your shot.
To me it seems simple
...............i think the last one we scored was against Chelski in the final..................some talented Bulgarian Beanpole fella...................
Whe we got the pen i was shocked to see big t put the ball down. Ive met the guy many times and only last week spoke to him about what he needs to do to ensure he gets on the plane with england. As a huge SPURS fan, all i can say is this guy aint got it. Poor trainer, no discipline, a touch on the thick side and lacks any real passion & drive. He will never play for a TOP CL side. He'll do a great job for the fulhams of this world but for us NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Sorry t
1st half was just ridiculous - back 4 where far too deep and midfield keep giving away stupid fouls so they could load up into our bix again. If Elmander was half the player his 10m price tag would suggest it would have been 3zip at halftime.
Our fom has been drifting for a long time and it strikes of players in a comfort zone. The only player to come out of yesterdays game again was Bale and it strikes me that he and Bentley are the only ones playing for their place as the others are pretty much nailed on to be first choice.
Bentley was back to his slow stepover best yesterday and quite what Charlie was playing at for their goal is beyond me.
As for why Harry decided again not to use 2 of his subs is a mystry - I remain to be convinced about Pav but at least give him some time on the pitch FFS!!!
Any chance of some reallity pills anyone? We're 1 point off fourth place in the middle of February and in with a more than decent shout of a highly winable quarter final place in the FA Cup - Anyone would think we'd been dumped out of both cups in the third round and battling relegation! We're not playing brilliantly at the moment, granted, but we're not the finished article yet. The last couple of performances have been reminiscent of the Graham, Gross, Romos, Santini, etc, reigns, but at least we're in a position of fighting for something positive rather than midtable medicrity or relegation. Get a grip people. And as for the 'fans' who are calling for Redknapps head and the ridiculous berating of Crouch.....don't get me started grrrrrr
My wish yesterday on here was for pass,move,pass,move...GOAL. I was rather hoping to see it from our boys. Not Bolton FFS !!!
I agree Kranjcar should have taken the penalty. English players just don't seem to score penos anymore. Couple that with playing for spurs and they definitely have no hope in hell of scoring them. Any foreign player will more often than not score. Even Gomes can take good penos.
However I don't like the way people are jumping on Hudd's back here because he didn't score it. And what the hell are these comparisons to Jenus?!?! Hudd is by far Jenus's superior. Hes definitely a good player and he has improved immensely since last season.
I have said all last season and this, that we need a strong personality to take the captaincy. A world class CB anyone? As great as king is, we can't continue this way, we need to cut our losses with woody and not even bother with Kaboul. Get in someone tried and tested, reliable and head strong. King should only be used if the first choice pairing are injured or rested. He shouldn't walk into the team, it disrupts things.... remember the 5 (or so) clean sheets daws and bassong had. Ledley comes in and its shot to pieces. I'm not saying it was his fault or that he played badly in any way but we need stability in that vital position.
I can't say I would take CL over the FA Cup. Right now I'd take what we can get. We aren't in the position to choose. A day out at wembley would be great (especially since this is the first season I have a season ticket, so I actually have a slightly less remote chance of getting a ticket), however CL would give us the money and more importantly the status to be able to attract the players we need to take us to the next level. If we can awake from the slumber for the last stint we can still achieve at least one of these goals. Lennon's return will help no-end and the way the other 4th contenders are playing, they are more than likely to slip up a few more times before the end of the season. Its not over until its mathematically impossible. Personally I don't think we will make CL, for obvious reasons, however I will hope and support our team until the end no matter what.
I knew there was a reason for liking Robbie Keane.
How does a side play so awful for 45 minutes then decide to come alive for the second half with such enforced pressure and determination? Spurs forever tormenting their fans. The agony continues.
Well said yiddioyiddo. Some of the comments don't connect with what I see.
We are doing about where anyone would expect our group of players to achieve. If we want to do better we don't need to chance the manager but upgrade some of our squad players. As for performances this season we have had a lot more very good ones than we have bad.
- Good news if your trying to break the top 4.
- Bad news once you get there.
And I agree wholeheartedly with Ted and yiddioyiddo.
It means that we'll finish 4th every year and lose in the play-offs!
Any chance we can get LeTissier down to the training ground for a few days practise of "kicking the ball into the corner, so that it's physically impossible for the goal-keeper to get to it..."?
He was not on at the time, having been subbed due to a poor perfomance (a rarity) but with keane gone modric is my penalty taker. He does it for his country he can do it for spurs. Scored the first goal in Euro '08 with a cheeky black down the middle if you'll remember.
Im right with everyone else, convinced we would f-up the penalty but i thought we still would have scored
Qualifying for the CL means nothing if you are not strong enough to finish in the top 4 the following season because on adventure in the CL might amount to being a massive distraction and then finding ourselves outside the top 4 the following season. Although, the domino effect of knocking someone out of the monopoly would mean by virtue of position we become stronger than them and a more suitable location for top class players who would have otherwise ignored us.
Fact is, we need to get into the CL in the first place to then be able to consolidate a top 4 position. After that the only way to survive is to challenge for the title every single season. The current 'elite top 4' have dominated domestically but perhaps football is about to change a little and a traditional 4 club elite will have to share the spoils.
Aside from 2010 going from bad to bloddy awful, has anyone else noticed the deterioration of Luka Modric?
The once Utd touted player is looking far from decent at present, I know he has had a long lay off but Luka has been poor at best this term when played....he doesn't boss, he doesn't score, he doesn't assist and he doesn't really create anything... he's supposed to be our Fabregas....only £15m dearer
Could Bale qualify for England and play in the world cup now that whinner cole is injured??! Come on Fabio, unearth an english grandparent!
Anyone fancy 3-0 for the replay at the Lane? I'm off 2 the bookies right now, first goal Jenas....
I was sitting there as Hudd waited to take the penalty, simply thinking "just twat it down the middle".... Needless to say, my attempt a telepathy failed miserably and instead he gifted it to Jaskalaaaaaaaiinen.
However, at the same time as thinking "twat it down the middle" I was thinking that the Finn is a damn good keeper when it comes to penalties and that he'd save it.
So maybe my telepathy powers do work, and it's my fault for confused thinking that Hudd missed.....
Nah - it was just a crap penalty!
I blame Walkerboy!
Me too. I'll get to banning his IP address, ASAP.
Modric has been out for a while and he's not exactly returned to a side thats doing great. Lets try and be a tad more patient with the lad.
watching the pen was wierd, because not only did I think he was going to miss (especially at 'the truffle shuffle'), but half way trough the thought 'just twat it down the middle popped into my head' like someone was trying to send me a telepathic message.
I would just like to say, it seems most people that comment on this site speak so much more sense that on other spurs sites. I have just been reading an anti-harry out article over at push and run, which was very good and spoke much sense. Some of the posters there are absolute bell-ends. Its nice to be able to read through sensible/humorous comments (and posts for that matter - well done spooks) without getting highly irate at the BS that some people come out with.
Keep up the good work everyone!
I blame David pleat
That game was agony to watch. Only Spurs eh?
I've said before some of these players must be the thickest in the premiership. I mean 2+2=3 dunce.
Harry may not be a tactical genius but ffs pass n move, drag people outta position, make runs, make space 4 others, cover their runs whilst switching shapes is what premier footballing teams are supposed to do is'nt it. Playiing against Spurs is becoming like a chess match against your 6 your old nephew. They know one check mate move which their mate told them at a school and after that they're lost. . A clearout is needed as at the moment its not a team its a patch job. Like a clown suit with courderoys patch one elbow and leather on the other and big multicoloured cotton bobble buttons in the middle we can't be taken seriously as a top 4 contender, even though underneath the suit some of our players are hiding dressed in Armani .
I just want us to finish as high as possible, hopefully in europe and someone to buy Jenas to get the ball rolling.
When it was given I was 'Woo hoo, COYS ....hmm...well it aint gonna be JD taking it....who? Ahhh'...I don't think it was even the fact Hudd was taking it I had no confidence....I think it was the fact that Spurs were taking it.
Everytime we have been asked a question this season we have failed to come up with an answer.
Top 3? smashed! Park the bus teams? Can't break em down, hell, they may even get a sucker punch while they're at it! The teams around us? Outplay them then throw it away.
All three examples show a clear pisspoor MENTALITY.
It's a cancer in our club, and no one top to bottom has the balls to grab hold of the problem.
I think one of the problems is that most teams have doubled up on Lennon, always leaving someone (Modric or Kranjcar) with a bit more freedom to play in. Whilst Lennon has been out, teams haven't needed to do that and a few of our lads have panicked in possession.
There's only so much 'Arry can do in terms of setting tactics etc. Once the players are out on the pitch it's ultimately their responsiblity to do the job, but some of them just aren't doing the basics. It's like after the Carling Cup Final 2 seasons ago when they all just went on the pitch like it was a jolly each week. Very few players out there are fighting for the right to get 4th place or even a victory.
Personally, I think that the reason Modric is not the player he was, is because he's fed up watching the bloody ball sail over his head from from back to front every five minutes as we hoof another inaccurate long ball up and down the pitch.
We are now Portsmouth, circa 2006/07.
sad to see.
Levey my fellow suffering cockerel there is closing down and closing down don't be fooled by Bolton if you watched Burnley at home you would see the same Tempo.You tell me this you seem a clever bloke how can a footballer weighing 14 half stone run round like Davies these players where playing way above there energy levels Muamba Rickettt Robinson Steinson Gardner Lee this is another team with injured players and i have told you a one legged Donkey will do, every team on paper is weaker yet stronger on the field amazing stats.One more fact most of the teams Managers are from the E .D. F. Energy league i call it, the championship except the one in the top four who also beat us with a weakened Team just one last thing for you to look at Davies interview for is Man of the match Display its eye opening if you get my Drift my Daughter Dominique Rumourwomen said his he on ****** I said no he wares contacts and he has lost them.' Enough of this its so predictable even my dog has is lead ready and i take him for a walk just in case i smash the television with energy rage . Now about the the Game Davies said Bolton should have won the game but here are the stats the first half .Free kicks Bolton 9 FREE kicks to Spurs 5 we had 3 Yellow to there 2 Bolton shots on Target 3 off target 6 we had 2 on 2 of target the Tempo from Bolton increased dramatically from 10 to 15 mins our first goal attempt was after 24 mins Second Half free kicks Spurs had 6 Bolton one Bolton shot on target o of 5 we gave the ball away in the second half a staggering 10 times from the back with no pressure and at last Dawson and King started heading back to Gomes something we have not done in the past .King 3 bale 3 Hudds 2 Corluka 2 i never done the first half but i bet it is worse .This needs to improve this prart of our game and it was better when Kranjcar came on because Moderic had is worse game and looked like someone has bent is ear for the summer exodus . Kranjcar gives us more bite with is six foot and 12 st 8 size when Harry looks on paper like he has done and notices there weak team he picks a side that he thinks can compete but on the field its totally different . All the fans at the games are left wondering why we don't we play the same way. and two teams in the bottem three have passed the ball like Barcelona And both players have not scored this year Jones and Davies both jim Beglin and the commentator said these quotes in the first half Jim Beglin said Bolton are playing aggressive quick tempo Football and the other said what's happened to the hitting long balls to Davies game and about is goal he said what a quick finish and not normaly the way Davies scores and this is what is catching players out 2010 wont be the norm because of dept fear and Liverpool and City are leading the way Teves four lungs Kuyt four Lungs we need a couple of four lungs to stop this Tempo Killing our game there is only two fast players with honest speed Lennon and Agbonlahor. just take a look at the home of energy RUGBY league top skint and in trouble Wafield we need massive desperation and dept to get up to Speed to beat some of these teams what is the differences between Wolves and Bolton Tempo none missing players none the only one is swapping places in the bottom three.I no i have had plenty of words and all you fans are pissed of but the second half of our game is normal and i dont mean because we had the best of hit i mean the tempo. AUSTRALIA ruby union when we won the world cup used to take pure caffeine tablets to improve there tempo and energy levels and till our drop goal win the had bean unbeatable the n Wada banned these drugs and they never won a game in 11 matches and Jones the coach was sacked this is the fear that drive some managers to use illegal means to win. Tempo is Ephedrine thats the true stats.
@ Spooky - spot on about attracting the top players via CL participation. Currently, either players won't join full stop or they will but only for ridiculous wages (Citeh.....). So it's a double-whammy situation; not only can you not attract the best players as, for example Chelsea can; you don't have as much cash as Chelsea (due to not being in the CL) and even if you can attract a player and afford their wages you are still likely to be paying more than Chelsea would for a comparable player....thus making you even poorer and less able to financially compete fo players......and so the cycle continues each season....
CL qualification and some spending cash (investment in the squad) in the summer should allow any "new" team to cement 4th place. Everton didn't manage it because they had no transfer fund to invest with, the season that they came 4th (that and Liverpool were still in, so attracting the top talent).
I don't see how it will be possible for us or Villa or even Liverpool to qualify for CL if Citeh take 4th this season, for the foreseeable future. Certainly not without ManU, Chelsea or L'Arse going bust.
Sad but true I'm afraid.....
I'm going to make a bid to take Jenas on loan.
@ Rumourman: Wow. Just wow.
good result today on the pigsty-pitch. Roman is a good lad and deserves more time. Can't wait for Lennon to come back. Can't wait to see JJ's back.