For some, it's a brutal interrogation. For others an itch that can be easily scratched

Stratford. It’s been discussed to death, then gets resuscitated and has the life sucked out of it once more before being dragged out of its shallow grave and throttled for just around the hundredth time. For some, it's a brutal interrogation. For others an itch that can be easily scratched.
It’s unlikely to change any time soon. Even with Boris rubber stamping the N17 project. I'll ignore the finer details of the various approval stages and clarity on funding until a later time when we know more. And I'll humour the prospect of East London because Levy believes its plausible even though others would suggest it would never be allowed to happen.
Humour on we go.
Spurs fans are split over the arguments for and against moving. Financially and in terms of progress, moving there makes sense if you take into account the avoidance of huge potentially crippling debt. A new chapter, same club, new area. The identity of the club is the fans so no matter where we stand or sing there won't be too much bother, right?
Well, no possibly wrong. Because philosophically it irks many of us considering the abuse aimed at Arsenal for their nomadic journey from South London to North London, renaming Gillespie Road etc etc. Football for many transcends corporate hospitality.
Let's have a sing-a-long...
"North London is ours North London is oooooooours, **** off back to Woolwich, North London is ours" - sang to the tune of Beach Boys / Sloop John B
...for how much longer we'll have to wait and see.
Might be just five miles down the road from N17 (doesn't look far at all when viewed on google maps) the traditionalists do not want to lose what they define as the clubs identify which is something that over time can quite possibly happen. Hypothetically, the next generation or two of Spurs fans will be born into a club that resides in East London and may well never know anything different. The sentiment here is – we are Tottenham. And the very essence of any club is where the club is even if most of us travel into the area and don't actually live there.
If West Ham left their current location the same identity make over would happen to them over time. Upton Park sits in an unwelcoming area which still provides character and provokes an atmosphere. At least it does when we visit. Although that might still happen if they moved into the Olympic Stadium and we visited Stratford instead. But I'll hazard a guess that it will be far less moody. In fact it wont be the same thing at all. But then going to the Emirates rather than Highbury hasn't changed the match-day buzz and hatred. But then they haven't actually moved out of their squat attachment area. Just up the road into a new swamp.
Is five miles East up the road?
These types of non-associations to revenue increase intricateness are the anchors to our tribal instincts. It's the stuff some would render irrelevant to progression and ample for sacrifice. Time and its annoying way of changing stuff, the interfering SOB. Football is forever changing and compared to the 1980's it's changed massively from terraces to CCTV to all seaters to family sections and executive boxes.
And this is where it gets messy. People’s perception of what defines a club is varied from one to the next. Traditionalists versus new agers. Tottenham’s history will never be in doubt. That can never be altered and will always be spoken about and remembered and past on from father to son. But the unity of fans at our club still remains strong and I hardly feel like I'm detached from the majority (even though there are plenty of head-shaking moments).
So, five miles? Okay, so you don't need to live or be born in Tottenham to claim the supporting bloodline so the new agers will argue that it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things and that the club and the fans are far stronger in spirit than a location/area and it's geographical importance. So if the Spurs landscape was to change then it would be no different to what has happened with Arsenal. You know, that thing with Arsenal. You know it right? The thing with the south and the move and renaming and stuff.
I personally have no idea if anyone in Woolwich or South London support or perceive Arsenal as their club considering they’ve moved. I doubt it. It's been along time. I do know Spurs and one or two others were not happy with them shifting desperately into North London. And it sort of turns my stomach to think that had they remained in South London, would all of their North London based fans have supported...nah, let’s not go there.
What about the national stadium? Wembley is North London, right? It's not been discussed as an option for ages because it's not an option. If we did move there – would you be happy with it? Geographically you would argue that Stratford is closer to our current home, so back to the question of whether we are all getting dizzy over the semantics of location and the name of said location?
We’re Tottenham, we’re North London, we sing it in songs, we remind our neighbours about it – in fact it’s the reason our neighbours are rivals and enemies. Perhaps if we moved to Stratford, in thirty years time, West Ham will be considered our main rivals (easy there Spammers, it's still 30 years off and it's theoretical so stick the champagne back into the ice bucket) because of the bitterness caused by moving onto their patch. Whilst over in North London, Arsenal are sat there on their own, Billy-no-mates. Doubtful of course that many many decades of hatred would be dismissed because of a five mile move. But one or two new songs will be birthed, for and against, by our fans and rival fans. And over time, priorities of hatred will probably change. But then we shouldn't be defining ourselves on who hates us. Who cares? But the point is - the club (five miles or not) will change at various fundamental levels which are dismissive to some but imperative to others.
These (dare I say) little things are important to many and outweigh the current obsessions with financial clout and branding and this relentless objective to expand and turn into footballing beast. Which is hardly a little thing. We need a 60,000 (more or less) ground.
Am I doing a good job of illustrating confliction of the soul?
I don’t think Stratford will be handed over to us if we wanted it any ways. I'd be shocked. Riots on the streets and such. Levy planting a flag on the site of the Olympic Stadium whilst chased by Sullivan and Gold and Brady who are throwing jellied eels and mash in his direction, foaming at mouth.
Haringey are blatantly taking the mick, as you would expect, with Levy in terms of using us to regenerate the area with our money as they appear to have no available monies to do the job themselves. Politics at play. Feasibility it seems on paper is winning the battle to remain ahead of matters of the heart. £460M is potentially crippling, as mentioned many times already - by fans and club.
And the club has to move forward, because it's not certain we can do it standing still?
So what do we do?
I don’t know.
What I do know is; there is an immediate necessity to reshape the club’s progression to maximise revenue in-order to remain competitive and appease the thousands waiting for season ticket availability and fans who wish to hold onto the past with what makes it special to be a Tottenham fan who do not want the foundations dug up and replaced with new building blocks of identity. We fear change. And those little things discussed surrounding rivalries, generational associations and geographic history - they matter.
Unfortunately suggestions that we should re-look at perhaps slowly rebuilding WHL, a stand at a time, are not considered viable. And remaining at a standstill would equate to stagnation.
This should not feel like being stuck between a rock and a hard place.
A nail in the coffin of Stratford?
N17: Home is where the heart is
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Reader Comments (61)
I don't know either Spooky. Sum's it up really. But Tottenham is where the heart is, so I s'pose........
We have to stay in Tottenham no ifs or butts, it's where we belong
The northumberland development project will go ahead. TOTTENHAM Hotspur football club in Stratford, as the famous tennis player used to say YOU CAN NOT BE SERIOUS
never have reffered to spurs as tottenham, so change the name to just spurs or hotspur fc, and move five miles to a much better future. where we have int. rail links, tube, new malls etc. the history stays with us, we did used to play at another ground before whl, who cares?
never have reffered to spurs as tottenham, so change the name to just spurs or hotspur fc, and move five miles to a much better future. where we have int. rail links, tube, new malls etc. the history stays with us, we did used to play at another ground before whl, who cares?
Stirring up the emotions again I see Mr Spooky.
If your not 110% behind putting the Club in hock to bankers for £700m over the next 30 yeers in dett repayerments then your not a reel fan end of.
Fuck's sake why don't Harry buy a world clarse striker or two so we can win the Prem? Sort it out Levy.
Or something.
"Unfortunately suggestions that we should re-look at perhaps slowly rebuilding WHL, a stand at a time, are not considered viable."....says who Spooky? That nice Mr. Levy I suppose. Based upon what evidence? If needs be, knock down what we have, ground share/use Wembley for a season while the new stadium is built and B******s to the hotel, shopping centre and other associated non-football developments, at least for stage 1.
Of course whatever happens, no doubt the whole scheme/scam will be used to justify not giving Harry the necessary money to buy the 50-goal a season strikers that we desperately need, so that when we fall back to mid-table mediocrity we won't need to spend money on a new stadium because there will be no demand.
If only Bernard Mathews hadn't died last week, Levy would have had the perfect buyer for the club, following the success of the Blackburn take-over.
Jaundiced? Moi? Never.
Can we stop discussing Stratford now Spooky on the grounds that it takes a long time to read a balanced article on the subject and at the end of the day (moving into football-speak now) we the fans will make absolutely no difference to the outcome?
No matter what happens Spurs will not lose their fanbase.
It will expand further.
Spooky, you're right--there is no definitive answer to this at the moment. We don't have enough information as fans to make an accurate assessment, nor will we get it. If the redevelopment of Tottenham is too expensive--to the point of financial rape--then it is clearly not in our interest.
I personally would love to see every effort made to redevelop Tottenham. For the reasons you outlined above and a few more. Not least of which is the fact that the Olympic Stadium is not a football stadium. I doubt it will feel like one, and, even if it does, the atmosphere would fail miserably to that which would be generated in our yet-to-be-built stadium. Far more intimidating, closer to the action, with a Kop styled stand. And how fucking proud would we be to call it ours? Brand new, not second hand.
That said though, Levy will do what is best for us. As long as we keep our name and our people, we will keep our identity.
Top blog mate.
Levy's a clever man isn't he? Nothumberland project with all requested heritage changes will cripple club without public finance backing. Only a bigger stadium can match Spurs' ambition. So, if you're a real supporter, and you want the best for your club.... move to Stratford, or put serious pressure on Haringey / Govt.
Personally, I'd be gutted to move to Stratford. I live in Haringey and support Spurs because they've been my local team since I was born. 5 miles is a bloody long way in London.
Stop sitting on the fence. Come on Spooky what do you want?
Something I realised the other day, whatever decision is made the whole "we are the Park Lane", "we are the shelfside" song will no longer be possible soon. what the hell will we sing when we're bored then?
The whole 'conflicted' thing is to gauge opinion. Trying to bat for both sides (ooh matron).
I don't want us to leave N17. Never have. Have admitted I would grudgingly except a move away if there was no other option to expand on the 36,000 capacity. Because I know we need that extra capacity. I'm also a traditionalist/romantic. And would rather achieve grand success modestly (I don't believe you need a 70,000 ground to dominate world football - but it helps).
"there is no definitive answer to this at the moment"
Spooky works this into all three of his Stratford blogs. It's a headfuck trying to argue for one option or the other.
Spooky. Come down off those "horns of a dilemma"... it's painful to witness !!
this whole soul-searching debate can be summed up in one word. And that word is Tottemham. Take "that" word out of the equation and the solution is simple.... Think about it, truly, deeply, rationally, objectively. I did.... COYS !!
We are Tottenham, Super Tottenham, not any more, we're just plain old Spurs la la la la la la la la la
Say no to drugs.
And Stratford.
I would love to build the new stadium in my Home Town Widnes but that would be selfish just like it would be stupid for our Leaders to move our beloved Team to the soup bowl stadium. This would be like moving the Queen to a council estate to save money . Dear Mr Levey ( sorry Spooks) ,We should let West Ham have the Soup bowl and the running track, one sad note we could have watched Lennon and Bale racing over 100 meter's before the kick off's. Our new Silver dome is stunning an it should stay where the smell of our History was made and the Spirit of our past players and managers roam. Then when the last remains of the lane have crumbled and our past History showers all over our Brand new Stadium and the tears and sadness for our dear old white heart lane have dried we will all gasp at the magnificent Super Silver stadium glistening in the sunshine and our Captain parading our third Title Mr Caulker We are Tottenham Tottenham we stay.
DaveK, just for the record, construction cost for rebuilt on existing structures are disproportionate to the extra space you end up with. Construction projects are costly things, and 'bolt ons' seldom work properly and have all manner of planning, structural engineering, M&E, access, fire regs, etc, etc issues, that mean greater risk.
Managing out risk in building stadia costs money. It's not just levy on this one saying 'we can't do it because....'.
perhaps that is what makes the issue so conflicting. The lack of a third option means that one way or another the fans will be dissappointed.
The interesting notion is that of wembley, when it was first mooted as an option, people were dead set against it. I wonder how they feel in the current climate were it to come back on the agenda.
Would make the stratford / N17 options seem a little more palatable on both major negative fronts.
Head says Stratford, Heart says N17.
Personally if the club left WHL for Stratford I would see it as a new club and no longer my club. I reckon a fair few would drift away as a result myself included. Nothing I can do about that just the way that it is and I am disappointed that Stratford is even an option on the table tbh.
As a "remote" fan it won't make a blind bit of difference to me, if I'm perfectly honest. The whole debate is as clearly heart vs. head as it can be, and as my links to the local site are pretty tenuous I just want to see the club move forward.
At the same time on this issue, I desperately want to see either unity or acceptance from my fellow fans on whatever transpires so we can all go forward together. As fence-sitting goes, I know I can't really do any better than that, but I will still support the mighty Spurs through thin and thin.
Summarising my thoughts on the options
1) Move to Stratford, drastically increase capacity and hence revenue, minimise debt, compete with the biggest on a sound footing, lose historical geographical links, lose a bit of soul to the corporate machine.
2) Redevelopment project - drastically increase capacity and hence revenue, huge debts but retain spiritual home. Risk of administration?
3) Redo the odd stand here and there - will transport links support capacity increase on existing site? Hit on revenues whilst entire stands are redeveloped? Is it feasible from a space/construction point of view? Would this really be any cheaper when loss of revenue and costs are added up? 10 years playing in a building site? But again, retaining spiritual home.
4) Do nothing until the world economy improves or public money available. Risk falling behind as those teams who have moved to new homes pay off their debts, we haven't progressed.
I was going to say it myself, but it's been said above: It's not like we'll really have a say anyway...
The whole athletics thing sounds like a dealbreaker in any event unless you have one of those tracks that pops out as the stands move back like one of those big maps James Bond villains have.
At no stage whatsoever has Levy, anyone connected with Spurs or indeed AEG ever proposed a move to the Olympic Stadium. It is a move to the Olympic site, with the Olympic Stadium demolished and a football stadium rebuilt, that has been proposed.
Lets drop the hysterics of "they'll be a bloody running track in the way!!" and try and give some accuracy to an otherwise very reasoned debate on the merits of NLD/Olympic site/Other option.
Money talks, IMO games will end up being played overseas, so wont matter where the fans are from then, (BTW if the 39th game took place in winter someplace warm this might not be such a bad idea, im sure the players wouldn't complain). As regards the Stratford we need to take into account what happened to the team down the road, they have a nice fancy stadium but have been short on buying players at the peak of their game for the past 5yrs, hence we beat them. if Levy thinks moving to Statford is way to avoid this i'd have to trust him on this on regardless of tradition (yes even that long walk up Seven Sisters road)
I thought it was common knowledge we would knock down the OS any ways? Hence the whole 'how dare you touch our running track' nonsense.
i am hoping the decision is taken out of our hands by them chosing WH and not us, and lets face it - it has to be at least 60-40 in their favour.
that way i don't have to think of the logical reasons for Stratford and just dream of a gleaming new stadium where we belong, even if the financial contraints are stacked against us.
we have to be in Tottenham, not Statford, it would kill it for me if we moved. And I live 2 stops from Strat on the central line.
This will run and run. Don't think we'll know for certain for another six months.
Spurs need a new modern stadium with a sufficient capacity if they want to stay a big club also in the coming decades. What else they need to this purpose is to expand their current number of supporters in London, England and worldwide. In the coming decades only clubs which their home ground has a capacity of over the sixty-sixty five thousands of spectators will be able to compete in a high level. Traditions are good and respectable but new trends and demands have also to be taken into account. So the financial factor will determine the next move. Let all of us support any decision which will be to the benefit of our club.
I thought so too Spooky - but then you post an image of the Olympic Stadium with "THFC" on the seats and a bright red running track......whatarethechancezzz...... ;)
living untold miles from tottenham for all the 50 years ive seen the games ill say that the least enjoyable aspect of the day has been the journey to the ground intercity undergroud overground-bus/ on foot ,win lose or draw the transport system bypassed tottenham hotspur.take a blueprint of the northumberland project make the v sign to the two faced politicians and move 5miles how many spurs fans walk to the ground anyway,,not many i bet
Win the OS, then sell it to WH to help pay for the new N17 stadium.
Revert some of the stands in the existing stadium to 'safe' standing areas to increase capacity, and improve atmosphere.
Has anyone considered the extra revenue we would generate by moving to the Olympic Stadium? The amount of tourists going there to visit should not be underestimated. Personally, I'm not tied to N-17 in any way and I'd hate to see the club possibly struggle with a huge debt. I'd also hate to see the aforementioned tourists buying into the West Ham "dream" on the day they visit the Olympic Stadium. In all honesty it would be a brilliant marketing move for the club.
Stratford? ........
....sums it up for me.
Anyone wanna buy my dead nan's body? I was emotionally tied, but with the money I can buy a bigger caravan.
yes lets pack the ground with tourists...have you been to the Emirates? it's crap mate..
I was speechless when I first heard about Stratford option, but after reading and hearing many debates in favor of the move and against it, my opposition to the move softened dramatically. In soul searching I came to the conclusion that by loving and supporting Spurs or Tottenham Hotspur I always meant of the FC and never Tottenham district. On the other hand, I suppose there are many people for whom the locality of the club means more than the club itself. Chelsea FC, as well as the Spurs, has domestic and worldwide following. If their FC decide to relocate their fans will never have locality issue to argue about, because of the fact that they were never located in Chelsea, but in Fulham. I am not sure that half of their supporters know about this fact, and the other half don’t give a rat’s azz about it, because it is FC that matters to them. The same as the Spurs FC matter to me. Basically, what I’m trying to say, I will continue to support my Spurs whether they stay or relocate to OS. I will also say that Spurs future growth and success should not be sacrificed for maintaining Balkan mentality in 21st century.
If spurs are worried about long term debt, why did we start the project in the first place.
surely we knew the risk before hand, even before the extra 60 million because of the heritage trust, there was still going to be a massive debt.Just will not accept its because of the council and the heritage trust, but because it is more economical to move to stratford.
Also all you pro stratford fans, i bet you all live around , KENT& ESSEX, where you have no ties to north london, and will be easier for you to get there.
Spooky, you should stop skirting around the issue and pose the real question for debate, which is- HOW MUCH WOULD YOU ACCEPT FOR THE DEATH OF TOTTENHAM HOTSPURS FC ?. Only the fake spurs need to respond
Admittedly it was a tad further than 5 miles, but when Wimbledon left Plough Lane for MKeynes, they stopped being Wimbledon. I suspect and fear the same might happen to Tottenham.
I live in Tottenham, I support Tottenham and will never ever consider watching us in Stratford. What most people do not realise is that without the club, this part of Tottenham would fall apart. Without all the foot traffic of match days, many businesses would not be viable. What would be left in Tottenham, once the club had moved, White Hart Lane and the surrounding area would be redeveloped, probably housing in an already built up area. The clubs old logo incorporated the Trees that depict Seven Sisters and the the tower from nearby Bruce Castle, we dropped that and now look to drop the the area where we come from. Is it just me or does some pride in the history of your club, your area mean anything any more? We are Tottenham, Super Tottenham, forget Stratford, and for all of those who don't live locally Stratford is in the arse end of nowhere and I like everyone else have complete faith in the Olympics being a success. We are Tottenham, Super Tottenham and we stay in Tottenham, otherwise we just become some soulless corporate franchise. If we leave the day after the new Tottenham will be reborn, just like AFC Wimbledon and FC United of Manchester, but til that day we must fight to stay in Tottenham
Hi spudies! Did u come down to earth yet?
something for u to read.
I want whatever is best for Spurs' future.
If stratford is the future, then so be it - however not with that sh*thole stadium design for a venue you'[ve got pictured. I want all the best bits of the NDP design with more pros relating tro money savings (i.e not bankrupting the club) and squad investment if we're to move.
There is no chance Levy's bid will be accepted unless he agrees to keep the running track (as WHUFC have). We all know that's totally unacceptable, and the idea of rebuilding a brand spanking new stadium with 'retractable' stands which reveal a running track is complete pie in the sky and would probably cost more to build than the proposed NDP. Keith Mills' half baked and hopeful (hopeless) idea of building another running track 'somewhere in London' to appease the The Olympic Park Legacy Company is also a non starter.
Keith Mills, vice chairman of the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games, inventor of Air Miles, the 'Nectar' loyalty card and more importantly, a non-executive director of Tottenham Hotspur, has been bending Levy's ear about the commercial potential a move to Stratford would have and recently had this to say on the matter:
''Even if we are the preferred bid we need to see what the deal is, what the economics are like and only then make a proper assessment about which option makes more sense.''
''We'll be moving to a part of London that is 100% more accessible; we'll generate more revenue; it's closer to Canary Wharf and to the City; and it'll attract more sponsorship".
There you have it, being 'closer to Canary Wharf and to the City' a.k.a. the moolah, is obviously seen as more important than the club remaining at its rightful home in the district of the club's name, and as for being '100% more accessible', what exactly does Mills have planned? Is his next invention one that will teleport each and every fan instantaneously to their seat?
The only way I see Levy's bid being successful is if he reneges on his 'no running track' demand.
This is nothing more than an opportunistic attempt to turn the club and the Olympic Park into a corporate O2esque (grotesque) theme park under the false pretence of non-competitiveness and debt.
Supporters of this move are supporting the sale of their club and its soul.
Brook very interesting read that. Did you have a point at all?
WHITE HART LANE is the ground
For the best team around
And to see them just fills you with wonder
So we'll sing them along
With a Spurs football song
The pride of NORTH London
Nice one Cyril
Nice one son
Nice one Cyril
Let's have another one
OLYMPIC is the ground
For the best team around
And to see them just fills you with wonder
So we'll sing them along
With a Spurs football song
The pride of EAST London
Not a nice one Cyril.
I rest my case.
The south stand will still be the Park Lane and the east stand will still be the Shelf Side even if they move the whole stadium 80 yards or whatever it is northward.
Has anyone pointed out this perspective?
What if the NDP goes through more or less as planned? Someone finds some loose change of taxpayer money to allieviate the financial burden on the club:
2013: A sparkling new stadium, designed so that 65.000 adoring tottenham faithful feel like they can reach out and touch the players on the pitch in an unparralelled purpose-built engineering wonder, all in the warm, safe bosom of N17. The attractive new housing, supermarket, public spaces and top-of the line transportation infrastructure, along with other improvement initiatives are an infusion of economic activity into the area.
2015: Investors and spectulators consider the area to be in ascendency and a trickle of private sector investment, becomes a brook... becomes a river...
2019: Frequent articles grace the cover of architectual, style and real estate periodicals boasting Tottenham as swanky and fashionable. Kebab shops close, boutiques and hair salons open in their stead.
2035: Financial Times cover the story: "Study Shows Real Estate Prices In N17 Have Quadrupled Over The Past Decade". The area is now predominantly inhabited by Prius [the 2035-equivalent, that is] owners in households with 2,35 children. Polo is the most popular sport in North London and locals complain of the invasion of beer-swilling savages to the Tottenham EASports Arena every fortnight.
2045: The Tottenham Corporation & Partners FC is now the best supported EPL club in Asia, and there is increasing pressure on the management to look to expand the capacity to around 120.000 to accomodate the huge demand for season tickets. The fans are split in two. There are those who want "what's best for the club" by moving to nearby Oxford [remember: travel is much easier, faster and cheaper in 2045, so relative distances are reduced] where a stadium can be built inexpensively. The rest are concerned that the club would lose it's identity, and would so miss taunting the cake-eating locals in N17 each match day, as is their time-honored tradition, that they would rather the club forget financial restraints for once, and opt for the potentially far more expensive option of redeveloping the existing site.
meanwhile, back in 2010... (dooodly-doop... doodly-doop...)
I guess what I'm saying is that, one way or the other, things will invariably change. For the better or for the worse is sometimes hard to say, and impossible to prove - but things will change. We can't delude ourselves into thinking that 'what Tottenham means to me is exactly the same as what it has meant to every Spurs fan before me'. Obviously, we don't see our team in the same way as the fans did in, say 1950, before the record-breaking teams of the '60's. The intangible essence of what Tottenham is, has changed.
And so it will continue to change, either in N17 or Stratford, or somewhere else. Change can be good. It can be bad. It is usually frightening.
Stop talking sense.
If we don't win the league this season, Redknapp has to go.
Been away for so long, do they still sing " Hello hello Tottenham agro tottenham agro"
My feeling is that Stratford Spurs will happen. Unfortunately the numbers just don't add up to anything else. Firstly, £150 million difference in costs between Stratford and Northumberland; and secondly, the spammers bid for Stratford is not economically viable - they can't even fill the 35,000 capacity Boleyn Ground while in the Premier League and Premier League status for WH is certainly not a given every season.
WTF Did you just do? How dare you!!!!!!!!!!!!! (don't bother counting, there are 13) I was loving 2045 - I'd just moved into my new six story town house in the prestigious area known as Shelf Side, and was sipping champagne whilst daydreaming about another Champions league tattoo
(dooodly-doop... -YOU- doodly-doop...UTTER - doodly-doop - BASTARD.
On a serious note though - You nailed it.....
Danial Levy AND ENIC - What do we think of them? Ok, So they're not Indian Chicken farmers, Or Oil caked dependents of Arab Kings, who have grown weary of Cocaine and Drifting! But what do you really think - Have they got the Clubs best interests at heart? I think so! I have utter trust in the board and truly believe they are determined to, not only wake the giant, but to get it on its feet, and have it run amuck!
Let's just hold firm...... and i the mean time back Levy