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Congrats to Harry...good work fella

36 league games. 18 wins. 7 draws. 11 defeats. Scored 52. Conceded 43. 1.69 points per game average.

14 cup games. 8 wins. 3 draws. 3 defeats. Scored 34. Conceded 17. 73% won.


Congratulations to Harry Redknapp and reaching 50 games as Spurs guv.

We play with balance and structure. With intent and style. Players playing for each other. Players playing in their strongest positions. There's some guile in there along with plenty of pride and passion. And when we lack these virtues, we bunk up with lady-luck. We are professional when faced with lesser opposition (was that another 5-1 victory last night?) and regardless of the disappointment of the last two league games, there's no doubt we will look to make amends with Burnley visiting the Lane on Saturday.

Harry has made us consistent. More focused. Still plenty of work to be had. We have injury issues at CB. Another CM is required. Set-pieces need improving. There are players that may or may not be here cometh the end of the next transfer window. As much as we need to develop a siege mentality to get us through games against the Sky Sports elite clubs, it wont happen over night. We just have to keep working at it.

Losing to both Utd and Chelsea might hurt, but one step at a time. If we beat everyone other than those two we'd do just fine. Points won against Top 4 clubs has never amounted to much in our overall tally. Not dropping points away and at home against bottom 10 clubs is the foundation to build on. Nothing insightful here. Just the plain obvious. And that's where Harry has worked so well. Unlike his predecessor who made a mess of selection and tactics. And ex-legends who tried to play a brand of football that the players were not capable of. Harry and his 'run around a lot and kick it in the net' philosophy. Who'd have thought, hey?

Beating Arsenal and Man City however is something I'd love to see us work towards.

Roll on. More of the same please.


Sol Campbell. I've read some pretty ridiculous things in the past day, posted by Spurs fans trying to justify to themselves how re-signing him would actually work regardless of the 'history'. Granted these remarks were made on message boards. And there's no reason to even entertain them. But I'll do so anyway. As a general FAO to any simpleton who still harbours some demented perverted desire to see this Benedict Arnold don our colours again.

Reasons for an ear-bleeding inducing unequivocal 'no'?

Firstly, he lied and left us for them lot on a free and followed it up by genuinely believing he did nothing wrong and believed the abuse aimed at him on his first return to the club had racial connotations and nothing to do with anything else.
Secondly, he's quite obviously not quite right in his head if he's signing for a club then quitting a game later. It's a trend.
Thirdly, he's not as good as people assume he is, much like the obsession many have with Patrick Vieira. Just because you performed well in the past doesn't mean you still can today.
And finally, only the first reason above is of any worthy consequence in a discussion about whether we'd take him back. It's not even a discussion, it’s a dismissal and slap across the back of the head for person suggesting it.

Only a very small minority are whispering their opinion on what would be their theoretical approval of welcoming back 'Mr Tottenham Hotspur'. The reality is altogether different. Harry knows he'd ruin what he has with us if he attempted to bring him back. Levy wouldn't even consider it. But the greatest fail-safe is that the player himself is probably telling people he'd never return to Spurs because of the way the fans have treated him since he's left.

I'd rather we sell Modric to Utd for £2M and re-sign Gary Doherty and play him in central midfield as our playmaker.

Reader Comments (24)

"It's all about superstition. Since I came to Norwich, my goal tally's been rubbish really. I used to wear 12 at Luton and Tottenham, and I used to be quite free-scoring during those times." - Gary Doherty ...nuff said really

Sep 24, 2009 at 11:30 AM | Unregistered CommenterVolaman

Harry has been great for us. Got the basics right. Levy has kept his nose out of it and we've continued to improve. Big hugs from me.

Sep 24, 2009 at 11:51 AM | Unregistered CommenterFC YidArmy

How can any Spurs fan entertain the notion of Campbell returning? He dicked the club royally, joined our enemies, then whined incessantly about the abuse that he knew would be forthcoming, even before he did the deed.

On top of that, he's old and crocked and getting slower by the week. His return would create a vicious atmosphere in the stands, and ruin team morale.

Let him become a squad player for Southend United. That's about his level right now.

Sep 24, 2009 at 11:56 AM | Unregistered CommenterNinjaYid

Players in their best positions - wot like Robbie Keane on the left? ;-/

Seriously, though: far too much has been made about the United/Chelsea games, record agains the 'Big 4', and eevidencing how far the teamhas progressed (not far according to the pundits after the Chelsea defeat). I would give a totally opposite interpretation.
1) Even teams like Liverpool and United at the height of their pomp lose the occasional back-to-back games (or more), sparking talks of crisis and demise.
2) Spurs record against the 'Big 4' last season was actually better than united's - and they won the Prem!
3) I am aware that top top teams have to be able to cope with injuries, but the following needs pointing out: From the start of the season we have had only two central defenders, one of whom is perennially injured and cannot train, or play more than 1 game a week, and the other is new, young, bedding into the team, adn somewhat chucked in at the deep end. We actually finished the Chelsea game without even 1 central defender on the pitch. We were also missing our main playmaker for these two games, and first choice keeper.
4) The first 6 fixtures included 3 of the 'Big 4', and 2 of the remaining 3 games were away matches. In this context, and in light of the injuries situation (3, above) 12 points from these six games is a pretty good tally. Add to this 2 CC 5-1 victories and this record looks even more impressive.
5) So much has been made of the United/Chelsea scenario showing how far the team has progressed. I would argue that it is more apt to look at the form after an inevitable setback. Traditionally, promoted teams (e.g. Burnley) and dogged-fighter-teams (e.g. Bolton) are precisely the type of teams that we have struggled against - especially after some disapointments, when the Big Time Charlie self-pity/too good for this opposition mentality kicks-in. I would argue, therefore, that the next 4 games, games that, on paper, we should win, wlll show far more how far the team has progressed than the United/Chelsea ones did! The PNE game was part of that, coulda been a real banna-skin.

Sep 24, 2009 at 11:59 AM | Unregistered CommenterSean

Enjoyable blogs!
But just quietly, not sure the states quoted add up....or maybe it should read 'undefeated in 72% of all games' ?

Sep 24, 2009 at 12:03 PM | Unregistered CommenterTIMBER

To be fair, Robbie on the left is just cover rather than what Ramos attempted with Bentley.

Sep 24, 2009 at 12:03 PM | Unregistered CommenterJep

Funny I was just looking at Harry's record aswell:



12 4 2 24 10 40



6 3 9 28 33 21



18 7 11 52 43 61

Sep 24, 2009 at 12:08 PM | Unregistered Commenterfuzzy dunlop

Did anyone else notice that Bale broke his jinx as well last night

Sep 24, 2009 at 12:10 PM | Unregistered CommenterWired

Cup game though. Does it count?

Sep 24, 2009 at 12:11 PM | Unregistered CommenterJep

Off subject I know (yes & I agree Harry's done very well), has anyone noticed how many times the opposition score by beating Hutton and in all cases appearing to do it easily or by his poor positioning alone??

Happened again last night and it just struck me that it appears to be becoming a habit. Maybe Kyle should get his chance sooner than expected...

Sep 24, 2009 at 12:12 PM | Unregistered CommenterBelfSpur

Hutton is a liability at the back. I just dont rate him. Fine attacking, drunk as a skunk defending.

Sep 24, 2009 at 12:15 PM | Unregistered Commenterfilthy

Great post Sean

Sep 24, 2009 at 12:17 PM | Unregistered CommenteriYid

Why is anyone discussing S Campbells current form in this debate. I wouldnt care if he was better then Ledley, Woody and Daws rolled into one and he wanted to return for luncheon vouchers only. It is a no brainer and even Arry has clocked that he would lose all of the goodwill of the fans that he has gained in the last 12 months.

This guy insulted the intelligence of every Spurs fan with his lies and attitude when he went to the scum. It would have been upsetting to lose a great player but he could have gone to a bigger more successful club and I for one would have wished him well . Professional advancement in any field is the peroggative of any individual but lying and sticking 2 fingers up to people who have supported you so well is just unacceptable.

Sep 24, 2009 at 12:22 PM | Unregistered CommenterBertie23

Irrespective of the history (but obviously in this case NOT ignoring it!!) I'd not be happy signing someone of his age anyway.

We're looking forward and I'd prefer spending money on young blood who'll learn from playing alongside the likes of Ledley, Woodgate & even Dawson. The advantage for them coming in (as opposed to what seems any other young player in any position at our club!) would be with the injury history of all of them they should get a couple of 1st class games if they are good enough.

It's partly the press pushing this crap and I've felt a couple of times (in the early stages anyway) Harry maybe testing the reaction. I'll guarantee if the forums etc carried the majority of posters saying "yeah, what the hell" Harry would have signed him.

Sep 24, 2009 at 12:29 PM | Unregistered CommenterBelfSpur

This guy insulted the intelligence of every Spurs fan with his lies and attitude when he went to the scum.

/\ THIS /\

Sep 24, 2009 at 12:38 PM | Unregistered CommenterThe Machine

Bale has already won in Cup competitions... but good to see him back and hopefully gaining some confidence.

Sep 24, 2009 at 12:54 PM | Unregistered CommenterMatt

Doesn't time just fly by when you're not losing and at the arse end of the Prem? Well done Spooky for pointing out that it's 50 games now - I can't remember the last time I was this fired up about our chances as a team and not just pinning my hopes that one or two individuals might have their day. Credit is due to Arry for getting some of the players heads straight - his comment regarding Gio was just another example of changing the psychology of players within the club.

Aside, I hope dos santos gets well soon, now that he's got Arry backing his new dedication and attitude, it would do him and us a world of good if he was fit enough to be picked to show what he can do. Any news on this particular setback?

Sep 24, 2009 at 12:55 PM | Unregistered CommenterTrembly

Judas is not even worth a discussion. Pplease add a kick in the nut sack to that slap in the back of the head of anyone suggesting it.

Sep 24, 2009 at 12:57 PM | Unregistered CommenterTrembly

Hey! im the real filthy the real one,not that smuggy twat above. please stop useing my name

Sep 24, 2009 at 12:58 PM | Unregistered Commenterfilthy

me finks we looked good against cheatski and we had em on toast for a while in the 1st alf.even psb was quite allright,
bugger man u and bugger cheatski we are going ok and if arry can get us to play like that against burnley lovely 3 points in the fact the loss to man u n cheastski isnt a barometer of where we are at.its when we play the other teams home and away thats where we should be gauging if we are any good...if we had king and woodie and moders playing againts man u n cheatski we would av nicked the even getting to appreciate arrys lack of match changing golly spurs av and r developing a very healthy work ethic..its actualy quite brilliant we play great football and are capable of grinding teams down..not impressed with psb kicking the ball out when drongoba went down.i hope arry gets into the players about that and tells em to play to the whistle.also anelka got away with the judo throw on bassong..out of order e was and i ope woodgate gives it to anelka next time we meet em...coys

Sep 24, 2009 at 12:59 PM | Unregistered Commentersimon

Bale has got a great record in Cup games - over 80% win ratio - it is simply that he has never won a game in the Premier League!

Sep 24, 2009 at 5:05 PM | Unregistered CommenterNicko

The fact Campbell would rather do nothing for 4 months than fulfil his contract or even make a go of it until Christmas says all you need to know about the quality of this character. Low life, looks after no.1, to hell with everyone else.

As for Redknapp's acheivements, they make good reading, dragging us up from a very low point to a place where we can at least has some self respect and pride. He has seen our weaknesses and tried to address them and seen our strengths and tried to build on them.

Regardless of tactics, who plays where, team selection etc, i would like to see us slightly less open in our style. Even PNE created half a dozen decent chances and could hve scored 2 or 3. I know our defence was makeshift but i think it needs addressing long term.

Sep 24, 2009 at 5:32 PM | Unregistered CommenterDevonshirespur

I'll be glad when Campbell finally retires and we can stop obsessing over him and concentrate on supporting those who actually do still wear the lilywhite. No more dodgy chants, no more whining to the police... what will we do with ourselves?
I wonder if he gave his signing-on fee back to County?

No Krancjar against Preston so hopefully he'll get to start on the left against Burnley. Crouch deserves promotion from the bench too, his backheeled volley oozed confidence. Forget about losing to the two best teams in the country, it's these sort of games where 3rd-6th will be decided and with our injury problems at the back the best form of defence will be attack. We should adopt the attitude whereby we punish them for daring to turn up at WHL!

Sep 25, 2009 at 12:42 AM | Unregistered CommenterNext Season

I agree, the big 4 games are being well exaggerated. Christ, look at Arsenal! They've collected 9pts from 3 teams that have 4 wins between them from 17 games. They've lost (convincingly to Man City) to the only two top 4 contenders they faced. Somehow, they are a lock for a top 4 and we're shite. I agree, the statement of our intent will be the next 4 games going into the Arsenal match. I expect to take 10pts minimum anything less, we'll be fighting for 6th with Villa.

Sep 25, 2009 at 3:48 AM | Unregistered CommenterTim

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