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Entries in Sol Campbell (10)


Congrats to Harry...good work fella

36 league games. 18 wins. 7 draws. 11 defeats. Scored 52. Conceded 43. 1.69 points per game average.

14 cup games. 8 wins. 3 draws. 3 defeats. Scored 34. Conceded 17. 73% won.


Congratulations to Harry Redknapp and reaching 50 games as Spurs guv.

We play with balance and structure. With intent and style. Players playing for each other. Players playing in their strongest positions. There's some guile in there along with plenty of pride and passion. And when we lack these virtues, we bunk up with lady-luck. We are professional when faced with lesser opposition (was that another 5-1 victory last night?) and regardless of the disappointment of the last two league games, there's no doubt we will look to make amends with Burnley visiting the Lane on Saturday.

Harry has made us consistent. More focused. Still plenty of work to be had. We have injury issues at CB. Another CM is required. Set-pieces need improving. There are players that may or may not be here cometh the end of the next transfer window. As much as we need to develop a siege mentality to get us through games against the Sky Sports elite clubs, it wont happen over night. We just have to keep working at it.

Losing to both Utd and Chelsea might hurt, but one step at a time. If we beat everyone other than those two we'd do just fine. Points won against Top 4 clubs has never amounted to much in our overall tally. Not dropping points away and at home against bottom 10 clubs is the foundation to build on. Nothing insightful here. Just the plain obvious. And that's where Harry has worked so well. Unlike his predecessor who made a mess of selection and tactics. And ex-legends who tried to play a brand of football that the players were not capable of. Harry and his 'run around a lot and kick it in the net' philosophy. Who'd have thought, hey?

Beating Arsenal and Man City however is something I'd love to see us work towards.

Roll on. More of the same please.


Sol Campbell. I've read some pretty ridiculous things in the past day, posted by Spurs fans trying to justify to themselves how re-signing him would actually work regardless of the 'history'. Granted these remarks were made on message boards. And there's no reason to even entertain them. But I'll do so anyway. As a general FAO to any simpleton who still harbours some demented perverted desire to see this Benedict Arnold don our colours again.

Reasons for an ear-bleeding inducing unequivocal 'no'?

Firstly, he lied and left us for them lot on a free and followed it up by genuinely believing he did nothing wrong and believed the abuse aimed at him on his first return to the club had racial connotations and nothing to do with anything else.
Secondly, he's quite obviously not quite right in his head if he's signing for a club then quitting a game later. It's a trend.
Thirdly, he's not as good as people assume he is, much like the obsession many have with Patrick Vieira. Just because you performed well in the past doesn't mean you still can today.
And finally, only the first reason above is of any worthy consequence in a discussion about whether we'd take him back. It's not even a discussion, it’s a dismissal and slap across the back of the head for person suggesting it.

Only a very small minority are whispering their opinion on what would be their theoretical approval of welcoming back 'Mr Tottenham Hotspur'. The reality is altogether different. Harry knows he'd ruin what he has with us if he attempted to bring him back. Levy wouldn't even consider it. But the greatest fail-safe is that the player himself is probably telling people he'd never return to Spurs because of the way the fans have treated him since he's left.

I'd rather we sell Modric to Utd for £2M and re-sign Gary Doherty and play him in central midfield as our playmaker.


Respect Sol Campbell? Thanks, but no thanks

I said I would not refer back to this, but it seems that Sol Campbell and his chums in the media won't let go, so here we are again. It's a reflex of mine to react like this even when I know in my heart of hearts that my time is better spent drinking from a bottle of rum and grooming my Ricky Villa beard. But the tabloids are at it again.

The Daily Mirror yesterday run a story entitled 'Why Tottenham Fans should respect Sol Campbell as a true servant to football'.

The story initially concentrates on promoting a campaign he has set up (Kids Go Live) which aims to get children aged from seven to eleven to experience more live sport (football, hockey, horse riding - are examples listed). Its a campaign which has government backing and is personally funded by the player. Good luck to him.

But rather than just concentrate on the campaign itself, the author of the piece (John Cross) can't quite decide what the article should focus on. He starts digging his hole with some rather oh so obvious Solesque friendly statements which turn the article into yet another pro-Campbell is Great propaganda piece that paints the player as a humble, quiet man who is the paradox of modern day PR obsessed footballers. Bit like Paul Scholes. Although he's ginger and therefore not newsworthy.

The irony is of course laughable. Campbell and his PR machine are masters of the subtle touch.

The piece includes some info about what he likes (photography) and his love of films and market stalls and a couple of iconic name drops (Spike Lee and Denzel Washington). All wishy washy soundbites that contain not an iota of insight. It's like reading a textbook profile from a online dating website. But it serves its purpose in promoting Campbell.

He still harbours a desire to play abroad and live a different culture and venture into management after he's retired from kicking a ball about. Apparently this makes him 'a bit different' because he isn't falling out of a club smashed out of his head. He is then compared with Graeme Le Saux and that players who don't have a WAG and a Bentley are singled out for abuse by fans.

I work with a couple of pretentious people who read broadsheets. They get singled out (I just did it by calling them pretentious), in the same way they single out The Sun readers in the office. Welcome to Planet Earth and the bullyboy culture. Maybe Le Saux was singled out because he was a git regardless of his reading material?

Football might be this big bad brash heterosexual its a mans man game, but we all know different. It's not the 70's and 80's anymore. We just conform to a stereotype and just about get away with it. It's easier to box things up in black and white (excuse the terrible pun). Football stands are not quite an intellectual forum of discussion and discourse, are they? Even if they do manage to birth some splendid moments of comic genius in the way of non-offensive chants and banners. I guess that stereotype for many of us is acting the caveman when in fact we all take a cheeky look at a broadsheet from time to time.

Of course, there is still an element that is stuck in the past and take themselves far too seriously, with no grasp of what is right and wrong.

The article obviously does the unsurprising thing of dragging back the 'racist and homophobic' story that caused such a stir in the aftermath of the chanting that took place at the Pompey v Spurs game that led to several mug shots of Spurs fans appearing on the Most Wanted list.

Which is the reason for my reflex and this blog article.

This (the racist and homophobic chanting), according to Cross, is punishment for leaving Spurs on a Bosman. We are then given some trivia about his England career and that just because Campbell isn't spotted with a Page 3 bird doesn't mean he should be subjected to mindless chanting.

'Family man' Campbell should not be singled out for this type of abuse. And I agree. But lets not lose sight of the facts. A minority sang those chants. The majority don't include racism and homophobic chanting when telling Campbell what they think of him.

The article then mentions one or two other high profile players as examples of professionals who are also subjected to similar chants. Not that you will ever hear any of the players complain about it in casual newspaper articles or proceed to bang on about it for years and years. Cross highlights an example of an Arsenal fan calling a Fulham player a 'f**king poof'', yet the article still manages to end with a reference to Tottenham fans. But then the whole article is an exercise in the Campbell is good, Spurs fans are bad agenda.

You can read the piece in it's entirety here and make your own mind up. Cross ends it with the following: "Boo him, hate him, whatever. But don't abuse him".

Ok. Thanks for the permission and clarification. Can I quote you next time Spurs play Pompey? Try taking the average football supporter aside and define what constitutes the difference in hate and abuse when being actively vocal at a football match.

I don't condone racism or homophonic chanting. The Lunacy song that caused so much unwanted publicity was distasteful, but a court of law did not deem it either racist or homophonic. Possibly because its so ambiguous and impossible to prove one way or another. The Spurs fans arrested and charged were done so (in the end) for singing more simple and crude chants. The type that police and stewards and players and the media have not deemed newsworthy in the past. Although if the intent is of a certain over the top and vindictive nature, then you deserve to get done. Whether they would have got done if the player had not made an official complaint is altogether another thing.

Not suggesting by the way that the Lunacy song is now ok to sing. It isn't. Spurs and the police act on it if they witness anyone stupid enough to burst into song. But the song is not what its made out to be by Campbell and some quarters of the media. I'm referring to the insulting and ridiculous suggestion that Spurs fans are aware of racist connotations relating to having black people from trees in 'racist America' a number of years ago. And that we are singling out the player because he is black and that's the reason we hate him.

<--- Insert tumbleweed here --->

Bullshit. Regardless, a way for us to avoid these accusations being made in the first place is to not sing the song full stop. Hum it. Don't sing it.

As a simple note to Cross and Campbell, even though I think Spurs fans should move on and forget about him, the majority won't because they know that the booing and hatred still gets to Campbell on the pitch and affects his game. And for that reason, it's justified to boo and scream non-racist and non-homophobic chants in his direction.

The Pièce de résistance however is when Cross calls him a footballer with a conscience. Comedy gold right there from our Mirror journo.

All I see is a former Spurs youth player and first team captain, Mr Tottenham Hotspur (that's the name he gave himself) who couldn't keep his mouth shut about wanting to stay at the club and wanting to sign a new contract because he loved the club so much. A player who loved the club so much he left on a free transfer screwing us out of millions and then walked up the Seven Sisters and joined Arsenal, picking up a nice signing on bonus and then genuinely expecting Spurs fans to forgive and forget.

Do I sound bitter? Maybe I do. But I'm just sticking to the timeline and facts. Campbell would have still been hated if he had joined Arsenal but not as bad had he left like Carrick did for a massive fee and without the lies and deception that came before his departure. I say 'not as bad' but you know what I mean.

There is no integrity to be found in his soul, and it doesn't matter how many times he attempts to prove otherwise via the tabloids.

Remember his first return to WHL after he joined Arsenal? Remember the level of noise aimed at him every time he went near the ball? No homophobia or racism. Just 30,000 or so Spurs fans screaming hatred. It rattled him. However his response post-match was to call Spurs fans racist and thus that was the sole reason why he was being booed.

"What did I do?" has been the look on his face since his move away from N17. He honestly believes he has done nothing wrong.

As for Spurs fans being racist? No wonder Ledley King hardly ever plays for us. And that Lennon, we hate him too, lucky he can run so fast. And as for Jenas, it's not because he's so bloody inconsistent that we scream out expletives when he loses the ball or misplaces a pass - its because of the colour of his skin. Exfoliate damn it Jermaine, exfoliate!

<--- insert family of tumbleweed here --->

Do one Campbell. You too Cross.

Campbell is an absolute melter of the highest order and as much as Spurs fans bring it on themselves for living in the past and singing songs about him, he needs to stand tall and look the other way and just ignore it instead of constantly attempting to justify why we are the guilty ones.

Sticks and stones.

I should probably follow my own advice and look the other way too next time a red top runs a similar non-event article.

Why should Tottenham Fans respect Sol Campbell as a true servant to football? Don't ask the Daily Mirror. They don't quite have the answer.


Politically Correct Chants for Spurs v Pompey

You can stick that cowbell up your a*rse
You can stick that cowbell up your a*rse
You can stick that cowbell, stick that cowbell, stick that cowbell up your a*rse
Sing we've got the drummer in the shelf
Sing we've got the drummer in the shelf
Sing we've got the drummer, we've got the drummer, we've got the drummer in the shelf

Sol, Sol, wherever you may be
We don't really like you that much no we don't
And we don't care if you don't like us
Because we don't really like you at all

He's tall, he's human, he doesn't play for us, Sol Campbell, Sol Campbell

Campbell, you're an ex-player, Campbell Campbell you're an ex-player

Stand up if you don't consider yourself to be a friend of Campbell, Stand up if you don't consider yourself to be a friend of Campbell

Sol, Sol
Whatever they may say
We don't care if you're black or gay
But we'll still hate you till your dying day
Cos you're a Judas ****
Is that okay?



I'm sure we'll know in time, but there are rumours suggesting that the 11 Tottenham fans charged for you-know-what against Sol Campbell have been pretty much stitched up. Not to go over old ground (for the millionth time) I have no gripes about people being prosecuted for racist chanting or homophobic chanting (although this one is a bugbear for many people who frequent football games - as discussed in earlier posts).

Apparently, of the 11 fans arrested, only 2 have been charged with singing the 'Lunacy' song which has been deemed offensive by the Police and media via Campbell (bite me yeah). The remaining 9 fans (three of which are juveniles ) have been charged with singing one of the following songs:

You can stick Sol Campbell up your arse, Singing we've got Ledley at the back


Gay Boy, Gay Boy

Again, I have to stress, this post is simply about this rumour and I'm not suggesting it's fact and will be interested to see what the charges amount to once the guilty appear in court. The 'gay boy' chant is crude but is hardly worth prosecuting people for. Seriously, its ridiculous. Songs about gassing the Jews (can we retrospectively bring charges against thousands of Chelsea and West Ham fans dating back to the 1970's?) and Harold Shipman, Munich, Ronaldo dying in the tunnel and a ton more with homophobic connotations relating to several Prem players sang by most clubs that never appear to fathom complaints from the targeted footballers are completely ignored because as wrong as they are, they are right in the footballing stadia arena (although that appears to be changing. No more common mans muck for us).

Apparently the following is from an e-mail sent by Spurs to a fan. Again, pinch of salt, as it's just an extract, but if you remember the Trust meeting from a few weeks back, Spurs did make it clear that they did not think the charges against the Spurs fans were fair.

We do not believe our fans to be guilty of racism and believe that the media organisations that originally carried the story under that misapprehension have now amended their copy. We have actively promoted our stance that the song is not racist within the media.

If anyone has e-mailed the club, feel free to share the response.

Christ only knows how volatile and intense the atmosphere will be on Sunday. Personally, 3 points and a good performance is all I care about. We need to rise above it, but you get the feeling the police and stewards will be very active and fans (both sets) will exchange colourful words - but nothing more than the usual for a game that includes former players/managers up against the club they left.

Campbell, will no doubt have unbelievable abuse (I'm talking about the level of noise) aimed at him. I can guess already the four letter word on everyone's lips (it's neither racist or homophobic, well, not until Campbell complains and the Daily Mail run the story).


Britians Most Wanted

The current UK's Most Wanted list from Crimestoppers:

  • Rape
  • Indecent chanting
  • Cocaine supply
  • Robbery
  • Assault

For your information:

Who chooses the appeals on the site?

Police forces across the UK are responsible for the appeals on the site. They choose who goes on Most Wanted and who does not. The nature of the crime or the investigation will have an influence on whether an appeal is put on Most Wanted. The police are also responsible for the accuracy of the appeal information provided and removing appeals.

Staggering stuff.


Looks like the Tottenham 16 have been removed from the Most Wanted list.



Anyone read The Telegraph yesterday? Along with an article, they published photos released by the police of suspects they would like to question about indecent chanting at the Pompey v Spurs game from earlier this season. The police don't directly mention racial chanting. But the Telegraph ran the headline that these fans were allegedly singing racial abuse. All very much of a legal minefield. What are the police investigating exactly? Is it indecent (which I guess can be racial or possibly homophobic) or is it just racial?

The Telegraph are specific with their opinion on the subject. It's hard to prove either way simply because everyone has a different opinion on the meaning behind the words sang in the 'Sol Sol wherever you may be' chant. If someone is overtly racist, then good luck to the police and I hope they arrest and charge them. No place for it anywhere in life, and football fans should not be exempt from it at football grounds across the country. To be clear - I'm talking about racism, not ambiguous misinterpreted words.

All this publicity and police investigation is really down to one thing. Sol Campbell and his crusade. Two things, never separated, and co-existing as a singular pain in everyone's arse.

The amount of chants in football tinged with homophobic references is aplenty. Not right you might argue, but its common place. Ask Ashley Cole. Ask anyone. But has that been spoken about at all in the midst of all this as much as the alleged racist element?

Campbell has always banged on about all Spurs fans being racist and that's why they boo and abuse him. And that's it. That's the crux of it. His fragile ego can't cope, so he points his finger and rather mention the gay slurs (which, he should think about doing, or is it okay for fans to sing homophobic chants?) he decides that Spurs fans sing that 'Sol Sol' song because he's black and us Yids we hate the blacks. So lets get all KKK about it and sing about those pesky blacks but only when Campbell is playing and only mentioning Campbell's name. I guess we are the worst type of racists, the type that discriminate hypocritically by hating black Sol Campbell but loving black Ledley King. In fact the only black we hate is Campbell. White supremacy at it's very finest.

Have I made it sarcastically clear enough how ridiculous these accusations are?

Maybe 'indecent chanting' will cover off the homophobic chanting on the sly, and maybe Campbell has complained about this. Or maybe the authorities have jumped on the hype the media spun on the back of the original incident.

Again (and for the 1000th time), I'm not saying I like or have sang any of these songs. Its not my bag at all. And that other song sang by the idiot minority about Adebayor is overtly racist, but the idiots who sing it think its funny and probably don't have the brains to realise singing about washing elephants is a chant too far. I know for a fact that Spurs (stewards) have removed people for singing this during games. I've yet to hear Adebayor complain about it, but hope he does. Mido was subject to abuse recently also (again) and arrests have been made. This in particular warrants far more publicity than this Campbell carnival.

Hated for his colour - Red

The majority of Tottenham fans are way above all this and are far more simplistic with their honesty by calling Campbell a Judas or a c*nt. Which is our right to do, and before anyone gets all self-righteous about how 'you wouldn't expect to get away with calling someone a c*nt in the street so why would you expect to get away with it at a football match' - don't bother. Players except this as part and parcel of football. The day someone shouts out 'Ronaldo! I don't like you mate' is the day we slowly and gently lower football into a deep grave and shed a tear for our dear departed friend.

There's no need to put the hatred for Campbell into a fucking song. And the media and police and everyone else who want to slate Spurs fans over this should get that flux capacitor out of the bottom drawer and go back several years when Campbell played for Arsenal at WHL and got an incredible reception of abuse. No 'Sol Sol hanging from a tree' chants back then. Just your common working class mans screaming and shouting and swearing. And what does our very own Benedict Arnold do? He tells the press that the abuse was racially motivated. Had nothing to do with him walking from Spurs to Arsenal on a free and everything to do with race and colour of skin.

Fuck off mate. Just fuck the fuck off. Even the likes of Ian Wright along with one or two other ex-players don't see what Campbell appears to see.

He shat on the club, doesn't accept he did and doesn't understand why fans dislike him. If the minority of Spurs fans who are still obsessed with this non-entity had any self-respect they would just ignore him completely. Although I guess if they did that, Sol Campbell would actually believe we have forgiven him.

We live in such a PC world that anything like this will be scrutinised and exaggerated and people will be made an example of, even though other instances which are obviously racist are completely ignored - by police and the media - because they don't score highly in what they believe to be their own agendas and publicity ratings.

Maybe, the few who had their photos taken by the police at that Pompey game need to be 'sacrificed' so that it deters others from actually saying something truly racist, not questionable or subjective, but something that's blatantly black or white.


Bored of the Campbell

Everyone seems to have an opinion on the Sol Campbell abuse. Refs, The FA, Rio Ferdinand, the police, Peter Tatchell, Brian Reade's rant and the rest of the knee-jerking media hacks. And David Mellor, who thinks the return game at WHL should be played behind closed doors. Yeah, great idea David. Let's punish the majority for what a few hundred fans sang. Maybe we can retrospectively punish your beloved Chelsea and have them play their next 100 games behind closed doors for decades of hissing and Auschwitz songs?

Munich, Harold Shipman, Ashley Cole and mobile phones - you could spend a day listing chants that could be categorised as abusive (to the targeted individual or a group of people). But the media, police and the players who get the brunt of it shrug, count their thousands upon thousands of notes sitting in their bank accounts and the following week run out onto the pitch and do it again.

For the 1000th time, I'm not defending the song that was sang for Campbell's benefit. That same song that's been sang for a few years now without ever making the backpages. And I'm not defending Campbell, who is obviously feeling a little fragile and feels the need to once more play the victim. Has Arsene Wenger ever made any complaints about the songs aimed at him by a number of fans from different clubs? No. Because he knows the people that sang them are football fans.

What makes all of this coverage even more ridiculous, is the media who, lets face it - are a joke. Made up of Man Utd fans (don't roll your eyes), they practically called all Man City fans as scum for singing Munich songs, using their back-pages as a tool of control stating that if anyone chanted that song at the 50th Munich Commemoration when City visited Old Trafford, they would be hung, drawn and quartered - banned for life. Nothing mentioned about the fact that City are proactive and ban anyone at Eastlands for singing it. And not a whisper of the Hillsborough, Heysel and Leeds (fans killed in Turkey) songs Utd fans sing every week.

Hypocrisy at its English finest.

Cast your minds back to last year when Spurs played Utd at OT. The Utd fans (a minority of them, right?) started hissing. We've heard that before of course. Nothing new. But the day they choose to do so was on International Holocaust Memorial Day. That kind of pales Sol Campbell's crying into insignificance, but God forbid anyone writes about that.


Judas II

So the police will investigate. Are they planning on opening up investigations on every club in the country? Surely if you're going to crack down on one set of fans, then all should be under the beady eye of the authorities? Unless of course....oh yeah, Campbell is the only player making a complaint.

I'm waiting on Ashley Cole complaining to the F.A. about Arsenals 'Ten men went to bed with him' chant.

I'm wonder if 'Sol' is also going to dispute that he is not a 'wanker' and should not be called one, because the Spurs fans clearly yelled that at him when he came up for a corner.

It's the 'racial' element of this complaint that is causing so much discussion. Its to do with the hanging reference in the song. It's not a reference about lynching. 'Hanging from a tree' might have that connotation in the US, but this song is about the mental health of Campbell. It's a nasty crude song for sure. Not defending it at all - as stated in my initial blog about this ugly mess.

If those fans didn't sing it, then people would not misinterpret it.

Campbell should man up and just ignore it. Spurs fan's should sing about Ledley and Woodgate.

And they all lived happily ever after.



I do not have time for Sol Campbell. In any shape or form. Apart from this blog entry. Everyone knows what type of person he is – in a football sense, relating to loyalty and honour. He lied, and lied and lied. Then left. And then had the audacity to believe he did nothing wrong. All this from the self-named Mr Tottenham.

Let’s not go over old ground. He did what he did. Football fans don’t tend to forget. And although the abuse the likes of Lampard gets from West Ham fans is more tongue in cheek, believe it or not – Spurs fans sing what they do because they know it annoys the hell out of Campbell. I’ve seen more venom for the Chelsea players than I’ve seen for this man.

I don’t think the lunacy song that is sang is particularly clever. It’s distasteful and without any class. It’s not racist. To suggest it is because of the word ‘hanging’ (yeah, I’m aware of its historical context with regards to lynching) is trying to make this an altogether bigger deal than it is. But I do agree it’s an embarrassment of a chant sang by a minority. Much like the Adebayor song, which is, by the way, is racist. Even Ian Wright (Arsenal legend) said that all the abuse Campbell gets is directly because of the impact of the decision he made when he left White Hart Lane.

The Lunacy song is far from new. It’s just been updated to cover off a couple of things about his personal life. The colour of his skin has nothing to do with anything. To suggest so is just as bad as the song itself.

The homophobic chants are the main crux of the issue here. For the record, homophobic chants are common place in football. I don’t condone them, but let’s not lie to each other. It happens. And singing ‘Does your boyfriend know your here?’ to Brighton fans, raises a laugh with everyone, even though technically, it’s homophobic. But there’s a difference between that chant and one wishing AIDS on someone. Again, Liverpool and Utd are infamous for one or two chants also. The football terrace is the birthplace of many amusing songs and songs of bad taste.

I think we do ourselves injustice by singing this particular one.

Now maybe, Spurs fans think that if they stopped chanting, then Campbell might think this is in some way forgiveness. I personally think, be done with it, and ignore him.

But if any Lilywhite out there wants to scream and shout at him, I won’t be raising an eyebrow. But stick with ‘Judas’. It has a certain ring about it.


Cowbell 2 Spurs 0, nothing, narda, zilch

Pompey were not all that great. The fact they won so easily is testament to just how fucking shit we are.

We never play our strongest line-up when it matters. With each game and variance to the selection, the end result is always the same. Abject failure. We are a team so passive in spirit and passion that winning a game is a concept so far fetched, it will only ever happen in Imagination Land.

No pace (Lennon on the bench) and no creativity (no Gio, O'Hara as chief playmaker). One up-front and King rested/injured (is there a difference nowadays?). Modric - our spark - currently looking too fragile for the mess we find ourselves in. Yeah sure, we should have had a penalty. But we can't sit around waiting for our luck to change. We have to be responsible and determined to graft out a victory from open play. From wanting it.

So do we blame the manager? Or Levy and Comolli? Yes, here we are again. Wasn't that long ago we all snuggled up to discuss a similar situation when Martin Jol was at the helm. And we all why that imploded.

Who to blame then?

Ramos, if disappointed with the summer dealings, should still be able to muster some kind of consistency with the team and the players he has. I can't believe motivation/inspiration and tactical nous is suddenly a blind spot for him. Yet our Prem record continues to degrade further. We might be missing a DM, but can you imagine if - for the sake of argument - Martin O'Neill was our manager? Would players give very little with him in the dug-out?

Something has to give. But if Levy has his finger on the panic button, which might result with a textbook self-destruct sacking, then it's roll-back time again. Another transition, and more pro-longed uncertainty. No wonder El Tel said no to the Newcastle job.

But that (Ramos management) isn't really the root of our problems, is it? Ramos can't be blamed for loss of Keane and Berbatov. Although harping on about it so much is also getting boring. And yes, I get the irony, because here I am again talking about the terrible twosome. It's a broken record this, but it's the heart of the issue. I might have 'celebrated' the way Levy fleeced both Utd and Liverpool for the cash, but with hindsight, it's been nothing short of shambloic.

Daniel Levy utterly spit-roasted the club's progression by fucking up the football side of things because he was too busy looking after the business side, pulling panties down and bending over.

Berbatov to United. Keane to his boyhood club. All we get is long-winded rants on the official site explaining how our players have been tapped up and illegally approached this and unfair that. And in the end, rather than do what Aston Villa did with Gareth Barry, we fail to set a deadline and a price with Berbatov, and instead, wait till the final seconds to sell him when we were always going to sell him. With Keane, we simply didn't spend the money profited on the type of player we desperately needed. All this income, along with increased season ticket prices - because Levy requires this extra dosh to help the club buy quality players.

How about buying the right type of players? Ones with leadership qualities. Backbones. Grafters. The type of players this club has desperately lacked for years and years. It's not difficult. Other clubs manage to do it. Even Hull and Stoke appear to have some fight in them. But no, we buy luxury players - who are all well and good - but only if you have the grafters doing the donkey work for them.

We never truly replaced Carrick. We've never come close to buying a left-winger. And when we did, we didn't want to pay him the money he wanted (Petrov, if you believe the stories).

Instead, we buy Pavlyuchenko. £14M for a player who can't speak the language. Has already played several months of Russian league football and doesn't even look 75% fit. He's cup-tied for the UEFA Cup and....this is the bit that takes the biscuit.....he is a similar type of player to Darren Bent which is why we are playing with one up-front.

How exactly is this NOT a panic buy? The lad, on form, will score goals - but there was no reason to buy him. Much like there was no reason to buy Bent when we did.

Keeping the club's bank balance in the black is all well and good, but it's not what defines a club. We are supporters, not appreciators of accountancy. And in the age of the Billionaire's playground, it's criminal to be wasting the money, no matter how much we make from selling our players.

If Ramos played a part in the transfer dealing this summer, then shame on him. If he did then he can stop complaining about the loss of Berba and Keane and take responsibility for what he is has. And Levy can take responsibility for Ramos.

If Ramos was promised but did not receive from Comolli, then his uncertainty and disappointment is being channelled through the players he selects.

But who cares? Who cares about any of the crap I've just written? Why bother trying to justify the reasons why we find ourselves rock bottom? It's happened. And depending on your perception and opinion, you either rate Levy for his handling of the club, or blame him. And you either want Ramos to remain and drag us out from this ugly pit we find ourselves trapped in or you want him sacked and replaced with yet another messiah.

Thursday will no doubt be another low in a season of constant lows.

Sunday will be yet another heart-wrenching must-win against.......Hull City.

You couldn't make this shit up. Just support Tottenham. We own the copyright.