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Oh when the cash, comes rolling in......

In light of Levy and his money-collecting habits, the lads from COYS have provided the following football chants, proving that when they leave alone all the ITK rumourwhoring, they can produce something worthy of a smile. Enjoy.

AIM listed,
la la la,
AIM listed,
la la la.

My old man,
Said be a Tottenham fan,
I said fuck off bollocks,
I'm an accountant.

"Daniel Levy's In-the-Black armeee!"

"Kick the ball with your FTSE, my son!!!"

Cos if you know your share prices...
it's enough to make your heart go ooooohhhhhhhh....
we don't care what the other investment groups say
what they hell should we care
cos we only know
when there's gonna be profit taking show
that Tottenham Hotspur (PLC) will be there....
(sang to the tune of 'Grand Old Team')

"The referee's a banker, the referee's a banker!"

"Oh when the cash comes rolling in, Oh when the cash comes rolling in, I wanna see telephone numbers, when the cash comes rolling in"


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