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Massive massive game down at the Lane this evening. Lose this and we are practically relegated. I'm taking my Levy effigy to the game. And believe me, it will burn along with my season ticket if we do not put in a convincing performance.

The pressure is on for Modric, who after 3 games, is an expensive flop (Talksport confirmed this). The little man is now fighting to keep his place in the first team.

In last seasons corresponding fixture we went 4-1 down before making it 4-4 in the final seconds. Cardiac football at its very best. However, Villa's record at the Lane is not a great one, but MON's hard-working, pacey team might just have the backbone to contain Jenas and therefore secure more than just a point with the likes of Young and Abonglahor key players in their away day mission.

All eyes on Tottenham's new Russian striker, Pavlychenko. He's no moody Bulgarian. But is he just a tall non-Ukrainian Sergi Rebrov? Pav, if you are a racist like Sergi - avoiding the crime out in the streets of Tottenham is one thing, but be warned, men in white get mugged all the time out on the pitch.

Prediction: Much pre-match hype followed by disillusion, anguish and crying.

Reader Comments (3)

I think this is the first time in your "Biggest Match in our History" series that we've actually lost. Is Zokora the least effective Defensive/Holding Midfielder of all time?

Sep 15, 2008 at 10:52 PM | Unregistered Commentershanemac

The tears are flowing. I am not sure about Juande's tactical sense. What a poor team selection for starters. Dawson is utter crap. Then the mid match rearrangements were weak as well. Thud put in defense. There have got to be better defenside options. No one showed they could finish at the other end. Bent was lucky, the rest of the balls in just bobbled without a head or boot to guide them in. Gutted.

Sep 15, 2008 at 11:02 PM | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

You should replace mystic meg on the telly.

Zokora is such a strange player - He has very good physical attributes - fast, strong etc. - but he has no football brain. He passes sideways or backwards 90% of the time. Many of his passes go astray and every time he got the ball I just wanted him to get rid of it. And let's not forget his infamous lemur runs where he runs 90% of the length of the pitch and then doesn't know what to do with it.

Sep 16, 2008 at 12:36 PM | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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