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So what's the evidence?

According to someone on Spurs Community (this, compared to the usual ITK info is a lot more plausible):


1. KEANE - The official complain to PL was made late on Tuesday. The basis of this is NOT Rafa's comments, which merely act as public proof. It is alleged that, on an afternoon away from the training camp in Spain, Robbie Keane was approached by Liverpool FC parties, who enquired as to his interest in joining LFC prior to their making an official bid. The penny dropped when a pre-agreement was proposed. Robbie Keane then contacted his agent, before calling Spurs chairman Daniel Levy and informing him of what occurred and letting him know that he was not party to this meeting and it was unexpected. Meanwhile, he has also made it clear that he would be interested in a move to LFC, but if it fails to materialise, would happily stay at Spurs.

2. Berbatov: This one is messy. Spurs' dossier dates back to a week or so after Berbatov signed for Spurs, when it was made clear to him that if he succeeded at WHL a bid would come in for him from Old Trafford. After the first season, the players agent was contacted without the clubs knowledge which triggered an angry response from Spurs and Berbatov being in severe trouble. Martin Jol tried to intervene, this caused a feeling of resentment between board and manager after Jol told them 'it would be best to sell Berba'. Spurs' complaint also included Man Utd players' statements 'encouraging' Berbatov to join - this was attributed to Carrick to Sky Sports.

I can believe in this. Not sure how strong the 'Utd players statements' is with regards to the overall complaint. Didn't Gerrard do something similar with Barry?

Looks like I was near the mark with Berbatov and the Utd link, and if there's factual evidence then that apology is about to be birthed.


Reader Comments (1)

You can also add Pennant's comments earlier this week about Keane joining Liverpool. Don't know how this can be seen as "tapping up" though

Jul 21, 2008 at 8:17 PM | Unregistered Commenterpark_lane

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