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Regarding the £23M Sunderland raid on 4 of our players.....I just find this whole episode strange. I don't mind seeing any of them leave the club, apart from Steed who I believe still has something to offer. But Ramos obviously knows what he is doing squad/selection wise so if he is letting him go, so be it.

The Kaboul transfer is for me the golden moment of the summer. His agent has told us that Kaboul going to Sunderland is simply not going to happen because it will damage the boys international career. Ok, fact time. To have an international career you need to have a first team domestic career first and all Kaboul has a virtual shit covering his boots. This is the man who creates pockets of miniature earthquakes every time he attempts to defend, resulting in conceded goals. Sunderland, IMO, is where he should go - whether it be transfer or loan because he simply doesn't have the composure or timing to be a first team player for any side with aspirations that amount more to avoiding relegation.

The club are solely responsible for this. I might be wrong but I'm sure when we signed him he wasn't meant to be thrown into the deep end and play for the first eleven. And if so, this begs another question. How can we keep allowing Comolli to spend money like £8M on a player who 'has potential' when in fact all he has is half a footballing brain? For someone who came from Arsenal, Comolli has no ability to scout cheap quality players with potential. For £8M we should be buying superb capable confident players.

Pompey will probably not pay anything more than £4M for him.

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