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Entries in the fighting cock (26)


The Fighting Cock podcast #01 - Harry, Luka and the summer of discontent 

Welcome to the first ever 'The Fighting Cock' podcast. The recording went very well all things considered (had to change location twice at the last minute. We rolled with the punches and imperfections. Ghost ice cream van included). 90 mins of chat cut down to about 45 mins for the released version. We hope to have a more peaceful setting next time.

In terms of tempo, vibe and humour...we won't truly hit out stride until after a few eps so a bit of Tottenham supporting patience please (gulp) although I think we did mighty fine with our debut effort considering it was recorded in a greenhouse.

We've got a whole host of content and features lined up for future eps, along with some 'squad rotation' in terms of people guesting. The plan is to record a pod every 10 days. You'll be able listen to it here on DML via your browser (Quicktime plug-in required) or simply download and listen at your pleasure.

It can take between two days or two weeks before it appears in iTunes so patience all Apple fanboys and girls.

Check out The FC Podcast on Facebook for feedback and suggestions as well as one or two polls that we'll fire up over the up and coming weeks (including 'Prick of the Week').

If you want something read out or discussed on a future ep, please email us at thefightingcock at gmail dot com.

Love the Shirt.

Flav, tehTrunk, Spooky, Ricky, Chicago Dan.


iTunes: coming soon

RSS Feed: the-fc-podcast/rss.xml


Episode #01 - Harry, Luka and the summer of discontent

Click the link below to play the podcast in your browser (quick-time plug-in required) or right-click to download:

The Fighting Cock podcast - episode #01


The biggest Tottenham news of the summer so far...

The Fighting Cock...coming soon.

It's not a six year old bottle of Kentucky Bourbon whiskey. It's not an adult pay-site for men. And it's nothing Peta should be worried about. The Fighting Cock is a brand new THFC podcast that you'll be able to stream or download here on DML (make sure you have a Quicktime plug-in installed) or subscribe to on iTunes.



So what exactly inspired us to pull a podcast together? Blame the epiphany born out of a night fueled by alcohol amongst friends.

It plays out in pubs and cafes all over the country no matter the club you follow. It's as much about football as celebrating a goal, or singing your heart out in the stands. Talking about football is fulfilling, it eases the pain of a heart wrenching defeat and makes reliving past glories that extra bit special when shared.

Recording that, releasing it on the internet and allowing (hopefully) thousands of fellow yids to listen in...well it seemed like an excellent thing to do. It's not original, but done right it can be genuinely unique. Or at the very least different from what's out there right now.

We hope to bring truly genuine opinion on all matters Spurs.

We hope you enjoy our efforts.

Love the Shirt.

Flav, tehTrunk, Spooky


Coming soon...



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