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Entries in the 'ammers (3)


Do do do...Nigel Reo-Zokora


This is one of those 'what I'm currently reading' type of blog posts. I like to share the wealth.


Who: HoofHarted
Date: 25 June 2009
Site: COYS

The Transfer Windows opens next Wednesday.

I can confirm there will be activity at THFC within the first week, both players arriving and players leaving.

I am not going to name, names, in case of jeopardising any potential deal, except to say most of the names have already been mentioned on here.

- The most important piece of ITK info this week (so far), collected in a thread over at with various other gems. Also, expect tomorrow to arrive at some point soon. Keep an eye out for the moon followed by the sun.


"For Tottenham, it is a fixture of far greater significance, a match against a key rival that, over the years, has emerged from Tottenham's shadow and started to stake a claim to replace them as London's third biggest club"

- The Games Gone Crazy, a West Ham United blog about Tottenham, talking about the rivarly between us and the 'ammers. Bless. I'm not going to link to the article or the blog. You can easily find it in amongst the Tottenham News Now listings.


"Sadly for Arsenal fans, their club haven’t been able to sustain the success they enjoyed as our rivals, failing to win back to back titles under Wenger and reaching just one European Cup final. They have been “in transition” since 2005, like United were, however they haven’t managed to develop out of this period yet"

- The Republik of Mancunia tells it how it is. Transitional Arsenal? Alas, they have no need to fret. They have the kids. You know the kids, right? They had them last year and the year before and the year prior to that one. In fact they always have the kids. I'd expect to find Peter Pan playing in their academy side, kidnapped from Never Never land and now living in Never Again land.



"Tottenham want Reo-Coker?! Is that official or supposed ITK's? It saddens me to say as I really thought he would go far but he is an English version of Zokora. He had so much potential when he burst onto the scene - the fact he captained every club he played for, especially us at his age shows that - but he has just never kicked on like he should of. Majorly frustrating when you see him make an unbelievable tackle inside his own box, power his way past the opposition three quarters of the way up the field and let himself down with a wayward 10 yard pass. If he can't do it now, I don't think he ever will"

- The progression of Harry Redknapps side discussed here, including some decent insight from an almost decent West Ham fan concering the rumours of Reo-Coker signing for Spurs. You can't see me, but I'm shuddering.


West Ham 1 Spurs 1

Fair result this. Though no thanks to the Man with no Brain, Kaboul, self-imploding again - this time with a gift leading to a Cant Control opener. If only Spurs had a decent defence, hey? Chances for both sides, decent keeping on occasions and guilt ridden misses taking the headlines.

A proper ding-dong derby, without being anywhere near the classic last year was. Robinson saving well from Ashton and Parker. Robert Green embarrassing himself with the Dawson equaliser, but redeeming himself with a rather all too comfortable save in the 90th minute from Defoe. From the penalty spot. Oh dear. Well, whatever. Green did his homework and opted for the same side as last years kick. Defoe should have tried something different. Like fucking smacking it in rather than the lame placement that allows the home side to add a new chapter to the next edition of 'The History of West Ham United'.

As for the first half incident where Green probably should have got a red card, for what looked like a nailed on penalty (Keane, chipping the ball over him in a 1-on-1 situation and then....well, you've seen it I'm sure....Greens trailing leg bringing down Keane). And before any 'ammers claim he dived, it would have been far easier to just stand his ground and tap the ball in - if he wasn't touched (ooh) by Green. Which he was. Hence the lack of balance. And having seen it several times now, Keane loses balance because of Greens leg, and had he tried to remain on his feet its doubtful he would have got to the ball. I've said that already, haven't I? If Keane allowed gravity to pull him down in a far more dramatic manner, it still doesn't change the fact that Green was guilty.

Arguably, Keane was offside in the first place, so karma balanced it all out for us. Equally, you could say two big decisions missed by the officials. Still, play to the whistle, no? If anything, Riley (the man in black) made sure he made the game all about his rather average and consistently inconsistent ref'ing. Around 32 or 33 West Ham fouls given, compared to Spurs who gave away about 8. They got booked 3 times, we got booked 4 times. Doubt any West Ham or Spurs fan would agree he had a good game.

Was quite happy with our work rate today. Ramos has influenced the team in a positive way thus far. Looked more of a unit for once, away from home. Bit more confidence. Although, four strikers on the pitch at the same time with Berbs back in midfield was a little strange. Good to see Bale back too. Wonderful talent that kid.

Kaboul, a fine athlete, but blatantly inexperienced and allowing him play in a team that generally isn't very good at defending is just asking for trouble. He has made mistakes far too often now. Jan tran window target(s)? Please let it be a centre-back.

Ramos has to also work on eliminating these individual mistakes that are costing us. Robbo's recovery is continuing and some of the players are looking far improved (Berbatov, an obvious example) with their application and purpose.

Like I said, fair result. Brummies up next in the league.


Leeds United are back

Well bravo. Bravo Tottenham Hotspur and bravo Daniel Beelzebub Levy. It seems I have underestimated the Chairman of the Board and his minions. And it probably serves as a reminder that I should be – at all times – fully alert and focused because my assault of words on the Levy Empire appear to have birthed a retaliation. And a positive one at that.

Levy actually appears to have a set of balls.

The footballing grapevine is, at this moment, delivering some rather juicy grapes. Juice grapes of truth.

West Ham United are doing their utmost to turn themselves into the new Leeds, which makes Scott Parker the new Seth Johnson and Lee Bowyer the….still a thug.

Russian money. Filtered through Iceland – all bankrolled via a silent Russian partner. Allegedly. We have offered Darren Bent a set amount of wages, a competitive amount of money that is deserving of a player of his proven Premiership calibre and would make him one of our top earners. So, possibly £50,000 or £60,000 per week. However, the ‘ammers have gone one better. In fact, 100% better by offering him DOUBLE the amount we have.

It’s like Gollum winning the lottery and still having to bribe prostitutes to sleep with him.

Levy apparently believes this has fucked it up for everyone else WHU are doing what Chelsea did, but in wages not transfers. Seems, the chairman of the board is using restraint and won’t be held hostage over WHU’s short-term quick fix tactics which could quite comfortable jeopardise the club.