Would you swap Modric for Carrick?

It hasn't taken long for the rumourwhores and ITK's to start suggesting that Man Utd are after Luka Modric. The maths here is easy. Harry mentions Fergie rates him, Harry mentions he has no problem re-signing ex-Spurs players and Carrick is left out of the squad for Utd's last game and therefore that quite obviously equates to a Utd bid of £10M + Carrick (28 at his peak), for our little Croatian magician (23 nowhere near his peak).
This has already been picked up by a journo. Although not sure I've seen the story hit the major tabloids just yet. Although most would ignore this as bollocks, other's would point out that life outside the Top 4 usually results in feeding the likes of Utd because players - lacking commitment to a contract they've signed - tend to know that jumping ship when the opportunity arises is impossible for them to reject (because staying at a club longer than 2 years and become part of a side building towards sustaining a challenge is far too long of a project time wise). Silverware within a season is something that cannot be ignored. The bigger get bigger the slightly less big continue to slim down to an unheathly size.
If you allowed your imagination to run wild, you might conclude that Ferguson has already began his game playing, looking to unsettle a team brimming with confidence (ok, that's just me taking the piss, because I doubt he's worried about us being a threat just because we've won 3 games on the trot). Drag it out over the course of the season, flirting in the media about the target (remember the Berbatov saga?) and then swoop in with a bid knowing full well that even if we reject the bid, it won't be long before the player agrees personal terms leaving the club threatening legal action which results in a charity donation to complete the deal. The side-effect is that a key player has gone, meaning other key players would consider doing the same which leaves us in a position of uncertainty and (Jesus wept) another transition.
With thanks to yid-soldier over at GG.co.uk for the visual
The irony is, some Spurs fans are actually hoping this rumour is based on fact. Personally, I can't see Michael making a move back down to Spurs from Champs League considering he left us for that in the first place. He's won three titles there and the biggest prize of them all. He left Spurs because he had no faith in us challenging for 4th spot. The Redknapp factor might play a part in swaying his opinion but isn't the whole point to retain some form of consistency? Carrick is excellent. But how would you go about replacing Modric? Huddlestone will once more stagnate. And let's face it, if we have aspirations for the Top 4 - and Carrick is a Top 4 player, then would Utd really let him go considering (away from the hype of the Ronaldo's of this world) how vital he's been for them since moving up there? Nothing fits, other than subjective chitter-chatter that may well come back to bite (me) us in the backside if we slump and finish 10th.
Only way to banish this would be to finish in the Top 4 and then maybe we can tap up Carrick, with the offer of Champs League and the bright(er) lights of London.
Don't you just love football? Now where's that bottle of Absinthe?