HAGO. Roll on 2010.

Have a cracking new year people. Don't let the news that lickle Aaron Lennon is 'out' for 14 days concern you too much. We are not a one man team. And it's not like we've got any tricky games in the next couple of weeks.
Harry (forced) might well play Luka and Niko in the same starting line-up which is drool-inducing. We'll see. Wouldn't have seen it otherwise.
Best story of recent days is the one covering Roman Pavlyuchenko's latest outburst. What a fruitcake. Doesn't he know Harry has his 'favs' and remains loyal to them? Bentley is still lost out in the wilderness probably sleeping in skips and nobody really knows if Gio is any good and whether we'll ever have this Mexican mystery uncovered. Adel (Zidane II) wants to remain at QPR. That's great Adel, because it's the best place for you. The Championship. Done any step-overs recently?
I guess with all our success and improvements made since the turn-around (2 points 8 games), there was always going to be casualties and disappointments. But the good has been plentyful. It's good to be Lilywhite.
2009 has been some year. We're on the up. Here's to 2010, a bit more house-keeping and the odd sweep under the carpet. And possibly a new arrival or two.
Also, thanks for the support. Has been a very good year for me, blogging wise. Talking of which, all you other bloggers out there, continue the good work, cause I need the material and without you I wouldn't be able to write up anything half decent (style-theft, I've got my grip on it).
I'll be back on-line soon. Will look at doing a series of 'that was the year that was' blogs with the odd 'award' style article too.
See you on the other side.