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Spurs in crisis meltdown: Demonstration planned

Dear Mr Levy,

My beloved Tottenham Hotspur are in crisis.

Two successive, devastating defeats have seen us concede eight goals as we plummet down from third place into the abyss of no recovery. We are a broken side. Momentum has deserted us. Lady luck preferring to lift her skirt up for teams that parade in the colour red whilst we stand in the distance unable to catch a glimpse of her panties. The brazen little hussy. Teasing us for so long and giving us nothing in the end. We had it all in the grasp of our hands and lost it. This is Tottenham in a state of capitulation. Surrendering, waving the Lilywhite flag of despondency whilst we fall to our knees and beg for the comfort of mid-table mediocrity where hope was nothing but a deluded dream. This is Tottenham, with six gut wrenching defeats in total that leaves us shattered in our quest for the title.

This is meant to be the best Spurs side of recent years and yet we roll over at home against Utd, schooled on how to suck in pressure and counter attack. Naive at the back, wasteful at the front. All the while, Harry sat on the bench doing nothing, watching from the bench rather than animating himself on the touchline when everyone knows that you only win games if the gaffer is dominating his technical box with various dramatic hand movements or jumping up from his seat and celebrating every goal like he's just beaten the tax man in the high court.

Okay, so we had 60% of the possession but I ask you, why did we not have 70%? Or 75%? Or perhaps just had the 2% or 3% that United used up when Rooney and Young scored? Elsewhere, Parker and van der Vaart were anonymous and Bale lost and alone once more marauding off somewhere between a black hole and supernova instead of remaining on the left wing. Yeah sure, we bossed it. But we bossed it like a club bouncer that stands tall in front of the main entrance, throwing punches but never landing any and then skipping off to the toilet leaving the entrance unattended for uninvited guests to dart in for free. Soul destroying Harry called it. I call it old habits die hard.

Stick. The. Ball. In. The. Net. It's not exactly a difficult ask. The universe doesn't collapse in on its self if you happen to score against United. Or did we dedicate the game in honour of Howard Webb, who unfortunately is no longer with us (technically speaking not dead, but wasn't present during the duration of the match).

I didn't get to hear any of Alan Smith's commentary on Sky Sports, however I completely agree with whatever it was he said. He always has it nailed down that lad. An unbiased harbinger of truth. You might want to cite the controversy over the disallowed goal and had it stood we might have gone on to win. Watched it again. I'm positively certain the ball crossed the line. Mendes was robbed, blatantly.

I've simply had enough of the mismanagement that is costing us the potential to dare to achieve to aim to capture to possibly attain sustained progression that might lead to silverware. At the start of the season if you had said 'challenge for fourth spot?' I would have responded with 'no chance, we have to challenge for the very top'. Think back, I know you remember it as clearly as I do, like it was yesterday. We had higher expectations for the season ahead. Fourth is simply not good enough. I remember it just like it was yesterday. Except it wasn't yesterday was it? Because yesterday I was crying into my hands uncontrollably.

Mind the gap? Mind the gap? What ******* gap? There is no gap. We've eaten it like a zombie savaging its own limbs, feasting on its own flesh and blood. WHAT AM I MEANT TO DO WITH THE LONDON UNDERGROUND TATTOO ON MY CHEST? I had to have my nipples surgically repositioned to fit it in. Then spent more money having it recoloured when I realised the tattoo was red (never red). I've got lopsided nipples now because I trusted all those photo-shopped images shared on the internet via Twitter and message boards. The only gap I can see is the one in the face of Tottenham, teeth smashed out, black gaping holes where brilliant white once shined. We've lost our bragging rights and everybody knows you can only ever smile in public when you're winning. You're turning me into a social media hermit. You and him.

Redknapp has cost us 18 points this season and you, Mr Chairman, have fuelled the disappointment by not being speculative enough in the transfer market in January. A prime time to consolidate. Instead you preferred to amputate. We should have signed several players. You know who I'm talking about. Them lot. The ones that got mentioned. We needed them. We all agreed as supporters when watching You Tube footage. Even the press linked us. We could have done with them to give us more options. One for that position one for the other position. Years and years of splashing out money on crap players when we were crap and now that we're supposedly good we can't be bothered to spend money on top drawer targets to consolidate our position. Six defeats the outcome of your incompetence and insubordination to act with ambitious ruthlessness. Six defeats that Redknapp could have avoided if he was a (better) tactically astute coach, say if he was someone else altogether with different ideas and methods to apply them. How can we accept such negligence?

Here's the Roll of Shame in full technicolor:

5 - 1 City (H) - Destroyed at home by total football. A catalyst for our future collapse.

3 - 0 Utd (A) - Seasoned orchestrated dance recital consisting mostly of ballet performed by the team in white, a prelude ceremony to handing over the three points. Let's dispense with the formalities next time and just forfeit the game.

2 - 1 Stoke (A) - Typical Spurs, losing to a side that likes to get 'stuck in' because we don't have the foresight to knit in towels to our players shirts.

3 - 2 City (A) - Ledley King costing us points. He's past it. This game and the one up next in the list proves this to be the case, above and beyond all the games where he never made any mistakes. It's irrefutable. Go and read the blogs if you don't believe me. Bloggers know what they're talking about because unlike ordinary fans they go to the trouble of setting up a website to share their soundbites.

5 - 2 Arse (A) - Expected result. Let's be honest, everyone predicted this. The home side a far superior footballing beast with exquisite talent playing with technicality and expansive movement. With  rapturous loyal support behind them, we froze like a rabbit in the headlight. The brilliant Walcott, a beautiful hybrid of Neo and Henry, showcasing the effectiveness that the Emirates (or should I say 'The Matrix') have applauded all season long. An eleven man team of colossus performers that are not at all concerned with little old Spurs. No really, ignore all the insistent references and quotes alluding to Spurs. A simple misunderstanding of language from spoken word to print. They haven't even noticed us. That Wenger, what a genius. He's still got it.

3 - 1 Utd (H) - Defeated before the whistle was blown. It's a contractual thing. Had we won this game we'd be back in the title hunt again. Instead we are free falling.

Four out of the above six defeats were against the Manchester sides. Astonishing. Embarrassing.

How can we accept the indignity of losing points to these teams in the manner that we did? Imagine had we failed to win any of our other matches in addition to these ones. We'd be in the midst of serious relegation fears. I pinned my hopes on a title challenge and yet here I am having to accept the mundane in comparison with the additional distraction of some mickey mouse cup polluting our fixture list. Any chance you can drop a brown envelope round to Harry's home tomorrow, I'll call the HMRC in advance, they can photograph the drop off and we could have another court case again to inspire the team into action. Perhaps invite Newcastle back to the Lane? Or better yet tell the players Chirpy is in hospital and in a coma and they need to raise their game for him, finish third in his honour. Seriously do it, because otherwise I just wasted time and effort breaking his knee-caps. I stink of blood and sweat. It's not easy you know, especially when they plead for mercy as you stand over them with a baseball bat. And roosters, damn, the mess they make when they're scared. Don't get me started on the smell.

The last two defeats prove that Harry is way over his head, incapable of producing the knowledge in the form of tactical reshuffles and selections to out-think his opponents. The past few seasons have been virtue of the talented squad he possesses. It's plain luck. Anyone can hug a few players, turn up periodically to training sessions and then sit on the bench to woo and aaah the action ongoing on the pitch. He's not good enough. We should be doing better than this. This is not good enough. In fact had you the foresight to employ someone else at the start of the season, by my calculations we'd be 5 points clear at the top now. You have ruined the opportunity for us to win the title in full blooded HD. We've overachieved for twenty-seven games and now we find ourselves crushing back to the harsh reality of averageness. We were only in a position of elevation because others around us are under performing. It's a false position. A crown of thorns. If this was any other season, say five years back or so, we'd have spent all season long in and around 6th place. We've been fooled, hook line and sinker.

Harry's still with us but his head isn't. It's been turned by England, which means he isn't actually here. We've just got an empty shell. Can you not see the cracks? England is seductively flirting with him. Yes, England, the bewildered wh*re that offers herself to anyone that wishes to spend a night in her bed and will no doubt kick him out when she experiences his limp efforts between the sheets. Not even a semi, a quarter probably...and that will hardly touch the sides.

He's taken us as far as he can. Seated in the departure lounge to oblivion.

We need to act quick, much like Chelsea have done. Bring in new blood to rejuvenate this tired weary dog. Football, it's all about inches, as Al Pacino once said in a film about strapping big Americans that are so insecure they need to pad out in amour to throw a rugby ball and chase it around with endless breaks puncturing the play. We could do with some of that padding. Inches? Pacino couldn't save us now. We're struggling with far longer distances and I'm about to bury my head in a bowl of coke screaming 'say hello to my little friend...Aaron Lennon'. And what use is he all on his own? There are only so many bullets in his magazine. It's not going to end well.

Spurs will always let you down. Fact. Sure, we qualified for the Champions League that one time, but did we win it? No. Thus, let down. You're only as good as your last game and we are nothing more than an apologetic mess too polite to score, always inviting to concede soft goals.

This is the crux of why I'm writing to you Mr Levy. Not to offer you a solution of any type but as a gentleman, to offer you notice of a demonstration at the next game to be played at White Hart Lane. It's time to make a stand and visually assassinate your senses and those that dare to look into the eyes of the revolution.

I will be bringing with me to the game a pack of Bassetts Jelly Babies, just eleven of them, each one representative of the first team and laying them on my seat post-game then leaving the ground. The Jelly Babies are post-modern effigies (all heads will be bitten off and spat towards the directors box), a statement of transparency that I will not ignore or be quiet as you stand and allow my club to die of footballing leprosy.

I hope others will join me in this defiant stand against the current upheaval we are being put through. My vision is to see entire blocks, empty seated, covered with Jelly Babies with the supporters leaving the ground willing to sacrifice their support for the greater good. For the long term.

This was a pinnacle point in our season and we failed the test. We are in free-fall. It's all beautifully illustrated by our distinct lack of creativity with taking set pieces. A very subtle inception, if you will, that has been placed deep in the minds of THFC, unaware of its poison and influence. An inception that sees us losing 5-8 points minimum per season because we can never take one with any genuine intent and hit the target convincingly consistently. This is holding us back. How can a top tier side (if that's what we're disguising ourselves as) not be competent in taking free-kicks with bullish confidence? I'll tell why, because you know you'll make more money selling Bale and Modric in the summer than qualifying for the Champions League. Hence why no set piece expert was signed in the last window. You can't fool me. I see it all. The hurtful truth screams out to me.

11 games to go. Just 11 games. Have you even looked at the fixture list? Daunting. 3rd place. Seven points above 5th spot. Four points ahead of 4th spot. A poor demoralised showing for our endeavours. Doomed. We are doomed. This is no position for our club to be in. We are stranded in the ocean without a paddle for our surf board. The crest of a wave nowhere to be seen. Sharks circling us. Slowly sinking.

This, Mr Levy, is the end of days. The dawn of the Jelly Babies is upon us.

Biting regards,


Reader Comments (112)

don't know where you get your inspiration for such pieces of art, but that was ermm... what's the word... captivating.

Mar 5, 2012 at 9:13 PM | Unregistered Commenterhenry

This has done my mood no favours.

Mar 5, 2012 at 9:17 PM | Unregistered CommenterSkinny

Another cracking post Spooky. Although sometimes I worry your satire may come true. I smile cautiously at the talk of a free-fall.

-I happened to listen to the episode recorded just before the Arsenal game of the Fighting Cock today. Just made me start thinking I may have mis-placed confidence in the boys to see us through until the end of the season.

Mar 5, 2012 at 9:27 PM | Unregistered CommenterIsildrae

i'm still pissed off and embarrassed.

i know we have it better than usual and yes i would have taken our position now if offered at the start.

BUT, fact of the matter is a 10 point gap is now down to 4 and we have just been spanked by our (supposedly having one of the worst seasons in their recent history) most hated rivals and a united team who for once do not possess a squad head and shoulders above our own.

instead of gushing about how good we are, i'm now sh*tting myself about everton away - lose that and bye bye third place.

chelsea, who are also having a nightmare season by their standards have just sacked their manager and this will undoubtedly galvanise them and guess what, we're playing them. away.

arse fans are loving this. they are loving the fact that we are bricking it. this infuriates me even more.

i am not a pessimistic supporter and i always praise the team when they deserve it but i am getting very annoyed reading some of the posts of fans who attack everyone who raise these concerns and think that we should be all be up in arms and singing from the rafters continuously because we are in a position in the table that we are not accustomed to.

harry has made mistakes - starting kranjkar in the nld and not starting defoe/bringing him on earlier.

ledley as much as i love him surely has to call it a day.

worried to the point that i'm trying not to think about football and avoiding the media.

Mar 5, 2012 at 9:35 PM | Unregistered Commenterkoume2

Spooky; I'm not sure you have reached puberty in all it's fulness.

Mar 5, 2012 at 9:36 PM | Unregistered Commentercookiebun

Considering we have 4 more points than last season and only have chelsea to play out of the top 7 this article is a bit idiotic ... Stop trying to put a downer on are best ever premier league season

Mar 5, 2012 at 9:41 PM | Unregistered Commenterkieron

sums it up nicely, if we win at everton then we might as well get our name engraved on the premiership trophy, a draw and we won't make the europa league, and if we lose well might as well get ready for a season in the championship with all our players having jumped ship and a slide down the football period to follow.

We were unfortunate to have the scum away followed by salford united at home, if we have had of picked up 3 points between the two, then a few less would have jumped in front of the cheshnut express at white hart lane on sunday in some sort of weird suicide pack, with the belief that we will never have it better than we do now. p.s. if the fighting cock team decide to jump now as well then it will be a shame because I'm quite enjoying the podcast.

Mar 5, 2012 at 9:43 PM | Unregistered Commenterfreundwasaleg

Forgot to mention 4 points more and 2 games less played so potentially 10 points better off

Mar 5, 2012 at 9:45 PM | Unregistered Commenterkieron

For all you, errrm, yeah, you guys, this article was written with just a bit of sarcasm...

Mar 5, 2012 at 9:47 PM | Unregistered CommenterM-Intellect

Heartwarming. Perspicacious. Have another drink. And another. Pour one for me....

Mar 5, 2012 at 9:47 PM | Unregistered CommenterIndyfan

Kieron I think this would qualify as satire, but I'm American so I am probably wrong (and racist). I would prefer though that we just skip the two ManU fixtures from now on and just follow the script. "Spurs dominate, dodgy disallowed goal (penalty, sending off, free kick), Spurs collapse, lose 3-1". I'd rather just lose the six points a season, at least we wouldn't risk injury, and I wouldn't have to watch.

Mar 5, 2012 at 9:48 PM | Unregistered CommenterDave

Oh, delicious, delicious satire. Well done. I quit the Twitters on 87' yesterday, and I fear to return amidst the festival of kneejerking from fellow Yiddos and wind-ups from Gooners.

Mar 5, 2012 at 9:52 PM | Unregistered CommenterYYPhil

@kieron "This article is a bit idiotic"

I'm not sure if you are taking the piss out of spooky taking the piss out of the knee-jerk fans.
Or whether you mean it.

Either way ROFL. Put a smile on my face, all of it.

Mar 5, 2012 at 9:54 PM | Unregistered CommenterDiaz

spooky - my post above wasn't aimed at your article, i get what you're doing with it

im just pointing out that it is not unjustified to be peeved and ever so slightly worried at our results of late

half the battle is psychological, and we're losing it at the moment. we need to get the belief and confidence back. quick.

Mar 5, 2012 at 9:55 PM | Unregistered Commenterkoume2

Just saying for someone to write all this c**p even as a wind up is still stupid

Mar 5, 2012 at 9:57 PM | Unregistered Commenterkieron

Now you are getting close to how I feel!!

People don't realise what it will mean if we don't make top 4. It may well take us 5 years to get to where we are now!!

Do not underestimate the position we are in. Neither should the management or the players. The mental strength required now is somewhere we have never been before. It's no good playing well, playing well is now secondary, 3 points is what matters to me from now on, and I don't give a damn how they come!

Big teams, big players turn up for big games and do the business. We have not done the business in big games. I'm afraid Ars, united, City have, that's the difference and we simply can't ignore it. Why this is the case, I don't know. I think it's a combination of mental strength and some mental block in terms of management and players.

We can't afford draws now, one slip and it's 4th place. If Chelsea show any signs of recovery during the last 10 games, then we may struggle.

What can 5th lead to? Our best players leave, realising we can't do it, problems signing new players, a new average manager, funding issues with the new ground, attracting new talent, and so on. Don't underestimate how quickly things can turn. We have just seen it, 10 points, 2 games and it's now 4 points, just one more and we are looking at 4th place.

The mental strength needed to overcome this will be huge, there is no doubt about it. We need to go for it in a big way, COYS

Mar 5, 2012 at 10:03 PM | Unregistered CommenterHotspurs

This was like a boxer winning nine rounds of the twelve then suffering three knock downs and getting beat. We have to stop passing in no mans land and get back to quick attacks i said the one person we would miss the most was Big Tom Hudds for his defending at Corners and free kicks his quick fast long passes his shooting and his ability to counter attack in a blink of both feet. We need to rest Friedel Walker and play this defence Gomes Kaboul Dawson King Bale Lennon Parker Modric Defoe Ady Saha 433 and go for attack the less we defend the better when we get the goals we can then defend and pass the ball to each other like Utd when they had 3-0 goals

Mar 5, 2012 at 10:21 PM | Unregistered Commenterdavspurs

I've never heard anyone laud tom huddlestone for his defensive capabilities, for his passing range yes but defensive capabilities never. For a big man he can't tackle for toffee, mainly because he is too slow to catch even gregorz rasiak.

Mar 5, 2012 at 10:27 PM | Unregistered Commenterfreundwasaleg


Mar 5, 2012 at 10:41 PM | Unregistered CommenterWisky Tom

Gomez can't be trusted, we know and the defence knows it. Uncertainty will run straight through the team. I do agree, we are too slow in the build up, we need to move the ball quicker out of defence. I know the approach is to maintain procession and you maintain control of the game, but we have taken it too far now, we saw this on Sunday!!

I want to know where our clinical goals are going to come from? We do not have a proven, consistent goal scorer. This should have been resolved in the summer, but alas we missed the boat again! We may pay a big price for that!

Mar 5, 2012 at 10:43 PM | Unregistered CommenterHotspurs

Just like the Christian Gross days all over again. Disgusted.

Mar 5, 2012 at 10:46 PM | Unregistered CommenterBig Fish

Arse have lost to the big teams. They lost to Liverpool at the Emirates, United have done the double over them. They lost to us at the Lane. City beat them at home....

Mar 5, 2012 at 10:49 PM | Unregistered CommenterRick

just been on wikipedia to find that Timothée Atouba is currently a free agent and only 30 years old perhaps we could bring him back in.

Mar 5, 2012 at 10:52 PM | Unregistered Commenterfreundwasaleg

If I end it all now, we'll be third for all eternity. If I end it all now, I might never see us win a title. Either way it's all your fault Mr Levy. One more season then. AVB at the helm, Atouba at left back and Gomes back in goal with Thud jogging about spraying Hoddle-esque passes from where King's dodgy knees used to be. We could recall Jenas too. It's what the naming rights stadium is waiting for.

Mar 5, 2012 at 11:11 PM | Unregistered CommenterFurballs

I fully agree with your sayings.
It's the best and most on the spot article you ever have written.
It is about time the real supporters of the glorious club Tottenham Hotspur to urge the president and the members of the board to make public what are their intentions concerning the club so all of us to know what's going on.

Mar 5, 2012 at 11:30 PM | Unregistered CommenterIoanX

Arse needed to win the games against us and Liverpool and they did. We needed to draw the two games say, and we did not. 10 points is now 4 points!

Let's get out there next week and do the business. Do not let Everton have 1 second on the ball. we go 1 up, make it 2, we go 2 up, make it 3! No show boating, no goal celebrations, just the killer instinct to win games the way United do and did against us.

Mar 5, 2012 at 11:33 PM | Unregistered CommenterHotspurs

brilliant post, sheer poetry or shakespeare or someink. for me it reflects my 180 degree mood change after the last few games (not forgetting our f*** a** cup "efforts")
having seen that QPR film on the box last night (anyone see it)
can´t help imaging Mr Levy sitting in the stands with a couple of cronies effing and blinding, passing orders to the bench, wanting to sell that Idiot Striker and sack the Manager "who does he think he is? Mourinho?!? one hand in his pocket wearing a suit!! when he arrived he used to wear a tracksuit!!"
bout time Bale has a hot lemon, VDV pulls his finger out, Modric gets his head sorted out and Scotty calms down a bit. as for Ledley i reckon he knows when its time to put us out of our misery.
Everton 0 - 3 Spurs (Bale 10, Adebayor 45, Defoe 90 ) might calm us all down again

Mar 5, 2012 at 11:42 PM | Unregistered Commenterjohningermanland

great post...but the doom mongers will not get the spurs team I have followed for decades...COYS

Mar 5, 2012 at 11:46 PM | Unregistered Commentersteve

On sunday it was a very good team playing a championship winning team.

I want to be the "play crap, 1-0, 3 points, thank you very much team" from now on!

Mar 5, 2012 at 11:47 PM | Unregistered CommenterHotspurs

I think some of us want Spurs to win every game as well titles and trophies and some they have enough when the team keeps possession of the ball even if finally it loses the game!
Supporters are humans and humans can be mediocre, ambitious, intelligent or ..idiots!

Mar 6, 2012 at 12:10 AM | Unregistered CommenterIoanX

spooky i love reading your articles and your opinions are usually in some sort of line to myn. in this case i tend to think you are a little too paniky and over critical (of my views obviously and maybe not of others)

Terrible start to the season orchestrated with that little croatian and chealsea. couldnt have been helped, just one of those situations im affraid - we got over it!

last transfer window, good business imo, a valiant attempt to clear out the dead wood and pave space for the future. we were cautious not to leave ourselves over short by buying sensible old players who could come in and do a job without complications. new stadium looming this was good business.

i think harry has done an amazing job with our squad. i will agree with you though, i think hes weak duing games, with his orders and terrible substitutions. also keeping in playing a very torn ledley who we all love but is really struggling is not good. also tactics are shallow, esp the bale on the right senario. but who would get it all right? hes doing a great job, he has strengths and weaknesses like anyone, another manager would get it perfect on the day and during the game, but lose the squad off the pitch.

another crisis IS upon us though my friend you are right. harry is about to do the off for certain. pointing out all his weaknesses now will soften the blow for us i suppose, but get real, we want him to stay and finish the fairytale of us being a title challenging team. modric affair was plain to see on the pitch and now the rednapp affair is too. although i do agree with harry we did play well against man u, we were just woofull at the back! ledley cant be blamed alone, but he looked *****d!

anyway time for bed for me to complete my dream of harry coming out in the press tomorrow and saying im staying here im not interested in the best job in english football, i enjoy the 6 hour round trip every day! then spurs winning all our next games and van persie getting the deep horrific injury i have been voodoo'ing on him and us lifting the FA cup form our proud 3rd spot in the league. its on!

Mar 6, 2012 at 1:04 AM | Unregistered Commenterspurs muaythai

3rd in League and only team in top 4 still in FA Cup .
Plus a 4 point gap over Arsenal and more over Chelsea.
Sure I am as dissapointed with Spurs performances of late but it can turn around.
We are not spending enough money to compete with top 2 sorry to burst your bubble but we cannot spend what City,UTD,Arsenal or Chelsea can.
If we finish outside top 3 then yes Harry has had a poor season but lets see if we can step it up over the next few games.Still all to play for.

Mar 6, 2012 at 3:06 AM | Unregistered CommenterGrozza

are some people really stupid enough to not get the tone of this?

Mar 6, 2012 at 4:03 AM | Unregistered CommenterLurch

brilliant btw spooky :)

Mar 6, 2012 at 4:04 AM | Unregistered CommenterLurch

City and utd are better than us. Experience the money they can pay players, the calibre of players. They have prolific strikers. That's why they areabove us. Arsenal have the one player in the most important position if you want to win games that we don't. They have a prolific striker who has carried there season. Without RVP arsenal would be in 16th place maybe lower. Spurs do not have a prolific striker. Vdv is not a striker but chips in. Defoe has pace, can shoot from outside the box but can't hold the ball up and is never in the right place in the box but is probably the nearest we have to 'prolific'. He does need to learn the offside rule though. Ade is not the answer to our striking problems. He is an upgrade on crouch for sure. But he is frustrating to watch. When he was at arse I used to call him adebadgame. His ball control and first touch are terrible. He spends the majourity of his pitch time on the wings and not it the box. He also needs to learn the offside rule and like crouch his shot is weak! He hasn't scored aconvincing goal for us all season. There always sloppy! Then there is saha, past his best days, capable of finishing but lacks the pace to keep up with the game now. An only lasts 45mins before he is knackered! Now apart ade and saha stink of redknapp signings. You know either over 30 or out of favour with a premier league team and can get em for a bargain..triffic player an all that! We are soon becoming dads army because we haven't brought in decent players with age on there side since harry has been at the club. He is terrible at scouting. Harry rarely buys from abroad as his buys at west ham, pompey and southampton have shown. An when he leaves us we will be left with about 6/7 players over 31! Harry is tactically enept and never shows that he can change a game with subs or out fox the opposition by playing our strengths against there weaknesses and we all as fans know this. Its just a shame we can see it but he doesn't. We all knew defoe should have been on instead of saha against utd. We all knew defoe should of been on at ht or at least when we went 2-0 down but no. Saha did nothing second half but he must be like crouch a redknapp favourite! Like the last 10 games last season. We could of got in the cl again had iit not been for harry playing crouch as a lone striker every game. We could all see it wasn't working but he persisted with it! Against arse when you saw the team you gulped..krancjer instead of lennon?! Saha ahead of defoe or vdv. King with no pace these days up against walcott instead of dawson who is more mobile..WHAT we all cried! Make no mistake about it. We went 2 up but never looked comfy because of the tactics and personel on the pitch and that was all down to harry. He hasn't been as bad this year as last but he needs to put the foot firmly back on the gas and not do what he did last season with the wrong team selections and tactics otherwise we won't finish in the top 4.

Mar 6, 2012 at 4:21 AM | Unregistered Commenterjay

I'd put money on a mourinho, manchini, ancholotti, ferguson, hiddink or even a moyes that they would have got more goals out of this squad as it is now. Would have set them up better in the games we lost and even in the games we won which would have meant us scoring more or conceeding less. Would have signed the required better players we needed to push us on. Players with a longer term future at the club. An the above would have set us up tactically better using our strengths against oppositions weaknesses. I like harry as a person. His man-management is awesome, his tactics are awful though so are most of his signings since he has been at spurs and his transfer policy in general. Always old or out of favour with some prem experience. An if you disagree ask yourself this, would any of the above listed managers have brought in saha, gallas, nelson, adebayor, pienaar etc. The answer is no. Why? Because there is better and younger out there that wouldn't have cost a fortune either. Mourinho had the chance to sign ade. He didn't. Moyes let saha go, blackburn terminated nelsons contract. Any of the above managers would have scouted and signed better calibre players that were younger. Harry may have saved us money in the short term by signing past it cheap average players but in the long term we will need to replace about 8 players because of old age plus add what we have needed for a long time. A prolific goal scoring striker, a cb and a right winger. The above managers all would have sorted this problem out in season one not let it get to season 4 and still nothing. They also wouldnt of signed all those aging players. 3rd is good, but harry is not getting the best out of team. The potential is there to push on. We haven't. Ask yourself this, if harry gets hIs tactics spot on every game we are miles ahead of arse and chelsea. If he gets them spot on 9 out of 10 like the above managers would we are laughing but its more like 5/10 with harry, and although we have won a lot and drawn a few, better tactics and buying the players we needed could have got us more convincing wins, turned draws into wins and losses into draws or wins. Harry just doesn't have the tactical nous to outfox other managers and set the team up to get the best out of each players strengths. Modric on the left. Lennon on the bench whilst krancjer plays. Defoe not on. Vdv not on. King set up against walcott. Letting bale have a free role. An the biggest example thinking we can beat another team with same team. Each opposition is different. What best newcastle doesn't beat arsenal. Two different styles. An these recent examples are harrys downfalls. So what I'm saying is if we can get to 3rd, 4 points clear of arse with a dodgy cb, no cover on the wings, no prolific striker, some injury prone average past there best players and a manger that is tactically enept just imagine what one of those above managers, an upgrade on harry could do. This isn't a harry bashing. This is simply pointing out the facts. An one last fact, harry rescued us (2 points 8 games) and we are grateful, but the core of the players that are decent performers for us barring parker and frediel were not signed by harry. He inherited them. Remember jol almost got us to cl as well and he was a nice guy but again tactically not great!

Mar 6, 2012 at 5:09 AM | Unregistered Commenterjay

spooky, once again you are a genius. Too many crazies are jumping on the band wagon and look ready to slit their wrists. Personally i think its pathetic. The crowd at WHL were so nervy on sunday despite us bossing the first half. That nervousness translates onto the pitch and you could see it in the players. These fans need to sto[p feeling sorry for themselves cos we got beat to arsenal and get back behind the team. People are sulking for what reason i dont know but its pathetic.

Mar 6, 2012 at 6:23 AM | Unregistered Commenterdavedajew

@ jay, i have been saying the same thing for years, and been bashed for it. you will get it to, when we limp in a 0-1 victory against everton, and some other average teams. but agains top 5 teams we have been out played, exept from lpool 4-0, and that lucky 2-1 over arsenal, because that was lucky. arrys tactics is a shame, we need a better manager to take us forward. and all those old players??? wtf is up with that. and defoe who is our most scoring player, if you look at min at the field, is behind saha?????????? and i hope ade is shipped back to city, where he can wander in offside street, and make a permanent camp. he has played one GREAT game(ncastle), than he returns to his normal game, offside,ect, and he never wins any headers? why????? he is almost 1,90m tall. imo ade is not a prolific striker, and people can say he does a great work on the pitc, but he does not do what he came for, and that is scoring goals, if anybody thinks 10 goals is great, than it is not me who has a problem. than those peoples are content with 5-8place in premier. but i am not. we should be well clear of arse and chelsea, conidering that they have theyr worst season in decades. well i have said all this before, and people needs to wake up, and look what harry is turning us into. said it when he came, and he has not done anything to change my opinion about him. and thats why fergie is warning spurs not to get rid of him, because he knows a weeker manager when he meets them. he has done a great job, but i dont think he can take spurs any further, i would love it if i was wrong thoug.....kols

Mar 6, 2012 at 6:56 AM | Unregistered Commenterkols

Hahaha, Spooky you have lightened my mood. Keep up the good work.

Mar 6, 2012 at 7:49 AM | Unregistered CommenterKurtspur

Hahahha! I said it, this spuds team is not good enough, they will never finish ahead of Arsenal, never! Spooky, i rightly told you that manutd will batter your weak-minded team. It's now only four points between you and Arsenal and i can bet you (the way i did before manutd game) that you will lose against everton and chelski! Don't doubt it because i never failed in my predictions before. Oh my little neighbour, i don't know if there will be st totterinham day this season lol! And please are u still minding the gap? Hahhahahaha!

Mar 6, 2012 at 7:59 AM | Unregistered CommenterAno

You're upset a bit then Spooky.........................brilliant though!

Mar 6, 2012 at 8:36 AM | Unregistered CommenterHarry's Boy

Ano. You are a #onemanteam. i would rather watch us any day. You were poor against L'pool and watching it relieved me as i now know that you will finish below us because frankly, your team is average. Blackburn beat Man U this year so yes, freak results happen. You guys still have to play Man City, Chavski and Newcastle. lets see how many points you drop there. Dont look up....

Mar 6, 2012 at 8:36 AM | Unregistered Commenterdavedajew

@ ano, what are you laughing about?? arsenal has been behind spurs all season, and if van persie get injuried arsenal is in deep, deeeeeeep shit. just wait, somebody will get him injuried. they goes after bale, but refs dont give them enough yellow cards for that. eventually van persie will get clipped down ugly, and a red card will follow. but that wont help when he is sidelined for 2months. dont start celebrating yet, long way to go. and if that happends? take away 52% off youre goals, and look what youre goal diff is, i bet qpr has about the same diff as arsenal would be at then..he has not been injuried this season, but he will get one verry soon, i can bet on it. and he will be out rest of the season.

Mar 6, 2012 at 8:48 AM | Unregistered Commenterkols

@davdejew, what you failed to understand is that teams normally have one brilliant individual in their squad. Oh sorry, didnt remember that your team doesn't have one, bunch of mediocre players waiting to jump ship to the next availlable paymaster(adebawhore and modric beware). And for your statement that we have not played the likes of chelski, manshitty and newcattle, well we are playing all of them at the emirates where we are always at our ruthless best (5-2) remember! We will batter all of them at the emirates the way we batterd you scums hahahahahaahahahahaahahahahaha!

Mar 6, 2012 at 8:50 AM | Unregistered CommenterAno

these spuddies are disgrace as football fans , many of them wouldn't have seen spurs having such a season in their lifetime including spooky and yet their stadium was more than half empty much before full time during manu game and also these so called passionate set of fans ran away 20 min before full time whistle during match against arsenal , who will want to play for such a club and anyways it seems that spurs's so called big squad is much overrated , name a truly world class player in their ranks ,answer is none..and also arsenal worst team in decades spanked them 5-2 at emirates and u just got lucky to beat arsenal 2-1 (admit it u were lucky tht day )

Mar 6, 2012 at 9:29 AM | Unregistered Commentercoolblue

/\ troll /\

Mar 6, 2012 at 10:08 AM | Registered Commenterspooky

@ coolblue: yours team was verry lucky against the worst lpool team in rememberence!!!!!! what does that say about arsenal? and at ano: arsenal have lost a coupple of games at emirates, this year, against liverpool for once. and the smacking from fulham?? my god, arsenal are as good as the position says, that would be behind spurs, and have been there the whole season. that you now are closer than ever to get at the same points, and the way you arsenal fans are having a second x-mas because of that. truly says alot about youre team!!!!!!!! just wait, when van persie is out, we wont hear the end of just "how unlucky you where, and if that had not happend, arsenal would whipe the floor with everybody", by the way, why are you on this site anyway???

Mar 6, 2012 at 10:12 AM | Unregistered Commenterkols

Jesus, are people actually taking this seriously?

Mar 6, 2012 at 10:25 AM | Unregistered CommenterSean

Anyone see my comments from Feb 27th following defeat to the Ar$e? Do read back. I've got a cigar out now and trying so hard not to say 'I told you so' to nobody in particular.......

Here's a copy, paste so you don't have to go back and read it:

Yes I agree that Harry was shown up tactically but for me there are two fundamental issues here.

1) Why does he persist to adopt this schoolboy philosophy of never changing a winning team? Not sure what I mean? Look back at our worse performances over the last couple of seasons. I think you'll find that they are usually preceded by a solid victory against a lowly ranked outfit (Man U away this season for example), either in the PL or a European competition. The team wins against the weaker opponents, so Harry puts out the same team, creates no doubt a bit of respect and solidarity amongst the playing squad, but at the expense of the result

2) We will not seriously challenge for the league until we have a Roy Keane type leader who demands and insists upon high level performance. Every player should be expected to play in the positions assigned to them (referring here to Bale and VDV) and every player should be expected to give 100% and run until they can't run any more (Adebayor & Modric spring to mind). An on-pitch general would ensure the discipline we clearly lack.

Redknapp is an ex-player and as such, he carries this sentimentality about respecting and caring for players' feelings. At 2-0 we were still getting sh&t upon. That was the time to take off Krancjar for Sandro and force Saha to play out wide. Yes his team selection was wrong but we all make mistakes - it's how you deal with them during the match that will ultimately decide whether or not you win things. He doesn't have the cut-throat mentality to be the best, however, he has enough ability to secure us 3rd place and potentially win us the FA cup.

Let's hope Harry gets the balance right for next weekend's game. Play 4-5-1 with lots of width. We can beat Man U but only with the right line up and on-pitch discipline.

Mar 6, 2012 at 10:29 AM | Unregistered CommenterChiefy

All this talk about only 4 points in front. We may well drop more points but that doesn't mean the scum or the blue scum are going to cruse passed us., they will almost certainly drop points as well. So for F****s sake stop the moaning.

Mar 6, 2012 at 10:43 AM | Unregistered CommenterJohn

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