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« NLD: post-match thoughts and stuff | Main | The Carling Cup NLD is not important »

Group hug

Dry your eyes lads. At least we have a cup final to look forward to this Saturday.

As for tonight, I made it clear I didn't care for pre-match selection and if that meant making 10 changes to the side to protect other priorities, regardless, I would not be using that as an excuse post-final whistle. Unlike say our neighbours always manage to do. I wanted 110%. Sadly the side could only give about 60%. The reality is you don't win anything with a patched up team that hand out gifts to an opposition that will be nothing less than clinical in acceptance.

Too much belly-button fluff from us. And their belly-button fluff congealed far better than ours.

The less said about the defending the better. Harry probably got what he wanted. No more Carling Cup games to interfere with the schedule. I feel all dirty for saying that. Sell-out. Cue various shrug type sound-bites from Harry and the Sunday Supplement crew positively creaming their pants. Heads up and just avoid the rags. You'll work your way through it, no problem.

At least Sandro looked decent.

Lesson to be learnt? In future, regardless of what else is going on around us in terms of competitions, never...never ever play a weakened side against the enemy. Yes, the EPL is more important. Yes we do not want players picking up needless injuries...but this is the NLD. Reserve game or otherwise. It's a crock to lose it.

COYS. Onwards.

Reader Comments (141)

Lets be honest, if you were playing Stoke/Wolves away tonight you would have fielded a much weaker side than you did tonight at the lane.

Who have won this cup for the last 2 years and carried on being considered as no1 challengers to Chelsea once again this season?

Maybe Wangers realised that you have to value this shitty reserve/youth cup more than you realise as it may be your most realistic trophy aspiration?

Sep 22, 2010 at 12:57 AM | Unregistered CommenterYiddo Dave

I'm going to stop crying now. I'm going to bed.

Sep 22, 2010 at 1:03 AM | Unregistered CommenterYiddo Dave

We only played this team (it was our reserves no matter how you look at it) because we're playing you, because Wenger didn't want to lose 5-1 again we a team of kids.

I hope we see JET, Aneke, Afobe, the GK who's name I can't spell, Miquel, Cruise in the next round. Well we'll see Cruise cos Gibbs broke his Metatarsal tonight as is out till xmas.

Sep 22, 2010 at 1:04 AM | Unregistered CommenterDan

Is pretending to be me the best you losers can do?

Sep 22, 2010 at 1:05 AM | Unregistered CommenterYiddo Dave

Dan, 4-1 at white hart lane and other gloating trolls
You might be surprised to learn that many of us here--certainly not all--will agree that you are better than us.
You have a better squad and though we are trying to catch up with you we aren't quite there. We are making some headway in that regard. End of, as they say :)

You really don't need to waste your time telling us that you are better than us.

I wish you luck. Honestly, I respect your team as a team. You have some great players and you do play beautiful football at times even though I do think you are a bit too precious. I respect your manager as a manager and admire his footballing brain even though I think he is a loathsome twat. Though I detest Gooners in the collective I have too many Gooner friends to feel any real antipathy towards you.

If posting here makes you feel good about yourself, you clearly have a sad little life.

Perhaps you should bookmark this page and come back to it on those sad nights after you drop useless points up north, lose to United and Chelsea and when you get eliminated from CL.

Sep 22, 2010 at 1:06 AM | Unregistered Commenternycyid

How dare you admit they're better than us nycyid?! Haven't you read the st totteringham rule book? If you don't admit it, it means they aren't!!! You should go join their team then! Arse-lover!

Sep 22, 2010 at 1:12 AM | Unregistered CommenterYiddo Dave

From Saturday, which I presume is your current 1st team you had Kosc, Nas and Wankshire also Rosicky came on for Fabregas on 29 so thats 4/11 first teamers at the start along with Denilson who came on on 58 on Saturday so 5/11.

Arsahvin and Chamakh came on to make it 7/11 1st teamers at 1-1 on 74. Also Clichy came on in extra time to make it 8/11.

If you include Song who was banned and fabianski and vela who were on the bench available for Saturday hmmm thats 11/11 from your 1st team squad so not so sure about the reserves thing yo keep going on about?

Sep 22, 2010 at 1:13 AM | Unregistered CommenterYiddo Dave

My brain is made of haribo.

Sep 22, 2010 at 1:30 AM | Unregistered CommenterYiddo Dave

I'm start with the positives despite the result...

The first penalty was a clear dive and if the ref had made the right call it could have been a different game because I thought we looked the slightly stronger team in the second half. In truth we only conceded the goals when Arsenal had their first choice forwards on the pitch, up against our reserve defence (BAE aside).

The second pen was naive by caulker because Chamakh was heading out of play but overall I thought he looked promising. He read the game fairly well and didn't leave the defence exposed. I think he needs games at a lower level to continue his development but I wouldn't be worried if he played again on Saturday.

Sandro looked like our best player, a decent passer, calm on the ball and a couple of surging runs from midfield (which were stopped incidentally by the kind of challenges that Wenger has been whinging about for the last fortnight). I'd like to see him line up alongside Huddlestone as I think given a run in the side together they could really dominate the midfield.

Assou-Ekotto had a decent game. I think a lot of fans can't see past his comments that he doesn't particularly like football. He's professional, a pretty good player and didn't make any mistakes tonight. Bear in mind he had Bentley ahead of him and not Bale.

Bassong was decent although looked a little rusty. He needs a run of games to get back to his best but we have better players in the squad so this is unlikely. He can't be blamed for the penalty; Nasri took a dive.

Onto the negatives...

Pletiklose looked out of his depth. He did the routine stuff quite well and can't be blamed for conceding two from the penalty spot. He could have done better for the fourth goal but remember Erik the Viking had a mare on his debut and went on to be a decent enough player.

Naughton also looked like he is far from ready to play regularly but he did set up our goal and the pass was good even though Keane mistimed his run and should have been flagged offside. I can only presume Harry was saving Hutton for Saturday.

Palacios was very disappointing considering the players he was up against. Passes a yard behind the player more often than not but we already know this is not his strength. Time for him to move on but I don't think it will be to Madrid or Barca.

Bentley played to his usual standard; awful. Offered no threat attacking whatsoever and lacks composure. His strength is supposed to be his end product but he created nothing and since that's the reason he's in the team it does beg the question of why he was playing? The fitness of Sandro aside, for what reason did he remain on the pitch for 120 minutes?

Gio is an enigma brilliant for Mexico and anything but for Spurs. Maybe its the physical aspects of British football or maybe we should play in green, but he doesn't look anything close to a premier league footballer in a Tottenham shirt. If his post world cup comments about knuckling down and trying harder are anything to go by we should be very worried.

I don't want to be too harsh on Livermore. I don't want to write him off after 45 minutes of football but he should have done a lot better against Arsenal's reserves if he wants to make a career as a top-flight footballer. He will probably get another chance to impress but will have to take it second time around.

Pavlychenko looked good when running into the channels to receive the ball but he wins little or nothing in the air and we squandered possession when we played the long ball to him. He looks a good player when the ball is played into his feet and can't be blamed for the poor service. Was often isolated in the box and didn't get a sniff of a goal but as I said its his job to finish chances and he can't be blamed for the lack of creativity of the midfield.

Keane seems to be going the way of Joaquin Phoenix although in Keane's case its all to genuine. His goal was fortunate on two fronts; should have been flagged offside and a decent keeper would have saved the shot. Sadly, he should never play for Spurs again.

Lennon's lack of form is a mystery. Was poor against a relatively weak defence and didn't give Redknapp a reason to pick him on Saturday. He looked almost dangerous but nothing really worked for him.

Kancjar didn't have much of a chance as he came on when we'd already lost the game (at least in our heads). He is a fantastic player but he's not match fit.

Overall, this was disappointing and not because the scoreline flattered Arsenal but because we played with far too many passengers. A lack of penetration seems to be the recurring theme of our season so far and whilst none of our strikers are world-class the blame for this IMHO lies with the midfield. We will always struggle to create chances without Bale, Modric, Van der Vaart or Huddlestone. But the lack of penetration from out backup players against Arsenal's reserve defence and midfield raises serious questions. Our level of football has diminished from last season. We were lucky against Wolves at the weekend and If we carry on with these lethargic performances we might have to think about a change of manager.

Sep 22, 2010 at 1:44 AM | Unregistered CommenterStephen

Dan @ 12:57
Agreed. You have been hit by some bad injuries as have we. I actually do hope for the sake of our clubs that we can keep both our squads healthy. If for no other reason than we can have a proper NLD with no excuses :)

Sep 22, 2010 at 2:00 AM | Unregistered Commenternycyid

Good summary, Stephen.
You switched position of "c" and "j" in attempt to spell Kranjcar, but are forgiven for it considering the time of day (night actually) you typed it. :)
Can't wait for Satdee to roll on to see us romp over West Parker Ham.

Sep 22, 2010 at 4:03 AM | Unregistered Commenterbeetleblues

Didnt see the game - not televised here, but from all accounts posted here:-

1. Bentley played on the left wing and Gio DS on the right wing? Something not quite right here.

Why not try Gio DS in the hole behind Keane and or Pav? Maybe that's why he's not playing well.

2. Why play Palacios and Sandro together - to protect the back four? Why not start with Kranjcar and one of them instead?

3. Sandro was either okay or bad. I guess this was his first time. If he progresses then fine.

4. Pletikosa did not rise to the occasion. We can only hope he gets better.

5. I didnt need to see the game to know Bentley was a waste of time and space.

6. So some got much needed game time, and obviously no understanding between players who rarely play together. If that is the only reason, then fine. If Caulker is as good as they say he is, then at least one bright spot. Good to see home grown given a chance, instead of only relying on acquired talent.

7. Some reports of cramp. This means they are not used to playing a whole game? How can this be acceptable?

8. It also seems there is a lack of guile and streetsmart. Not clever enough to con the referee, and too naive to allow L'Arse the chance to con the ref.

All this means, we need to give the second string more game time ! Dont keep playing the same guys all the time lest they suffer burnout whilst others rust from underuse.

Sep 22, 2010 at 7:29 AM | Unregistered CommenterFocussed from Singapore


I also missed our the 'r' in his name but given I am one hour ahead of you guys and had been drinking I'll let it go :)

Sep 22, 2010 at 8:19 AM | Unregistered CommenterStephen

Didnt see the game - not televised here, but from all accounts posted here:-

1. Bentley played on the left wing and Gio DS on the right wing? Something not quite right here.

Why not try Gio DS in the hole behind Keane and or Pav? Maybe that's why he's not playing well.

2. Why play Palacios and Sandro together - to protect the back four? Why not start with Kranjcar and one of them instead?

3. Sandro was either okay or bad. I guess this was his first time. If he progresses then fine.

4. Pletikosa did not rise to the occasion. We can only hope he gets better.

5. I didnt need to see the game to know Bentley was a waste of time and space.

6. So some got much needed game time, and obviously no understanding between players who rarely play together. If that is the only reason, then fine. If Caulker is as good as they say he is, then at least one bright spot. Good to see home grown given a chance, instead of only relying on acquired talent.

7. Some reports of cramp. This means they are not used to playing a whole game? How can this be acceptable?

8. It also seems there is a lack of guile and streetsmart. Not clever enough to con the referee, and too naive to allow L'Arse the chance to con the ref.

All this means, we need to give the second string more game time ! Dont keep playing the same guys all the time lest they suffer burnout whilst others rust from underuse.

Sep 22, 2010 at 8:19 AM | Unregistered CommenterFocussed from Singapore

Maybe we should think about having a reserve team again? As a point highlighted earlier Arsenal looked like they knew exactly what they were doing where some of our guys looked like strangers. If we had a reserve team in place then they certainly would know each others games. Think about all the other players we have on loan, (Bostock and co) they could of done a job. Fully understand Redknapp wanting to rest most of the big boys. 10 changes is huge. But we have guys making debuts out there and I think some of them did well. At 1-1 we came a post away from winning it...nice to think we have bigger fish to fry. But Wenger changed his policy if you like because the man is desperate to win something. Lets all hope they don't.

Sep 22, 2010 at 8:35 AM | Unregistered CommenterTim

We can all agree that in terms of relative importance, because of the players playing, this defeat will hurt less and less as the days go by. Compared to say the 3-0 capitulation away at the Emirates last season.

Sep 22, 2010 at 8:35 AM | Registered Commenterspooky

It was a Commonwealth Village type of game. Featuring a half-completed outfit thrown together despite the resources available, absent stars in a minor tournament, promising much and delivering little with a smattering of excrement and a late collapse. All of this brought on by an outrageous foreign deception.

Sep 22, 2010 at 8:42 AM | Unregistered Commenter555

Redknapp OUT - the man thinks he walks on water and what the fuck has he ever done, one FA Cup and just a qualification to the Champions League. He doesnt give a fuck about the fans, putting out a side that had no chance of winning last night and made us all pay 37 quid to get embaressed. Fucking wanker

Sep 22, 2010 at 9:07 AM | Unregistered Commenterlilywhitemike

First off. What a bunch of total w**kers that lot are. Creaming themselves in the corner. It just shows how far Arsenal have come as a club - they couldn't give a monkeys about a CC semi-final before, right?

Most concerning for me was the support last night - our fans seemed to want it less than some of the players. Any NLD should be electric and that was far from it last night.

Sandro looked the business I thought - Wilson replacement ready and waiting. And although he gave away a penalty, I thought our young lad Caulker did well. Maybe people disagree - I thought he was composed and looked strong. Given that it was his debut and he's 18.

Always hurts to lose to such a bunch of manky, vapid twats. Not like we have not been here before and unlikely not to be here again. I'm looking forward to seeing Bale, VdV and Modric have a crack at them...

Sep 22, 2010 at 9:09 AM | Unregistered CommenterSalt Spur

agree with you Salt Spur - in terms of the atmosphere, i think everyone was just deflated as soon as we saw our team selection and theirs. we stood no chance, and i think people were angry at was what so inevitably about to happen. The fact that it went to extra time is unbelievable.

Them lot in the corner are obviously going to be creaming themselves, why wouldnt they? It was a great result for them. I don't blame the players on the pitch for that, I blame one man for subjecting us to it...

At least were going to win the Champions League anyway, with our first team players being so well rest and all...

Sep 22, 2010 at 9:23 AM | Unregistered Commenterlilywhitemike

Gooner scum all laughing at photo of tearful Spurs kid:

Some of the comments are unbelievable. Pond life. What's the possibility of legal action? Surely they can't be allowed to encourage the humiliation of a minor?? A big step too far if you ask me and never seen anything like that on any Spurs forums. Pathetic.

Sep 22, 2010 at 9:44 AM | Unregistered CommenterBig Fish

they're scum, Big Fish - They were singing songs during the Bobby Smith tribute, shows you the kind of people they are...

Sep 22, 2010 at 9:50 AM | Unregistered Commenterlilywhitemike

Things we learnt from last night -

1, They didn't win in normal time!

2, NLD's are there to be WON it doesn't matter a toss that it's the Carling Cup!

3, Harry now has as much chance as being the next PM as England manager.

4, Sandro and Caulker are good short-term and long-term prospects respectively.

5, Start playing a Reserve term in a Reserve Competition to give the lads match practice and knowledge of each others game/s

6, Instil a FITNESS regime where the players are going to last for 120 mins.

7, Instil a SYSTEM of playing throughout the club from Youth level upwards whether it be 4-4-2, 4-4-1-1, 4-5-1 or 4-3-3 etc so that ALL players recognise the System being played and varied in the game.

8 That Bentley, Keane, Palacios and Pavlyuchenko should all be shipped out in January or next summer at the absolute latest.

And to Harry you let us down big time in this game you OWE us one BIG TIME!

Let's hope that the rot hasn't pervaded the FIrst Team and we don't get turned over by the resurgent Spammers on Saturday.


Sep 22, 2010 at 9:55 AM | Unregistered Commentermikeyb

Good point about fitness Mikeyb. That cost us the FA Cup semi final last year too.

Sep 22, 2010 at 10:07 AM | Unregistered CommenterBig Fish

I agree with most of what you said there mikeyb.

What i got so annoyed with last night is the continual bias of sky sports. I know I should expect it, but last night they couldn't find a decent word to say about Spurs and were just loving L'Arse. Plus I think they had one microphone a the ground as all I could hear were the gooner fans chanting.

That said, we were shite.

Sep 22, 2010 at 10:09 AM | Unregistered Commenterbringbackmabbutt

@bringbackmabbutt agree completely, it was so infuriating to have to listen to the commentators gloat whilst watching our team capitulate. Also what was with Wenger-watch, every five minutes the camera would pan to him to see what he was doing. ITS NOT F***ING BIG BROTHER!!!!! It was Sky that annoyed me the most last night, yes the performance was rubbish (although I admired Keane's work rate, you could see how frustrated he was with Pav just not putting any effort in to close their defence down when they had the ball or box them in at throw ins) but looking at the starting line-ups its what I expected as they fielded a much stronger 11 than us. There were also more first teamers in their finishing 11 than ours. Which says it all really. I think Sandro is a good prospect also Caulker, although lake of game time showed in ET. Their team was much fitter/sharper than ours which cost us the game, this can be pinned on the fact that we no longer participate in the reserve league. But at the same time I think its better for our youth to go out on loan until they are ready, it just means that our 2nd string/youth are more likely to struggle in situations like this. Bentley was shocking though, i'd be happy to see the back of him, pav and gio after last night.....

Sep 22, 2010 at 10:22 AM | Unregistered CommenterSheffSpur

Sammy. No prizes for guessing what the "C" stands for.

Sep 22, 2010 at 10:24 AM | Unregistered CommenterBig Fish

Obviously a bad result, but the bigger picture is a worry.

Keane and Pav - one chased shadows like a headless chicken whilst the other one looked like a shadow of a headless chicken. They didn't get a lot of service, but those two and Crouch won't score more than we'll let in. Midfield has to step up.

Redknapp - Why oh why in a season where Lennon needs competition play Bentley on the left? Does anyone actually know what system we were trying to play in the first half, because the players obviously didn't.

I agree with someone above, the club needs a system of play. An ideology if you like, and players need to be bought in or trained to fit that idea rather than fitting the system around the players we have on a given day. Players need to know their role inside out and know exactly what's required of them, not only in their own position, but maybe one or two other positions, so that when we are 'bare boned' or resting players, there's more integration.

Sep 22, 2010 at 10:26 AM | Unregistered CommenterTMWNN

Oh and credit to those fans who stuck it out to the death and sung their hearts out into the dying seconds of the game. I was very proud of those people. Notice Sky were quick to point out most of our fans leaving, but didn't pay any attention to those who stuck it out and made themselves heard.

Sep 22, 2010 at 10:37 AM | Unregistered CommenterSheffSpur

arsenal dominated spurs on pitch but more amusing fact was that how travelling gooners shoved deep into spuds asses in their very own white fart lane, arsenal fans made bitch out of white hart lane and pulverized pathetic spud supporters whoever were left by creating real atmosphere , it would have been so painful for spurs players to see their fans run like tsunami was coming, and spuds keep on making mockery of their club when their player like vdv says spurs are bigger than asrenal pls someone explain to this idiot spurs are not even bigger than everton or newcastle and now chelsea is on their par so how can he compare tiny totts to arsenal. and u can cryout as much u want on this blog that how arsenal cheated or whatever but in ur hearts u know spuds team , fans and white fart lane got laid and owned by gooners last night........ tiny totts always in arsenals shadow....

Sep 22, 2010 at 11:39 AM | Unregistered Commenterbilly G

Dont worry lads...

Sep 22, 2010 at 11:58 AM | Unregistered CommenterTopYid

Good match last night eh yids??
I think the best part of the whole night was when the Arsenal fans were singing "Your shit and you know you are!!!"
That was simply hilarious (be honest). It felt as if there were 20,000 fans chanting that song - it was SO loud, the commentators tried to talk over it! lol

Sep 22, 2010 at 12:07 PM | Unregistered CommenterMr Bergkamp

Arsenal fans? loud? you're quite well known for being a shit set of supporters from the Highbury Library, fuck off you cunts.

Sep 22, 2010 at 12:18 PM | Unregistered Commenterlilywhitemike

U heard it though right??
Thought so.

Sep 22, 2010 at 12:27 PM | Unregistered CommenterMr Bergkamp

That scene of the little yid kid crying made me want to drop six-feet under and cover myself. The Carling cup doesn't matter? Well, it did'nt feel like that to me and that kid. Its really unfair what Redkrapp is doing to us. Lucky fouth spot should cover our eyes to the fact that this is the UGLIEST FOOTBALL WE'VE PLAYED FOR A DECADE.
1. We've stopped winning any game with any style of class. Its now hoofs upwards and lucky, classless Crouch headers and,
2. Robert Keane, Jenas, Hutton and other fucks from failures of seasons past brought back to mock us. Bentley? My goodness! give us a break. That old-man is rubbish. We were conned by Ars"nal. Lets accept it and start the healing. 16 million down the drain.

A NLD is a NLD...doesn't matter if its a bunch of drunk fans from either side playing a 5-aside at midnight. Spurs have to give it their best. That out there was what you get when a west-ham punk who used to support ars"nal in the past takes over your team. No pride!

Sep 22, 2010 at 12:41 PM | Unregistered CommenterRonnie

that kid is crying in video bcoz he is wearing shitty shirt of spurs who for decades eat shit of their mighty neighbours , he wishes he was born to be a gooner and experience to b fan of a real club not some copycat jewish run academy...

Sep 22, 2010 at 1:05 PM | Unregistered Commenterbilly G

Arsenal Fans Really Are Stupid Little Cunts.

Taking the piss out of poor Ben Mitchell.

They have no shame.

Fucking wankers.


Billy G

Why dont you create an atmosphere at yer own fucking stadium you short sighted gooner cunt.

Fuck off. It really says something when you lot come on here and gloat over a fucking Carling Cup match.

Fuck off you mis-shapen jizz soaked cock wart.

Sep 22, 2010 at 1:19 PM | Unregistered CommenterTomtraubert (angry)

no i was wrong that kid cried bcoz he saw his fellow coward yids who ran like burning effiel tower was shoved in their tiny bums when things got tough during the match............

Sep 22, 2010 at 1:45 PM | Unregistered Commenterbilly G

loooooooooooooooooooooool. That is all. ;D

Sep 22, 2010 at 4:47 PM | Unregistered Commenterbangbang gooner..

I think the best part of the whole night was when the Arsenal fans were singing "Your shit and you know you are!!!"

Sad cry for help.

Sep 22, 2010 at 5:45 PM | Unregistered Commenternycyid

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