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The Carling Cup NLD is not important

If you believe the title of this article, you're an idiot.

Yes, yes, it’s the lesser of all the silverware available and we have two massive priorities (4th place in the EPL and our Champions League adventure) to contend with. And no doubt Harry and Wenger will probably play a little mind-chess with their selection tomorrow night, probably (via the media) agreeing to play patched up sides of yoof, benchers and a few select first teamers thanks largely to injuries and those other priorities.

This gives them a chance to compete and win on an almost even playing level without selecting a best eleven, and thus appeasing the thirst for blood both sets of fans will demand. If we win, it's because we beat the kids. If they win they'll tell us how amazing their kids are. And for the losing manager, they will churn out the type of excuse that will no doubt hurt either set of fans, about how 'it was only the Carling Cup/it doesn't matter/it's not important'.

Even though this is only the Carling Cup, it's still a North London derby, and I'd be hard pressed to find a NLD that doesn't mean a thing. I'd be gutted to lose to the swamp things. If we had no players to select and had to field bits of string and belly-button fluff I'd still demand 110% and would be crushed if we got beat. It's Arsenal. It's the enemy. They think the same way. Why would any of the collective creeds think any differently?

We live to hate.

If it was up to me, I'd play a full strength side and be done with it. No belly-button fluff, well apart from JJ. It's all highly unlikely considering Harry has already stated he will use the entire squad to select his team from and in addition King, Corluka, Kaboul and Gallas are all (apparently) unavailable for selection thanks to injuries. Wenger has the same headache, not wanting to risk certain first-teamers because he'd be left with little in reserve if they pick up knocks on Tuesday night.

Which means, if you really want to be anal about things, you could argue that it's not a proper fully-fledged NLD because neither side are going to be anywhere near all-mighty strong. Which sounds like a ready made excuse to me. So let me refer you back again to what I said. I don't care who plays. Losing to them is never acceptable.

That's it.

Wear the shirt with pride. Get stuck in. Tenacity Tottenham. Bite their b*llocks off.



Reader Comments (52)


3 posts in one day spooky - busy day?

Sep 20, 2010 at 3:29 PM | Unregistered CommenterSJG

I'm thinking open game, plenty of goals, plenty of sloppy mistakes.

3-2 to us.

Sep 20, 2010 at 3:41 PM | Unregistered CommenterAuthor of Comment

You had me there for a second hehe..totally agree.

Anytime we play "them" it is important. Here's hoping we dish out a nice case of woop ass to our nomadic visitor's tomrrow evening).


Sep 20, 2010 at 3:42 PM | Unregistered CommenterTopyid

I think we have enough reserve resources to put up a strong B-team. Gio and Krankjar...Instead of Pointy and 3MP (whom I really dont like) looks really good to me. I think Bassong is probably better than Gallas (oops! I said it.) and if Pletikosa is'nt better than Cudicini then he should be released forthwith. Same goes for Sandro in regard to belly-button fluff Jenas :-)

Here's hoping the B-team hasn't understood the new hoof-and-hope instructions.... and instead sticks to tradition. I'm desparate to see a good Spurs team goal. Really desparate.

Sep 20, 2010 at 3:43 PM | Unregistered CommenterRonnie

"If we had no players to select and had to field bits of string and belly-button fluff I'd still demand 110% and would be crushed if we got beat."


Sep 20, 2010 at 3:44 PM | Unregistered Commentern17ment

This would be a good opportunity to see the credentials of Sandro, Pletikosa and hopefully one or two youth players. Rose again?

Kranjar needs game time. So does Walker and Bassong.

I would start Keane and Pav just to see how well they click.

Dont really care about Bentley or Jenas or CC.

In short, victory would be the icing on the cake, but more important for some to develop understanding and game experience.

With our fixtures list, this is one competition we could do without this season. Dont forget we have Twente next midweek ! First CL game ever at the Lane !

Sep 20, 2010 at 3:46 PM | Unregistered CommenterFocussed from Singapore

Alright spooks. I'm liking the shorter article by the way. Good work.

I hate to be Mr Negativity, but Arsenal might surprise a few of us tomorrow night. They don't tend to play with much fear.

Sep 20, 2010 at 3:46 PM | Unregistered CommenterKlaxons in the Wind

Agree with the sentiment Spooky.

Focussed from Singapore - if we get knocked out playing back-up/squad players then let's take it on the chin. The CL is far more important. Even the league game against West Ham is in terms of priorities. But I don't think we need to discuss importance when it just comes down to whether the backups are good enough to get far in this cup. I'd say we have a decent chance, but it's not going to hurt when we get knocked out (as long as it's not tomorrow) because of the CL and the Prem.

Sep 20, 2010 at 3:50 PM | Unregistered CommenterThe Machine

We lumped them 5-1 so not sure Arsenal are completely fearless at the Lane.

Sep 20, 2010 at 3:51 PM | Unregistered Commenteralt ctrl del

Full house, 25,000 or so season ticket holders. I hope it is a really noisy evening and the first performance of the season that draws a line in the sand that we daren't go back behind again. A performance to show the rest of the league and also one to have Wenger holding his head. I'll take 6 now - am I asking too much? Out of the blocks fast and completely out of sight.

Sep 20, 2010 at 3:53 PM | Unregistered Commenterhoopspur

6 - I am a little demented at the moment. I'll take 5 on reflection as long as they don't score! ; )

Sep 20, 2010 at 3:57 PM | Unregistered Commenterhoopspur

completely with you mate, dont ever piss about against these just give yourself the best possible chance to win. apart from anything else i want us to win the competition!!

Sep 20, 2010 at 3:59 PM | Unregistered Commenterlilywhitemike

A bit of a newsnow hit-whore title there spooky. I'm a little disappointed...

... but i'll get over it. Maybe.

Sep 20, 2010 at 4:02 PM | Unregistered CommenterDearOhDear

It's forgiveable, considering he only does it once every 100 blog articles. Unlike Triffic Tottenham and that other ghastly website, the transfer tavern. If you want to talk whores, take a look over there.

Sep 20, 2010 at 4:06 PM | Unregistered CommenterJep

Don;t playa hate !

Sep 20, 2010 at 4:10 PM | Unregistered CommenterEd

Hit whore titles are just dandy as long as the article is decent. And it's decent. I'm working tomorrow which means will miss this. Wondering if I can get home from work without seeing the score, then avoid internet and phone and watch it on V+.

Sep 20, 2010 at 4:12 PM | Unregistered Commenterno name norman

3 posts in one day spooky - busy day?

If I could, I'd probably post 3/4 times per day. On random stuff. Short articles etc. But the culture of news feeds can frustrate.

Sep 20, 2010 at 4:21 PM | Registered Commenterspooky

triffic aint too bad, tavern is a effin joke....but how did you manage to miss the worst of all...good old tribal football

Sep 20, 2010 at 4:28 PM | Unregistered Commentern17ment

Don't care who or how, just nail them, got to disagree about it "only" being the Carling Cup, Beating Chelski at Wembley was just the sweetest feeling. COYS.

Sep 20, 2010 at 4:46 PM | Unregistered CommenterHairyroadmap

Well, I wouldn't mind killing them, but let's be logical and send in some dudes who lack time on the ptich, say, Bentley. We are bigger than them, as vdV said.

Sep 20, 2010 at 4:57 PM | Unregistered CommenterO.o

Oh spooky... You with your comically misleading titles... You cheeky scamp

Sep 20, 2010 at 5:08 PM | Unregistered Commenteralways lilywhite

I'd like to see the entire first 11 rested, bar those who need game time. I want to see what Sandro can do. And Pletikosa. I want Bentley and Kranjcar to have stormers so that Lennon gets more pressure for his place. I want Palacios to return to the take the game by the scruff of the neck form of last year and get his confidence. I want to see some signs of a future from our younger players. And I want to stuff the Woolwich Wanders at their own game of knocking out Premiership teams with second string teams.

Sep 20, 2010 at 5:20 PM | Unregistered CommenterBen

This game is of no lesser importance to me. Everytime we play, especially agianst the Goons it should be vitally important that we win. I'm excited about the prospect of seeing a few fringe players who dont normally get the chance to play. It is vital that vwe beat them not only for bragging rights, but for confidence and for continuing the winning habbit. I think Redknapp will go with: -
TEAM : Pletkiosa, Hutton, Caulker, Bassong, Naughton, Bentley, Sandro, Palacios, Kranjcar, Gioc]vani, Pavlyuchecnko
SUBS : Cudicini, Bale, Huddlestone, Livermore, Lennon, Keane, Kane

Sep 20, 2010 at 5:21 PM | Unregistered CommenterKP

Danny Rose to return from loan, score a fancy goal and leave the pitch. How I wish history would repeat itself tomorrow.


Sep 20, 2010 at 5:42 PM | Unregistered Commenterelwehbi

Spurs' second XI? Spurs' reserves? Call them what you want, but when 11 men take the field wearing the famous lilywhite shirt and they are up against the wanderers of Woolwich, it's a NLD, with more to play for than any other game in their careers.

Sep 20, 2010 at 6:39 PM | Unregistered CommenterJohnnyB

Oh bollocks. Put the young kids out there, rest the first team. Nobody gives a shit about the Carling Cup.

Sep 20, 2010 at 7:07 PM | Unregistered CommenterWillieWonka

Appears we have run out of centre halves for tomorrow. Bassong and Caulker maybe ?
Always want to beat the scum, but our following 2 games are more important.

Sep 20, 2010 at 8:11 PM | Unregistered CommenterDAVID

Arsenal (from): Fabianski, Hoyte, Djourou, Squillaci, Gibbs, Eboue, Eastmond, Denilson, Lansbury, Emmanuel-Thomas, Vela, Szczesny, Afobe, Aneke, Wilshere, Murphy, Randall, Cruise.


Sep 20, 2010 at 8:35 PM | Unregistered CommenterThe Machine

Both managers aren't too interested in it and neither am I. Wouldn't be that bothered at all if we went out.

According to Redknapp, we only have one fit centre back (Bassong), wouldn't it make sense to rest him too, just in case. The pikey game at the weekend is 10x more important.

Sep 20, 2010 at 9:08 PM | Unregistered CommenterTMWNN

West Ham game/points is vital. Can't be dropping any there. No doubt they will be 'well up for their cup final' as per usual. Considering how fucking shit they've been this season, it would be oh so typical. Sullivan and Gold included in their squad apparently.

As for the goons. Experimental squad there from Wenger. Our patched up side should - SHOULD - do the business.


Sep 20, 2010 at 9:41 PM | Registered Commenterspooky

"Sullivan and Gold included in their squad apparently." Priceless! :)

Both managers can talk all they want how this is low priority event, but I don't believe a single word they say. Their egos are humongous as well as the pride of the players involved. I expect our dominance and a comfortable win. I predict Sandro to score tomorrow.

On another note, hate to be picky, but please guys do not butcher names of our players. For example, instead of Krankjar (by “Ronnie”) or Kranjar (by “Focused from Singapure”) if you are not sure what his name is just write Niko or Nico or NK or Kranky. Or check the Spurs website for the right info. Just a suggestion....

Sep 20, 2010 at 10:48 PM | Unregistered Commenterbeetleblues

If I see one more person spell it Palacious...I swear....

Sep 20, 2010 at 11:12 PM | Registered Commenterspooky


Sep 21, 2010 at 12:01 AM | Unregistered Commenterbeetleblues

hi spudies!

few blogs you need to read before the match which will bring you out to reality!

Sep 21, 2010 at 6:37 AM | Unregistered Commenterbrook

Perhaps it is just me being grumpy, but the game is on Sky tonight so why pay £40-£50 a ticket to watch two second elevens ?
How much do they usually charge to watch a reserve match ?
Suspect one of the main objectives for both teams will be to avoid any further injuries.
Would be great to win but the 2 following matches are those that really matter.

Sep 21, 2010 at 10:53 AM | Unregistered CommenterDAVID

Read the article !! Its a NLD. Who cares what team is playing they will be playing to win and I will be supporting them 110% all the way.

Sep 21, 2010 at 11:56 AM | Unregistered Commentervan der Felton

Niko Kranjcar. Happy? :-) Wilson used to be great... now he is just Palacious.

Sep 21, 2010 at 12:58 PM | Unregistered CommenterRonnie

Brook's back. Lovely. That was the most boring blog I've ever read. Thanks for posting - did you write it perhaps? Trying to drive traffic to your site?

Lame ass

Sep 21, 2010 at 1:20 PM | Unregistered CommenterGC

Just read a great interview with Wenger.

He was asked what grooming products he prefers.

"Haribo mostly" came the answer...

Sep 21, 2010 at 4:35 PM | Unregistered Commenterfrontwheel



Naughton, Bassong, Caulker, Assou-Ekotto,

Bentley, Palacios, Sandro, Livermore

Pavlyuchenko, Giovani.

Subs: Cudicini, Hutton, Huddlestone, Lennon, Jenas, Keane, Kranjcar.


Fabianski, Eboue, Koscielny, Djourou, Gibbs, Lansbury, Denilson, Wilshere, Nasri, Rosicky, Vela.

Subs: Almunia, Sagna, Clichy, Arshavin, Chamakh, Eastmond, Emmanuel-Thomas.

Jeez this is gonna be tasty lads.


Sep 21, 2010 at 7:31 PM | Unregistered CommenterTomtraubert


Harry Hotspur has been using photoshop...

Oh dear!

(maybe there is an explanation....i didnt read the comments)

Sep 21, 2010 at 7:37 PM | Unregistered CommenterTomtraubert

VAN DER FELTON - I thought it would be a NLD between 2 virtual reserve teams.
Does not mean I do not want us to win, but I cannot say it is as important as when both teams put out their full sides and I was asking why are tickets so expensive for what looked like becoming a reserve match ?
However I see Wenger has some of his first eleven starting the game and he has a bench packed with others.
Naughty ( I only play my kids in the CC because it is unimportant) Wenger!

Sep 21, 2010 at 7:47 PM | Unregistered CommenterDAVID

Oh dear. First attack. 0-1.

Sep 21, 2010 at 8:06 PM | Unregistered CommenterCrisp

We look like a team of strangers - which is pretty much what we are.

Sep 21, 2010 at 8:14 PM | Unregistered CommenterDAVID

"45 mins of classic arsenal football"

Fucking sky cunts at it again. They'll cream all over themselves if it finishes like this.


Sep 21, 2010 at 8:35 PM | Unregistered CommenterTomtraubert

I guess Arsenal fans will gloat like they've beaten our first team. Which is eerily familiar to me. I wonder if it will fall on death ears?

Sep 21, 2010 at 8:48 PM | Unregistered CommenterAuthor of Comment

"45 mins of classic arsenal football"

but not because their quality. it is because we give each players acres of fucking space. Harry needs to sort this out. we need to play closer to their players, just as they did to us in the first half, and that's the reason we were losing possessions so quick.
Bentley seems not interested in a team game.
Sandro is doing more than well under the circumstances. I like his stile.
Their goal was the result of piss poor defending. For me, Bassong is a mug. Always was and always will be.
If we just start playing closer to them I’m confident we’ll win it at the end.

Sep 21, 2010 at 8:49 PM | Unregistered Commenterbeetleblues

here we go :)

Sep 21, 2010 at 8:54 PM | Unregistered Commenterbeetleblues

I knew Keane was good for something.

Sep 21, 2010 at 8:57 PM | Unregistered CommenterCrisp


Sep 21, 2010 at 9:52 PM | Unregistered CommenterCrisp

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