Spurs v Man City: Class Wars

Another week, another video with teddy bears with distorted Stephen Hawkingesque American sounding accents. Because it's the type of thing we associate best with.
Third in the series this. It's a bit like Return of the Jedi. I guess this one lacks the dark side of the ITK video (Empire) and the charm of the Jenas video (New Hope). The protagonists might look like Ewoks in drag, but just count yourself lucky there's no Jar Jar Binks.
The discussion this time round? Football, obviously, sort of. Spurs and Man City. Indirectly. It's subtle. Bull in china shop subtle. It's either going to be genius or it's going to f*cking suck. I'd say 'enjoy', but you'll probably boo and hiss at the end of it, leaving me feeling like Billy Walsh at Cannes when Medellín premièred.
I promise the next batch of vids will be 'non-directors cut length' which should appease the masses with short attention spans who wish to waste their bandwidth elsewhere. I'd say three minutes at best. That's a minute longer than most of you would last with that 800 Euro hooker Crouchie bagged. Boom boom etc etc. Honestly, no need to get my coat, I'm wearing it.
Reader Comments (26)
Epic. But the Jenas vid remains the best.
Who ever keeps making these video's to quit..... they are so bad,
Not as snappy as the other two Spooks, but the final 3-4 minutes were great.
all good Spooky. Don't let the haters get ya down.
Benith - I wonder who makes these here vids? I'm scratching my head but I just can't work it out.
lololol @ munter
Very drool. Like it.
Hoping to see future DML letters read out by the little female bear.
Rather more impressionist than realist, but me likey. As you say, although it's, related to the PL, it's still a rather interesting approach to illustrate the nature of people. Greed, crassness, snobishness, one-upmanship. I would be embarrassed had we been the benefactors of Citehs 'perceived good fortune', but at the same time, it would be a bit like a kid in a sweet/toy shop. In truth, as per the scene you pointedly ended on, the money is only really disgusting when you see how it's spent...in comparison to how it could be. Still, some people are always willing to sell their souls for the right price.
the fact that their voices are so deadpan is what makes them hilarious. good stuff. a worthy use of 7 minutes of my day if you ask me.
haven't watched it yet, but already like it because you made an 'entourage' reference
Cracking video Spooky, the best of the lot for me.
Spooky -- what do you think so far of this season of Entourage? Rather shitty yes?
Not seen the latest episode. Last season was okay, thought it didn't spend that much time on Vince, but tbh, this is the type of show I could watch for ever, mainly because of the banter and the piss taking. Early seasons were immense. This season is much like last, not amazing, passable. Sasha Grey is in it, so it scores highly just for that.
Shame they didn't look to make the eps 50 minutes long. Still, when this season does end, there's going to be another short season/extra eps, before leading into a movie. Hopefully the main arcs there will be far more solid.
Tattoo of Jolie with 2011 above it - sublime stuff
Yeah the first 3 seasons were great, so maybe it was inevitable that they wouldnt be able to match that quality forever. I complain about it but yet I still watch every episode, so f me.
Oh, and in the latest episode Sasha gets fully nude. Just a heads up
This season of Entourage is far better than the last. A lot more interesting if you ask me. It's a shame that there's only about 10 more episode in the series though. I believe only 4 more this season and next (last) season its rumored there'll only be 6.
Love it Spooky
As always great
Heard from a contact in Haringey Council that they can see no reason why planning permission won't be granted for the new ground, at the Planning Commitee Meeting on 13th September 2010.
PS, this is probably the only time I will ever be ITK, if indeed I am.
I hear you are selling tickets to see Young Boys today, could you point me in the right direction.
Spooky - this is fantastic!! Brilliant stuff - where did you find those voices from??
Loved the ending.
Regarding Entourage, personally I thought this week's episode was the worst of the series so far.
4 more episodes to go and then 6 next summer to close it out as a tv series. The writers are working on a movie to finish it all off though.
Drama is still the best character though...... Bored of Vince!
Don't think this season and the last one really focused on Vince at all. Not like the old days, but like I've said before, its one of those types of shows that I could kick back and watch all eps - and never tire of it.
Not sure how I feel about Billy Walsh returning with a new image either.....
I have every episode either on DVD or downloaded and I agree that it's one to just kick back and enjoy. That's the benefit of it being just 25 mins per episode - less likely to doze off and miss something.
Have been trying to watch season 1 of Friday Night Lights and fall asleep every time!