
6 year contract. Daniel Levy does it again. And if we (THFC) manage to fudge it all up, if someone decided to pluck him away, the club would have to be heavily compensated in the way of a beefed up transfer fee. As long as the lickle man is on fire. But that's just negative talk.
We should be rejoicing in the fact that he has stated his loyalty, in both words and signature. Unlike say the ilk of a Berbatov, who only really used as a springboard to prove to Sir Alex that he was worthy of a OT move. The clue is in the quote "Yes, there have been enquiries from other big clubs, but I have no interest in going anywhere". He's Spurs. And why should he show interest in going anywhere else considering the season we've had? Footballing principles seem to be of a loyal nature with this one. And I guess he can take the risk (if that's what you want to call it) of remaining at the Lane.
Moddle is still only 24 years old. So I'm expecting him to step it up a level next season. And don't doubt for a second he won't. Add a few more goals in there and we'll have as good a player as we could wish for dinking in from the left or crafting from the centre. Obviously, if he does set the world on fire, we might lose him regardless of seasoned CL football. Modern players are ambitious and always look for the next high when one has been completed. Let's not kid ourselves, we can't hang onto everyone. But how good does it feel that for once, players in Lilywhite want to remain in Lilywhite because they believe? Makes a change, eh?
For now, we have shown intent to take 2011 by the scruffs. And that's all that should matter - to the fans, the club and the player(s). No point second guessing 2012.
First major signing of the summer, and no doubt will prove to be the best.
Reader Comments (36)
agreed. Lukas our best player and theis and bale shows were moving in the right direction. Add in a quality striker and full back to challenge charle and were sorted :)
I am delighted that Modders signed up and put all the rumours to bed. Shows that the club are serious about keeping our best players. For once we can genuinely see evolution in the management and playing staff rather than revolution.
Second signing really, didn't Bale sign after the end of the season? And King as well so third really. Bit I'm being picky, is a great move from Levy. Loving life as a Spurs fan at the moment!! COYS!!!!
In my excitement..
Great news! Just need to teach the boy to shoot and we're appy days.
Six years!!! Jesus Christos, has anyone ever signed a contract that long at WHL?
That's the difference that 4th makes.
We not only get to look at the goodies on the higher shelves but get to keep our own crown jewels of which Modric is the crowniest and the jewliest.
Even Keane wants to stay. He must have run out of boyhood dreams.
Just a hold up striker now and were nearly sorted.
Joe Cole on a free would be nice or is that just being greedy?
I think it proves Daniel Levy's leadership is second to none. Certainly he's cocked up in the past but for the right reasons. His vision of putting Spurs on the map has been littered with banana skins but what else could he have done in the position we were when ENIC took over?. Every purchase has had to be a gamble, every appointment an even bigger one. He's had the guts to tear up a policy that clearly wasn't working, and revert to the old fashioned way of things, that have thankfully turned the club around. Modric's long term deal, along with Bale, King and Dawson's etc, have sent a clear warning to the rest of the league that we mean business. All it takes now for us to do our part as we have always done in the past, and remain united and supportive of him. Good on you Daniel, COYS
This is fantastic news and its a statement that as fans, we don't have to look over our shoulders at the end of every season for the wolves ready to devour our list. This is our first step towards being and acting like a big club.
I would now expect that everyone we desire to keep will also sign on the dotted line.
On the other side of the ledger, hopefully we will continue to act like a big club by showing the door to Jenas, O'Hara and... Keane. The last name still hurts a bit, but by keeping him would be a step backward toward mediocrity. A place most of us, do not want to revisit anytime soon given the joy this season has brought us.
Let's hope there are more "big club" announcements headed our way as fans.
Just proves that Levy is one of, if not THE best chairman in the league. Sure there have been some cock up's in the past but he has kept going and done a terrific job!
Bale, King & Modric at the club next season is a massive plus for this club! Can't wait!!!!
(sorry, couldn't contain myself)
The thing that worries me is that the last time we handed out a contract renewal of this length (Paul Robinson, 7 Years) he was a disaster after signing. The trouble we have is that he is now guaranteed millions of pounds for 6 years and so may not have the same desire and work ethic as previous.
newman r -agrred mate he was proper pony after that
One comment that did not escape my notice from Luka was that he was grateful that the club gave him the chance in th PL and he wants to repay that faith. Sounds like a dig at that Bulgarian. How refreshing to have a player of that calibre who love Spurs.
If there is one guy who is a candidate for the hall of fame its Luka...another has to be Daniel Levy,what a player.Remember the dark days when the "man in a raincoat" was in charge at WHL.Sure Daniel has made mistakes,but has has learnt,thats why we are 4th,he appointed Harry,best signing ever
Lets not kid ourselves,Harry has worked a miracle in the last year and has built our "bootroom" of ex-spurs.He has not been afraid of his job,because simply he is number one.He will leave a legacy at WHL.oh just in case you forgot we "only had 2 points on the board after 8 games" last year!!!
Brilliant news. Modric, King and Bale were all superb this season, and it's fantastic to have them all commit their futures to Spurs. Levy's played a blinder, striking while the iron is hot, because if we are somehow back to being shit next season, you can bet none of these boys would be banging on his door begging to sign for another 6 years. Fair play Levy, nice work.
The beginning of the introduction part of this article made my blood boil to the point of an outright rage….until you say “ Bur that’s just negative talk.” Damn right it’s negative because Luka’s loyalty to the club never showed any cracks whatsoever which would justify him being treated so casually.
The rest of your thoughts I found to be absolutely brilliant, realistic and “on the money”. Another thing that the article seems to suggest in between the lines is the fact that loyalty is a two-way street, and reminder us on the time we live in now, where piles of money can, and often do, disrupt and destroy the harmony on a club-player-fans line. It indeed generate ugly feeling, but we all learned to somehow survive it. I hope we’ll never have to taste this bitter pill in Luka’s case, and all indications so far are that we won’t.
He is Modric, Luka Modric, He is Modric of the Lane... COYS
Sorry but I do not get this with Modric.Hoddle,Gazze,Waddle,Ossie and Ginola were all a CLASS better than Modric.Yeah he is good but not that good.
Rat Trap - very hard to compare legends with someone who has just completed his 2nd season with us. Especially since he spent half of last season with broken leg! Besides, he finished in higher league position than Ginola and Waddle ever did for Spurs.
Reports say that he's doubled his wage to £50k/week. He deserves it but it goes to show that Levy is able to get quality in at a decent price - Luka may have cost £14m but at £25k / week for the first 2 years of his contract he is cheaper per month than J Coles wants per week. Even now he is on half what Cole wants. A 4 year deal for Cole is £20m in wages. As good as he is (was) that is a sick anount of money!
Levy does things the right way. Players start at 'modest' wages and get rewarded with new deals if they improve / deserve it. That Chamakh guy the goons have bought has come in at reported £80k / week....he's no global star, unknown if he'll make it in UK, and yet he is on more than King. No wonder their wage bill is £110m per year and nearly double ours.
For me, this ranks as highly as us getting 4th place. This is the biggest statement since the announcement of the new stadium. This tells all, that we can now keep our best and build. This will attract other top players and stop our best Lennon, Bale from leaving!! Yes, i can say, we have arrived!!!!!!
This is what 4th means, beats winning any cup any day! This is how you build!! The cup woulkd have brough us temporary joy, 4th brings us in with the best, stability and a chance to invest now. Shame we did not have the stadium ready!!
Watch the transfer game at city this summer, in-out-in-out, yes, they will start with a "strange" team again and will spend half the season getting to know each other.
Aresenal are on their way down, i have said it for a year now. First Fabregas, Wenger unsure and now Nigerians taking them over, great, im rubbing my hands. United and Liverpool cant buy, they have no money!!
Its looking good!!!
Hard to tell if £50k / week is true, but I saw reports that Luka's wages are now at £80k / week. Whatever the case may be, Levy did the right thing because there are sharks interested in him who will gladly pay that much or more, because Luka's plays seem to bring out the best of other players on the team, and ultimately result in clubs’ success. Levy and HR are no fools, and the club may not have been that generous and open the purse if they didn't smell out rats.
Point 1) This is in NO way excusing the Berbatov saga, but if we had of achieved 4ththat season would he have acyually gone?? Maybe, maybe not??
Point 2) Would Modric have stayed if we hadn't achived 4th?? Maybe, maybe not?? I'd like to think so?! As for what Modric earns, I believe that he was on in the region of 45k and now earns in the reigion of 80k.
Point 3) There is far more motivation now to sell Keane as he has now got a pay increase (no-one can earn more than him clause). He will sign for Villa over next week or so (if media are to be believed)!!
Calling to all Spurs fans - time to forgive and forget Berbatov and Keane incidents, there is a new era decending at THE LANE and there is no need for any bitterness any more in regards to the past... Lets all look forward to a cracking 2010 / 2011 !!! The only concern I have is in regards to the 'marque signing' - I have a feeling that we are not going to pull off a world class centre forward (Dzeko will go to City, beyond that not much else on the market), without this can we really be top 4 (AGAIN!!! COYS) and challenge in the Champions league (at least have a good run in the group stages?)... ? My heart says yes, but my head?
yes lets not kid ourselves. It's all about ambition. Luckily enough, we are now in a position, for the first time in donkeys, where we can say to a world class player 'you can achieve your ambitions here'. The difference between Berbatov and Modric is Berbatov finished 5th, and didn't get what he wanted ie CL football. And he felt that, moving forward, the team could not get significantly better.
Here is where some of Harrys future projections could come into play - yeah, we've finished 4th, but to really keep and keep motivated the likes of Bale and Modric, he's gotta sell to them Spurs getting even better. Hes' gotta say to Modirc and Bale 'you want to be the main part of a team that wins things and in a major European force? Well here you go. it's there. Now. Right in front of you. Now fuck off and win me something.' Another major world class player would help make this sell, and its a similar situation there - sell Higuain the potential of the squad. Get Berbatov back too onb the condition he fucking behaves himself. He would be a good fit for us I think (though sadly will once again mean the end of Defoe).
Like we heard Ledders say - he is/was desperate to keep playing and not pack it in, because he sees the potential of this team for the next few years. It was simmering, now it's boiling over....ppls faces about to get scorched off.
Re Chrisman - couldn't agree more... What we have to do is put finishing in top for OUR PRIORITY (even over the coveted Champions League). If we qualify for 4th TWICE ON THE RUN, and it will have to be ay the expense of City again... Then Spurs will say to the World - YOU CAN ACHIEVE EVERYTHING YOU WANT RIGHT HERE !!! After only one 4th place finish, lets not get carried away, consistency is the KEY!!!
The signings of Bale and Mod to new contracts are evidence of our determination as a club to be successful at the highest level. We are already in a new era. The aim of any signings now must be to consolidate and build for the future, a future in which we challenge the very best. And we can challenge the best. We can challenge for the league and make headway in the Champs league. Spurs are on their way to.........!
Hey Canada Yid that's my song about Luka! A case of great minds i reckon.....
the best of berbatov was in a spurs shirt............
modric is wise to not get in a position of similar form /choice etc at Man U.......
The fact that they do not want to leave is due to the achievements as a club combined with the intelligence of the players themselves. Modric seems to be a very balanced player with a long term career plan and some form of loyalty ...
But i could be wrong
I wrote the Luka song actually, and can prove it, but I'm not gonna, coz you know, great minds, you lot just reinvented the wheel, it happens.
PS Latest on Gio is that because his little brother hasn't been picked for the WC he's thinking of staying at home too!
Spoilt little twat!
Won't stop rumours he's moving on, the press are just morons
I actually read the "Luka Loopy" chant off BBC's Chants of the season...
Great news but for some reason I've got this terrible feeling that Lennon won't be starting the season in a spurs shirt. Especially if he dominates at the world cup now that useless goon toe rag is out of the squad. I hope I'm wrong but the last time I felt like this about a player that person fucked off to his favourite boyhood club...
Absolutely awesome news. Sent me on another 10-day bender just like the Man CIty game did. And now the World Cup is about to start to on my doorstep (why the fuck no Daws though? Carragher? And I'm Scottish, I hate England!)
BUT - fellow Spurs - please note that this little man that looks like the witch fromChorlton and the Wheelies has made the biggest statement of loyalty to us, the fans, and to our club that I can remember occurring for at least 10 years. By his statement alone, we have arrived. This is as big as finishing 4th. We have arrived. The man is Spurs. After this, he will always be Spurs. Pure YIDDO.
I am by no means saying this will happen BUT, if at any point he struggles next season or at any time in the future, and I hear fellow Spurs fans at the Lane (as some are so prone) slating the guy, I personally I am prepared for jail to make a violent statement.